صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Fate, far, fall, fåt—mẻ, mét—pine, ph-né, môve,

taste; smell, odour [palate; odorous Flavourous, flaʼvùn-ús a. delightful to the Flaw, flaw s. a crack or breach; a defect Flaw, flaw v. a. to break, to crack

be bent; obsequiousness; compliance ductility

Flexile, fiêk'sîl a. pliant, easily bent, obsequious to any power or impulse

Flawless, flåw'lės a. without cracks, with- Flexion, flêk ́shûn s. a bending out defects

Flexuous, flek ́shů-ûs a. winding

Flax, flåks s. the fibrous plant of which the Flexure, flêk'shùre s. the act of bending;

finest thread is made

Flaxen, flâk'sn a. made of flax; fair

Flay, flà v. a. to strip off the skin
Flea, flè s. a small insect

the part bent, the joint [wings Flicker, flik'ür v. a. to flutter, to play the Flier, fll'ur s. that part of a machine which, by being put into a more rapid motion than the other parts, equalizes and regulates the motion of the rest

Flight, fllte s. the act of flying or running from danger; a flock of birds; heat of imagination

Flea, flè v. a. to clean from fleas Fleabitten, flè'bit-tn a. stung by fleas Fleak, fleke s. a small lock, thread, or twist Fleam, flèmes, an instrument used to bleed cattle [strokes or touches Flecker, flêk'år v. a. to spot, to mark with Flighty, fll'tè a. fleeting, swift, wild Fledge, flêdje v. a. to furnish with wings, Flimsy, flim'zè a. weak, feeble, mean to supply with feathers [ger Flinch, flinsh v. n. to shrink from any sufFlee, fièè v. n. pret. fled. to run from dan- fering or undertaking Fleece, flèèse s. as much wool as is shorn from one sheep


Fleece, flèèse v. a. to clip the fleece of
sheep; to strip, to plunder
Fleeced, flèèst a. having fleeces of wool
Fleecy, flèè'sè a. covered with wool
Fleer, fleèr r. n. to mock, to gibe; to grin
Fleer, flèèr s. mockery; a deceitful grin
of civility

[in any matter Flincher, flinsh'år s. he who shrinks or fails Fling, filing v. a. pret. flung, part. fung. to cast from the hand, to throw ; to dart Fling, fling v. n. to flounce, to wince; to grow unruly [temptuous remark Fling,fing s. a throw, a cast; a gibe,a conFlint, flint s. a kind of stone used in firelocks; any thing proverbially hard Flinty, flint'è a. made of flint; inexorable Fleet, fièet's. a company of ships, a navy Flip, flip s. a liquor made by mixing beer Fleet, flèèt a. swift, nimble, active with spirits and sugar [quacity Fleet, fèét v. n. to fly swiftly; to be in a Flippancy, flip'pân-se s. talkativeness, letransient state [time away lightly Flippant,flip'pånt a. nimble ; pert, talkative Fleet, fèèt r. a. to skim the water; to pass Flippantly,flip'pant-le ad.in a flowing.pratFleetly, flèèt'le ad. swiftly, nimbly, with ing way [quick elastick motion swift pace [celerity Flirt, flirt v. a. to throw any thing with a Fleetness, ficèt'nes s. swiftness, nimbleness, Flirt, flårt v. n. to jeer Flesh, flesh s. the body distinguished from Flirt,flårt s.a quick elastick motion ; a sudthe soul; animal food; anímal nature; den trick; a pert hussy corporal appetites Fleshcolour, flesh-kal'år s. the Fleshliness, flesh'lè-nės s. carnal or appetites

[flesh Flirtation, flür-tà'shản s. a quick sprightly colour of motion; coquetry passions Flit, flit v. n. to fly away; to flutter [cured [mal Flitch, flitsh s. the side of a hog salted and ani-Flitting, flitting s. an offence, a fault

Fleshly, flêsh'lè a. corporeal; carnal;
Fleshmeat, flesh'mète s. animal food
Fleshy, flesh'è a. plump, full of flesh
Flexibility, fleks-e-bil'è-tè s. pliancy
Flexible, flêks'e-bl a. pliant; complying;
ductile, manageable

Flexibleness, fleks'è-bl-nês s. possibility to

Flix, fliks s. down, fur, soft hair [the water
Float, flote v. n. to swim on the surface of
Float, flote s. any body so contrived as to

swim on the water; the cork or quill by
which the angler discovers the bite
Flock, flok s. a company of birds or beasts

nôr, nôt-tube, tåb, båll—¿il—pỏând—thin, THiS.

Flock,flok v. n. to gather in crowds or large Flout, flỏåt v. n. to practise mockery, to numbers

Flog, flog. a. to lash, to whip
Flood, flåd s. a body of water; a deluge,
an inundation; flow
Flood, flåd v. a. to deluge, to cover with wa-
Floodgate, flåd gåte s. a gate by which the
watercourse is closed or opened at pleas-

behave with contempt Flout, fidût s. a mock, an insult Flow, flò v. n. to run or spread as water; to melt; to issue; to glide smoothly; to hang loose and waving Flow, flo s. the rise of water; a sudden plenty or abundance; a stream of diction Flower, flöû'år s. the blossom of a plant; an ornament; the prime part Flower, flöû'år v. n. to be in the flower; to be in the prime, to flourish; to mantle Floor, flore v. a. to cover the bottom with a Flower, flðû ́år v. a. to adorn with fictitious Flooring, flo'ring s. bottom, floor


Flook, flöök s. the broad part of an anchor
Floor, flore s. the pavement; a story, a
flight of rooms

Flop, flop v. a. to clap the wings

or imitated flowers

[ers Floweret, flod'ûr-et s. a small flower Floral,flò'rål a. relating to Flora or to flow- Flowery, flöû'år-è a. full of flowers,adorn Floret, flo'rêt s. a small imperfect flower ed with flowers real or fictitious Florid, flor id a. flushed with red; embel-Flowingly, flò'ing-lè ad. with volubility, lished, splendid with abundance [escaped Floridity, florid'è-tè s. freshness of colour Flown,flone part.of Fly or Flee. gone away, Floridness, florid-nês s. freshness of co-Fluctuant, flåk'tshå-ånt a. wavering, unlour; embellishment [flowers certain Flowriferous, flo-rîf'fè-râs a. productive of Fluctuate, flük'tshů-åte v. n. to float backFlorin, flor'in s. a coin first made by the ward and forward; to be in an uncertain Florentines state, to be irresolute [indetermination Florist, florist s. a cultivator of flowers Fluctuation,flåk-tshủ-ä'shån s.uncertainty, Flosculous, flôs'ků-lûs a. composed of flow-Flue, flu s. a small pipe or chimney to con


Flounce, floůnse v. n. to move with violence in the water or mire; to move with passionate agitation

ble, not solid

[that flows Fluid, fluid s. an animal juice; any thing Fluidity, flu-ld'è-tè s. the quality in bodies opposite to solidity

Flummery, flum'år-è s. a kind of food made

vey air; soft down or fur Fluency, flà'ên-sè s. the quality of flowing, smoothness,copiousness, volubility [luble Fluent, fluent a.liquid,flowing,copious, voFlounce, floûnse s. any thing sewed to the Fluid, flu'ld a. having parts easily separagarment, and hanging loose, so as to swell and shake; a furbelow Flounder, flöûn'dår s. a small flat fish Flounder, floün'dår v. n. to struggle with violent and irregular motions Flour, floår s. the edible part of corn, or any grain reducible to powder Flourish, flür'rish v. n. to be in vigour; not to fade; to use florid language; to boast; to play some prelude Flourish, flår'rish v. a. to adorn with vegetable beauty; to adorn with figures of needlework; to move any thing in quick circles or vibrations; to adorn with embellishments of language Flourish, far'rish s. bravery, beauty; an

ostentatious embellishment Flout, flöåt v. a. to mock, to insult

by coagulation of wheat flour or oatmeal
Flung, fling part. and pret. of fling
Fluor, flu'or s. a fluid state, catamenia
Flurry, flur're s. a hasty blast, hurry
Flush, flush v. n. to flow with violence, to
come in haste

Flush, flush v. a. to colour, to redden; to
Flush, flåsh a. fresh, full of vigour; a-
[cards all of a sort
Flush, flash-s.sudden impulse, violent flow;
Fluster, flås'tår v. a. to make hot and rosy
with drinking

Flute, flate v. a. to cut columns into hollows

Fate, får, fåll, fât-mẻ, met-pine, pin-nò, môve,

Flutter, fiot'tår v. n. to take short flights Fold, fold s. a pen for sheep

with great agitation of the wings; to Fold, föld v. a. to shut sheep in the fold; to move irregularly [to hurry the mind double, to complicate [minæ or leaves Flutter, flat tür v. a. to drive in disorder; Foliaceous, fo-le-a'shus a. consisting of laFlutter, flut'tår s. disorder of mind, confu- Foliage, fò'lè-adje s. leaves, tufts of leaves sion [tery Foliate, fò'lè-åte v. a. to beat into lamina Flux, flüks s. the act of flowing; dysen- or leaves Flux, fluks v. a. to melt, to salivate, to eva- Foliation, fò-lè-å'shan s. the act of beating cuate by spitting [matter that flows into thin leaves; the flower of a plant Fluxion, flåk'shun s. the act of flowing, the Folio, fò'lè-ò s. a large book, of which the Fly, fl v. n. pret. flew or fled; part. fled or pages are formed by a sheet of paper Hown. to move with wings; to pass once doubled

through the air; to pass away; to burst Folk, foke s. people, nations, mankind asunder; to run away [quit by flight Follow, fôl'lo v. a. to go after; to attend as Fly, fll v. a. to shun, to avoid, to decline; to a dependant; to pursue; to be conseFly, fll s.a small winged insect; that part of quential; to imitate

a machine which, being put into a quick motion, regulate the rest [with maggots Flyblow,fll'bio v. a. to taint with flies,to fill Foal, fole s. the offspring of a mare, or other beast of burden

Foal, fole v. a. to bring forth a foar
Foam, fomne s. the white substance which
gathers on the top of liquors, froth, spume
Foam, fome r. n. to froth, to gather foam;
to be in rage

Foamy, fo'me a. covered with foam, frothy
Fob, fôb s. a small pocket

Follower, föl'lò-år s. one who comes after
another; a dependant; an associate;
an imitator

Folly, fól'lès. want of understanding
criminal weakness, depravity of mind
Foment, fo-ment' v. a. to cherish with heat;
to bathe with warm lotions; to encour-
Fomentation, fò-mêm-tà'shån s. a lotion

prepared to foment the parts [supporter Fomenter, fo-men'tår s. an encourager, a Fond, fond a. foolish, silly; foolishly tender Fondle, fôn'dl r. a. to treat with great indulgence

Fondler, fön'dl-år s. one who fondles Fondling, fon'dl-ing s. one regarded with great affection

Fob, fob v. a. to cheat, to trick, to defraud
Focal, fo'kal a. belonging to the focus
Focus, fokus s. the point where the rays
are collected by a burning glass
Fodder, föd'dår s. dry food for cattle
Fodder, fôd'dår v. a. to feed with dry food Fondly, fond'lè ad. foolishly; with extreme
Foe, fo s. an enemy in war; an opponent tenderness
[unreasonable liking
cetus, fè'tus s. the child in the womb after Fondness,fond'nês s.foolishness, weakness,
it is perfectly formed
Font, font s. a baptismal vessel
Fog, fog s. a thick mist; after-grass [ily Food, food s. victuals, provisions
Foggily, fog'ge-lè ad. mistly, darkly, cloud-Foodful, föôd'fål a. fruitful, full of food
Fogginess, fog'gè-nês s. the state of being Fool, fool s. an ideot; a buffoon
dark or misty, mistiness
Fool, fool v. n. to trifle, to play

Foggy, fog'gè a. misty, cloudy [rence Fool, foôl v. a. to treat with contempt;
Foh, foh! int. an interjection of abhor- to infatuate
Foible, foè'bl s. a weak side, a blind side Foolery, föôl'år-è s. habitual folly; trifling
Foil, foil v. at to put to the worst, to defeat Foolhardiness, fôôl-hår'dè-nês s. mad rash-
Foil, föll s. a defeat; something of anoth-


[rous er colour near which jewels are set to Foolhardy, fôôl-hår'dè a. madly adventuraise their lustre; a blunt sword used Foolish, foolish a. void of understanding, in fencing Foist, fölst v. a. to insert by forgery


weak of intellect Foolishly, fool'ish-lè ad. weakly, without

når, nôt-tåbe, tåb, båll-dil-påånd-thin, THIS.

Foolishness, foolish-nes s. folly, want of Forbid, för-bid' v. a. pret. forbade; part. understanding forbidden or forbid. to prohibit; to opFoot, fåt s. the part upon which we stand; pose, to hinder [horrence the base; infantry; a certain number Forbidding, för-bid'ding part. a. raising abf syllables constituting a distinct part Force, forse s. strength, vigour, might; of a verse; a measure containing twelve inches

violence; efficacy; validness; armament, warlike preparation; destiny, fatal compulsion

Foot, fût v. n. to dance, to trip; to walk Foot, fut v. a. to spurn, to kick; to tread Force, forse v. a. to compel; to overpow Football,fåt båll s. a ball driven by the foot er; to impel; to drive by violence or Footboy, füt'boè s. a low menial, an attendpower; to storm, to take or enter by vioant in livery lence; to extort [edly Footing, futting s. ground for the foot; Forcedly, for'séd-lè ad. violently, constrainfoundation, support; entrance, begin-Forceful, förse'fül a. violent, strong, impetning, state, condition, settlement [livery uous [uously Footman, fåt man s. a low menial servant in Forcefully, forse'fül-lè ad. violently, impetFootpad, fåt påd s. one that robs on foot Forceless, forse'lês a. without force, feeble Footpath, fût påth s. a narrow way which Forceps, för'sẻps s. an instrument in chiwill not admit horses [left by the foot rurgery to extract any thing out of Footstep, füt'step s. trace, track, impression Footstool, fåt'ståôl s. stool on which he that sits places his feet



Forcer,före'sûr s.that which forces, drives, or constrains

Fop, fop s. a coxcomb, one fond of dress Forcible, före'sé-bl a. strong,violent,efficaFopling, fop'ling s. a little fop cious, prevalent, valid Foppery, fop'ar-è s. folly, impertinence Forcibleness, fore'sè-bl-nês s. force,violence affectation of show or importance Forcibly, fore'sè-blè ad. strongly, impetuFoppish, fop'pish a. foolish, idle, vain ously, by force Foppishly, fop'pish-lè ad. vainly, ostenta-Ford, ford s. a shallow part of a river tiously [vanity Ford, ford v. a. to pass without swimming Foppishness, fop'pish-nês s. vanity, showy Fordable, förd'å-bl a. passable without For, för prep. because of; with respect to; Fore, fore a. anteriour [swimming considered as, in the place of; for the Forearm, fòre-årm' v. a. to provide for an sake of; in comparative respect attack or resistance before the time of For, for conj. because, on this account, for need as much,in regard that,in consideration of Forage, för'aje v. n. to wander in search of provisions; to ravage, to feed on spoil Forage, for'aje v. a. to plunder, to strip Forage, foraje s. search of provisions, the act of feeding abroad


Forebode, fore-bòde' v. n. to prognosticate, to foretell [trive Forecast, fore kâst' v. a. to scheme, to conForecast, fore-kåst' v. n. to form schemes, to contrive beforehand Forecast, fore'kåst s. contrivance beforeForbear, för-bare' v. n. to cease from any Forecastle, före'kâs-sl s. part of a ship thing, to intermit; to pause, to delay; to where the foremast stands omit voluntarily; to abstain, to restrain Forecited, fore-sl'ted part. quoted before any violence of temper Foreclose, fore-klòze' v. a. to shut up, to preclude

Forbear, för-båre' v. a. to omit voluntarily; to spare, to treat with clemency; to Foredo, fòre-dôỏ' v. a. to ruin, to harass withhold Foredoom, fore-doôm' v. a. to predestinate Forbearance, för-båre'ånse s. command of Forefather, fore-få'THår s. ancestor temper; lenity, delay of punishment, Forefend, fore-fend' v. a. to avert mildness Forego, fore-go' v. a. to quit, to give up

Fate, får, fåll, fât-mè, mêt-pine, pin-nò, môve,

Foreground, före'ground s. the part of the Forestaller, fòre-ståwl'ür s. one that anticifield or expanse of a picture before the pates the market

[soon Forester, fôr'rês-tår s. an officer of the for


figures Forehand, fore'hånd s. a thing done too est Forehead, for hêd s. that part of the face Foretaste, fore-taste' v. a. to have antepast which reaches from the eyes upwards to Foretaste, före taste s. anticipation of the hair; impudence Foretell,fore-tel' v.a.to predict, to prophesy Foreign, för'in a. not domestick; alien Foreteller, fore-têl'lur s. predicter Foreigner, for'rin-år s. a man that comes Forethink, fore-think' v. a. to anticipate in from another country the mind [cipation; provident care Foreignness, fôr'rin-nes s. remoteness Forethought, fore'thawt s. prescience, antiForejudge, fore-jâdje' v. a. to judge before-Foretoken, fore-to'kn v. a. to foreshow, to [of, to foresee prognosticate


[prognostick Foreknow, fore-nd' v. a. to have prescience Foretoken, fore-to'kn s. prevenient sign, Foreknowledge, före-nôl'idje s. prescience, Foretop,fore tops.the front of a peruke,&c. knowledge of that which has not yet Forewarn, fore-wårn' v. a. to admonish be happened [land forehand; to caution [hand Foreland, fore'lând s. a promontory, head-Forewish, fore-wish' v. a. to desire beforeForelay, fore-là' v. a. to lay wait for, to en- Forfeit, för fit s. something lost by the comtrap [from the forepart of the head mission of a crime, a fine Forelock, fore'lok s. the hair that grows Forfeit, för fit v. a. to lose by some offence Foreman, fore'mân s. the chief person on a or breach of condition [alienated jury; the first servant in a shop Forfeit, for'fit a. liable to penal seizure, Forementioned, fore-men'shånd a. men- Forfeitable, för'fit-å-bl a. possessed on tioned or recited before conditions [ing; the thing forfeited Foremost, fore'most a. in the first place Forfeiture, för fit-yure s. the act of forfeit Forenamed,fore-nàmd' a. nominated before Forge, förje s. the place where iron is beatForenoon, fore'nôôn s. the time of day be- en into form [to counterfeit, to falsify fore noon [of judicature Forge, forje v. a. to form by the hammer; Forensick, fo-ren's?k a. belonging to courts Forger,fòre'jår s. one who makes or forms; Foreordain, fore-or-dåne' v. a. to predestinate, to preordain

Forerank, före'rångk s. first rank, front
Forerecited, fore-rè-si'têd a. mentioned be-
Forerun, fore-run' v. a. to precede [fore
Forerunner, fore-rån'når s. a messenger
sent before; a prognostick
Foresay, fore-så' v. a. to predict
Foresee, fore-sèè' v. a. to see beforehand
Foreship, fore'ship s. the anteriour part of
the ship
[the forepart
Foreshorten, före-shỏr'tn v. a, to shorten
Foreshow, fore-sho' v. a. to represent be-
fore it comes

Foresight, fore'site s. foreknowledge
Foreskin, fore'skin s. the prepuce

one who counterfeits [tion; smith's work Forgery, fore'jur-è s. the crime of falsificaForget, for-get' v. a. pret. forgot; part. forgotten or forgot. to lose memory of Forgetful, för-get'fül a. oblivious, negligent Forgetfulness, för-get 'fül-nês s. oblivion, loss of memory

Forgive, för-giv' v. a. pret. forgave ; part.
pass. forgiven, to pardon; to remit
Forgiveness, för-giv'nês s. the act of for-
giving, pardon
Forgot, för-gôt' part. pass. of forget.
Forgotten, för-got'tn not remembered
Fork, förk s. an instrument divided at the
end into two or more points or prongs
Fork, fork v. n. to shoot into blades

Forest, for'rêst s. a wild uncultivated tract Forked, för'kêd of ground, with wood

Forky, for ke

a. opening into two parts

Forestall, fore-ståwl' v. a. fo anticipate, to Forlorn, för-lörn' a. deserted, forsaken Forlornness, för-lörn'nês s. misery,solitude

take up beforehand

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