صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

nor, nôt-tube, tåb, båll-oil-pound-thin, THIS. Emplastick,êm-plås'tik a.viscous, glutinous Enamel, ên-âm'êl v. a. to inlay, to vario Emplead, êm-plède' v. a. to indict, to prefer gate with colours a charge against [work Enamel, en-âm'êl s. any thing enamelled; Employ, êm-ploè' v. a. to busy, to keep at the substance inlaid in other things Employ, êm-ploè' s. business, object of in- Enameller, en-âm'êl-lår s. one that practidustry; publick office ses the art of enamelling [love Employable, êm-plôè'â-bl a. capable to be Enamour, en-am'år v. a. to inflame with used, proper for use [causes to be used Encage, en-kaje' v. a. to coop up, to confine Employer, em-ploè'ur s. one that uses or Encamp, en-kamp' v. n. to pitch tents Employment, em-ploè'mênt s. business, ob- Encamp, ên-kâmp' v. a. to form an army ject of industry; office into a regular camp Empoison, êm-poè'zn v. a. to destroy by poison For in merchandize Emporetick,êm-po-rêt'îk a.used at markets,

Encampment, en-kamp'ment s. the act of encamping; a camp, tents pitched in order


Emporium, êm-pò'rè-ům s. a place of mer- Enchafe, en-tshafe' v. a. to enrage, to irriEnchain, en-tshåne v. a. to fasten with a chain, to bind

chandize, a commercial city

Empoverish, êm-pov'èr-ish v. a. to make
poor, to lessen fertility
Empoverishment, êm-pov'èr-ish-ment s. di-
minution, waste

Enchant, en-tshant' . a. to subdue by charms or spells; to delight in a high [enable degree [sorcerer

Empower, êm-poû'år v. a. to authorize; to Enchanter, en-tshân'tůr s. a magician, a Empress, êm'près s. the queen of an empe- Enchantment, en-tshânt'ment s. magical ror; a female invested with imperial dignity

Emprise, êm-prize' s. attempt of danger
Emptiness, em'tè-nês s. the state of being
empty, a void space, vacuity
Emption, êm'shun s. a purchasing
Empty,êm'tè a. void; unsatisfactory; igno-
rant, vain

charms; irresistible influence Enchantress, en-tshân três s. a sorceress ; a woman whose beauty or excellence gives irresistible influence

Enchase, en-tshàse' v. a. to enclose in any other body so as to be held fast, but not concealed [close in a ring or circle Encircle, ên-ser'kl v. a. to environ, to enEmpty, êm'te v. a. to evacuate, to exhaust Enclitical, en-klit'è-kâl a. relating to enclitEmpurple, êm-pår'pl v. a. to make of a icks purple colour

[aerial Encliticks, en-klit'iks s, particles which Empyreal, êm-pir'è-âl a. refined beyond throw back the accent upon the last sylEmpyrosis, êm-pè-rò'sis s. conflagration, lable of the foregoing word [round general fire Enclose, ên-kloze v. a. to encircle, to surEmulate, êm'u-låte v. a. to rival [test Enclosure, ên-klo'zhůre s. the act of enEmulation, êm-u-la'shun s. rivalry; con- closing; the appropriation of things comEmulative, êm'ù-lâ-tiv a. inclined to emu- mon; space enclosed lation [itor Encomiast, ên-ko'mè-âst s. a panegyrist, a Emulator, êm'a-là-tår s. a rival, a compet-Encomiastical, én-ko-me-ås'te-kål a. panEmulge, é-målje' v. a. to milk out [ing out Encomiastick, en-ko-mè-âs'tik Emulgent, è-mål'jênt a. milking or drain- egyrical, containing or bestowing praise Emulous, ém'à-lås a. rivalling Encomium, en-kò'mě-ům s. panegyrick,


Emulsion, é-mål'shån s. a form of medi- praise, eulogy cine, by bruising oily seeds and kernels Encompass, en-kam'pås v. a. to enclose Emunctories, è-månk'tår-iz s. certain parts Encore, ông-kore' ad. again, once more of the body [for power Encounter, ên-köån'tår s. duel, single fight,

Enable, en-a bl v. a. to make able, to con- battle

Enact, ên-åkt v. a. to establish, to decree Encounter, do-ködn'tår v. a. to meet in a

less duration

ENG Fate, får, fåll, fåt—mè, mêt—pine, pin-nỏ, move, hostile manner, to rush against in con- Endive, ên'div s. an herb, succory flict; to oppose Endless, end'lês a. without end, perpetual Encounter, en-kòûn'tår v. n. to rush to-Endlessly, end'les-lè ad. incessantly, pergether in a hostile manner; to fight; to petually come together by chance Endlessness, end'lês-nês s. perpetuity, endEncourage, en-kůr'ridje v. a. to animate; Endorse, en-dorse' v. a. to register on the to give courage, to embolden back of a writing, to superscribe Encouragement, ên-kůr'ridje-ment s. in-Endorsement, en-dorsement s. superscripcitement, countenance, support tion, writing on the back [tion Encroach, en-krotsh' v. n. to make inva-Endow, en-dou' r. a. to enrich with a porsions upon the right of another; to ad-Endowment, ên-doů'ment s. wealth bestowvance by stealth ed; a sufficient portion for perpetual maintenance; gift of nature

Encroachment, eu-krotsh'mênt s. an unlawful gathering in upon another man ; Endue, ên-du' v. a. to supply with mental advance into the territories or rights of excellencies

another [load, to impede Endurance, en-dù'rânse s. continuance Encumber, en-kům bår v. a. to clog, to Endure, ên-dure' v. a. to bear, to undergo Encumbrance, ên-kům’brânse s. clog, load ; Endure, en-dåre' v. n. to last, to continue; burden upon an estate [cle of sciences to brook

Encyclopedia, en-sl-klò-pè'dè-â s. the cir-Endwise, end'wize ad. erectly, on end End, and s. the extremity of any thing; Enemy, en'è-mè s. a publick foe; a priconclusion; ultimate state; death; abo- vate opponent, an antagonist

lition; intention; final design [destroy Energetick, ên-êr-jêt'ik a. forcible, active, End, end v. a. to terminate, to finish; to vigorous

End, and v. n. to come to an end; to con- Energize,ên'êr-jize v. n. to act with energy clude, to cease [to harm Energy, en'er-je s. power, force Endamage, in-dâm'idje r. a. to prejudice, Enervate, è-ner våte v. a. to weaken, to deEndanger, en-dan'jár v. a. to put into haz- prive of force

ard, to bring into peril fmake beloved Enervation, ên-êr-vå'shin s. the act of Endear, en-dèèr v. a. to make dear, to weakening; the state of being weakEndearment, en-dèèr'ment s. the cause of ened [the force of love; state of being endeared Enerve è-nerv' v. a. to weaken, to break Endeavour, en-dev'år s, labour directed to Enfeeble, ên-fèè'bl v. a. to weaken some certain end [certain purpose Enfeoff, ên-fèèf' v. a. to invest with any Endeavour, en-dêv'år v. n. to labour to a dignities or possessions [to enchain Endeavour, en-dev'ůr v. a. to attempt, to Enfetter, en-fet'tůr v. a. to bind in fetters, try [of eleven sides Enfilade, én-fè-låde' s. a straight passage Endecagon, en-dêk'â-gon s. a plain figure Enforce, en-forse' v. a. to strengthen, to Endemial, en-dè'mè-âl Endemical, en-dém'è-kâl a. peculiar to a Endemick, en-dém'îk


country; used of any disease that af fects several people together in the same Country

Endict,ên-dlte' v. a. to charge any man by Endite, a written accusation before a court of justice; to draw up, to compose Endictment, en-dite'mênt s. a bill or deEnditement, claration made in form of law, for the benefit of the commonwealth


Enforcement, en-forse'ment s. compulsion Enfranchise, ên-från'tshiz v. a. to make free; to denizen

Enfranchisement, en-från'tshiz-mênt s. investiture of the privileges of a denizen; release from prison, or from slavery Engage, ên-gaje' v. a. to enlist, to bring inte a party; to embark in an affair; to attack; to win by pleasing means; to employ; to fight

Engage, ên-gaje' v. n. to conflict, to fight;

når, nôt-tùbe, tåb, büll-dil-påånd—thin, This.

to embark in any business, to enlist in Enlargement, en-lårje'ment s. increase, any party augmentation, farther extension; reEngagement, ên-gaje'ment s. the act of en- lease from confinement gaging; obligation by contract; em-Enlight, ên-lite' v. a. to illuminate [struct ployment of the attention; battle Enlighten, ên-ll'tn v. a. to illuminate, to inEngarrison, ên-går'rè-sn v. a. to protect by Enlink, en-link' v. a. to chain to, to bind a garrison [duce, to form; to excite Enlist, ên-list' v. a. to enter into military Engender, en-jén dur v. a. to beget; to pro- service Engine, en'jin s. any mechanical complica-Enliven, en-ll'vn v. a. to make quick, to tion, in which various movements and make alive, to animate [malice parts concur to one effect; an instrument Enmity, en'mè-tè s. melevolence,aversion; to throw water upon burning houses; an Enmesh, en-mêsh' v. a. to net, to entangle agent for another Ennoble,ên-no'bl v. a. to dignify,to aggran Engineer, en-je-nèèr' s. one who manages dize [a knot; solution of a difficulty engines,or directs the artillery of an army Enodation,en-d-da'shun s.the act of untying Engird,ên-gird' v. a. to encircle, to surround Enormity, è-nor'mè-té s. deviation from English, ing'glish a. belonging to England rule; atrocious crime

Englut, en-glåt v. a. to swallow up [vour Enormous, è-nor'mus a. irregular, out of Engorge, en-gorje' v. a. to swallow, to de- rule; large or wicked beyond the com Engrain, en-grane' v. a. to die deep, to die mon measure

or other matter

[ure in grain [hold on each other Enormously,è-nor'můs-lè ad.beyond meas Engrapple, en-grap'pl v. n. to close with, to Enormousness, e-nor'mås-nes s. immeasuEngrave, en-grave' v. a. to picture by inci- rable wickedness [ure sions in any matter; to impress deeply Enough, è-nåf' a. being in a sufficient measEngraver, ên-grå'vår ́s. a cutter in stone Enough, è-nåf' s. something sufficient in greatness or excellence Engross, en-grose' v. a. to purchase the Enough, è-nåf' ad. in a sufficient degree whole of any commodity for the sake of Enow, e-nou' the plural of Enough, a sufselling at a high price; to copy a large ficient number hand Enrage,ên-raje' v. a. to irritate, to provoke Engrossment, en-gros'ment s.appropriation Enrange, en-ranje' . a. to place regularly of things in the gross, exorbitant acqui-Enrapture, ên-råp'tshùre v. a. to transport sition [price with pleasure [stacy Enhance, ên-hânse' v. a. to advance in Enravish, ên-râv'ish v. a. to throw into ecEnigma, è-nig'mâ s. a riddle, an obscure Enravishment, en-râv'ish'ment 8. ecstacy question [biguously expressed of delight

[fertilize Enigmatical,en-ig-mât'è-kål a. obscure, am- Enrich, en-ritsh' v. a. to make wealthy; to Enigmatist, è-nig'ma-tist s. one who deals Enrichment, en-ritsh'ment s. augmentation in obscure matters of wealth; improvement by addition Enjoin, en-join' v. a. to order, to prescribe Enridge, en-ridje' v. a. to form with ridges Enjoy, ên-joè' v. a. to feel with pleasure ; Enripen, ên-rl'pn v. a. to ripen, to mature to obtain possession of; to please Enrobe, én-robe' v. a. to dress [gister Enjoy, en-joe' v. n. to live in happiness Enrol, én-ròl' v. a. to insert in a roll or reEnjoyment, en-joè'mênt s. happiness, frui- Enrolment, en-ròl'ment s. register; writing [flame in which any thing is recorded Enkindle, ên-kin'dl v. a. to set on fire,to in-Ens, enz s. any being or existence Enlarge, ên-lårje' v. a. to make greater; to Ensanguine, ên-sång'gwin v. a. to smear dilate; to amplify, to release from confinement [in many words Enlarge‚ên-lårje' v. n. to expatiate,to speak


with gore

Enschedule, ên-sêd'åle v. a. to insert in a schedule or writing

Fåte, får, fall, fåt―mè, mêt-pine, pin-nè, môve,

a. ve

Ensconce, en-skonse' v. a. to cover as with Enthusiast, en-thu'zhe-åst s. one of a hot Enshield, ên-shèeld' v. a. to cover [a fort imagination; one of elevated fancy, or exalted ideas Enshrine, en-shrine' v. a. to preserve as a thing sacred Enthusiastical,ên-thù-zhè-âs'tè-kâl ) Ensign, ên'sine s. the flag or standard of a Enthusiastick, en-thu-zhe-âs'tîk regiment; mark of distinction, the offi- hemently hot in any cause; elevated in Entice,ên-tise' v.a.to allure,to attract [fancy cer who carries the flag Ensigncy,ên'sin-sè s. the office of an ensign Enticement, en-tlse'ment s. allurement Enslave,en-slave' v.a. to deprive of liberty Enticingly, en-ti'sing-lè ad. in a winning Enslavement, en-slave'ment s. the state of Entire, en-tire' a.. whole, undivided [manner Ensnare. See Insnare [servitude, slavery Entirely, en-tire'lè ad. without division; [fulness Ensue, en-su' v. a. to follow, to pursue Ensurance, en-shu'rânse s. exemption from Entireness, en-tire'nês s. completeness, hazard, the sum paid for security Entirety, en-tire'tè s. completeness


[ocr errors]

Ensure, en-shure' v. a. to ascertain, to in-Entitle, én-t'tt v. a. to grace or dignify with demnify a title; to give a claim to any thing; to grant any thing as claimed by a title Entity, en'tè-tẻ s. a real being

Ensurer, en-shu'rår s. one who ensures
Entablature, en-tâb'lå-tshůre
Entablement, en-tà/bl-ment

s.the archi-Entoil, en-tôil' v. a. to ensnare, to entangle Entomb, ên-tôôm' v. a. to put into a tomb

trave, frieze, and cornice of a pillar



Entail, en-tale's. the estate entailed or set-Entrails, ên'trils s. the intestines, the bow tled with regard to the rule of its descent Entail, en-tåle v. a. to settle the descent of Entrance, ên'trânse s. power of entering into a place; act of entering; passing; any estate so that it cannot be, by any initiation, commencement subsequent possessor, bequeathed at Entrance, en-trânse' v. a. to put into a pleasure Entame, en-tame' v. a. to tame [to perplex Entrap, ên-trâp' v. a. to insnare; to take [cit, to importune Entangle,en-tang'gl v.a.to twist or confuse; Entanglement,ên-tâng'gl-mẻnt s.intricacy, Entreat, en-trète' v. a. to petition, to soliEntreaty, en-trè'tè s petition, prayer, solicitation


Enter, ên'ter v. a. to go or come into any

advantage of

place; to initiate in a business; to set Entry, en'trẻ s. the passage by which any down in a writing one enters; ingress; act of entering i to any city

[clear Enter,ên'têr v. n.to come or go in ; to penetrate mentally, to make intellectual en-Enucleate, è-nů klè-åte v. a. to solve, to [to a place Envelop, en-vèl ́úp v. a. to inwrap, to cov trance; to be initiated in er; to hide [ward case Entering,ên'ter-ing s. entrance, passage inEnvelope, on-vè-lope' s. a wrapper, an outEnterlace, ên-ter-låse' v. a. to intermix Enterprise, ên'têr-prize s. an undertaking Envenom, ên-vẻn'ům v. a. to poison; to of hazard [to attempt make odious Enterprise, ên'têr-prize v. a. to undertake; Enviable, en'vè-á-bl a. deserving envy Entertain,en-tér-tane'v.a. to converse with; Envier, en'vè-år s. one that envies another to treat; to receive hospitably; to divert Envious, en'vè-ûs a. infected with envy Entertainment, en-tẻr-tane'mênt s. treat-Enviously, ên'vè-ûs-lè ad. with envy


ment at table; hospitable reception; Environ, ên-vl'rån v. a. to surround; to [about the country amusements; dramatick performance Enthrone, en-throne' v. a. to place on a re- Environs, ên-vi'råns s, the places round gal seat; to invest with sovereign au- Enumerate, è-nú'mè-råte v. a. to count over distinctly [counting thority [agination; exaltation of ideas Enthusiasm, en-thu'zhe-âzm s. heat of im-Enumeration, è̟-nd-mà-rà ́shủn s. the act of

nor, nôt-tube, tåb, båll—¿il-pỏûnd—thin, TH¡s.


Enunciate, è-nån'shè-ate v. a. to declare, Epigrammatical, ep-è-grâm-mât’è-kál ) to proclaim Epigrammatick, êp-e-grâm-mât'ik Enunciation, e-nûn-she-à'shûn s. declara-dealing in or relating to epigrams tion, publick attestation [expressive Epigrammatist,êp-è-grâm'mâ-tist s.a writer Enunciative, è-nån'shè-å-tîv a. declarative, of epigrams Envoy, en'vôè s. a publick minister sent Epilepsy, ep'è-lêp-sè s. a convulsive mofrom one power to another, in dignity_tion of the body, with a loss of sense below an embassador Epileptick, êp-e-lép’tîk a. convulsed Envy, ên'vè v. a. to hate another for ex-Epilogue, èp'è-lôg's. the poem or speech at cellence or success; to grieve at any the end of a play

qualities of excellence in another; to Epiphany, è-pîf'fâ-nè s. a church festival, grudge celebrated on the twelfth day after Envy, en've v. n. to feel envy Christmas Envy, en've s. pain felt and malignity con- Episcopacy, è-pis'ko-pâ-sè s. the govern ceived at the sight of excellence or hap- ment of bishops [bishop piness Episcopal, è-pis'ko-pål a. belonging to a Epact, é'påkt s. a number whereby we Episode, ép'è-sode s. an incidental narranote the excess of the common solar tive, or digression in a poem year above the lunar [ornament Episodical, ep-è-sôd'è-kål a. contained in an Epaulet, ép-uw-let' s. a military shoulder- Epistle, è-pis'sl s. a letter [episode Epenthesis, è-pên'the-sis s. the inserting of Epistolary, è-pis'to-lâr-è a. relating to let a letter in the middle of a word ters; transacted by letters [tomb-stone Ephemera, è-fêm'è-râ s. a fever that ter- Epitaph, ep'è-tåf s. an inscription upon a minates in one day; an insect that lives Epithalamium, ep-è-thâ-là'me-um s. a nuponly one day tial song [quality Ephemeral, e-fêm'è-rál a. diurnal, be-Epithet, ep'è-thêt s. an adjective denoting Ephemerick, è-fèm'è-rîk Epitome, é-pit'o-mè s. abridgment, abbreginning and ending in a day Ephemeris, è-fêm'è-ris s. an account of the Epitomise, è-pit'o-mizer! a. to abstract, te daily motions of the planets Epitomiser, &-pit'o-ni-zur Ephemerist, è-fêm'è-rist s. one who con-Epitomist, e-pit'o-mist sults the planets [Hebrew priests Epoch, ep'ôk Ephod, ef ód s. an ornament worn by the Epocha, po-kas. the time at which a Epick, ep'ik a. comprising narrations. It new computation is begun, from which is usually supposed to be heroick Epicedium, êp-e-sè'dè-ảm s. an elegy, a Epode, ep'ode s. the stanza after the strophe poem upon a funeral [to luxury and antistrophe



dates are numbered


s., an abridger


Epicure, ep'è-kure s. a man given wholly Epopee, êp-d-pè' s. an epick or heroick po Epicurean, ep-è-ku-rè'ân s. one who holds Epulation, ep-u-là'shån s. a feast the principles of Epicurus Epulotick, ep-u-lôt'ik s. a cicatrizing meEpicurean, ép-è-kù-ré'ân a. luxurious, con- dicament [self, evenness, uniformity tributing to luxury [al enjoyment Equability, è-kwa-bil'è-tè s. equality to it Epicurism, ep'è-ku-rizm s. luxury, sensu-Equable, è'kwå-bl a. equal to itself, uniform Epidemical, ep-è-dém'è-kál л. 4. that which Equably, 'kwa-ble ad. uniformly evenly Epidemick, ep-è-dêm'îk Equal, 'kwål a. like another; in just proportion, equitable; upon the same terms Equal, ekwals. one of the same age or rank Equal, è'kwal . a. to make equal; to re[be equal to compense fully,

falls at once upon great numbers of people; generally prevailing; universal Epidermis, ép-e-der'mis s. the scarf-skin of a man's body [ating in a point Epigram, ¿p'è-grams a short poem termin-Equalise, è'kwál-ize ». a. to make even; to


« السابقةمتابعة »