صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Fate, får, fåll, fât-mé, mêt-pine, pỉn-nỏ, môve,

Nightingale, nlte'In-gåle s. a small bird
that sings in the night
Nightly, nite lè a. done by night
Nightman, nite'mân s. one who carries
away ordure in the night

joined with splendour; persons of high


Noble, no'bl a. of an ancient and splendid family; great, illustrious; exalted; magnificent; liberal

Nightmare, nite mare s. a morbid oppres-Noble, no bl s. one of high rank; an old coin rated at six shillings and eight

sion in the night, resembling the pressure of weight upon the breast


Nightpiece, nite'pèèse s. a picture so co-Nobleman,no'bl-månssone who is ennobled
foured as to be supposed seen by candle- Nobleness, no'bl-nes s. greatness
Nobless, no-bles' s. nobility
Nobly, no'ble ad. illustriously

Nightshade, nite'shade s. a plant
Nightwalker, nite'wak-ûr s. one who roves Nobody, nò'bôd-è s. no one
in the night upon ill designs

Nocent, no'sent a. guilty; hurtful

Nightwatch, nite'wotsh s. a period of the Noctiferous, nôk-tif fêr-os a.bringing night night as distinguished by change of the Noctuary, nôk tshủ-â-rẻ s. an account of watch what passes by night Nigrescent, ni-grẻs'sẻnt a. growing black Nocturnal, nok-tür'nål a. nightly Nimble, nim'bla. quick, active [ity Nod, nôd v. n. to decline the head with a Nimbleness, nim bl-nës s. quickness, activ-quick motion; to pay a slight bow; to Nimbly, nimble ad. quickly, speedily be drowsy [a slight obeisance Nincompoop, nin'kům-pööp s. a fool, a tri-Nod,nôd s.a quick declination of the head; Nine, nine a. one more than eight [fler Noddle, nod'di s. a head, in contempt Ninefold, nine'fold a. nine times Noddy, nod'de s. a simpleton, an ideot Ninepins, nine pinz s. a play where nine Node, node s. a knot; a swelling

pieces of wood are set up on the ground Nodosity, no-dos'sè-té s. knottiness to be thrown down by a bowl Ninescore, nine'skore a. nine times twenty Nineteen, nine'tèèn a. nine and ten Nineteenth, nine'tèènth a. the ordinal of ninete

Nodous, no'das a. knotty, full of knots Noggin, nôg'gin s. a small mug Noise, noèz s. any kind of sound; outery; occasion of talk [report Noise, noéz v. a. to spread by rumou,r or Noiseless, noèz'lês a. without sound Ninth, ninth a. next in order to the eighth Noisiness, noè'zè-nês s. loudness of sound Ninetieth, nine'tè-ith a.the tenth nine times Noisome, noè'sům a. noxious, mischievous Ninny, nin'nè s. a fool, a simpleton [told Noisomeness, noé'sům-nês s.aptness to disNip, níp v. a. to pinch; to bite; to blast; gust, offensiveness

Ninety, nine'tè a. nine times ten

to vex

[a blast; a taunt
Nip, nip s. a pinch with the nails or teeth
Nippers, nip'pårz s. small pincers
Nipple, nippl s. a teat, dug
Nisi-prius, ni'sé-prl'us s. a judicial writ
Nit, nit s. the egg of a louse
Nitid, nit tid a. bright, shining
Nitre, nl'tår s. saltpetre
Nitrous, ni'três a. impregnated with nitre
Nitty, nit'te a. abounding with nits
Niveous, niv'è-ûs a. snowy
No, no ad. the word of refusal
Nobilitate,no-billé-tåte v.a. to make noble
Nobility, nd-bil'lè-tè s. antiquity of family

Noisy, noè'zè a. sounding loud ; clamorous ;Nolition, no-lish'un s. unwillingness Nombles, num blz s. the entrails of a deer Nomenclator, nôm-ên-klå'tår s. one who

calls things by their proper names Nomenclature, nom-en-klà tshure s. a vocabulary, a dictionary

Nominal, nom'mè-nål a.referring to names
Nominally, nôm’mé-nål-lè ad. by name, ti-
[name; to appoint
Nominate,nom'mè-nate v. a. to mention by
|Nomination, nôm-mẻ nàshân s. the power
of appointing

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Nominative, nom'mé-nâ-tlv s. the case in

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nỏr, nôt—tùbe, tảb, büll—ôîl-pond-thin, THIS.

grammar that primarily designates the Northern, nor'тnárn a. in the north name of any thing

Nonage, non'adje s. minority

Northstar,north'står s.the pole-star [north
Northward, north'ward ud. towards the

Nonconformity, nôn-kön-för’mé-tè s. refu-Northwest, north-west' s. the point between sal of compliance

None, nån s. not one; not any
Nonentity, non-en'tè-tè s. nonexistence


the north and west

Nose, noze s. the prominence on the face, which is the organ of scent and the

Nonexistence, non-ég-zis'tense s. inexis- einunctory of the brain [allegiance Nose, nèze r. a. to scent, to smell Nonjuring,non-ju'ring a. refusing to swear Nosegay, noze'gà s. a bunch of flowers Nonnaturals,non-nât tshù-râlz s. any thing Noseless, noze les a. wanting a nose which is not naturally, but by accident Nosle, noz'zl s. the extremity of a thing · or abuse, the cause of disease; as air, as, the uosle of a pair of bellows [cases diet, sleep, exercise, exertion, and the Nosology, no-zôl'lo-jé s. doctrine of dispassions Nostril, nos tril s. the cavity in the nose Nonpareil, non-på-rêl' s. excellence une-Nostrum, nos'trům s. a medicine not yet qualled; a kind of apple; a printing made publick [fusal; no more letter [or do more Not, not ad. the particle of negation or reNonplus,non plus s.puzzle, inability to say Notable, no 'ta-bla.remarkable, observable Nonplus, non plus v. a.to confound, to puz- Notable, not'â-bl a. careful, bustling zle [residence Notableness, not'tå-bl-nês s. appearance of Nonresidence, nôn-rêz ́è-dênsc s. failure of business Nonresident, nôn-rêz'è-dẻnt s, one who Notably, no'tå-blè ad. memorably, remarkneglects to live at the proper place Notary,no tà-rè s. an officer whose business Nonresistance, non-rè-zîs ́tânse s. passive it is to take notes of any thing which may obediènce [grammatical language concern the publick Nonsense, non sense s. unmeaning or un- Notation, no-tà'shản s. the act or practice Nonsensical, non-sën ́sè-kål a. unmeaning, of recording any thing by marks [thing foolish [solution Notch, nôtsh s. a nick, a hollow cut in any Nonsolution, non-so-lú'shån s. failure of Notch, notsh r. u. to cut in small hollows Nonsuit, non'súte v. a. to deprive of the Note, uote s. mark, token; notice; sound benefit of a legal process for some fail- in musick; a small letter; explanatory ure in the management Noodle, noo'dl s. a fool, a simpleton Nook, nook s. a corner

Noon, noon s. the middle hour of the day
Noonday, noon-da' s. mid-day
Noonday, noon-dà' a. meridional

Noontide, noon'tide s. mid-day

Noontide, nôôn'tlde a. meridional

Noose, noose s. a running not

Noose, nôôze v. a. to tie in a noose



[down Note, note v. a. to observe; to attend,to set Noted, no'ted part a. remarkable, emincut Nothing, nothing s. nonenity Nothingness, nuth'ing-uês s.non-existence; thing of no value

Notice, no'tis s.remark, heed; information Notification, nó-tè-fè-kå'shün s. the act of making known

Notify, no'tè-fl v. a. to declare


Nor, nor conj.a particle making the second Notion, no'shin s.thought, sentiment, opinor subsequent branch of a negative pro-Notional, no'shun-âl a. imaginary, ideal position Notionally, no'shan-âl-lè ad. in idea, menNorth, north s. the point opposite to the tally [ledge sun in the meridian; the point opposite Notoriety, no-to-rl'è-tè s. publick know[the north and east Notorious, no-to'rè-ås a. publickly known Northeast, north-eèst' s. the point between Notoriously, no-to'rè-ùs-lè ad. publickly, Northerly,nôr’THûr-lè a.towards the north evidently

to the south

Fåte, får, fåll, fåt—mė, mêt—pine, pin—nò, môve,

Notoriousness, nò-tò'rè-ås-nês s. publick many, more than one; comparative fame [though; nevertheless, however multitude; harmony; poetry Notwithstanding,not-with-standing conj.al-Numberless, num'bur-lês a. innumerable Nought, nåwt s. nothing Numbness, nam'nès s. terpor, stupefac tion

Noun, noun s. the name of any thing

(numbered Nourish, nur'rish ». a. to increase or sup- Numerable, nu'mêr-å-bla. capable of being port by food [nourishment Numeral, nu'mêr-ál a. relating to number Nourishable, når'rish-å-bl a. susceptive of Numerary, nú'mêr-â-rẻ a. belonging to a Nourisher, når'rish-år s. the person or number thing that nourishes

Nourishment, når'rish-ment s. food, suste-
Novel, nov vel a. new
Novel, nov'vel s. a small tale [of novels
Novelist, nov'vel-list s. innovator, a writer
Novelty, nov'vêl-tè s. newness

[nance Numeration, nå-mêr-à'shån s. the art of numbering; a rule of arithmetick Numerator, nů'mêr-à-tår s. he that num. bers; that number which serves as the common measure to others Numerical, nu-mêr'rik-âl a. numeral, deNovember, no-vẻm'bår s. the eleventh noting number [sameness in number month of the year [of a step-mother Numerically, nù-mêrʼrîk-âl-è ad,respecting Novercal, no-ver'kål a. having the manner Numerous, nu'mêr-rås a. containing or Novice, no'vis s, one not acquainted with consisting of many any thing, a fresh man [vice Nummary,num'mâ-rẻ a.relating to money Novitiate, no-vish'è-åte s. the state of a no- Numskuil, nåm'skål s. a dunce, a dolt Now, nou ad. at this time, at the time pres-Nun, nån s. a woman secluded in a clois Now, noå s. present moment Tent ter from the world [from the pope Nowadays,nou'â-daze ad.in the present age Nuncio, nun'shè-d s. a messenger,an envoy Nowhere, no'hware ad. not in any place Nuncion, nån'shûn s. a piece of victuals Nowise, no'wize ad. not in any manner or eaten between meals Noxious, nok'shas a. hurtful [degree Nuncupative, nån-ku'på-tiva.publickNoxiousness, nok'shus-nês s. hurtfulness Nuncupatory,nůn-ků'pâ-tår-rès ly or soNoxiously, nok'shus-lè ad. hurtfully lemnly declaratory, verbally pronounNozle, noz'zl s. the nose, the end ced Nubiferous, nů-bif'fêr-us a.bringing clouds Nunnery, nån'når-è s. a house of nuns Nubile, nu'bil a. marriageable Nuptial, nup'shal a. pertaining to marriage Nuciferous, nu-sif'fêr-us a. nutbearing Nuptials, nup'shålz's. marriage Nucleus, no'klè-as s. a kernel, any thing Nurse, nurse s. a woman that has the care about which matter is gathered [ed of another's child; a woman that has Nudation,nu-da'shun s. act of making nak- the care of a sick person [tend the sick Nudity, nu'dé-tè s, naked parts Nurse, nårse v.a. to bring up a child; to Nugacity,nd-gas'sè-té s.futility,trifling talk Nursery, når'sûr-rè s. the act or office of Nugation, nu-ga'shun s. the act or practice nursing; a plantation of young trees of trifling to be transplanted; the place where any thing is fostered or brought up


Nugatory, nu gâ-tår-è a. trifling, futile
Nuisance, nu'sanse s.something noxious or Nursling, nårs'ling s. a fondling
[void Nurture,når'tshures. food, diet; education
Nullify, nål'le-fl v. a. to annul, to make Nurture,når'tshůre v. a. to educate,to train,
Nullity, nål'lè-tè s. want of force
Numb, nům a.torpid; producing chillness
Numb, nåm v. a. to make torpid

to bring up

Nustle, nås'sl v. a. to fondle, to cherish Nut, nåt s. the fruit of certain trees; a small body with teeth, which corres pond with the teeth of wheels [kept long

Number, num'bur v. a. to count, to reckon Number, nåm'bår s. the species of quanti ty by which it is computed how many ;[Nutbrown, nåt’brðån a. brown like a nut

nôr, nôt—túbe, tåb, båll—¿ll—pʊûnd—thin, THIS.

Nutcrackers, nůtkråk-kårz s. an instru-Obediently,o-bè'jè-ent-lè ad.with obedience ment used to break nuts Obeisance, d-bà'sânse s. a courtesy, an ac

Nutgall,nut'gål s. excrescence of an oak of reverence

Nutmeg, nåt meg s. a kind of spice import-Obelisk, ob'è-lisk s. a sort of pyramid ted from the East Indies Obese, ò-bèse' a. fat, loaden with flesh

Nutshell, nåt'shel s. the hard substance Obesity, d-bês'sè-tè s. morbid fatness that encloses the kernel of the nut Obey,d-ba' v. a. to pay submission to Nut-tree, nåt trèè s. a tree that bears nuts Object, ôb'jekt s. that about which any Nutrification, nú-tré-fè-kå'shån s. manner] of feeding or being fed

Nutriment, nú trè-ment s. food, aliment

qualities of food

power or faculty is employed Object, ob-jekt v. a. to oppose [fault found Objection,ob-jek'shûn s.adverse argument,

Nutrimental, nů-trè-mên'tál u. having the Objective, ob-jek'tiv a. belonging to or [nourishing contained in an object; proposed as an object

Nutrition,nu-trish'an s.the act or quality of
Nutritious, nu-trish'ús

Objectively, ob-jèk'tîv-lè ad. in manner of Nutritive, nu tre-tivas a. nourishing an object [jections Nutriture, nu'trẻ-tùre s. the power of nour-Objector, ob-jék'tür s. one who offers obishing Obit, d'bit s. funeral obsequies [prove Nuzzle, nůz'zl v. a. to nurse, to foster ; to Objurgate, ob-jar gåte v. a. to chide, to rego with the nose down like a bog Objurgation, ob-jar-gashân s. reproof, re Nymph, nimfs. a goddess of the woods, prehension meadows, or waters; in poetry, a lady


OAF of s. a changing; an idiot [ness

Oblate, ob-låte' a. flatted at the poles [fice
Oblation, ob-la'shun s. an offering,a sacra-
Oblectation, ôb-lêk-tà'shûn s. delight,plea


Oafishness,ofe'ish-ness.stupidity, dul-Obligation, ôb-lè-gà'shan s. the binding

Oak, oke s. a well known tree
Oakapple,oke'âp-pls.a spungy excrescence
Oaken, o'kn a. made of oak [on the oak
Oakum, ò'kům s. cords untwisted
Oar, dre s. an instrument to row with
Oaten, o'tn a. made of oats

power of any oath, or contract; favour by which one is bound to gratitude Obligatory, ob'le-gå-tur-è a. imposing an obligation, binding [please, to gratify Oblige, o-blldje' v. a to bind, to compel; to Obligee, ôb-lé-jèè' s. one bound by a legal [sant


Oath, dth s. an affirmation, negation, or promise, corroborated by the attestation Obliging, d-bll'jing part. a. civil, complaiof the Divine Being Obligingness,o-bll'jing-nès s.complaisance Oatmeal, ôt'mėle, or Ŏte'mèle s.flour made Obligor, ôb-le-gor' s. he who binds himself by grinding oats [fed Oblique, ob-like' a. not direct

Oats, ôtes s. a grain with which horses are Obliqueness, oblikeness.deviation from Obduce, ob-duse' v. a. to draw over as a Obliquity, ob-lik'wè-tè covering [ing physical or moral rectitude; deviation Obduction, ob-dak'shûn s.the act of cover- from perpendicularity Obduracy, ob'jù'ra-se s.inflexible wicked-Obliterate, ob-lit'ter-råte v. a. to efface ness, hardness of heart [ibly obstinate Obliteration,ob-lit-ter-rå'shån s.effacement Obdurate, ob'ja-råte a.hard of heart,inflex-Oblivion, d-bliv'vè-âm s. forgetfulness; Obdurateness, ob'ju-rât-nês s. stubborness, amnesty [fulness impenitence [authority Oblivious, ò-bliv'vè-as a causing forgetObedience, d-be'jè-ense s. submission to Oblong, oblong a. longer than broad Obedient, d-bè jè-ent a, submissive to au-Obloquy, ob'lo-kwè s. blame, slander; disthority to the rule of obedience grace Obediential, d-bè-jè-ên'shål a, according Obnoxious, ôb-nók'shûs a, subject; fiable,


Fate, far, fall, fất mè, mét...pine, pin—nó, môve, Obnoxiousness, ôb-nok'shus-nês s. guil-Obstriction, ôb-strik'shản s. obligation, tiness [obscure bond

Obnubilate, ôb-nu'bè-låte r. a. to cloud, to Obstruct,ôb-strůkt' v. a to hinder [obstacle
Obscene, ob-sèèn' a. immodest; disgusting Obstruction, ôb-stråk'shån s. hinderance;
Obstructive, ôb-stråk'tîv a. hindering,
causing impediment

Obsceneness, ôb-sèèn'ness. impurity of
Obscenity, ôb-sen'né-té


thought or language, lewdness Obscuration, ob-sku-ra'shun s. the act darkening; state of being darkened Obscure,ôb-skure' a. dark, gloomy,abtruse Obscure, ob-skure' v. a. to darken Obscurely,ôb-skåre lè ad. not brightly Obscureness, ób-skure'nés} s. darkness; Obscurity, unnoticed state, privacy; darkness of meaning

Obstruent, ob'strù-ênt a. hindering
Obtain, ôb-tane' v. a. to gain, to acquire
Obtainable, 3b-tàne'â-bla. to be procured
Obtend, ôb-tẻnd' v. a. to oppose
Obtention, ob-tên'shůn s. the act of obtend
Obtest, ob-test' v. a. to beseech, to suppli


Obtestation, ob-tês-tà'shån s. supplication
Obtrectation, ôb-trẻk-tà'shum s. detraction
Obtrade, ôb-trood' r. a. to thrust in by force
Obtruder, ôb-tråöd'år s. one that obtrudes
Obtrusion,ob-trôỏ'zhån s.the act of obtrud-



[ed Obvious, ôb've-us a. open; easily discoverObviously, ôb've-us-lé ad. evidently Obviousness, ôb'vè-us-nês s. state of being evident or apparent

Obsecration, ob-sè-krå'shån s. entreaty Obsequies, ob'se-kwiz s. funeral rites Obsequious, ôb-sè'kwè-ûs a. obedient,compliant [dience, compliance Obtrusive, ob-troô'siv a. inclined to force Obsequiousness, ob-sè'kwè'is-nës s. obe- one's self or any thing else upon others Observable, ob-zêr'vå-bı a. remarkable, Obtund, ôb-tånd' v. a. to blunt, to dull, to eminent Observably, ôb-zêr'vå-blè ad. remarkably Obtuse, ôb-tuse' a. not pointed, not acute Observance, ôb-zér'vânse s. respect; reli-Obtuseness, ob-tùse'nês s. bluntness gious rite; rule of practice Obvert, ob-vert v. a. to turn towards Observant, ôb-zer'vânt a. attentive Obviate, ôb'vè-áte v. a. to meet in the way, Observation, ôb-zêr-vàshản s. the act of to prevent observing; note, remark Observator, db-zer-va'tůr s. a remarker Observatory,ob-zẻr'vå-tu-rẻ s. a place built for astronomical observation [obey Observe, ôb-zerv' v. a.to watch; to note; to Occasion, ôk-kä'zhůn s. occurrence, inci Observer, ôl-zerv'år s、 one who looks on, dent; convenience; casual exigence a. beholder [able Occasion, ôk-kå'zhản. r. a. to cause; to Obsolete, ob's-lète a disused, unfashion- influence [casual Obsoleteness, ôb'sò-lète-nês s. unfashiona-Occasional, ôk-kå'zhûn-âl p.. incidental, bleness tion Occecation, ak-sè-ka'shun s. the act of Obstacle, ob'sta-kl s. hinderance, obstruc- blinding Obstetrication, ôb-stêt-trẻ-kå'shan s. the Occident, ok'sè-dent s. the west office of a midwife Occidental, ok-se-dên'tâl a. western [head Obstetrick,ob-stêt'trik a.befitting a midwife Occiput, ôk'sè-påt s. the hinder part of the Obstinacy,ôb'stè-nå-sẻ s.stubbornness, con- Oeclude, ôk-klude' v. a. to shut up [up tumacy [cious Occlusion, ôk-klu'zhûn s.the act of shutting Obstinate, ob'ste-nât a.stubborn, contuma- Occult, ôk-kolt' a. secret, hidden Obstinately, ob'stè-nât-lè ad. stubbornly, Occultation, ok-kål-ta'shun s. the time that inflexibly [orous a star or planet is hidden from our sight Obstreperous,ob-strep'per-us a.loud, clam- Occupancy, ôk'ku-pân-sẻ s. the act of ta Obstreperousness, ob-strẻp pêr-rås-nės s. king possession [session of any thing loudness, clamour Occupant, ok'ku-pânt s. he that takes poss

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