صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Fate, får, fåll, fât-mè, met-pine, pin-nỏ, môve, foot to the leg

Annalist, ân'nâ-list s. a writer of annals Annals, an'nâlz s. histories digested in the exact order of time

tuous matter

mory of the angel's salutation of the Bles sed Virgin, solemnized on the 25th of March [of mitigating pain Anodyne, ân'ò-dine a. that has the power Annats, ân'nats s. first-fruits Anoint, â-noint' v. a. to rub over with unc Anneal, ân-nèle' v. a. to heat glass [anoints Annex, ân-neks' v. a. to unite to at the end Anointer, â-ndîn'tår s. the person that Annexation, ân-nêk-sà'shûn s. conjunction, Anomalism, â-nôm'â-lizm s. anomaly, iraddition; union [ing regularity Annexion, an-nek'shůn s. the act of annex- Anomalistical, â-nom-â-lis'tè-kâl a.irregular Annexment,ån-neks'ments.the act of annex-Anomalous, â-nôm'â-läs a. irregular, out of ing; the thing annexed [out of existence


Annihilable,ân-nl ́hè-lâ-bl a.that may be put Anomalously, â-nôm'â-lås-lè ad. irregularly Annihilate, ân-ni'hè-låte v. a. to reduce to Anomaly, â-nôm'å-lè s. irregularity, devianothing; to destroy; to annul tion from rule


Annihilation, ân-nl-he-là ́shûn s. the act of Anomy, ân'd-mè s. breach of law reducing to nothing, the state of being re- Anon, a-non' ad. quickly, soon; now and duced to nothing Anonymous, â-non'è-mus a. wanting a name Anniversary, ân-ně-vêr'sâ-rè s. a day cele-Anonymously, â-nôn'è-mås-lè ad. without a brated as it returns in the course of the year name Anniversary, ân-nè-ver'så-rè a. returning Another,ân-årн'ar a.not the same, different with the revolution of the year; annual Ansated, an'sà-têd a. having handles Anno Domini, ân'no-dom'è-nè, in the year Answer, ân'sûr v. n. to speak in return to a Annolis, an'no-lis s. an animal [of our Lord question; to speak in opposition; to be Annotation,ân-no-tà'shûns.explication,note accountable for; to appear to any call Annotator, ân-no-tà'tår s. a writer of notes, a commentator [proclaim Announce, ån-noůnse' v. a. to publish, to Annoy, ân-noè' v. a. to incommode, to vex Annoy, ân-noè' s. injury, molestation Annoyance, an-noè'anse s. that which annoys; the act of annoying Annoyer,ân-noe år s.the person that annoys Annual, ân'nú-âl a. that comes yearly Annually, ân'nù-âl-le ad. yearly,every year Annuitant, ân-nà'è-tânt s. he that has an Ant, ânt, s. an emmet, a pismire


Answer, ân'sûr s. that which is said in re-
turn to a question or position; a confu-
tation of a charge

Answerable, ân'sur-a-bi a. that to which a
reply may be made; obliged to give an
account; equal to [tion; suitably
Answerably, an'sûr-a-blè ad. in due propor-
Answerableness, ân'sår-a-bl-ness ́s. the
quality of being answerable
Answerer, ân'sår-år s. he that answers

Antagonist, ân-tåg'ò-nist s. one who con-
tends with another, an opponent

Annuity, an-nu'è-tè s. a yearly allowance Annul, an-nůl' v. a. to make void, to nullify Antagonize, ân-tåg'o-nize v. n. to contend Annular, ân'nu-lår a. having the form of a against another [against an apoplexy ring [rings Antapoplectick, ânt-ap-po-plêk'tik a. good Annulary, ân'nu-lâ-rè a. having the form of Antarctick, ân-tårk'tik a. relating to the Annulet, ân'nu-lêt s. a little ring southern pole the gout Annumerate, an-nu'mè-rate v. a. to add to Antarthritick, ânt-år-thrit'îk a. good against [to a number Antasthmatick, ânt-âst-mât'îk a. ¡good Annumeration,ân-nù-mè̟-rå ́shûn s.addition against the asthma

a former number

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Annunciate, an-nån'shè-åte v. a. to bring Ant-bear,ant'båre s.an animal that eats ants tidings Antecede, ân-tè-sède' v. a. to proceed, to Annunciation-day, ân-nûn-shẻ-à ́shân-då s. go before [state of going before the day celebrated by the church, in me-Antecedence, ân-tè-sè'dènse ș. the act or

nỏr, nôt-tùbe, tåb, båll-dil-pååud—thin, THIS. Antecedent, ân-tè-sè dent a. going before, Anticonvulsive, ân-tè-kon-vål'siv a. good preceding [before against convulsions [poses the court Antecedent, ân-tè-sè'dênt s. that which goes Anticourtier,än-te-kore'tshur s. one that opAntecedently,ân-tè-se'dent-lè ad.previously Antidotal, ân-tè-dò'tâl a. having the power Antecessor, ân-te-ses'sûr s. one who goes or quality of counteracting poison

before [that leads to the chief apartment Antidote, ân'tè-dòte s. a medicine given to Autechamber,ân'tè-tshàm-bårs.thechamber expel poison [vers Antedate, ân'tè-dåte v. a. to date before the Antifebrile, ån-tè-fêb'ril a. good against feproper time [before the deluge Antimonarchical, ân'tè-mo-når’kè-kâl a. aAntediluvian, ân-tè-dè-lu’vè-ân a. existing gainst government by a single person Antelope, ân'tè-lope s. a goat with wreath-Antimonial, ân-tè-mò'ne-al a. made of anti[before noon mony [stance of a metalline nature Antemeridian, an-te-mê-ridje-ana. being Antimony, antè-mun-è so a mineral subAntemetick, ant-è-mêt'ik a. that has the Antinephritick, ân'tè-nè-frit'ik a. good apower of preventing or stopping vomiting gainst diseases of the kidneys Antemundane, ân-tè-man'dane a. that was

ed horns

ble but two

before the world Antepast, ân'tè-påst s. a foretaste Antepenult, ân-tè-pè-nålt' s. the last sylla[gainst convulsions Autepileptick, ânt-êp-è-lêp'tik a. good aAntepone, ân'tè-pone v. a. to prefer Anteriour, an-tè'rè-år a. going before Anteriority, ân-tè-ré-ôr'è-tè s. priority; the state of being before Anthem, ấn thêm s. a holy song Anthology,ân-thôl'ò-jès.a collection of flow

Antinomy, an-tin'd-mè s. a contradiction between two laws

Antiparalytick, ân'tè-pâr-â-lit'îk a. effica cious against the palsy Antipathetical, ân'tè-på-thêt'è-kål a. having a natural contrariety to any thing Antipathy,ân-tip'a-the s.natural contrariety to any thing [cacious against the plague Antipestilential, ân'tè-pês-tè-lên ́shâî a. effiAntiphony, ân-tif'o-nè s. an echo; the Antiphone, S method of singing by way of response ers, devotions, or poems [ters, cannibals Antiphrasis,ân-tif frå-sis s. the use of words Authropophagi, ân-thro-pôra-jl's. man ea- in a sense opposite to their meaning Anthropophagy, ân-thro-pôf'â-jè s.the qual-Antipodal, ân-tip'ò-dål a. relating to the ity of eating human flesh

Anthroposophy, ân-thro-pôs'd-fè 8. the
knowledge of the nature of man
Anthypnotick, ant-hip-nôt'îk a. that has the
power of preventing sleep
Antiacid, ân'tè-âs'id s. alkali
Antichristian,ân-tè-kris'tshån a. opposite to
Christianity [contrariety to Christianity
Antichristianity, ân-te-kris-tshe-ån'è-tè s.
Anticipate, an-tis'è-påte v. a. to take some-
thing sooner than another; to foretaste,or
take an impression of something which is
not yet


Antipodes,ân-tip'ò-dèz s. those people,who, living on the other side of the globe, have their feet directly opposite to ours.

We frequently hear disputes whether this word should be pronounced in four syllables,as it is here, with the accent on the second; or in three, as if divided into an-ti-podes, with the accent on the first syllable, and the last rhyming with abodes. To solve the difficulty, it must be observed that the word is pure Latin; and that when we adopt such words into our own language, we seldom alter the accent. The singular of this word is not in use. [popedom Antipope, ân'tè-pope s. he that usurps the Antiptosis, ân-tip-to'sis s. a figure in gram[antiquity

Anticipation, ân-tls-sè-på'shån s. the act of taking up something before its time Antick, ân'tik a. odd; ridiculously wild Antick, ân'tiks. he that plays anticks, or uses odd gesticulation; a buffoon Anticlimax, an-tè-kll'måks s. a sentence in which the last part is lower than the first! Antiquary,ân'tè-kwâ-rè s. a man studious of


Fåte, får, fåll, fåt—mè, mêt-pine, pîn-nò, môve,

Antiquate, an'tè-kwate v.a. to make obsolete Apace, å-påse' ad. quick, speedily, hastily Antiquatedness, ân'tè-kwà-têd-ness s. the Apart, â-pårt' ad. separately, in a state of state of being obsolete distinction; retired [room Antique, ân-teek' a. ancient; of genuine an- Apartment, â-pårt'mênt s. a room, a set of tiquity; of old fashion Apathy, ap'å-the s. exemption from passion Antique, án-tèèk's.an antiquity, a remain of Ape, ape s. a kind of monkey; an imitator ancient times [being antique Ape, ape v. a. to imitate as an ape Antiqueness, ân-tèèk'ness s. the quality of Apeak, â-pèke' ad. in a posture to pierce Antiquity, ân-tik'kwè-tè s. old times; the the ground [coction ancients; remains of old times Apepsy, âp'ep-sè s. a loss of natural conAntiscorbutical, ân'tè-skör-bù'tè-kâl a.good Aperient, à-pè'rè-ênt a. gently purgative against the scurvy [any humour Aperitive, a-pêr'è-tiv a. that has the quality Antispasis, ân-tis'på-sis s. the revulsion of of opening Antispasmodick,ân'tè-spâz-môd'îk a.having Apert, å-pårt' a. open power to relieve the cramp Apertion, â-pêr'shûn s. an opening, a pasAntisplenetick,ân'tè-splên'è-tika.efficacious sage, a gap; the act of opening Apertly, a-pert'le ad. openly

in diseases of the spleen


Antistrophe, ân-tis'tro-fè s. the second stan- Aperture, ap'ur-tshůre s. the act of openza of every three, in an ode sung in parts ing; an open place Antistrumatick, ân-tè-strù-mâtîk a. good Apetalous, â-pêt'â-lås a. without flower against the king's evil [trast Apex, à'peks s. the tip or point

Antithesis, ân-tith'è-sis s. opposition; conAntitype, ân'tè-tipe s. that which is resembled or shadowed out by the type [the type Antitypical, an-tè-tip'è-kâl a. that explains Antler, ânt'lår s. branch of a stag's horn Antoeci, ân-tèè'si s. those inhabitants of the earth who live under the same meridian, at the same distance from the equator; the one towards the north, and the other to the south

Antonomasia, ân-tỏ-nô-mà zhẻ-å s. a form of speech, in which, for a proper name, is put the name of some dignity. We say the Orator for Cicero.

Aphaeresis, â-fêr'è-sís s. a figure in gram-
mar that takes away a letter or syllable
from the beginning of a word
Aphelion, â-fè'lè-un s. that part of the orbit
of a planet in which it is at the point re-
motest from the sun

Aphilanthropy, âf-è-lân'thrò-pè s. want of
love to mankind
[nected position
Aphorism, âf'd-rizm s. a maxim; an uncon-
Aphoristical, âf-ò-ris'tè-kâl a. written in
separate unconnected sentences
Aphoristically, âf-d-ris'tè-kâl-lè ad. in the
form of an aphorism

Apiary, à'pè-â-rè s. the place where bees [work are kept


ape, imitative, foppish, silly, wanton Apishly, a'pish-lè ad. in an apish manner Apishness, à'pish-nêss s. mimickry,toppery Apitpat, â-pit'pât ad. with quick palpitation Apocalypse, â-pok'â-lips s. revelation, a word used only of the sacred writings Apocalyptical, â-pôk-â-lip'tè-kál a. containing revelation

Antre, ân'tår s. a cavern; a den Anvil, an'vil s. the iron block for smiths' Apiece, a-pèèse' ad. to the part or share of Anxiety, âng-zi'è-tè s. trouble of mind a- Apish, a'pish a. having the qualities of an bout some future event; solicitude; depression, lowness of spirits Anxious, ank'shús a. disturbed about some uncertain event; careful, full of inquietude Anxiously, ânk'shus-lè ad. solicitously, unquietly [being anxious Anxiousness, ânk'shus-ness s. the quality of Any, en'nè a. every, whoever, whatever Aonian, â-d'nè-ân a. belonging to the hill Parnassus, the supposed residence of [to time Aorist, à'd-rista.indeterminate with respect

the muses

Apocope, å-pôk'd-pè s. a figure, when the last letter of a syllable is taken away Apocrypha, â-pôk'rè-få s. books added to the sacred writings, of doubtful authors

når, nôt-tåbe, tåb, bûll-dil-pound—thin, тHis.

Apocryphal, â-pók'rè-fål a. not canonical, provided for the accomplishment of any of uncertain authority [tainty purpose; tools, furniture, equippage Apocryphalness, â-pôk ́rè-fâl-nès s. uncer-Apparel, âp-pâr'êí s. dress, vesture, exter Apodictical,âp-d-dik'tè-kål a.demonstrative nal habiliments

Apodixis, ap-o-dik'sis s. demonstration Apparel, åp-pår'êl v. a. to dress, to clothe s. a point in the heav-Apparent, âp-på'rênt a. plain, visible, open, ens, in which the certain

Apogee, ap'b-je

[openly sun or a planet, is at the greatest distance Apparently, âp-på'rênt-lè ad. evidently, possible from the earth in its whole re- Apparition, âp-på-rish'un s. appearance, a


Apologetical, â-pôl-ỏ-jêt'è-kál

a. that s


Apparitor, âp-pår'è-tår s. the lowest officer
of the ecclesiastical court
Appeach, âp-pètsh' v. a. to accuse, to cen-
Appeachment, âp-pètsh'ment s. charge ex-
hibited against any man
Appeal, ap-pèle' v. n. to transfer a cause
from one to another; to call another as
a witness

said in defence of any thing Apologist, â-pôl'ò-jist s. one who makes an apology [vour Apologize, a-pól'o-jize v. n. to plead in faApologue, åp'o-log s. a fable, moral tale Apology, á-pôl'ò-je s. defence, excuse [ing Apophthegm,ap'd-thêm s.a remarkable say-Appeal, âp-pèle' s. a removal of a cause Apoplectical, ap-o-plêk'te-kâl from an inferiour to a superiour court; a

Appear, ap-père' v. n. to be in sight, to become visible; to seem; to be plain Appearance, âp-pè'rânse's. the act of coining into sight; the thing seen; semblance, show; entry into a place; mein; likeli hood

Apoplectick, ap-o-plêk'tik a. relating call upon any as witness to an apoplexy [tion of all sensation Apoplexy, ap'ò-plêk-se s, a sudden deprivaApostacy, a-pos'tâ-sè s. departure from what a man has professed Apostate, a-pôs'tate s. one that has forsaken his religion [one's religion Apostatize, a-pôs'tå-tize v n. to forsake Appeasable, ap-pè'zá-bl a. reconcilable Aposteme, ap'o-stème s. a hollow swelling Appeasableness, âp-pè'zâ-bl-nêss s. reconApostle, â-pos'sl s. a person sent with man- cilableness

dates, particularly applied to them whom Appease, ap-pèze' v. a. to quiet, to pacify eur Saviour deputed to preach the Gospel Appeasement, âp-pèze'ment s. a state of Apostleship, å-pos'sl-ship s. the office or peace

dignity of an apostle [by the apostles Appeaser, ap-pè'zur s. he who pacifies Apostolical, ap-pós-tôl'lè-kâl a. delivered Appellant, ap-pêl'lânt s. a challenger; one Apostolick, ap-os-tôl'lk a. taught by the that appeals from a lower to a higher apostles power Apostrophe, å-pos'trò-fè s. in rhetorick, a Appellation, ap-pêl-lå'shůn s. a name diversion of speech; in grammar, the Appellative, ap-pêl'lâ-tiv s. a name common contraction of a word by the use of a to all of the same kind or species Tby an apostrophe Appellatory, âp-pêi'lä-tår-rè a. that which


contains an appeal

Appellee, åp-pêl-lè s. one who is accused
Append,ap-pend' v.a.to hang upon,to add to
Appendage,ap-pên'daje s. something added
Appendant,ap-pen'dant a, hanging to some-

Apostrophize, å-pos'tro-fize v. a. to address
Apothecary, a-pôth'è-ka-rè s. a man whose
employment is to compound medicines
Apotheosis, ap-d-the'd-sis s. deification
Apozem, ap'o-zêm s. a decoction
Appal, ap-påll' v. a. to fright, to depress thing else; annexed [adventitious part
Appanage, ap'på-påje s. lands set apart for Appendant, áp-pên'dant s. an accidental or
the maintenance of younger children Appendix, ap-pen'diks s. something appen-
Apparatus,âp-på-ra'tus s, things which are ded or added, an adjunct or concomitant

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Fate, får, fåll, fât-mẻ, mẻt-pine, pln-nỏ, môve,

Appertain, ap-per-tåne' v. n. to belong to
as of right or by nature
Appertenance,âp-pêr'tè-nânse s.that which
belongs to another thing

priety, suitableness

Apposition, ap-pò-zish'ån s. the putting of two nouns in the same case [any thing [relating to Appraise, åp-pràze' v. a. to set a price upon Appertinent, ap-per'tè-nent a. belonging, Appraisement, âp-pråze'ment s. the act of

Appetence, ap'pe-tense
Appetency ap'pè-tên-sè

s. carnal desire

Appetibility,ap-pêt-tè-bil'è-tè s. the quality of being desirable

Appetible, âp'pè-te-bl a. desirable

Appetite, ap pe-tite s. desire, keenness of Appreciable, âp-prè'shè-â-bl a. that may be

stomach, hunger

appraising; a valuation Appraiser, ap-pra'zûr s. a person appoint ed to set a price on things to be sold Appreciate, ap-prè'shè-åte v. a. to rate, value, estimate [estimated Apprehend, âp-prè-hend' v. a. to lay hold on; to seize, to conceive, to fear Apprehender, âp-prè-hẻn'dår s. one who apprehends [be apprehended Apprehensible, ap-prè-hẻn'sè-bla. that may Apprehension, åp-prè-hẻn'shůn s. the mere contemplation of things; conception; fear, suspicion [fearful Applausive, âp-plåw'siv a. applauding Apprehensive, åp-prè-hen'siv a. sensible, Apple, ap'pl s. a fruit; the pupil of the eye Apprehensiveness,ap-prè-hên'siv-nẻss s.the Appliable, ap-pll'â-bl a. that may be applied quality of being apprehensive Appliance, ap-pll'anse s. the act of apply-Apprentice, âp-pren'tis s. one that is bound ing, the thing applied by covenant to learn a trade

Appetition, âp-pè-tish'un s. desire
Appetitive, ap'pè-tè'tiv a. desirous
Applaud, ap-plawd' v. a. to praise by clap
ping the hands; to commend
Applauder, åp-plåw'dûr s. he that praises
Applause, ap-plåwz s. approbation loudly

ter as an apprentice

Applicability, ap-piè-ka-bil'è-tè s. the qual- Apprentice, ap-prên'tis v. a. to put to a masity of being fit to be applied [plied Applicable, ap'plè-ka-bl a. that may be ap-Apprenticeship, ap-pren'tis-ship s.the years Applicableness, âp'plè-kå-bl-ness s. fitness which an apprentice is to pass under a to be applied Apprize, âp-prize' v. a. to inform [master Application, âp-plè-kå’shůn s. the act of Approach, ập-protsh' v. n. to draw near applying the thing applied; attention Approach, ap-protsh' v. a. to bring near to to some particular affair [application Approach, âp-pròtsh' s. the act of drawing Applicative, ap'plè-ka-tiv a. belonging to near; access; means of advancing Applicatory, âp plè-kå-tår-rè a. belonging Approachment, ấp-pròtsh'ment s. the act of to, the act of applying [to study coming near [approving Apply, ap-pll' v. a. to put to a certain use; Approbation, ap-pro-ba'shun s. the act of Appoint, âp-point v. a. to fix, to establish; Appropriable, ap-prò'prè-â-bl a. that may to equip [ixes be appropriated Appointer, ap-pôîn'tûr s. he that settles or Appropriate, âp-prò'prè-åte v. a. to consign Appointment, ap-point'ment s. stipulation, to some particular use or person; to make decree, establishment; order, equipment peculiar furniture; an allowance [just proportions Appropriate,ap-pro'prè-åte a. peculiar,conApportion, âp-pore'shůn v. a. to set out in signed to some particular purpose. Apportionment, ap-pore'shůn-mênt s. a di- Appropriation, âp-pro-prè-a'shun s. the apviding into portions

Appose, ap-poze' v. a. to put questions to
Apposite, ap po-zit a. proper, fit, well a-
Appositely, ap'po-zît-lè ad. properly, fitly,
Appositeness, ap'po-zît-nêss s. fitness, pro

plication of something to a particular purpose or meaning

Appropriator, âp-prò-prè-å'tår s. he that is possessed of an appropriated benefice Approvable, åp-prôô'vå-bl a. which merits approbation

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