صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Fåte, får, fåll, fåt—mè, mẻt—pine, pîn—nò, môve,

Equality, è-kwôl'è-te s. the same degree of Equivalent, e-kwiv’vå-lånt s. a thing of the dignity; uniformity [evenly same weight or value [doubtful Equally, è'kwâl-lè ad. in the same degree; Equivocal,, è-kwiv'vó-kål a. uncertain, Equanimity, è-kwâ-nîm'è-tè s. evenness of Equivocally, è-kwiv'vò-kål-è ad. ambigu[to an equality ously, in a doubtful sense Equation, è-kwa'shûn s. a bringing of things Equivocalness, è-kwiv’vó-kâl-nẻs s. ambiEquator, è-kwa'tår s. a great circle, which guity, double meaning divides the globe into two equal parts, or Equivocate, è-kwiv'vò-kåte v. n. to use am hemispheres [the equator biguous expressions Equatorial, e-kwa-tò'rẻ-ål a. pertaining to Equivocation, e-kwiv-vo-kà'shån s. ambíEquerry, è-kwêr'è s. master of the horse guity of speech, double meaning Equestrian, è-kwês'trè-ân a. appearing on Equivocator, é-kwiv'vò-kå-tůr s. one who horseback; skilled in horsemanship uses ambiguous language Equidistant, é-kwè-dis'tânt a. at the same Era, è'rå s. the account of time from any distance [equality particular date or epoch [radiance Equiformity, è-kwè-fôr'mè-tè s. a uniform Eradiation, è-ra-de-a'shün s. emission of Equilateral, e-kwè-lât'êr-âl a. having all Eradicate, è-râd'è-kåte ». a. to pull up by sides equal [equally the root, to destroy Equilibrate, è-kwè-ll'bråte v. a. to balance Eradication, è-râd-é-ka'shůn s. the act of Equilibrium, è-kwè-lib'rè-ům s. equipoise, tearing up by the root, destruction equality of weight Eradicative, e-râd'è-kâ-tiv a. tending to Equinoctial, è-kwe-nok'shål s. the line that Erase, è-rase' v. a. to destroy


answers to the equator [the equinox Erasement, è-råse'mênt s. destruction; exEquinoctial, e-kwè-nôk'shál a. pertaining to punction

Equinox, è'kwè-noks s. the time when the Ere, are ad. before, sooner than

day and night are equal [the same number Erelong,are-lông' ad.before a long time had Equinumerant, è-kwè-nù'mè-rânt a. having elapsed

Equip, è-kwip' v. a. to furnish, to accoutre, E renow, àre-ndů ad. before this time
to fit out [vehicle; attendance, retinue Erewhile, åre-hwile
Equipage, ek kwè-paje s. carriage of state, Erewhiles, are-hwilz'


ad. some time ago


Equipment, e-kwip'ment s. the act of equip-Erect, è-rêkt' v. a. to place perpendicularly ping or accoutring [equilibration to the horizon; to raise, to build Equipoise,è'kwe-poize s. equality of weight, Erect, è-rekt' v. n. to rise upright 1quipollence, è-kwè-pôl’lễnse s. equality Erect, è-rekt' a. upright; bold of force or power [power or force Erection, è-rêk'shůn s. the act of raising, Equipollent, e-kwè-pollent a. having equal or state of being raised upward; the act Equiponderance, e-kwè-pôn'dêr-ânse of building edifices [ture Equiponderancy, è-kwè-pôn'der-ân-sè Erectness, e-rêkt'nês s. uprightness of posequality of weight [of the same weight Eremite, ér'è-mite s. a hermit Equiponderant, e-kwè-pôn'dêr-ânt a. being Eremitical,êr-è-mît'è-kâl a. religiously soliEquiponderate, è-kwè-pôn'dêr-åte v. n. to tary [ing away by force weigh equal to any thing [partial Ereption, è-rer 'shun s. a snatching or takEquitable, ek'kwè-ta-bl a. just, candid, im- Eringo, è-ring'go s. sea-holly Equitably, ek'kwè-tâ-blè ad. justly, impar-Ermine, er'min s. an animal or its fur tially [trality Ermined, er'mind a. clothed with ermine Equity, ek'kwe-tè s. justice, right; impar-Erode, è-rode' v. a. to canker, or eat away Equivalence, è-kwiv vâ-lense Erogation, ér-rò-gå'shûn s. the act of giv Equivalency, e-kwiv'vâ-lên-sès. equality ing or bestowing of power or worth Equivalent, è-kwiv'vå-lênt a. equal in value

[or excellence Erosion,è-ro'zhans.the act of eating away the state of being eaten away

når, nôt-tåbe, tủb, bûll—¿ll—pỏůnd—thin, тHis.

Err, er v. n. to wander; to miss the right Escheat, ês-tshète' v. n. to fall to the lord way; to commit errours, to mistake Errand, âr'rând s. a message. This Eschew,ês-tshỏỏ' v.a.to fly,to avoid,to shun of the manor by forfeiture word is generally pronounced as it is Escort, és 'kort s. convoy, a guard marked; but might perhaps, without pe- Escort, ês-kört v. a. to convoy, to guard dantry, be more properly pronounced as it is written

Errable, er'rá-bl a. liable to err

from place to place


Escritoir, ês-kru-tòre's. a box with all the Errableness, er'rå-bl-nês s. liableness to err Esculent,ês'ku-lent a. good for food, eatable implements necessary for writing Errant, er'rant a. wandering; vile; aban- Esculent,ês'ku-lênt s. something fit for food doned Escutcheon, ês-kåtsh'in s. the shield of the Errantry, êr'rânt-rẻ s. an errant state Errata, er-ra'tâ s. the faults of the printer family, the picture of the ensigns aror authour inserted in the beginning or Espalier, es-pâl'yer s. trees planted and cut [so as to join end of the book Erratick, êr-rât'ik a. wandering, irregular Especially, e-spêsh'âl-lè ad. principally, Especial, è-spêsh'âl a. principal, chief Erroneous, êr-rò ́nè-ûs a. mistaking, misled Espial, è-spl'âl s. a spy, a scout by errour [not rightly Espousal, è-spôû'zâl a. used in the act of [chiefly Erroneously, ér-rò'nè-us-lè ad. by mistake, Erroneousness, er-rò'nè-us-nês s. physical Espousals,e-spôù'zâls s. the act of contractespousing or betrothing falsehood, inconformity to truth ing or affiancing a man and woman to each other [troth to another

Errour, er'rår s. mistake, a blunder

Erst, erst ad. first; in the beginning; once, Espouse, è-spôûze' v. a. to contract or bewhen time was Espy, è-spl' v. a. to see a thing at a distance act of Esquire, e-skwire' s. a title of dignity, next growing in degree below a knight [stomach Essay, es-sa' v. a. to attempt, to try

Erubescence, êr-ru-bês'sense



performance; an irregular indigested piece, an easy, free kind of composition Essayist, es-sa ist s. one who makes essays Essence, es'sense s. existence, the quality

Erukt, è-råkt' v. a. to break wind from the Essay, ês'så s. attempt, endeavour; a loose Eructation,e-råk-tà'shûn s.the act of belching; belch Erudite, ér-u-dite' a. learned Erudition, ér-u-dish'un s. learning Eruginous, è-ru'jè-nås a. partaking of the nature of copper

of being; constituent substance; the Essence, és'sense v. a. to perfume, to scent cause of existence; perfume Essential, ês-sên'shâl a. necessary, important in the highest degree, principal; highly rectified

[the walls Essential,ês-sen'shål s. existence; the chief [point Essentially, ês-sên's hâl-lè ad. by the constitution of nature

Eruption, è-rup'shun s. the act of breaking
or bursting forth; emission; efflorescence
Eruptive, e-růp'tiv a. bursting forth
Erysipelas, ér-e-sip'è-lâs s. an eruption of
a hot acrid humour
Escalade, és-ká-låde's. the act of scaling
Escalop, skôl lap s. a shell-fish
Escape, è-skape' v. a. to fly, to avoid
Escape, e-skape' v. n. to get out of danger
Escape, è-skape' s. flight, the act of getting
out of danger; oversight
Eschalot, shal-lot' s. a plant

Essoine, ês-soin' s. an excuse for him that is summoned, or sought for, to appear Establish, e-stab'lish v. a. to settle firmly, to fix unalterably [fixed state; income Establishment,è-stab'lish-ments.settlement, Escheat, és-tshète' s. any thing that falls to Estate, è-state's. condition of life; fortune a lord within his manor by forfeiture, or Esteem, è-stèèm' v. a. to set a value; to the death of his tenant dying without priz; to hold in opinion heir general or special Estee è-stèèm's. high value, reverentia!


Fate, får, fall, fåt—me, met—pine, pin-nỏ, môve,

Estimable, s'tè-må-bl a. worthy of esteem Etymological, êt-è-mò-lôdje'è-kâl a. relaEstimableness,ês'tè-mâ-bl-nes s. worthiness ting to etymology

Estimate, és té-måte v. a. to rate; to adjust Etymologist, êt-e-môl'o-jist s. one who the value of; to calculate searches out the original of words Estimate, és té-måte s. computation, calcu-Etymology, êt-è-môl'ò-jè s. the descent or derivation of words lation; value; regard Estimation, és-tè-ma'shun s. the act of ad- Eucharist, yu'kâ-rist s. the act of giving thanks; the sacrament of the Lord's justing proportioned value; opinion; essupper


Estimator, és té-må-tår s. a setter of rates Eucharistical, yù-kâ-ris'tè-kâl a. relating
to the sacrament of the Lord's supper
Estival,ês'te-vál a.pertaining to the summer
Estrange, é-strånje' v. a. to withdraw; to Eulogium, yù-lò'jè-ům



distance Eulogy, yulo-joj-ům s. praise, encomiEstrangement, e-stranjeʼment s. alienation, Eunuch, yu'nuk s. one that is castrated Estuary, és tshù-å-rè s. an arm of the sea Euphony, yu'fo-ne s. an agreeable sound. Estuate, és'tshù-åte v. a. to swell and fall Euroclydon, yu-rôk'le-dôn s. a tempestuous N. E. wind [rope reciprocally Esurine, êzh'u-rine a. corroding, eating European, yù-rò-pè'ần a. belonging to Eu Etc. êt-sêt'è-râ [&c.] a contraction of the Eurus, yu'rus s. the east wind Latin words Et cætera, which signifies, Euthanasy, yù-thân'â-sè s. an easy death Evacate, é-va'kåte v. a. to empty out, to And so of the rest throw out

[to quit Etch, êtsh v. a. a method used in making of prints, by drawing with a proper needle Evacuate, è-vâk'ů-åte v. a. to make empty; [per-plate Evacuation, è-vâk-ù-à'shůn s. discharge upon a copper-plate Etching, êtsh'ing s. an impression of a cop- the practice of emptying Eternal,e-ter'nål a.without beginning or end Evade, è-vade' v. a. to elude, to avoid Eternal, é-ter'nål s. one of the appellations Evade, è-våde' v. n. to escape, to slip away of the Godhead [nal Evagation, êv-å-gà'shún s. the act of wan


[perceptible Eternalize, é-ter'nâl-lze v. a. to make eter- dering, deviation Eternally, é-têr'nâl-lè ad. without beginning Evanescent, ev-a-nês'sênt a. vanishing, imor end [ginning or end Evangelical, ev-ân-jêl'è-kâl a. agreeable to Eternity, è-ter'nè-tè s. duration without be- gospel [tion of the blessed gospel Eternize,è-ter'nize v.a.to make endless; to Evangelism, e-vân'jè-lizm s. the promulgaimmortalize Evangelist, è-vân'jè-list s. a writer of the Ether, ether s. an element more fine and history of our Lord Jesus [the gospel subtile than air; the matter of the high- Evangelize, è-vân'jè-lize v. a. to instruct in est regions above; a chymical prepara-Evanid, è-vân'îd a. faint, weak Evaporable,é-vap'd-râ-bla.easily dissipated Ethereal, è-the'rè-ål a. formed of ether, in fumes or vapours [fumes or vapours heavenly [rality Evaporate, e-vap'ò-rate v. n. to fly away in Ethical, eth'e-kâl a. moral, treating on mo-Evaporate, è-vâp'ò-rate v. a. to drive away Ethick, ethik a. moral, delivering precepts in fumes; to let out in ebullition or sallies of morality Evaporation, è-vâp-d-rå'shan s. the act of flying away in fumes and vapours Evasion, è-va'zhån s. excuse, subterfuge, artifice [sive; sophistical Etiquette, êt-e-ket' s. the polite form or Evasive, è vå'siv a. practising evasion, elu. manner of doing any thing; the cere-Eve, ève} the close of the day; the viimonial of good manners [er instruments Even, è'vn S gil or fast to be observed Etui êt-we's a ease for tweezers and oth before a holiday

Ethicks, ethikss. a system of morality
Ethnick, êth'nik a. heathen, pagan

Ethnicks, ath'niks s. heathens


når, nôt—tùbe, tåb, büll-dil-pỏånd—thin, THIS.

Even, è vua. level; uniform, smooth Evilminded, è-vl-mind'êd u. malicious, misEven, e'vn v. a. to make even; to make level chievous

Even, è'vn ad. a word of strong assertion, Evilness, è'vl-nês s. contrariety to goodness verily ; supposing that ; notwithstanding Evilspeaking, è-vl-spè'king s. defamation, Evenhanded, è-vn-hån'ded a. impartial,



Evince, è-vinse' v. a. to prove, to show
Evincible, è-vin'sè-bl a. capable of proof,


Evening, e'vn-ings. the close of the day Evenly, é'vn-lè ad. equally; smoothly; impartially Eviscerate, è-vis'sè-råte v. a. to embowel Evenness,e'vn-nês s.uniformity,regularity; Evitable, ev'è-tå-bla. avoidable equality of surface; freedom from per- Evitate, ev'è-tate v. a. to avoid, to shun turbation Evitation,êv-é-tà'shåns.the act of avoiding Eventide, e'vn-tide s. the time of evening Evocation,êy-ò-kå'shûn s. the act of calling Event, é-vent' s. any thing that happens, out the consequence of an action Eventful, e-vent'fül a. full of incidents Eventilate, è-vẻn'tè-låte v. a. to winnow, to sift out; to examine Eventual, e-ven'tshù-ål a. consequential Eventually,è-vẻn'tshù-âl-lè ad. in the event, in the last result

Ever, ev'år ad. at any time, for ever


Evolation, ev-b-là'shån s. the act of flying Evolve, é-vôlv' v. a. to unfold, to disentangle [cloge itself Evolve, è-vôlv' v. n. to open itself, to disEvolution, ev-d-lù'shûn s. the act of unfolding; the series of things unrolled or unfolded [vulging Evulgation, êv-ul-gå'shůn s. the act of diEvergreen, ev'år-grèèn s. a plant that re- Evulsion,è-vůl'shůns.the act of plucking out tains its verdure through all the seasons Ewe, yu's. the she sheep Everlasting,év-år-lås'ting a.enduring with- Ewer, yu'ur s. a vessel in which water is out end, perpetual brought for washing the hands Everlasting, ev-ur-lås'tings. eternity Exacerbate,êgz-âs'êr-båte v. a. to embitter, Everlastingly, ev-år-lås'ting-lè ad. eternal- to exasperate [mented force or severity ly, without end [ty, perpetuity Exacerbation, egz-âs-er-ba'shån s. augEverlastingness, v-ar-lås'ting-nes s.eterni-Exacervation, êgz-ás-ser-va'shan s. the act Everliving,ev-ur-livinga.living without end of heaping up [curate; strict Evermore,ev år-more' ad.always, eternally Exact, egz-åkt' a. nice; methodical; acEvert, e-vert ev. a. to destroy Exact, egz-åkt' v. a. to require authoritaEvery,êv'år-è a. each one of all tively; to demand of right

Everyday, êv'ůr-è-dà a. usual, happening every day

Evesdropper, évz'drôp-pår s.a mean fellow

Exact, egz-âkt' v. n. to practise extortion Exaction, êgz-ák'shån s. extortion, unjust demand

that skulks about the house in the night Exactly, egz-åkt'lè ad. accurately, nicely Evict, é-vikt' v. a. to take away by a sen- Exactness, égz-âkt'nès s. accuracy, nicety tence of law Exaggerate, egz-âdje'è-råte v. a. to heightEvidence, êv'è-dense s. the state of being en by representation evident; testimony; witness [discovery of Exaggeration, êgz-âdje-è-rå'shån s. the Evidence, ev'è-dense v. a. to prove, to make act of heaping together; hyperbolical Evident, eve-dent a. plain, apparent amplification [put in motion Evidently, ev'è-dent-lè ad. apparently Exagitate, égz-âdje'è-tate v. a. to shake, to Evil, &vl a. wicked, corrupt; mischievous Exagitation, egz-adje-è-ta'shûn s. the act Evil, è'vl s. wickedness, mischief; corrup- of shaking [elevate; to extol tion; calamity; a disease [injuriously Exalt, êgz-alt' v. a. to raise on high; to Evil, e'vi ad. not well in whatever respect; Exaltation, egz-ål-tà'shån s. the act of raisEvildoer, é-vl-dỏ ́år s. a malefactor ing on high; elevation in power or dignity



Fåte, får, fåll, fåt-mè, mët—plne, pin-nò, môve, Examen, êgz-a'mên s. examination, disqui- Except, ék-sept' v. a. to leave out [examined Except, êk-sept' v. n. to object, to make Examinate, gz-âm'è-nåte s. the person objections Examination, egz-âm-è-ná'shůn s. the act Except, ek-sept' prep. exclusively of; unof examining by questions, or experiment Excepting, êk-sep'ting prep. without inclu Examine, égz-âm'in v. a. to try a person sion of, with exception of accused or suspected by interrogatories; Exception, êk-sep'shun s. thing excepted; to interrogate a witness; to search into, objection; offence taken [objection to scrutinize Exceptionable, êk-sêp'shån-å-bl a. liable to Examiner, egz-âm'è-nůr s. one who inter- Exceptious, ek-sep'shus a. peevish, froward rogates a criminal on evidence; one who Exceptive, ek-sẻp'tiv a. including an exsearches or tries any thing ception [lecting all exceptions Example, êgz-âm'pl s. a copy or pattern, Exceptless, ek-sêpt'lès a. omitting or negprecedent [blood Exceptor, êk-sẻp'tår s. objector Exanguious, ek-sang'gwè-ûs a. having no Excern, ek-sern v. a. to strain out Exanimate, égz-ân'é-måte a. lifeless, dead; Excerption,êk-serp'shûn s. the act of gleanspiritless [tion of life ing; the thing gleaned [rance Exanimation, êgz-ân-è-ma'shun s. depriva- Excess, ek-ses s. superfluity; intempe Exanimous, égz-ân'é-můs a. lifeless, dead Excessive, êk-sês'siv a. beyond the com Exantlate, egz-ânt låte v. a. to draw out; mon proportion [eminently

to exhaust [drawing out Exantlation, eks-ânt-lå'shûn s. the act of Exasperate, êgz-âs'pêr-åte v. a. to provoke, to enrage, to irritate Exasperation, égz-âs-per-a'shûn s. aggravation, provocation, irritation Excandescence, eks-kân-dês'sense s. heat, the state of growing hot; anger Excantation, eks-kân-tà'shån s. disenchantment by a counter charm [flesh Excarnate, eks-kår'nåte v. a. to clear from Excavate, eks-kå'våte v. a. to hollow, to cut into hollows

Excessively, êk-ses'siv-lè ad. exceedingly;
Exchange, êks-tshånje' v. a. to give and
take reciprocally

Exchange, eks-tshånje' s. barter; the
balance of the money of different na-
tions; the place where merchants meet
to negociate their affairs
Exchequer, êks-tshek'ur s. the court to
which are brought all the revenues be-
longing to the crown
Excise, ek-size' s. a tax levied upon com-
Exciseman, êk-slze'mån s. an officer who
inspects commodities

Excavation, eks-ka-va'shin s.the act of cut- Excision, êk-sizh'un s. extirpation, destructing into hollows; the hollow formed tion [citing or putting into motion Exceed, êk-sèèd' v. a. to go beyond; to Excitation, êk-sè-ta'shun s. the act of exexcel, to surpass [beyond any limits Excite, &k-site' v. a. to rouse, to stir up Exceed, êk-seed' v. n. to go too far; to go Excitement, ek-site'ment s. the motive by Exceeding, êk-sèè'ding part. a. great in which one is stirred up quantity, extent, or duration [degree Exclaim, êks-klame' v. n. to cry out with Exceedingly, êk-séè'ding-lè ad. to a great vehemence, to make an outcry [clamour Excel, ék-sel' v. a. to surpass Exclamation, êks-kla-ma'shůn s. outcry, Excel, ék-sel' v. n. to have good qualities in Exclamatory, eks-klâm'â-tůr-è̟ a. practia great degree sing or containing exclamation Excellence, ek'sêl-lenses. dignity, high Exclude, eks-klùde v. a. to shut out; to Excellency, êkísẻl-lên-sẻ rank; a title except [ting out; exception Exclusion, eks-klu'shan s. the act of shutExclusive, eks-kld'siv a. having the power of excluding, or denying admission ; excepting

of honour

Excellent, ek'sêl-lênt a. of great virtue, or
Excellently, ek'sêl-lẻnt-lè ad. well in a high

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