صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

når, nôt-tùbe, tảb, håll-dil-poůnd-thin, This.

Of, ov prep. concerning

Occupation, ôk-kù-på'shån s. employment, Oesophagus, é-sof'få-gås s. the gullet
business; trade, vocation
Occupier, ok'ku-pl-ûr s. a possessor
Occupy, ok'ku-pl v. a. to possess
Occur, ôk-kår' v. n. to appear here
there; to happen
Occurrence, ôk-kür'rênse s. incident, acci-
dental event

Off, of ad. signifying distance, absence or
departure, disappointment

and Off, of int. depart.!

Ocean, o'shûn s. the main, the great sea
Oceanick, d-shè-ân'îk a. pertaining to the


Off, of prep. not on; distant from Offal, ôf'fûl s. waste meat; coarse flesh refuse [pleasure given; anger Offence, offense' s. crime; injury; disOffenceless, of-fense'lês a. innocent Offend, offend' v. a. to make angry; to Ocellated, o-sel'là-têd a. resembling the eye transgress [gressor Ochimy, ok'kè-mè s. a base metal Offender, of-fên'dûr s. a criminal, a transOchre, d'kår s. a kind of earth Offensive,ôf-fên'siv a.displeasing; injurious Ochreous, o'krè-us u. consisting of ochre Offensively, ôf-fen'siv-le ad. mischievously, Octagon, ôk'tå-gôn s. a figure consisting of injuriously eight sides and angles Offensiveness,of-fên'siv-nês s.injuriousness Octagonal, ok-tàg'go-nâla. having eight Offer, of får v. a. to present; to sacrifice; angles and sides Tangles to bid; to propose

Octangular, ok-tâng'gu-lâr a. having eight Offer,of'får s.proposal; price hid; attempt Octave, ok'tave s.the eighth day after some Offering, of fur-ring s. a sacrifice festival; an interval of eight sounds Offertory, ôf'fer-tur-è s. the thing offered, Octavo, ok-ta'vo a. a book is said to be in the act of offering octavo when a sheet is folded into eight leaves

Office, ôf'f's s. a publick charge or employment; business; place where business is transacted [publick; a commander [year Officer, of fe-sår s. a.man employed by the October,ok-to'bur s. the tenth month of the Official, of-fish'âl a. pertaining to a pub, Octuple, ôk tu-pl a. eightfold lick charge [ing to office Ocular, ok ku-får a. known by the eye Officially,of-fish'âl-è ad.in a mannerbelong. Oculist, ok kú-list s. one who professes to Officiate, ôf-fish'è-åte v. n. to discharge an cure distempers of the eyes [unlikely office, to perform an office for another Odd, od a. not even; particular; strange; Officious, of-fish'us a. over-forward [ness Oddly, ôd'lè ad. not evenly; strangely, Officiousness,åf-fish'us-nès s.over-forwardparticularly Offing, of'fing s. the act of steering to a Oddness, ôd'nês s. the state of being not distance from the land even; strangeness, particularity

Octennial, ôk-tên'nè-âl a. happening every eighth year

Offset, of'sêt s. shoot of a plant

Odds, ôdz s. inequality; superiority; quar-Offscouring,ôf-skôår'ing s. recrement, part rel, debate, dispute rubbed away in cleaning any thing [inable Offspring, of spring s.children; production of any kind

Ode, ode s. a lyrick poem

Odious,o'dè-as a. hateful,detestable, abom
Odiousness, b'dè-is-nês s. hatefulness Offuscation, ôf-fus-kå'shûn s.act of darken-
Odium, o'dè-ům s. invidiousness [fumed Oft, oft
Odoriferous, d-do-rif fêr-is a. fragrant,per-Often, of fa ad. frequently, many times
Odoriferousness,d-do-rif'fèr-us-ness.sweet- Ogee, d-jèè' & a sort of moulding in arch
ness of scent,
[in fondness
Odorous, o'dar-ûs a. fragrant, perfumed Ogle, d'gl v. a. to view with side glances, as
Odour, o'dår s. scent, whether good or bad Oglio, d'le-d s. a medley
Oecumenical, êk-ù-mên'né-kål a. general Oh, b int. an exclamation denoting pain or
Geliad, è-ll'yád s.a glance, token of the eye Oil, dil. the juice of olives; grease, &c.



Fate, får, fall, fât-mè, mêt-pine, pin-nò, måve,

Oil, &il v. a. to smear or lubricate with oil reliance, the motive or occasion of any Oiliness, oil'lè-nès s. unctuousness, greasi- thing, the time at which any thing hap [and pickles pens


Oilman, dll'mân s. one who trades in oils On, ôn ad. forward
Oily, dil'è a. consisting of oil
Ointment, dint'mênt s. unguent


On, ôn int. a word of incitement or encour Once, wånse ad. one time; formerly Old, old a. past the middle of life; of long One, wun a less than two, single; any, continuance; ancient; long practised particularly one Oldfashioned, old-fâsh'ånd a. formed ac-One, wån s.a single person; the first hour cording to obsolete custom the same thing; concord Oldness, old nas s. antiquity One-eyed, wan'lde a. having only one eye Oleaginous, d-le-âd'jin-us a. oily, unctuous Oneirocritick, d-ni-ro-krit'tik s. an interOlfactory, ôl-faåk'tår-è a. having the sense preter of dreams [being one of smelling Oneness, wûn'nês s. unity; the quality of Oligarchy, oflè-går-kè s. a form of govern-Onerate,ôn'ner-rate v. a. to load,to burthen ment which places the supreme power in Oneration, ôn-nêr-u'shân s. the act of load a small number, aristocracy, Olio, ò'lè-ò s. a mixture, a medley


Onerous, ôn'ner-ås a. burthensome

Olive, ol'liv s. a plant producing oil,the em-Onion, un'yan s. a plant
blem of peace
[Greek alphabet Only, One'lè a. single
Omega, o-me gå s. the last letter of the Only, one'lè ad. simply, singly
Omelet, ôm'let s. a kind of pancake made Onset, ôn'set s. attack, assault

with eggs [nostick Ontologist, ôn-tôl'lò-jist s. a metaphysician Omen, o'men s. a sign good or bad, a prog-Ontology, ôn-tôl'lò-jè s. metaphysicks Omentum, d-mên'tům s. the call, the double Onward, on'ward ad forward,progressively membrane spread over the entrails Onyx, o'niks s. a semipellucid gem Ominous, ôm'min-us a. foreshowing ill Ominousness, ôm'min-nås-nês s. the quali-Ooze, ôdze v. n. to run gently ty of being ominous

Omission, d-mish'un s. neglect of duty
Omit, d-mit' v. a. to leave out,not to mention
Omnifacious, om-nè-fa'rè-ås a. of all kinds
Omnifermes, om-nif'fêr-ûs a. all-bearing
Ormifick, om-nif'fik a. all-creating

Ooze, 88ze s. soft mud; slime

Oozy, do'zè a. miry, muddy Opacate, 6-på kåte v. n. to shade,to darken Opacity, d-pås'sè-tè s. cloudiness Opacous, d-pa'kus a. dark, obscure Opal, o'pâl s. a precious stone Opaque, d-pake' a. not transparent, dark Origenous, om-nîd'jè-nûs a. consisting of Open, o'pn v. a. to unclose; to divide; to all kinds



o'pn a. unclosed; apparent ; sincere Unipotency, om-nippo-ten-sès.almigh-Openeyed, pn-idee vigilant, watchful ty power, unlimited power Openhanded, 6-pn-hând'êd a. generous, liberal


Ompotent, om-nip'pò-tênt a. almighty
Omnipresence, om-ne-prèz'ênse s,ubiquity, Openhearted, o-pn-hårt'êd a. generous,
unbounded presence
Opening, o'pn-ing s. aperture, breach;

Omnipresent, om-né-prêz'ênt a. present in dawn
every place
[knowledge Openly, o'pn-lè ad. publickly, plainly
Omniscience, $m-nish'è-ênse s. boundless Openness, d'pn-nês s. plainness, clearness
Omniscient, ôm-nish'è-ènt a.knowing with- Opera, op'per-râ s. a poetical fiction, rep-
resented by vocal and instrumental ma-
Omnivorous,8m-niv'vó-rås a. all-devouring Operant, ôp'pèr-rant a. active
On, on prep. noting addition or accumula-Operate, op pèr-åte v. n. to act, to have
tion, state of progression, dependence or agency

out bounds


nor, nôt-tube, tủb, bûll-oil-pỏûnd-thin, THIS.

Operation, op-per-ra'shån s. agency, pro-Optative, op'tå-tiv a. expressive of desire duction of effects, influence Optical, op'tè-kâl a.relating to the science of opticks

Operative, op'pêr-ra-tiv a. efficient

Operator,op'per-ra-tår s.one that performs Optician,op-tish'un s.one skilled in opticks any act of the hand Optick, op'tik a. visual, relating to the sci


conceived notion

Operose, op-per-ròse' a. laborious [eyel ence of vision Opthalmick, op-thål'mik a. relating to the Optick, op'tik s. an instrument or organ [of sight Opthalmy, op'thâl-mè s. a disease of the Opticks, op'tiks s. the science of vision [sleep Optimacy, op'tè-mâ-sè s. nobility Opiate, d'pè'ât s. a medicine that causes Optimism, op'te-mizm s. the doctrine that Opine, o-plne' v. n. to think, to judge every thing is ordered for the best [best Opiniative, o-pin'yè-â-tiv a. stiff in a pre-Optimity, ôp-tim'me-te s. the state of being Option, op'shun s. choice, clection Opinion, d-pin'yun s. persuasion of the Opulence, op'pů-lense s. wealth, afflumind without proof; judgment, notion Oppulency, op'pu-lên-sè Opinionated, ò-pin'yun-à-têd a. attached Opulent, op'pu-lent a. rich, wealthy to certain opinions [conceived notions Or, or conj. a disjunctive particle Opinionative,o-pin'yan-nâ-tiva.fond ofpre-Oracle, or'rå-kl s. something delivered by Opinionist, d-pin'yan-nist s. one fond of supernatural wisdom; any person or place where certain decisions are obOpium, d'pè-am s. a medicine used to pro- tained; one famed for wisdom [habitant of a town Oracular, d-råk'ku-lâr

his own notions


mote sleep Oppidan, op'pè-dån s. a townsman, an in-Oraculous,o-rák'ku-lås a.uttering oracles Oppilation, op-pè-là'shån s. obstruction Oraculousness, d-rák'kú-lås-nês s.the state Opponent, op-po'nent a. opposite, adverse of being oracular [plication Opponent, op-po'nent s. antagonist, adver-Oraison, or're-zûn s. prayer, verbal supOpportune,op-por-tune'a.seasonable [sary Oral, d'râl a. delivered by mouth Opportunely,op-pôr-tune'lè ad. seasonably Orally, o'ral-lè ad. by mouth

Opportunity, op-por-tù'nè-tè s. fit place, Orange, or'rinje s. a well known fruit time, convenience [resist Orange, ôr'rinje a, of the colour of an or◄ Oppose, op-poze' v. a, to act against; to ange Opposeless, op-pòze'lês a. irresistible Orangery, d-råwn'zher-è s. plantation Opposer, op-po'zår s. one that opposes, of oranges [ing to the laws of rhetorick an antagonist [trary Oration,o-ra'shun s.a speech made accordOpposite, op'po-zit a.placed in front; con-Orator, or'râ-tår s. a publick speaker, a Opposite, op'po-zit s. adversary,opponent man of eloquence


Opposition, op-po-zish'un s. situation so as Oratorial, ôr-a-to'rè-al a. rhetorical, florid to front something opposed; hostile re-Oratorical, ôr-râ-tôr'rè-kál a. befitting an sistance; contrariety of interest Oppress,op-près' v. a.to crush by hardship Oratorio, ôr-â-to'rè-ò s. a kind of sacred Oppression, op-prêsh'ån s. cruelty, severi- drama, generally taken from the Scripty; calamity [overwhelming tures, and set to musick Oppressive,op-pres'siv a. cruel; inhuman; Oratory, or'ra-tur-è s. eloquence, rhetori Oppressor, op-près'sår s.one who harasses cal skill; aprivate place allotted forprayer others with unjust severity Orb,orb s.sphere,orbicular body; wheel; Opprobrious, dp-pro'brè-us a.reproachful, circle [or children disgraceful [proachfulness Orbation, or-ba'shun s.privation of parents Opprobriousness, op-pro'bre-us-nos s. re-Orbed, or bed round, circular, orbi Oppugn, op-pane' v. a. to oppose, to resist {orbd cular


Oppugnancy, op-påg'nân-sè's. opposition Orbicular, dr-bik'kd-lår a. circular


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Fate, far, fall, fất—mẻ, mét—pine, pin—nỏ, môve,


Orbit, or bit s. the line described by the re-Organloft, ör'gân-lôft s. the loft where the volution of a planet organ stands Orchard, or'tshårds.a garden of fruit-trees Orgasm, or'gâzm s. sudden vehemence Orchestra, &r-kes'trâ s. a part of the thea-Orgies, or'jèze s. frantick revels tre appropriated to the musicians Orient, d're-ênt a. rising as the sun; eastOrchestre, or'kês-tår s.the place where the Oriental, d-rè-ên'tâl a. eastern musicians are set at a publick show Oriental, ó-rè-ên'tål s. an inhabitant of the Ordain,ôr-dane' v. a.to appoint, to decree; eastern parts of the world to establish; to invest with sacerdotal Orifice, or re-fis s. any opening or perfoOrigin, or'rè-jin



Ordeal, ör'dè-âl s. a trial by fire or water Original, d-rid'jè-nál s. beginning, first Order, or'dar s. method; regularity; man- existence; fountain; first copy; descent date; rule; regular government; a Original, d-rîd'jè-nâl a. primitive, pristine, rank or class; a religious fraternity first

Order, or'dår v. a. to regulate, to adjust, Originally, d-rid'jè-nâl-lè ad. primarily to conduct; to command [thodicalness Originalness, ò-rid'jè-nâl-nês s. quality of Orderliness, or' dår-lè-nês s.regularity,me- being original

Orderly, or dûr-lè a. methodical; well 1e-Originary, d-rîd'jè-nâ-rè a. productive ; gulated [larly primitive {existence Orderly, or'dar-le ad. methodically, regu-Originate, d-rid'jè-nate v. a. to bring into Ordinal, or'de-nål s. a ritual, a book con-Origination, d-rid-jè-nå'shûn s. the act of taining orders bringing into existence Ordinance,or'de-nânse s.law,rule,prescript Orison,or'rè-zun s.a prayer, a supplication Ordinarily, or'de-nâ-rè-lè ad. according to Ornament, or'nå-ment s. embellishment, established rules; commonly decoration [lishment Ordinary, or'de-na-rè s. established judge Ornamental, or-nâ-mên'tâl a. giving embelof ecclesiastical causes; settled estab-Ornamented, ör'nå-mên-ted a. embellishlishment; a place of eating established ed, bedecked at a certain price Ornate, or'nåte a. bedecked,decorated,fine Ordinate, or'de-nate a. regular,methodical Orphan, or'fån s. a child who has lost fathOrdination, or-de-na'shan s. established er or mother, or both


order or tendency; the act of investing Orphan, ör fån a. bereft of parents any man with sacerdotal power Orpiment, or'pè-ment s. a kind of mineral, Ordnance, ord'nânse s. cannon,great guns yellow arsenick Ordonnance, or'dûn-nânse s. disposition of Orrery, or'rẻr-rẻ s. an astronomical instruOrthodox, or'thỏ-dôks a. sound in opinion and doctrine [opinion and doctrine Orthodoxy, dr'tho-dok-sè s. soundness in Orthopist, år'tho-è-pist s. one who is skil

figures in a picture
Ordure, or'jure s. dung, filth
Ore, die s. metal unrefined
Organ, or'gån s. natural instrument; an
instrument of musick

Organical, 3r-gan'ne-kala. instrumental
Organism,ör'ga-nizm s.organical structure
Organist, or'gâ-nist s. one who plays on
the organ
Organization, or-gâ-nè-za'shun s. construc-
tion in which the parts are so disposed
as to be subservient to each other
Organize, or'gå-nize v. a. to construct so
as that one part co-operates with another

Organick, ör-gân'nik

led in orthoepy, [ciation of words Orthogon, ör'tho-gon s. a rectangled figure Orthoepy, or'tho-è-pè s. the right pronun Orthographer, ör-thog'gråf-får s. one whe spells according to the rules of grammar Orthographical, or-tho-grâf'fè-kål a. right ly spelled; relating to the spelling Orthographically, or-tho-grâf'fè-kál-le ad according to the rules of spelling Orthography, or-thôg'grâf-è s. the art er practice of spelling

når, nôt-tube, tåb, bûll—¿îl—pôûnd-thin, This.

Ortive, dr'tlv a. relating to the rising of Outermost, dût'tår-mòst a. remotest from a planet the midst Orts, orts s. refuse, that which is left Outfly, dût-fill' v. a. to leave behind in flight Oscillation, ôs-sil-la'shun s. the act of mov-Outgate, dût-gate' s. an outlet


ing like a pendulum Outgive, dût-giv' v. a. to surpass in giving Oscitancy, ôs'sè-tân-sè the act of Outgo, dût-go' v. a. to surpass, to excel Oscitation, ôs-sè-tà'shan yawning Outgrow,dût-gro' v. a. to surpass in growth Osier, o'zher s. a tree of the willow kind Outlandish, dåt-lând'ish a. foreign Ossicle, ôs'sik-kl s. a small bone Outlaw, out'låw s. one excluded from the Ossification, ôs-sè-fè-ka'shûn s. change of benefit of the law; a plunderer carneous into bony substance Outlaw, oût law v. a. to deprive of the be Ossify, os'sè-fl v. a. to change into bone nefits and protection of the law Ostensible, ös-ten'sè-bl a. apparent Outlawry, out'låw-rè s. a decree by which Ostentation, ôs-tên-tashân s. outward any man is deprived of the protection show, appearance; ambitious display of the law Ostentatious, ôs-ten-tà'shús a. boastful, Outleap, out-lèpe' v. a. to pass by leaping vain, fond of show [ity, boastfulness Outlet, dût lêt s. passage outwards Ostentatiousness, os-tên-ta'shus-nes s. van-Outline, dût line s. contour; extremity Osteology, ôs-tè-ôl'lò-jè s. a description of Outlive, dût-liv' v. a. to survive [measure [horses at an inn Outmeasure, out-mêzh'ure v. a.to exceed in Ostler, os lår s. the man who takes care of Outnumber, out-nům bår v. a. to exceed in Ostrich, ôs'tritsh s. the largest of birds [middle Other, arн'år pron. not the same, different Outmost, out'most a. remotest from the Otherwise, uтH'ur-wize ad. in a different Outparish, dût pâr-rish s. parish not lying manner; in other respects within the walls [value set upon it Otter, ôt'tår s. an amphibious animal Outprize, dåt-prize' v. a. to exceed in the Ought, åwt s. any thing, not nothing Outrage, out'radje v. a. to injure violently Ought,åwt verb imperfect; to be obliged by or contumeliously duty; to be fit, to be necessary Ounce, danse s. a weight; a lynx Our,dar pron.pass. pertaining to us Ourselves, dar-selvz' recip. pron. we, not

the bones




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Outrage, out'radje s. open violence Outrageous, dat-rà'jûs a. violent, exorbitant; excessive; atrocious [lence Outrageousness, out-ra'jús-nês s. fury, vioOutreach, dût-rèètsh' v. a. to go beyond Outright, out-rite' ad. immediately, completely

Oust, důst v. a. to vacate, to take away Out, dût ad. not within; not at home; in state of extinction; to the end; loudly: Outroar, dût-rore' v. a.to exceed in roaring in an errour; at a loss [or expulsion Outroot, dût-root' v. a. to extirpate. [ning Out, dût int. an expression of abhorrence Outrun,oût-run' v. a.to leave behind in runOutact, out-åkt' v. a. to do beyond Outsail, dût-såle' v. a. to leave behind in Outbalance, out-bâl'lânse v.a.to overweigh sailing

Outbid, dåt-bid' v. a. to overpower by bid-Outshine, out-shine' v. a. to excel in lustre ding a higher price [voyage Outside, out'side s. superficies, surface; Outbound,out'bounda.destined to a distant external part Outbrave, out-brave' v. a. to bear down Outsit, dût-sit' v. a. to sit beyond the time Outbrazen, dût-brȧ'zn v. a. to bear down Outstretch, dût-strêtsh' v. a. to extend, to with impudence

Outcast, out'kást s. exile, one expelled Outcry, 8ût'krl s. cry of vehemence distress

Outdo out-doo' v. a. to excel, to surpass


spread out

Outstrip, dût-strip' v. a. to leave behind
Outswear, out-sware' v. a. to overpower
by swearing
Outvie, dût-vl'v. a. to exceed, to surpass

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