صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Fate, får, fåll, fåt—mè, mẻt-pine, pîn-nỏ, mỏve,

Inextricable, in-êks'trẻ-kå-bl a. not to be Inferiour, în-fè'rè-år s. one in a lower rank
Ineye, in-l' v. n. to inoculate [disentangled or station than another
Infallibility, in-fal-lè-bil'è-tè

Infamy, ỉn/fi-mẻ


Infallibleness, in-fâl'lè-bl-nes ( s.inerrabil. Infernal, in-fer'nål a. hellish Infernal, in-fer'nål s. one that comes from ity, exemption from errour hell; one exceedingly wicked Infallible,in-fal'le-bla. incapable of mistake Infertile, in-fêr'til a. unfruitful Infallibly,in-fal'lè-blè ad. with security from Infest, in-fest' v. a. to harass, to disturb errour, certainly fwith guilt Infidel, in'fe-del s. an unbeliever [treachery Infamous, in fa-mus a. publickly branded Infidelity, in-fè-del'è-tè s. want of faith; Infamously, în'få-mûs-lè ad. with open re- Infinite, în'fe-nit a. unbounded, immense proach; shamefully Infinitely, in'fè-nit-lè ad. without limits, imInfamousness, in'fâ-mûs-nês) s. notoriety Infiniteness, In'fè-nit-nês s. immensity, mensely [boundlessness of bad character [beginning Infinitive, în-fin'è-tiv a. unconfined, belongInfancy, in'fan-sè s. the first part of life; ing to that mood of a verb which expres Infant, in'fânt s. a child under seven years of age ses the action or being indeterminately Infanta, in-fân'tâ s. a princess descended Infinitude, in-fin'è-tùde s. infinity; boundless number from the royal blood of Spain or Portugal Infinity, in-fin'è-tè s. immensity, boundlessInfanticide, in-fân'tè-side s. slaughter of in- Infirm, in-ferm' a. weak, feeble [sick Infantile, in'fan-tile a. pertaining to an in- Infirmity,in-fêr'mè-tè s. weakness; disease; [fant Infirmary, în-fêr'mâ-rè s. lodgings for the Infantine, in'fan-tine a. suitable to an infant malady Infantry, în'fan-trè s. the foot soldiers of an Infirmness, in-fêrm'nês s. weakness, feeble[ness army Infix, in-fiks' v. a. to drive in, to fasten Infatuate, in-fâtsh'ù-åte v. a. to strike with Inflame, în-flằme' v. a. to kindle, to exag folly, to deprive of understanding gerate; to irritate



Infatuation, in-fatsh-ù-à'shůn s. depriva-Inflammability, in-flâm-må-bîl'è-tè 8. the tion of reason

quality of catching fire Inflammable, in-flâm'må-bl a. easy to be set on flame [quality of easily catching fire

Infeasible, in-fè'zè-bl a. impracticable Infect, in-fêkt' v. a. to act upon by contagion, to affect with communicated qua-Inflammableness, in-flâm'ma-bl-nês s. the Infection, in-fek'shûn s. contagion Infectious, in-fêk'shus a. contagious [lities Inflammation, in-flâm-ma'shån s. the state Infectiously, in-fêk'shûs-lè ad. contagiously of being in flame; the heat of any morInfectiousness, in-fèk'shûs-nês s. bid part occasioned by obstruction conta-Inflammatory, in-flâm'mâ-tår-è a. having giousness [tility the power of inflaming Infecundity, in-fè-kun'dè-tè s. want of fer-Inflate, in-flate' v. a. to swell with wind ; Infelicity, in-fè-lis'sè-tè s. misery, calamity to fill with the breath

swelled with wind

Infer, in-fêr' v. a. to induce; to draw con-Inflation, in-flà'shån s. the state of being clusions from foregoing premises Inferable, in-fêr'å-bl a. to be inferred Inference, in'fêr-ênse s. conclusion from previous arguments

Inferrible, In-fer'rè-bl a.deducible from premised grounds

Laferiority, in-fe-rè-ôr'è-tè s. lower state of dignity or value

Inferiour, in-fè'rè-ûr a. lower in place, tion, or value; subordinate

[vary Inflect, in-flêkt' v. a. to bend ; to change or Inflection,în-flêk'shun s. the act of bending or turning; modulation of the voice; variation of a noun or verb Inflexibleness, in-fleks e-bl-nés Inflexibility, in-flêks-è-bil'è-tè

8. stif

sta-Inflexible, in-flêks'è-bl a. not to be bent;
ness; inexorable persistence
not to be changed

når, nôt-tube, tåb, bûll-dil-pound-thin, THIS.

Inflexibly, în-flêks'è-blè ad. inexorably, in- Ingeniousness, in-jè'nè-us-nées s. wittiness, variably [ment Ingenite,in'jên-it a. innate, inborn [subtility Inflict, in-flikt' v. a. to impose as a punish-Ingenuity, in-je-nu'è-tè s. wit, genius Infliction, in-flik'shůn s. the act of using Ingenuous,in-jên'nu-ůs a. open, fair, candid punishments [as a punishment Ingenuously, in-jên'ù-ûs-lè ad. openly, canInflictive, in-flik'tiv u. that which is laid on didly [fairness, candour Influence, in'flu-ênse, s. ascendant power Ingenuousness,in-jên'nu-us-nês s. openness, Influence, in'flù-ênse v. a. to act upon with Inglorious, in-glo'rè-us a. void of honour directive or impulsive power Ingloriously, in-glò'rè-ûs-lè ad. with igno Influent, in'flù-ent a. flowing in Ingot, in'got s. a mass of metal [miny Influential, in-flu-ên'shâl a. exerting influ- Ingraft, in-gråft' v. a. to propagate trees by ence or power [thing grafting; to fix deep, to settle Influx, in'fluks s. act of flowing into any Ingraftment, in-grâft'ment s. the act of inInfold, in-fold' v. a. to involve, to inwrap grafting; the sprig ingrafted Infoliate,in-fo'lè-åte v.a.to cover with leaves Ingrate, in-grate'

to offer an accusation

Inform,in-form' v.a.to instruct, to acquaint; Ingrateful, in grateful a. ungratefu [formation Ingratiate, în-grå'shè-åte v. a. to put in fa Informant, in-för'mânt s. one who gives in- vour [ness Information, in-för-ma'shun s. intelligence Ingratitude, în-grât'tè-tude s. unthankful given, instruction; charge or accusation Ingredient, in-grè 'jent s. component part of exhibited [telligence a body consisting of different materials Informer, in-form'ar s. one who gives in-Ingress, ing'gress. entrance Informidable, in-för'mè-då-bl a. not to be Ingression, in-gresh'un s. the act of entering feared Inguinal, ing'gwé-nål a. belonging to the groin [vast profundity Ingulph, in-gulf . a. to swallow up in a Infraction, In-fråk'shån s. the act of break- Ingurgitate, în-går'jè-tåte v. a. to swallow ing, breach Ingurgitation, in-går-jè-tà'shůn s. voracity Infrangible, in-frân'jè-bl a. not to be broken Ingustable, în-gûs'tâ-bl a. not perceptible Infrequency, in-frè’kwên-sè s. uncommonness, rarity

Informity, in-for'mè-tè s. shapelessness
Infract, in-frakt' v. a. to break

by the taste


Inhabile, in-håb'il a. unskilful,unready,unfit Infrequent, la-frè'kwent a. rare, uncommon Inhabit, in-hab'it v. a. to dwell in Infrigidate, in-frid'jè-dåte v. a. to chill Inhabitable, in-hâb'è-tâ-bl u. capable of an Infringe, in-frinjè' v. a. to violate [lation fording habitation [dwellers Infringement, in-frinje'ment s. breach, vio-Inhabitance, in-hâb'it-ânse s. residence of Infuriate, in-fu'rè-åte a. enraged, raging Inhabitant, in-hab'ît-tânt s. one that lives or Infuse, in-fùze' v. a. to pour in, to instil; to resides in a place tincture; to inspire with [ed Inhabitation, in-hâb-è-tà'shån s. place of Infusible, in-fu'zè-bl a. possible to be infus-Inhabiter, in-hâb'it-tûr s. a dweller Infusion, in-fù'zhůn s. the act of pouring in, Inhale, in-håle' v. a. to draw in with air, instillation [fusion or being infused inspire Infusive, in-fu'siv a. having the power of in- Inharmonious,in-hår-mò'nè-ůs a. unmusical Ingathering, in-gâтH'år-ing s. the act of Inhere, in-hère' v. n. to exist in something gathering in harvest [else; innate Ingeminate, în-jêm'mè-nåte v. a. to double, Inherent, in-he'rênt a. existing in something to repeat [tion, reduplication Inherit, in-hẻr'rit v. a. to receive or possess Ingemination, in-jêm-me-na'shûn s. repeti- by inheritance Ingenerate, in-jên'è-råte a. inborn, innate Ingenious, in-je'nè-as a. witty, inventive [ly Ingeniously,in-jè'nè-ûs-lè ad. wittily, subtil


Inheritable, in-hêr'rit-å-bl a. transmissible by inheritance, obtainable by succession 'Inheritance, în-hêr'rît-ânse s. patrimony

mẻt-pine, pỉn—nỏ, môve,

Inkle, ing'kl s. narrow fillet, a tape
Inkling, ingk'ling s. hint, intimation
Inky, ingk'e a. consisting of ink; black as
Inland, in'lând a. interiour
Inlapidate,in-lap'è-date v. a. to turn to stone
Inlay, in-la' v. a. to diversify with different
bodies inserted into the ground or sub-
stratum; to variegate

Fate, får, fåll, fåt―mè, Inheritor, in-her'rit-år s. an heir Inheritress, in-her'rit-res Inheritrix, in-herrit-triks. an heiress Inhibit, in-hibit v. a. to restrain, prohibit Inhibition, in-hè-bish'un s. prohibition Inhold, in-hold' v. a. to contain in itself Inhospitable, in-hos'pé-tâ-bl a. affording no entertainment to strangers. Inhospitably, in-hôs'pè-ta-blè ad. unkindly Inlaw, in-law' v. a. to clear of outlawry to strangers [courtesy to strangers Inlet, in'lêt s. place of ingress Inhospitality, in-hos-pè-tål'e-tè s. want of Inly, in'le a. internal, secret Inhuman, in-hu'mân a. barbarous, cruel Inmate, in'måte s. one that is admitted to Inhumanity, In-hù-mân'è-tè s. cruelty, bar- dwell jointly with another man barity [elly Inmost, in'most a. deepest within, remotest Inhumanely, in-hù'mân-lè ad. savagely,cru- from the surface



to bury, to in-lun, in s. a house of entertainment for travInhume, in-hùme' ellers; a college for students of law Inject, in-jekt' v. a. to throw in, to dart in Inn, in v. n. to take up temporary lodging Injection, in-jek'shun s. the act of casting in Innate, in-nate' a. inborn Ting innate Inimical, în-îm'è-kåla. hostile, contrary, re- Innateness, in-nate'nês s. the quality of bepugnant [to be imitated Innavigable, in-nåv'vè-gå-bl a. not to be Inimitability,in-im-è-tå-bîl'è-tè s.incapacity passed by sailing

Inimitable, in-im'è-tå-bl a. not to be copied Inner, in'når a. interiour, not outward Inimitably, In-iîm'è-tâ-blè ad. in a manner Innermost, în'når-most a. remotest from not to be imitated the outward part [an ina Iniquitous, in-ik'kwè-tås a. unjust, wicked Innholder, in'hol-dår s. a man who keeps Iniquity, In-ik'kwè-tè s. injustice, wicked-Innings, in'ningz s. lands recovered from [incipient the sea


Initial, In-nish'ala. placed at the beginning; Innkeeper, in'keep-ûr 3. one who keeps Initiate, in-ish'è-åte v. a. to enter, to instruct lodgings and provisions for the entertainInitiation, in-ish-è-à'shun s. the act of enter- ment of travellers



ing into any art or state [ness Innocence, in'no-sense Injucundity, în-jù-kân'dè-tè s. unpleasant- Innocence, in'no-senses.purity; untain☛ Injudicial, in-ju-dîsh'âl a. not according to ed integrity; harmlessness, innoxious form of law [unhurtful, harmless Injudicious, în-ju-dish'us a. without judg: Innocent, in'no-sent a. pure from mischief; judgment Innocent, în'no-sent s. one free from guilt Injudiciously, in-ju-dish'ûs-lè ad. with ill or harm [with simplicity Lejunction, in-jungk'shån s. order, precept Innocently, in'no-sênt-lè ad. without guilt; Injure, in'jar v. a. to hurt unjustly; to annoy Innocuous, in-nok'ku-ås a. harmless Injurious, in-ju'rè-ås a. unjust, mischiev-innovate, in'no-våte v. a. to bring in some ous; detractory, reproachful thing not known before Injuriously, in-ju'rè-us-lè ad. wrongfully, Innovation, in-no-va'shun s. change by the with injustice [proach introduction of novelty [novelties Injury, inju-rès. mischief; 'annoyance; re- Innovator, in'no-và-tur s. an introducer of Injustice, in-jus'tis s. iniquity, wrong [write Innoxious, in-nok'shus a. free from misInk, ingk's. the black liquor with which men Ink, ingk v. a. to black or daub with ink Lakhorn, ingk’hörn s. a portable case for the instruments of writing

chievous effects

Innuendo, in-nu-ên'dò s. an oblique hint Innumerable, în-nù'mur-å-bla. not to be counted for multitude

når, nôt-tube, tâb, båll-oil-pôůnd-thin, THIS. Innumerably, in-nù'můr-a-blè ad. without Insatiableness, in-sà'shè-å-bl-nês s. greedness not to be appeased


Inoculate, in-ôk'ků-låte v. a. to propagate Insatiably, in-sa'she-a-blè ad. with greedi by insertion ness not to be appeased Inoculation, în-ok-kú-lå'shun s. grafting in Insaturable,in-sâtsh'u-rå-bla.not to be filled the bud; the practice of transplanting Inscribe, in-skribe' v. a. to write on any the small-pox thing; to assign to a patron Inodorous, in-ò'dûr-ûs a. wanting scent Inscription,In-skrip'shun s.something writ Inoffensive,in-of-fen'siva.harmless,innocent ten or engraved; a title Inoffensively, în-of-fên'siv-lè ad. without Inscrutable, in-skrú'tå-bl a. unsearchable harm [lessness Insculp, in-skülp' v. a. to engrave, to cut Inoffensiveness, in-ôf-fên'siv-nês s. harm-Insculpture,in-skůlp'tshure s. any thing e Inopportune, in-op-por-tune a. unseasona- graved [a seam or cicatrix ble, inconvenient [disorder Inseam, in-sème' r.a.to impress or mark by Inordinacy, in-or'de-na-sè s. irregularity, Insect, in'sekt s. a small creeping or flying Inordinate, in-or'de-nate a. irregular animal Linsects Inordinately,in-or'de-nate-le ad.irregularly Insectile, în-sek'ti! a. having the nature of Inordination, in-or-de-na'shun s. irregular-Insectologer,in-sék-tôl'ò-jur s. one who deity [or instrumental parts scribes insects Inorganical,in-or-gân'é-kâla.void of organs Insecure, In-sé-kurc' a. not secure, not safe Inosculate, in-ôs'ká-låte v. n. to unite by Insecurity, in-sè-ku'rè-tè s. want of safety, apposition or contract danger [of scattering seed on the ground Inosculation, in-os-ku-là'shån s. union by Insemination, in-sem-me-na'shun s. the act conjunction of the extremities [jury Insensate, in-sen 'sate a. stupid Inquest, ing kwest s. judicial inquiry; a Insensibility, in-sẻn-se-bil'è-té s. stupidity; Inquietude, in-kwl'è-tåde s.disturbed state, [void of feeling want of quiet [corrupt Insensible, în-sen'se-bl a. imperceptible; Inquinate, ing'kwè-nåte v.a. to pollute, to Insensibleness, in-sên'sè-bl-nës s. absence Inquination, Ing-kwè-nà’shün s. corruption, of perception, inability to perceive pollution Insensibly, in-sen'sè-blé ad. imperceptibly Inquire, in-kwire' v. n. to ask questions, Insentient, in-sên'shè-ênt, a. not having per

to make search



Inquirer, in-kwl'rår s. searcher, examiner Inseparability, in-sep-pâr-â-bil'è-tè Inquiry, in-kwi'rè s. interrogation Inseparableness, in-seppan-betes.the Inquisition, ing-kwè-zish'in s. judicial in- quality of being such as cannot be diviquiry; the court established in some ded [not to be parted Countries for the detection of heresy Inseparable, in-sep'pâr-å-bl a. united so as Inquisitive, in-kwiz'e-tiv a. curious, active Inseparably, in-sep'par-â-ble ad. with in

to pry into any thing
Inquisitiveness, iu-kwiz'ze-tiv-nês s.
gence to pry into things hidden
Inquisitor, in-kwiz'zè-tur s. aa officer in
the courts of inquisition

Iarail, în-råle' v. a. to enclose with rails
Inroad, in'ròde s. incursion

dissoluble union

[other things dili-Insert, in-sert' v. a. to place in or among Insertion, in-ser'shan s. the act of placing any thing in or among other matter; the thing inserted


Inservient, in-ser'vè-ênt a. conducive [diable Inshell, in-shel' v. a. to hide in a shell Insanable, in-san'à-bl a. incurable, irreme-Inship, in-ship' v. a. to shut in a ship,to emInsane, in-sane' a. mad, making mad [or precious case Insanity, In-san'é-tè s. the state of being Inshrine,in-shrine' v.a.to enclose in a shrine insane; madness [measure Inside, in'side s. interiour part [wait Insatiable, In-sá'shé-â-bla. greedy beyond Insidiator, in-sid-e-a'tûr s. one who lies in

Fåte, får, fåll, fât-mè, mêt-pine, pin-nỏ, môve,
circumventive, Insomuch, în-so-måtsh' conj. so that, to such
[treacherous manner a degree that
[of examination

Insidious, in-sid'è-ús a. treacherous

Inspector, in-spêk'tår s. a superintendent
Inspersion, in-spêr'shun s. a sprinkling
Insphere, in-sfère' v. a. to place in an orb
or sphere

Insidiously, in-sid'è-as-lè ad. in a sly and Inspect, in-spekt' v. a. to look into by way
Insite, in'site s. inspection.
Inspection, in-spêk'shån s. close survey;
Insignificance,in-sig-nif'fè-kânse s. want of superintendence
meaning; unimportance
Insignificant, In-sig-nif'è-kânt a. wanting
meaning; unimportant
Insignificantly,in-sig-nif'fe-kânt-lè ad.with-
out meaning; without importance Inspiration,in-spè-rå'shûn s.the act of draw-
Insincere, in-sin-sère' a. dissembling, un- ing in the breath; infusion of ideas into
the mind by a superiour power
Insincerity, in-sin-sêr'è-tè s. dissimulation Inspire, In-spire' v. n. to draw in the breath
Insinew, in-sin'nů v. a. to strengthen, to Inspire, in-spire' v. a. to breathe into, to in-
[er to gain favour fuse into the mind


Insinuant, in-sin'nů-ânt a. having the pow-Inspirit, in-spirit v. a. to animate Insinuate, in-sin'nů-åte v.a.to introduce any Inspissate, in-spis'sate v. a. to thicken thing gently; to hint; to infuse Inspissation, in-spis-sà'shůn s. the act of Lasinuate, in-sin'nù-åte v. n. to wheedle, to making any liquid thick [fickleness gain on the affections by gentle degrees Instability, in-stå-bil'è-tè s. inconstancy, Insinuation,in-sin-nu-à'shuns. the power of Instable, in-stà bl a. inconstant, changing pleasing, or stealing upon the affections Install, in-stall' v. a. to invest Insipid, in-sip'pid a. without taste Insipidity,in-se-pid'è-tè Insipidness,in-sip'pid-ness. want of taste Insipidly, in-sip'pid-le ad. without taste Insipience, in-sip'è-ênse s. folly, want of understanding [to persist in

Installation, in-stâl-là'shůn s. the act of giv ing visible possession


Instalment, in-stål'ment s. the act of installing; payment made at different times Instance, in'stânse s. importunity, solicitation; motive, influence [example Insist, in-sist' v. n. to stand or rest upon ;Instance, in'stânse v. n. to give or offer an Insistent, in-sis'tent a. resting upon Instant, in'stant a. pressing, urgent Insitiency, in-sish'è-ên-sè s.exemption from Instant, în'stânt s. the present or current thirst [an instant Insition, In-sish'ån s. the insertion or in-Instantaneous, in-stân-tà'nè-ås a. done in graftment of one branch into another Instantaneously, in-stân-tå'né-ůs-lè ad in Insnare,in-snåre' v. a. to entrap; to inveigle an indivisible point of time Insobriety, in-so-brl'è-tè s. drunkenness Instantly, in'stånt-lè ad. immediately, with Insociable, in-so'shè-â-bl a. averse to con- urgent importunity versation; incapable of connexion [sun Instauration, In-ståw-rå'shun' s. restoration Insolation, in-so-là'shůn s. exposition to the Instead, in-stêd' prep. in room of. There Insolence, in'sò-lênse s. pride exerted in is a corrupt pronunciation of this word, overbearing treatment of others; petu- as if it was written instid. lant contempt [ers, overbearing Insteep, in-stèèp' v. a. to soak, to macerate Insolent, în'sò-lent a. contemptuous of oth- Instep, in'step s. the upper part of the foot Insolently, in'sò-lent-le ad.haughtily,rudely Instigate, in'stè-gate v. a. to urge to ill Insoluble, în-sôl'lù-bl a not to be dissolved Instigation, in-ste-ga'shun s. impulse to in or separated Instigator, in'stè-ga-tår s. inciter to ill Insolvable, in-sôl'vâ-bl a. such as admits of Instill, in-stil' v. a. to infuse by drops no solution; that cannot be paid [debts Instillation, in-stil-là'shůn s. the act of pour Insolvency, in-sôl'vên-sè s. inability to pay ing in by drops; the act of infusing Insolvent, in-sol'vênt a. unable to pav slowly into the mind

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