صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Fåte, får, fåll, fât-mè, mët—pine, pin-nò, môve, Immethodically, ¡m-mè-thôd'è-kâl-lè ad. Impairment, im-pàre'mênt s. diminution, without method injury [ceived by touch Imminence, im'mè-nênse s. immediate or Impalpable, îm-pâl'pâ-bl a. not to be pernear danger [ening Imparadise, im-pârâ-dise v. a. to put into Imminent, im'mè-nênt a.impending,threat- a state resembling paradise [portion Imininution, im-me-nu'shůn s. diminution, Imparity, im-pâr'è-te s. inequality, disprodecrease [ing in Impart,im-pårt' v. a. to grant ; to communiImmission, im-mish'un s. the act of send- Impartial, im-pår shâl a. equitable Immix, im-miks v. a. to mingle [mingled Impartiality,im-par-shè-âl'è-tè s.equitableImmixable,im-miks'â-bl a.impossible to be ness, justice Immobility, im-mo-bil'è-tè s. unmoveable-Impartially, im-pår'shâl-è̟ad, equitably ; ness, want of motion [the due mean without regard to party or interest Immoderate, im-mod'der-ât a. exceeding Impartible, im-part'e-bl a. communicable Immoderately, îm-môd'dér-rât-lè ad. in au Impassable, im-pâs'så-bl a. not to be passed excessive degree [scene; unreasonable Impassioned, im-påsh'shånd a. seized with Immodest, im-môd'dest a. unchaste; ob- passion [fering; vehemence of temper Immodesty, im-môd'dês-tè s. want of mod-Impatience, im-pa shense s. rage under sufesty Impatient, im-på'shent a. not able to enImmolate, im'mò-late v. a. to sacrifice, to dure; furious with pain; ardently desirkill in sacrifice [crificing ous Immolation, im-mo-la'shun s. the act of sa-Impatiently,im-pa'shênt-lead.passionately; Immoment, im-mo'ment a. trifling Impawn, im-påwn' v. a. to pledge [eagerly Immoral, îm-mor'ral a. contrary to hones-Impeach, im-pèètsh' v. a. to accuse by pub ty, dishonest [want of virtue lick authority [chargeable Immorality, im-mo-râl'è-tè s. dishonesty, Impeachable, im-pèètsh'â-bl a. accusable, Immortal,im-mor'tål a.exempt from death, Impeachment,im-pèètsh'ment s.hindrance; [from death publick accusation Immortality, im-mor-tâl'è-tè s. exemption Impearl, im-perl' v. a. to form in resemImmortalize, im-mor'tâl-ize v. a. to make blance of pearls ; to decorate with pearls immortal, to exempt from death Impeccability, im-pêk-kâ-bîl'è-tè s, exemp Immortally, im-môr'tal-è ad. with exemp- tion from sin [possibility of sin tion from death [ced from its place Impeccable, im-pêk'kå-bl a. exempt from Immoveable, im-moov'â-bl a. not to be for- Impede, im-pède' v. a.to hinder, to obstruct Immoveably, im-mỏỏv'â-blè ad. in a state Impediment, îm-pêd'è-mênt s. hindrance, not to be shaken [tion obstruction [ward, to press on Immunity, im-mù'nè-tè s. privilege,exemp- Impel, im-pêl' v. a. to drive on, to urge forImmure, im-mure' v. a. to enclose within Impellent, im-pêl'lênt s.an impulsive power walls, to confine Impend,im-pênd' v.n.to hang over, to press Immusical, im-mù'zè-kâi a. inharmonious nearly Immutability,im-mù-tâ-bîl'è-tè s.exemption Impendent, im-pên'dênt a. hanging over from change, invariableness Impenetrability,im-pên-è-trâ-bil'è-tès.qual Immutable, im-mù'tâ-bl a. unchangeable, ity of not being pierceable; insuscepti invariable bility of intellectual impression Impenetrable, im-pên'è-trâ-bl a. not to be pierced [want of remorse for crimes Impenitence, im-pen'è-tênse s. obduracy Impenitent, im-pên'è-tênt a. obdurate Impenitently, im-pên'è-tênt-lè ad. without repentance [ness Imperate,îm'pè-råte a‚done with conscious

never to die

Immutably, Im-mù'tâ-blè ad. unalterably, unchangeably

Imp, imp s. a son; a puny devil

Imp, imp v. a. to enlarge with any thing
adscititious; to assist

Impact, im-påkt' v. a. to drive close or hard
Impair, im-pare' v. a. to diminish, to injure

nôr, nôt-tùbe, tảb, båll-dil-pỏûnd—thin, THIS.

Imperative, îm-pẻr'râ-tîv a. commanding, Impious, Im'pè-us a. irreligious, profane expressive of command Impiously, im'pè-us-lè ad. profanely, wickImperceptible,im-per-sêp'tè-bla. not to be edly [bleness, determined malice discovered, not to be perceived Implacability, im-pla-ka-bil'è-tè s. inexoraImperceptibleness, Im-per-sep'te-bl-nês s. Implacable, îm-pla'kâ-bl a. not to be pacifithe quality of eluding observation ed, inexorable [to be pacified,inexorably Imperceptibly, im-per-sep'tè-blè ad. in a Implacably,im-pla'kâ-ble ad.with malice not manner not to be perceived Implant, im-plant' v. a. to infix, to insert, to [setting or planting [failure, fault Implantation, im-plân-ta'shun s. the act of Imperfection, Im-pêr-fêk'shẩn s. defect, Implausible, îm-plaw'zè-bl a. not specious Imperfectly, im-per'fêkt-lè ad. not com Implement, im'ple-ment s. tool, instrument pletely, not fully [an emperor or monarch of manufacture [the state of being full Imperial, im-pè'ré-âla, royal; belonging to Impletion, im-plè'shan s. the act of filling; Imperialist, im-pè'rè-âl-ist s. one that be- Implex, im'pleks a. intricate

Imperfect, im-per'fekt a. not complete, de- engraft


longs to an emperor

[haughty Implicate, îm'plè-kåte v. a. to entangle, to Imperious, Im-pe're-us a. commanding; embarrass [entanglement Imperiously, im-pè'rè-ûs-lè ad. with inso-Implication, im-plè-ka'shun s. involution, lence of authority Implicit, im-plisit a. infolded; inferred; Imperiousness, im-pè'rè-ås-nês s. authori- tacitly comprised; entirely obedient ty; arrogance of command Implicitly, im-plis'it-lè ad. by inference Imperishable, im-pêr'rish-å-bla. not to be Implore, im-plore' v. a. to solicit; to ask, to destroyed [according to the persons beg

Impersonal, im-pêr'sûn-âl a. not varied Imply, im-pli' v. a. to comprise

Impersuasible, im-per-swà'zè-bl a. not to be Impoison, im-poè'zn v. a. to corrupt or kill inoved by persuasion with poison

Impertinence,im-pêr'tè-nênse s. folly; trou- Impolite, îm-po-lite' a. unpolished, rude blesomeness, intrusion; trifle Impoliteness, im-pò-llte'nês s. want of poImpertinent, im-pêr'tè-nênt a. intrusive, liteness [creet meddling, foolish [meddler, an intruder Impolitick,im-pôl'è-tik a. imprudent, indisImpertinent, im-pêr'te-nent s. a trifler, a Imponderous, im-pôn'dêr-us a. void of perImpertinently, im-pêr'tè-nent-lè ad. offi- ceptible weight [closeness ciously, intrusively [penetrable Imporosity, im-po-ros'sè-tè s. compactness, Impervious, im-pêr'vè-us a. unpassable, im- Imporous, im-po'rus a. free from pores or Imperviousness,im-pêr'vè-us-nês s.the state vacuities [try from abroad; to infer of not admitting any passage [treaty Import,im-port v. a. to carry into any counImpetrate, im'pè-tråte v. a. to obtain by en-Import, im'port s. importance; any thing Impetuosity, im-pêtsh-u-ôs'è-tè s. violence, imported [quence, moment fury, vehemence [ment, passionate Importance, im-por'tânse s. matter; conseImpetuous, im-pêtsh'u-ůs a. violent; vehe- Important, im-por'tânt a. momentous, Impetuously, im-pêtsh'ù-ůs-lè ad. violently, weighty vehemently [lence, fury Importation, im-por-tå'shûn s. the act or Impetuousness, Im-pêtsh'ů-us-nês s. vio- practice of importing [from abroad Impetus, im'pè-tås s. violent effort Importer, im-port'år s. one that brings in Impiety, Im-pl'è-tè s. irreverence to the Su-Importunacy, im-por'tù-na-se s. the act of preme Being; an act of wickedness importuning [in solicitations Impignorate, im-pig'no-råte v. a. to pawn, Importunate, im-por'tshu-nate a. incessant to pledge [strike against Importunately, im-por'tshù-nât-lè ad. with Impinge, im-pinje' v. n. to fall against, to incessant solicitation Impinguate, Im-ping'gwate v. a. to fatten


Importune, îm nôr-tùne' v. a. to teaze, to

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Fate, far, fall, fất—mè, mét—pine, pin—nỏ, mỏve,

Importunely, im-pôr-tune'lè ad. trouble- Impressible, îm-prẻs'sè-bl a. what may be somely, incessantly [solicitation impressed

to deceive

Importunity, im-pôr-tù'nè-tè s. incessant Impressure, im-prẻsh'ère s. the mark made
Impose, im-pòze' v. a. to lay on; to enjoin; by pressure, the dint
[ligatory on a body Imprint, im-print' v. a. to mark upon any
Imposeable, im-po'zå-bl a. to be laid as ob- substance by pressure; to fix on the
Imposition, im-po-zish'un s. injunction of mind


any thing as a law or duty; cheat, im- Imprison, im-priz'zn v. a. to shut up, to posture Imprisonment, im-prîz'zn-mênt s. confineImpossible, im-pôs'sè-bl a. impracticable ment [hood Impossibility, im-pôs-sè-bîl'è-tè s. imprac-Improbability, im-prob-â-bil'è-tè s. unlikeliImpost, im'post s. a tax, a toll [ticability Improbable, im-prob'å-bl a. unlikely [hood Imposthumate,im-pôs'tshù-måtev.n.to form Improbably,im-prôb'â-blè ad.without likeliImprobate, im'pro-bate v. a. not to approve

an absess


Imposthume, im-pôs'tshume s. a collection Improbation, im-prò-ba'shun s. act of disof purulent matter in a bag or cyst Impostor, im-pôs'tår s. one who cheats Improbity, im-prob'è-tè s. want of honesty Imposture, im-pos'tshure s. cheat Improlificate, im-prò-lif'fè-kåte v. a. to im Impotence, im'po-tense want of pow- pregnate [raneous composition


Impotency, im po-ten-se} er, inability Impromptu, im-prôm'tù s. a short extempoImpotent, im'po-tent a. weak, feeble [er Improper, im-prop'ůr a. unfit Impotently, im'po-tênt-lè ad. without pow-Improperly, im-prop'ür-le ad. unfitly Impound, im-pound' v. a. to inclose as in a Impropriate, im-pro'prè-åte v. a. to convert pound, to shut in [impossibility to private use Impracticability, im-pråk-tè-kâ-bil'è-tè s. Impropriation, îm-prò-prè-à'shån s. an ecImpracticable, im-pråk'tè-kå-bl a. impos- clesiastical benefice, or church lands, in [impossibility the occupation of a layman Impracticableness, im-pråk'tè-ka-bl-nês s. Impropriator, im-prò-pré-à'tår s. a layman Imprecate, im'pré-kåte v. a. to call for evil that has the possession of the lands of Imprecation, im-prè-ka'shun s.curse, pray- the church er by which any evil is wished Imprecatory, im prè-kå-tûr-è a. containing wishes of evil



Impropriety, im-prò-pri'e-te s. unfitness Improsperous, im-pros'pur-ús a. unhappy Improsperously, im-pros'pår-ås-le ad. unImpregn, im-prène' v. a. to fill with young happily, unsuccessfully, with ill fortune Impregnable, im-preg'nâ-bl a. not to be Improvable, im-proỏ'vâ-bla. capable of be stormed; unmoved ing advanced [to better Impregnably, im-prẻg'nâ-blè ad. in an im- Improve, im-proov' v. a. to raise from good pregnable manner prolifick; to fill Improve, im-proov' v. n. to advance in goodImpregnate, im-prèg'nåte v. a. to make [act of improving Impregnation, im-preg-na'shun s. the act Improvement, im-proov'mênt s.melioration, of making prolifick fecundation [tial Improvidence, im-prov'è-dense s. want of nprejudicate,im-pré-joo'dè-kate a. impar- orethought [forecast Impreparation, im-prep-â-rà ́shůn s. want Improvident, im-prov'è-dênt a. wanting of preparation [to force into service Improvidently, im-prov'è-dênt-lè ad. withImpress,im-prês' v. a. to print by pressure; out forethought Impress, im'prês s. stamp; act of forcing Imprudence, im-proo'dense s. indiscretion into service Imprudent, im-proô'dênt a. injudicious, inImpression, im-prêsh'un s. mark made by discreet [immodesty pressure, image fixed in the mind; in-Impudence, im'pu-dense s. shamelessness, fluence; edition Impudent, im'pù-dênt a. shameless

void of life,

nôr, nôt-tůbe, tåb, båll-811-pôûnd-thin, THIS. Impudently, im'på-dênt-lè ad. shamelessly Inane, in-nane' a. empty, void Impugn, im-pune' v. a. to attack; to assault Inanimate, in-ân'è-måte a. Impugner, im-pu'når s. one that attacks or without animation invades [weakness Inanition, in-a-nish'un s. emptiness of body Impuissance, Im-på-is'sânse s. impotence ; Inanity, in-ân'è-tè s. emptiness Impulse, im'pålse s. communicated force; Inappetency, in-âp'pè-tén-se s. want of ap[petite influence upon the mind [of impulse Inapplicable, in-ap'plè-kâ-bl a. not to be Impulsive, im-půl'siv a. having the power put to a peculiar use Impunity, im-pu'nè-tè s. freedom from pun- Inapplication, în-âp-plè-ka'shůn s. indo-ishment lence, negligence Impure,im-pure' a.unholy; feculent,drossy Inaptitude, in-p'tè-tude s. unfitness Impurely, im-pure'lè ad. with impurity Inarticulate, in-år-tik't-låte a. not uttered Impurity, im-pu'rè-tè s. want of holiness; with distinctness act of unchastity; feculent admixture [distinctly Impurple, im-pår'pl v. a. to make red Imputable, im-pu'tâ-bl a. chargeable upon art any one, accusable [being imputable Inartificially, In-år-tè-fish'âl-è ad. without Imputableness, im-pu'tâ-bl-nês s. quality of Inattention, in-ât-ten'shûn s. disregard, Imputation, im-pu-tà'shûn s. censure; re- negligence, neglect

Inarticulately, in-år-tik'ku-låte-lè ad. not
Inartificial, in-år té-fîsh'âl a. contrary to



[ing imputed Inattentive, in-ât-tên'tiv a. careless, negliInaudible, in-aw dè-bl a. not to be heard Inaugurate, in-åw'gù-råte v. a. to conse

flection Imputative, im-pu'tâ-tiv a. capable of beImpute, im-pute' v. a. to attribute In, in prep. noting place, state, time, power, or proportion

In, in ad. within some place; engaged to any affair, placed in some state Inability, in-a-bil'è-te s. impotence Inaccessible, in-åk-sês'sè-bla. not to be proached

crate, to invest [ture by solemn rites Inauguration, in-aw-gu-rà'shan s. investiInauration, in-aw-ra'shun s. the act of gilding with gold

Inauspicious, in-åw-spish's a. unlucky ap-Inborn, n'born a. implanted by nature Inbred, in'bred a. produced within Inaccuracy,in-âk'ků-râ-sè s.want of exact-Incage, in-kådje' v. a. to confine in a nar



[accurate row space exact, not Incalculable, în-kál'ku-la-bl a. not to be calIncalescence, in-ka-les'sense

Inaccurate, în-âk'ku-råte a. not
Inaction, In-âk'shun s. idleness
Inactive, in-âk'tiv a. indolent
Inactively, in-âk'tiv-lè ad. idly, sluggishly
Inactivity, in-âk-tiv'è-tè s. idleness
Inadequacy, in-âd'è-kwa-sè s. the state of
being unequal to some purpose

Incalescency, în-kå-lês'sên-se} 8. the state
of growing warm, warmth
Incantation, In-kân-tà'shûn s. enchantment
Incantatory, In-kân'tå-tûr-è a. dealing by


Inadequate, in-âd'è-kwåte a. not equal to Incanton, in-kân'tun v. a. to unite to a can

the purpose, defective


Inadequately, in-âd'è-kwate-lè ad. defec-
Inadvertence, in-âd-vér'tense
Inadvertency, in-ad-ver'tên-se. care-
lessness, negligence

Inadvertent, in-âd-ver'tênt a. careless

Incapability, in-ka-på-bil'è-tè s. inability natural, disqualification legal [fied Incapable, in-ka'på-bl a. unable; disqualiIncapacious, in-kå-på'shas a. narrow Incapacitate, in-kâ-pâs'sè-tåte v. a. to disa ble, to weaken

Inadvertently,in-âd-vêr'tênt-lè ad. careless-Incapacity, in-kâ-pâs'sè-tè 8. inability ly, negligently [be alienated Incarcerate, în-kår'sè-råte v. a. to imprison Inalienable, in-ale'yên-a-bl a. that cannot Incarceration,in-kår-sè-rå'shûn s. imprison. Inalimental, in-âl-&-mên'tâl a. affording no ment, confinement


'Incarn, In-kårn' v. a. to cover with flesh

Fåte, får, fåll, fåt—mẻ, mêt—pine, pîn—nỏ, môve,
Incision, în-sîzh ́ủn s, a cut

Incarn, in-karn' v. n. to breed flesh


Incarnate, in-kår nåte part. a. clothed with Incisive, in-si'siv a. having the quality of flesh, embodied with flesh [suming body cutting or dividing Incarnation, in-kår-na'shan s. the act of as-Incisor, in-si'sor s. cutter, tooth Incase, în-kase' v. a. to cover [gent Incisure, in-sizh'ure s. a cut, an aperture lucautious, în-kaw'shûs a. unwary, negli-Incitation, in-sè-tà'shûn s. incentive, motive Incautiously, in-kâw'shûs-lè ad. unwarily, Incite, in-site' v. a. to stir up heedlessly [tious Incitement, in-site'mênt s. motive, impulse Incendious, in-sen'de-ûs a. rebellious, fac-Incivility,în-sè-vîl'lė-tè s. want of courtesy, Incendiary, In-sên'dé-à-rẻ s. one who sets rudeness [harshness houses or towns on fire; one who in- Inclemency, in-klêm'mên-sẻ s. cruelty, flames faction Inclement,in-klem'ment a.unmerciful,harsh Incense, in'sease s. perfumes exhaled by Inclinable, în-kll'nä-bla. willing fire in honour of some god [cense Inclination, In-klè-nå'shûn. tendency toIncense, in'sense r. n. to perfume with in- wards any point; affection Incense, in-sense' v. a. to inflame with au-Incline, în-kline' v. n. to bend; to be fa[which incense is burnt vourably disposed to, to feel desire beIncensory, in'sên-sur-è s. the vessel in ginning [to bend, to incurvate Incentive, in-sentiv s. incitement [ging incline, în-kline' v. a. to give a direction; Incentive, in-sent'iv inciting, encoura-Inclip, în-klip' r. a. to grasp, to enclose Inception, in-sep shûn s. beginning Incloister, in-klöis'tår v. a. to shut up in a Inceptive, in-septiv a. noting a beginning cloister [scure Lacertitude, in-sêr'tè-tàde s. uncertainty, Incloud, in-kloud' v. a. to darken, to obdoubtfulness [tinual Include, in-klude' v. a. to enclose; to comfacessant, in-sus'sant a. unintermitted, con-Inclusive, in-klu'siv a. enclosing lacessantly, in-ses'sant-le ad. without inter-Inclusively, in-klu'siv-lè ad. the thing menmission, continually [junction of persons tioned, reckoned into the account Incest, lu'sêst sunnatural and criminal con- Incoagulable, în-kò-åg'gù-lå-bl a. incapable Incestuous, In-s33'tshå-ås a. guilty of incest Incestuously, in-sés'tshu-us-lè ad, with un- Incoexistence, în-kò-ég-zis'tenses. the qualnatural love [nice point of time ity of not existing together Iach, insh s. the twelfth part of a foot; a Incog, In-kog' ad. unknown, in private Inch, Insh v. a. to drive or deal by inches; Incogitancy, în-kôd'jè-tân-sẻ & want of to give sparingly [power of thought Inchmeal, insh mele s. a piece an inch long Incogitative, în-kôd'jè-tâ-tiv a. wanting the Inchoate, ing'ko-åte v. a. to begin, to com- Incognitio, în-kōg'nė-tỏ ad. in a state of


Inchoation, Ing-ko-a'shûn s. beginning. Incidence, in'sè-dense s. accident, hap, casualty

of concretion




Incoherence, in-ko-he'rênse s. want of
Incoherency, in-ko-he'rên-sé

connexion,incongruity [without cohesion
Incident, in'sè-dênt a. casual, fortuitous Incoherent, in-ko-hè'rent a. inconsistent;
Incident, in'sè-dent s. casualty, an event Incoherently, in-kò-hè'rênt-lè ad. inconsist-
Incidental, in-sè-dén'tâl a. casual, happen- ently [the quality of resisting fire
ing by chance
Incombustibility, in-kom-bås-tè-bil'è-tè s
Incidently, i.'se-dent-lè ad. occasionally,by Incombustible, în-kôm-bûs'tè-bl a. not to be
Incinerate,in-sin'ner-åtev.a.to burn to ashes consumed by fire

[the by


Incineration, in-sin-nêr-ra'shûn s. act of Income, in'kům s. revenue, produce of any burning to ashes [want of caution Incommensurable, în-kôm-mên'shù-râ-bl a Incircumspection, in-ser-kum-spêk'shûn s. not to be reduced to any measure com Incised, in-sizd' a. cut, made by cutting mon to both

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