صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

når, nôt—tùbe, tåb, båll-dil-poůnd—thin, THIS. Reprehensive, rẻp-prè-hẻn'sỉv a. given in Republicanism, rẻ-půb'lè-kân-izm s. at. reproof tachment to a republican government Represent, rêp-prè-zênt' v. a. to exhibit; Republick, re-pub'lik s. commonwealth to fill the place of another by a vicari-Repudiate, rè-pù'dè-åte v. a. to divorce ous character [age, likeness Repudiation, rè pu-de-a'shûn s. divorce Representation, rêp-pre-zên-ta shûn s. im- Repugnance, rè-půg'nånse Representative,rêp-prè-zênt'â-tîv s.one ex- Repugnancy, rè-påg'nån-sè s. inconsis} hibiting the likeness, or exercising the tency; reluctance

[trary power, of another [or idea proposed Repugnant, re-påg'nânt a. reluctant, con Representment,rep-pre-zent'ments.image, Repullulate,rè-půl lù-låte v. n.to bud again Repress, re-pres' v. a. to crush, to subdue Repulse, re-půlse' s. the condition of being Repression, rè-prêsh'un s. the act of re- driven off or put aside pressing Repulse, rè-pålse' v. a. to beat back Repressive, ré-prẻs'siv a. having power to Repulsion, rè-pal'shůn s. the act or power [tence of death of driving off from itself


Reprieve, rẻ-prèèv' v.a.to respite after sen- Repulsive, rè-půl'siv a. driving off Reprieve, re-prèèv' s. respite after sen-Repurchase, re-pur'tshås v. a. to buy again tence of death Reputable, rep'pù-tâ-bl a. honourable Reprimand, rep-pre-mând' v. a. to reprove Reputably, rep'pu-tå-blè ad. honourably Reprimand, rêp-pre-mând' s. reprehension Reputation,rep-pù-tà'shûn s.credit,honour Reprint, re-print' v.a.to print a new edition Repute, re.pute' v. a. to account Reprisal, ré-pri'zâl s. something seized by Repute, rè-pute' s. character, reputation way of retaliation [upbraid Request, re-kwêst' s. petition, entreaty,

Reproach, re-protsh' v. a. to censure; to credit

Reproach, re-protsh' s. censure, shame Request, rè-kwêst' v. a. to solicit Reproachable, rè-pròtsh'â-bl a. worthy o Requiem, rè'kwè-êm s. a hymn in which reproach [infamous, vile they implore rest for the dead Reproachful, re-pròtsh'fùl a. scurrilous; Require, re-kwire' v. a. to demand Reproachfully,rè-prótsh'fål-è ad.disgrace-Requisite, rêk'wè-zit a. necessary fully Requisite,rêk'wè-zit s.any thing necessary Reprobate, rep'prò-båte a. lost to virtue, Requisition, rêk-kwè-zîsh'ûn s.a requiring abandoned [doned to wickedness or demanding of something Reprobate, rep'pro-båte s. a wretch aban- Requital, re-kwi'tål s. retaliation



Reprobate, rep'prò-båte v. a. to disallow, Requite, rè-kwite' v. a. to retaliate, to reto reject Reprobation, rêp-prò-bà'shån s. a condem-Rereward, rère'wård s. the rear or last patory sentence [again Resail, rè-såle' v. a. to sail back

Reproduce, rè-prò-důse' ». a. to produce Resale, rè-sale' s. sale at second hand Reproduction, rẻ-prò-dåk'shån s. the act Rescind, rè-sind' v. a. to cut off; to abro of producing anew

gate a law

Rescission, re-sîzh'ûn s. abrogation Rescribe, rè-skribe' v. a. to write back; to write over again

Reproof, re-proof' s. blame to the face Reproveable, re-proov'â-bl a. blameable Reprove, re-proov' v. a. to blame, to chide Reprune, ré-proôn' v. a. to prune a second Rescript, rè'skript s. edict of an emperor time [upon many feet Rescue, rés'ků v. a. to set free from any Reptile, rep'til s. an animal that creeps violence, confinement or danger Republican, ré-påb'lè-kân a. placing the Rescue, rês'ků s.deliverence from violence government in the people danger, or confinement

Republican,ré-påb'lè-kân s.one who thinks Research, rè-sertsh' s. inquiry Resemblance, rè-zêm'blânse s, likeness

a commonwealth the best government


Fate, får, fåll, fât-mè, mêt-pine, pîn―nd, mỏve,

Resemble, re-zêm'bl v. a. to be like
Resent, rè-zent' v. a. to take ill

Resolvable, rè-zôl'vå-bl a. that may be an alyzed or separated

Resentful, rè-zênt'fůl a. easily provoked to Resolve, rè-zôlv' v. a. to inform; to solve;
anger, and long retaining it [injury to settle in an opinion; to analyze
Resentment, ré-zent'ment s. deep sense of Resolve, ré-zôlv' v. n. to determine; to
Reservation, rêz-êr-và'shůn s. reserve; melt, to be dissolved
something kept back
[retain Resolve, rè-zôlv' s. resolution, fixed deter
Reserve, re-zerv' v. a. to keep in store; to mination [power of causing solution
Reserve, rè-zerv' s. something kept for ex-Resolvent, rè-zol vent s. that which has the
igence; something concealed in the Resonance, rêz zò-nânse s. echo
mind; exception; modesty, caution in Resonant, rêz'zò-nânt a. resounding
personal behaviour
[openness Resort, rẻ-zört' v. n. to have recourse to
Reservedness, rẻ-zêrvd'nês s. want of Resort, rè-zört' s. assembly; concourse
Reservoir, rêz-êr-vwår' s. place where any Resound, rẻ-zôünd' v. a. to echo ; to re-
thing is kept in store
turn sounds
Resource, ré-sorse' s. resort, expedient

Resettle, re-set'tl v. a. to settle again
Resettlement, rè-sêt'tl-mẻnt s. the act of Respect, re-spekt' v. a. to regard

settling again


Respect, re-spekt' s. regard, attention; reReside, re-zide' v. n. to dwell; to subside [respect or regard Residence, rêz'è-dense s. act of dwelling Respectable, rè-spêk'tâ-bl a. deserving of in a place; place of abode Respectful, re-spekt fül a. ceremonious Resident,rêz'è-dent a.dwelling in any place Respectfully, re-spekt fül-è ad. with some Resident, rêz'è-dent s.an agent [residence degree of reverence [tive, not absolute Residentiary, rêz-è-dên'shêr-è a. holding Respective, rè-spêk'tiv a. particular; relaResidual, re-zid'ju-âl relating to Respectively,rè-spêk'tîv-lễ ad.particularly; [breathing

Residuary, re-zîd'jù-âr-é } a. the residue relatively

Residue, rêz'zé-dů s. that which is left Respiration, rẻs-pè-rå'shan s. the act of
Resign, re-zine' v. a. to give up ; to submit Respire, re-spire' v. n. to breathe
Resignation, rêz-zig-na'shûn s. the act of Respite, rés'pit s. reprieve; pause
resigning; submission
Respite, rês'pit v. a. to relieve by a pause ;


Resignment,re-zine'mênt s.act of resigning to suspend Resilience,ré-zil'è-ense s.the act of starting Resplendence, rè-splèn'dense s. lustre or leaping back [ing back Resplendency, re-splên'den-sè Resilient, re-zil'è-ênt a. starting or spring-Resplendent, rè-splễn'dent a. bright Resin, rêz'in s. a well known clammy drug Resplendently, rè-splên'dent-lè ad. very Resinous, rêz'in-us a. containing resin brightly Resist, ré-zist' v. a. to oppose Respond, re-spond' v, n. to answer [a suit Resistance,re-zist'ånse s. the act of resist-Respondent,ré-spond'ẻnt s. an answerer in ing, opposition [resisting Response, re-sponse' s. an answer Resistibility, re-zist-è-bil'è-tè s. quality of Responsibility, rè-spon-sè-bîl'è-tè s.state of Resistible,re-zist'e-bla.that may be resisted being obliged to answer


Resistless, re-zist'lês a. irresistible [solved Responsible,re-spon'sè-bl a. answerable
Resoluble, réz ò-lu-bl a. that may be dis-Responsion, re-spon'shůn s. the act of an
Resolute, rêz'ò-lute a. determined
Resolutely, rêz'b-lute-lè ad. steadily Responsive, re-spôn'siv a. answering
Resoluteness, rẻz'ò-lùte-nês s. determin- Rest, rêst s. sleep, repose; quiet; others,
those which remain


Resolution, rez-d-lu'shan s,fixed determin-Rest, rêst v. n. to sleep; to die; to be still; ation, settled thought; firmness; de- to be supported [without flow or motion termination of a cause Restagnant, re-stag'nânt a. remaining


når, nôt-tube, tåb, bûll—8?l—pôånd—thin, THIS.

Restem, rè-stêm' v. a. to force back against Retardation, rẻt-tår-då'shůn s. act of dethe current laying [the stomach Restiff, res'tif a. unwilling to stir; stubborn Retch,retsh v.n.to force up something from Restifness, rẻs'tif-nês s. unwillingness to Retension, rè-ten'shůn s. the act of retain[storing ing; memory; confinement Restitution, rês-tè-tù'shûn s. the act of re- Retentive, rè-ten'tiv a. having the power of Restless, rest'lês a. without sleep; unquiet retention [of a small net Restlessness, rest'lês-nès s. want of sleep; Reticular, rẻ-tik'u-lâr a. having the form agitation [stored Retina, ret'è-nâ s. the optick nerve which Restorable, re-stò'râ-bl a. what may be re- receives the image of the object in vision Restoration, rês-to-ra'shun s. the act of re- Retinue, rèt'è-nù s. a train of attendants placing in a former state Restorative, ré-sto'ra-tiv a. that which has the power to recruit life

Restore, ré-store' v. a. to give back what has been lost or taken away; to retrieve Restrain, rè-stråne' v. a. to withhold; to confine

Restrainable, rẻ-strå'nâ-bl a. that may be restrained

Retire, rè-tire' v. n. to retreat, to withdraw
Retirement, rè-tire'mênt s. private abode
Retold, rẻ-told' part. pass. of retell, related
or told again

Retort, rè-tort' v. a. to throw back; to return any argument,censure,or incivility Retort, re-tort s. a censure or incivility returned; a chymical vessel [erty Retoss, re-tos' v. a. to toss back [touches Restraint, re-strånt' s. abridgment of lib-Retouch, rè-titsh' v. a. to improve by new Restrict, re-strikt' v. a. to limit Retrace, re-tràse' v. a. to trace back Restriction, re-strik'shun s. limitation [tion Retract, re-trakt' v. a. to recall, to recant Restrictive,re-strik'tiva.expressing limita- Retraction, re-tråk'shûn s. recantation Restringent, re-strin'jent s. that which has Retreat, re-trète' s. place of privacy the power of restraining Retreat, rè-trète' v. n. to retire Resty, rês'tè a. obstinate in standing still Retrench, rè-trênsh' v. a. to cut off Result, rè-zålt' v. n. to fly back; to rise as Retrenchment, ré-trẻnsh'mẻnt s. the act of [resolve lopping away

a consequence Result,ré-zâlt' s. resilience; consequence; Retribute, re-trib'ute v. a. to pay back Resumable, rè-zù'mâ-bl a. that may be ta- Retribution, rêt-tre-bu'shûn s. repayment [take again Retrievable, rẻ-trèèv'å-bl a. that may be

ken back


Resume, rè-zume' v. a. to take back; to retrieved Resumption, rè-zům'shûn s. the act of re- Retrieve, rè-trèèv' v. a. to recover [the grave Retrocession, rêt-tro-sêsh'un s. the act of Resurrection,rêz-år-rek'shůns.return from going back [wards, contrary Resuscitate, rè-sûs'sè-tàte v. a. to revive Retrograde, ret'tro-gråde a. going backResuscitation, rè-sås-sè-tá'shůn s. the act Retrogression, rêt-tro-grêsh'un s. the act of stirring up anew of going backwards Retail, rẻ-tale' v. a.to sell in small quanti-Retrospect, rêt'tro-spêkt s. look thrown Retail, rè'tåle s. sale by small quantities upon things behind or things past Retailer, rè-tå lår s. one who sells by small Retrospection, rêt-trò-spêk'shûn s. act of quantities


Retain, rè-tane' v. a. to keep, to hire [dant
Retainer, re-tà'når s. an adherent,a depen-
Retake, rè-take' v. a. to take again
Retaliate, rè-tâl'è-åte v. a. to repay, to re-
[turn of like for like
Retaliation, rẻ-tal-é-à'shûn s. requital, re-
Retard, rè-tård' v. a. to hinder

looking backwards [backwards Retrospective, rêt-tro-spêk'tiv a. looking Retund, re-tånd' v. a. to blunt [tort Return, re-turn' v. n. to come back, to re Return, rè-tårn' s. act of coming back; profit; retribution; relapse Returnable, re-turn'å-bl a. allowed to be reported back

Fate, får, fåll, fåt—mè, mêt-plne, pin-nỏ, môve, Reunion, rè-ù'nè-ån s. return to a state of Revise, rè-vize' s. review ; a second proof cohesion or concord of a sheet corrected Reunite,ré-d-nite' v.a.to join again [manor Revision, rè-vizh'un s. review Reve, rève s. the bailiff of a franchise or Revisit, rè-viz'it v. a. to visit again Reveal, ré-vèle' v.a.to lay open, to disclose Revival, rè-vì'vâl s. recall from a state of Revel, rêv'êl v. n. to feast with loose and languor, oblivion, or obscurity clamorous merriment [sy jollity Revive, rè-vive' v. a. to bring to life again; Revel, rêv'èl s. a feast with loose and noi- to quicken [of recalling to life Revelation,rev-é-là'shån s.communication Revivification, rè-viv-è-fè-ka'shun s.the act Revocable, rev'd-kå-bl a. that may be recalled

of sacred truths

Revelry, rêv'êl-rès. loose jollity
Revenge, re-venje' v. a.to return an injury
Revenge, re-venje' s. return of an injury
Revengeful, re-vẻnje'fůl a. vindictive
Revenue, rêv'è-nů s. income
Reverberate, rẻ-vẻr'bẻr-åte v. a. to beat
back, to heat in an intense furnace
Reverberation, rè-vêr-bêr-à'shun s. the act
of beating or driving back
Reverberatory, rè-vẻr'bêr-å-tår-è a. re-
turning, beating back


Revocation, rêv-d-kå'shûn s. repeal, rever-
Revoke, re-voke' v. a. to repeal, to recall
Revolt, rè-volt' or rè-vôlť′ v. n. to fall off
from one to another

Revolt,rè-volt' s.desertion, change of sides
Revolter, rè-vòlt'år s. one who changes
sides, a deserter

Revolution, rêv-ò-lu'shûn s. course of any thing which returns to the point at which it began to move; change in a state; returning motion [ed on a revolution

Revere, ré-vère' v. a. to reverence [spect Reverence, rev'èr-ênse s. veneration, re- Revolutionary, rêv-d-lù'shûn-â-rè a.foundReverence, rêv'er-ênse . a. to regard with Revolutionist,rev-d-lù'shån-ist s. an undisawful respect tinguishing promoter of revolutions in Reverend, rêv'êr-ênd a. deserving rever- government [tion ence; the honorary epithet of the clergy Revolve, re-vôlv' v. n. to perform a revoluReverent, rêver-ent a. expressing venera-Revulsion,rẻ-vůl’shûn s.the act of drawing tion [reverence humours from a remote part of the body Reverential, rêv-êr-ên'shal a. expressing Reward, rẻ-ward' v. a. to give in return; to Reverently, rêv'er-ênt-lè ad. respectfully Reward, re-wård' s. recompense [repay Reverse,re-verse' v.a.to turn upside down ;Rewarder, rè-wård'år s. one that rewards to repeal Reword, rè-wård' v. a. to repeat in the Reverse, re-verse' s. change, an opposite same words (by a wand Reversion,ré-ver'shan s.right of succession Rhabdomancy,ráb'dò-mân-sẻ s. divination Reversionary, rè-vẻr'shůn-à-rè a. to be en-Rhapsodist, råp'sò-dist s. one who writes joyed in succession rhapsodies

Revert, ré-vert' v.a.to change,to turn back Rhapsody, råp'sò-dè s. a writing without Revertible, re-vêrt'è-bl a. returnable necessary dependence or natural conRevery, rêv'èr-è s. loose musing, irregular Rhetorick, rêt'to-rik s. oratory [nexion thought [session or office Rhetorical, rè-tôr'è-kâl a, oratorical Revest, re-vest' v. a. to vest again in a pos- Rhetorically, rè-tôr'è-kâl-è ad. figuratively Revictual, re-vit'tl v. a. to stock with vict-Rhetorician,rêt-to-rish'ân s.one who teachuals again es the science of rhetorick Rheum, rồỏm s. a thin watery matter oozing through the glands [rheum Rheumatick, rôô-måt'îk a. proceeding from Rheumatism, rôô'mâ-tizm s. a painful dis temper supposed to proceed from acrip humours

Review, re-vu' v. a. to survey, to examine
Review, rè-vu' s. survey, re-examination
a military exhibition

Revile, re-vile' v. a. to reproach, to villify
Revisal, rè-vizâl s. re-examination

Revise, ré-vize' v. a. to review,to overlook

når, nôt-tůbe, tåb, båll-dil-poůnd-thin, THIS.

Rheumy, roo'mè a. full of sharp moisture Rift, rift s. a cleft, a breach
Rhomb, rumb s. a quadrangular figure Rift, rift v. n. to burst, to open




Rhombick, rum'bik a. shaped like a rhomb Rig, rig v. a. to accoutre; to fit with tack
Rhomboid, råm'boid s. a figure approach-Rigado n, rig-â-dỏỏn' s. a dance
ing to a rhomb
[purgative Rigger, rig går s. one that rigs or dresses
Rhubarb,roo'barb s.a medical root slightly Rigging, rig ing s. the sails or tackling of a
Rhyme, rime s. the consonance of verses; Riggish, rig'gish a. wanton
[make verses Right, rite a. fit; just, honest
Rhyme, rime v. n. to agree in sound; to Right, rite ad. properly, justly
Rythm, rithm s. the proportion, which the Right, rite s. justice; just claim; preroga-
parts of a motion bear to each other Right, rite v. a. to do justice to; to relieve
Rib, rib s. a bone; a piece of timber
from wrong
Ribaldry,rib'båld-rè s.mean,lewd language
Riband, rib bin s. a fillet of silk
Ribbed, ribd a. furnished with ribs
Ribbon, rib'bin s.-See Riband
Rice, rise s. one of the esculent grains
Rich, ritsh a. wealthy, valuable; fertile
Riches, ritsh'iz s. wealth, money
Richly, ritsh'le ad. wealthily, splendidly
Richness, ritsh'nês s. opulence; fertility
Rick, rik s. a pile of corn or hay
Rickets, rik'kits s. a distemper in children
Rickety, rik'it-è a.diseased with the rickets
Rid, rid pret. of ride

Righteous, ri'tshè-us a. just, virtuous
Righteously, rl'tshè-ås-lè ad. honestly, vir-
[esty, virtue
Righteousness,ri'tshè-as-nês s. justice,hon-
Rightful, rite'ful a. having a just claim;
[honestly; exactly
Rightly, rite'lè ad. properly, suitably;
Rigid, rid'jid a. stiff; severe, cruel
Rigidity, re-jîd'è-tè s. stiffness [bility
Rigidness, rid'jid-nês s. severity, inflexi-
Rigour, rig'går s. cold stiffness; severity,
Rigorous, rig'gur-is a. severe, allowing no
Rill, ril s. a small brook, a little streamlet
Rim, rim s. a border, a margin
Rime, rime s. hoar frost
[coarse sieve Rind, rind s. bark, husk

Rid, rid v. a. to set free; to clear
Riddance, rid'dânse s. deliverance
Riddle, rid'dl s. an enigma, a puzzling

Riddle, rid'dl v.a.to solve; to separate by a Ring,ring s. a circle; a circle of gold worn Ride, ride v. n. to travel on horseback, to as an ornament; a sound [rous metal be supported as ships on the water Ring, ring v. n. to sound as a bell or sonoRider, ri'dår s. one who is carried on a Ringdove, ring'dův s. a kind of pigeon horse or in a vehicle Ringer, ring'år s.he who rings [otous body Ridge, ridje s. the rough top of any thing; Ringleader, ring'lè-dûr s. the head of a ríthe ground thrown up by the plough; the Ringlet,ring'lêt s. a small ring; a curl top of the roof rising to an acute angle Ringstreaked, ring'strèkt a. circularly Ridgil, rid'jil s. a ram half casRidgling, ridjeling trated Rinse, rinse v. a. to cleanse by washing; to Ridgy, rid je a. rising in a ridge [laughter wash soap out of clothes [dition Ridicule, rid'è-kule s. wit which provokes Riot, rl'at s. wild and loose festivity; seRidicule,rid'è-kulev.a.to expose to laughter Riot, rl'åt v. n. to revel; to raise a sedition Ridiculous, re-dikku-lås a. worthy of Rioter, rl'at-års. one who raises an uproar laughter [quality of being ridiculous Riotous, rl'ût-us a. licentiously festive; seRidiculousness, re-dik'ku-lås-nes s. the ditious [ing riotous


Riding, riding s. a district visited by an Riotousness, ri'åt-us-nês s. the state of be-
Ridotto,ré-dôt'tò s. a kind of opera [officer Rip, rip v. a. to tear, to lacerate
Rife, rife a. prevalent, abounding Ripe, ripe a. mature; complete

Rifeness, rife'nes s. prevalence,abundance Ripely, ripe'lè ad. maturely, at the fit time
Rifle, rl'fl v.a. to pillage, to plunder Ripen, rl'pn v. n. to grow ripe

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