صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


nor, nôt-tube, tåb, båll-oil-påünd-thin, THIS.

[a stage player Addiction, âd-dik'shån s. the state of being Actor, ak'tår s. he that performs any thing; devoted [thing added Actress, âk'trẻss s. a woman that plays on Additament, åd-dît'â-månt s. addition, the the stage Addition, ad-dish'shun s. the act of adding ; Actual, åk'tshu-ål a. really in act [ing actual an arithmetical rule; thing added Actuality, ak-tshu-âl'le-te s. the state of be-Additional, âd-dish'shun-âl a. that is added Actually, âk'tshù-âl-lè ad. in act, in effect, Additory, ad'dè-to-rè a. that which has the really [being actual power of adding [ing Actualness, âk'tshu-âl-ness s. the quality of Addie, ad'dl a. barren, that produces nothActuary, âk'tshu-á-rè s. a register or officer Addle-pated, âd'di-på-ted a. having barren

of a court


Actuate, âk'tshu-åte v. a. to put into action Address, åd-dress' v. a. to prepare to enter Actuose, âk-tu-òse' a. having the power of upon any action, to apply to another by action


forward in addition

Acuate, âk'u-ate v. a. to sharpen Address, âd-dress' s. verbal application; Aculeate, â-ku'le-åte a. prickly, terminating courtship; skill, dexterity; manner of in a sharp point directing a letter [addresses Acumen, â-ku'men s. a sharp point; figur-Addresser, âd-dres'sår s. the person that atively, quickness of intellect [a point Adduce, âd-dùse' v. a. to bring something Accuminated, â-ku'mè-nà-têd p. a. ending in Acute, â-kute' a. sharp, ingenious, keen Acutely, â-kute'lè ad. after an acute manner, sharply [of intellect Acuteness, â-kute'ness s. sharpness; force Adacted, á-dåk'ted part. a. driven by force Adage, âd ́àjes. a maxim, a proverb Adagio, å-da'jè-òs, a term used by musi[tionate cians to mark a slow time [loadstone Adequate, åd'è-kwate a. equal to, proporAdamant, âd'â-månt s. the diamond; the Adequately, âd'è-kwåte-lè 'ad. with exactAdamantean, âd-â-mân-té'ân a. hard as ad- ness of proportion



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Adducent, âd-du'sent a. a word applied to
those muscles that draw together the
parts of the body
Addulce, âd-důlse v. a. to sweeten
Ademption, â-dém'shan s. privation
Adept, â-dept' s. one skilled in all the se-
crets of his art


[like adamant Adequateness, âd'è-kwåte-nêss s. the state Adamantine, âd-a-mân'tîn a. made of or of being adequate, exactness of proportion Adam's-apple, âd'âmz-åp'pl s. a prominent Adhere, âd-hère′ v. n. to stick to, remain part of the throat firmly fixed to a party or opinion Adapt, å-dápt' v. a. to fit, to suit, proportion Adherence, âd-hè'rense s. attachment, stea Adaptation, âd-ap-ta'shan} the act of fit[with Adaption, å-dap'shun ting Adherent, âd-he'rênt a. sticking to; united Add, ád v. a. to join something to that which Adherent,åd-he'rênt s. a follower, a partisan was before [ascertain tithes Adherer, âd-he'rår s. he that adheres Addecimate, âd-dês'sè-måte v. a. to take or Adhesion, âd-hè'zhûn s. the act or state of Addeem, åd-dèèm' v. a. to esteem to ac- sticking to some thing [reptile Adhesive, ad-he'siv s. sticking, tenacious Adder, âd'dûr s a serpent, a poisonous Adhibit, âd-hib'bit v. a. to apply, to make Addibility, âd-de-bil'lè-tè s. the possibility of being added


Addible, ad'dè-bl a. possible to be added
Addice, âd'dis s. a kind of ax

use of

[use Adhibition, âd-he-bish'shan s. application, Adiaphorous, â-dè-åf'fò-rus a. neutral Adiaphory, a-de-âf'fo-rè s. neutrality, in[difference

Addict, ad-dikt' v. a. to devote, to dedicate Adieu, â-du' ad. farewell
Addictedness, åd-dik'ted-ness s. the state of Adipous, âd'dè-půs
being addicted

a. fat
Adit, âd'it s. a passage under ground


Fåte, får, fåll, fât-mẻ, mêt-pine, pin-nò, mỏve,

Adition, åd-ish'shun_s. the act of going to Adminicle, âd-mîn'è-kl s. help,support [help [close to another thing Adminicular, âd mè-nik'u-lar a. that gives Adjacency, âd-ja'sên-sẻ s. the state of lying Administer, âd-min'nis-túr v. a. to give, to Adjacent, âd-ja'sent a. lying close, border- supply, to perform [same as Administer [another Administrate, âd-min'nis-tråte v. a. the Administration, âd'min-nis-trà'shûn s. the act of administering; the active or exe. cutive part of government; those to whom the care of publick affairs is com mitted [which administers

ing upon Adjacent, âd-ja'sent s. that which lies next Adject, ad-jekt' v. a. to add to; to put to Adjection, ad-jêk'shån s. the act of adjecting, or adding; the thing added [in Adjectitious,âd-jek-tish'ús a. added, thrown Adjective, åd'jek-tiv s. a word added to a Administrative, âd-min'nis-tra-tiv a. that noun to signify its quality [tive Administrator, âd'min-nis-tra'tår s. he that Adjectively, adjék-tiv-lè ad. like an adjec- manages the affairs of a man dying inAdjoin, âd-join' v. a. to join to, to unite to testate; he that conducts the government Adjoin, âd-join' v. n. to be contiguous to Administratrix, âd'min-nis-tra'triks s. she Adjourn, âd-jårn' v. a. to put off to another who administers in consequence of a will day [till another day Administratorship, âd'min-nis-trå'tår-ship Adjournment, åd-jurn'ment s. a putting off s. the office of an administrator Adjudge, âd-judje v. a. to give, to decree Admirable, âd'inè-rå-bl a. to be admired; Adjudication, âd-jù-dè-kà'shůn s. the act of of power to excite wonder granting something to a litigant Adjudicate, âd-ju'dè-kåte v. a. to adjudge Adjugate, ád'ju-gate v. a. to yoke to Adjument, åd'ju-ment s. help

Adjunct, âd'junkt s. something adherent or united to another [ing, the thing adjoined Adjunction,âd-junk'shuns.the act of adjoinAdjunctive, âd-junk'tiv s. he that joins; that which is joined

Adjuration, âd-ju-rå'shån s. the act of proposing an oath to another; the form of oath proposed

Admirability, âd'mè-râ-bil'lè-tè
Admirableness, ad me-ra-bl-ness?

s. the quality or state of being admirable Admirably, âd'mè-râ-blè ad. in an admira

ble manner

Admiral, âd'mè-râl s. an officer or magistrate who has the government of the king's navy; the chief commander of a fleet [admiral Admiralship, âd'mè-râz-ship s. the office of Admiralty, âd'mè-râl tè s. the power, or officers appointed for the administration of Adjure, âd-jure' v. a. to impose an oath up- naval affairs [act of admiring on another, prescribing the form [order Admiration, âd-mè-rå'shûn s. wonder, the Adjust, âd-jast' v. a. to regulate, to put in Admire, âd-mire' v. a. to regard with wonAdjustment, âd-just'ment s. regulation, the der or with love [admiration, a lover act of putting in method [of an adjutant Admirer, åd-ml'rår s. one who regards with Adjutancy,åd'ja-tån-se s.the military office Admiringly, âd-ml'ring-lè ad. with admiraAdjutant, âd'ju-tant s. a petty officer, whose duty is to assist the major, by distributing Admissible, âd-mis'sè-bl a. that may be adpay, and overseeing punishment Admission, âd-mish'shûn s. the state of beAdjute, âd-jute' v. a. to help, to concur ing admitted; admittance, the power of Adjutor, âd-ju'tår s. a helper entering [low an argument or position Adjutory, âd'ju-tur-rè a. that which helps Admit, âd-mit' v. a. to suffer, to enter; to alAdjuvant, âd'ju-vânt a. helpful, useful Admittable, âd-mit'tå-bl a. that may be adAdjuvate, âd'jà-våte v. a. to help, to further Admeasurement, âd-mêzh'ùre-ments.


measuring according to rule Admensuration, âd-men-shủ-rå'shun s. the act of measuring to each his part



mitted [mitting, permission to enter Admittance, âd-mit'tanse s. the act of adAdmix, åd-miks' v. a. to mingle with something else [one body with another Admixtion, âd-miks'tshån s. the union of

nor, nôt-tube, tåb, båll-dil-påånd-thin, THIS.

Admixture, åd-mîks'tshères. the body min- Adroitness, â-droit'nêss s. dexterity, activity gled with another [prove gently Adry, â-drl' a. athirst, thirsty


Admonish, åd-môn'nish v. a. to warn, to re- Adscititious, âd-sè-tish'us a. taken in to Admonisher, åd-môn'nish-år s. one who ad- complete something else [ing together Adstriction, âd-strik'shun s. the act of bindAdulation, âd-jù-là'shůn s. flattery, high compliment

Admonishment, åd-môn'nish-ment
Admonition, åd-mo-nish'un


s. the

hint of a fault or duty, counsel, gentle Adulator, âd-ju-lå'tår s. a flatterer [ral adviser Adulatory, ad/ju-là-tủr-rẻ a. flattering Admonitioner, âd-mò-nish'un-år s. a gene- Adult, â-dult' a. grown up, past the age of Admonitory, åd-môn'nè-tûr-rè a. that which infancy admonishes

[to another Adult, â-dult' s. a person above the age of infancy, or grown to some degree of strength

Admove, âd-moove' v. a. to bring one thing
Admurmuration, âd-mûr-mù-ra'shun s. the
act of murmuring to another
Ado, â-dôỏ' s. trouble, difficulty, bustle
Adolescence, åd-o-lés'sense
Adolescency, âd-ò-lês'sên-sè

s. the age

succeeding childhood, and succeeded by puberty

[adult Adultness, â-dult'ness s. the state of being Adulter, å-dål'tår v. a. to commit adultery with another [thing which adulterates Adulterant, â-důl'tur-ânt s. the person or Adulterate, â-důl'tår-åte v. a. to commit adultery; to corrupt by some foreign admixture

Adulterate, å-dål'tår-åte a. tainted with the
guilt of adultery, corrupted with some
foreign admixture
Adulterateness, å-dul'tur-åte-ness s. the
quality or state of being adulterate
Adulteration, â-dúl-tur-à'shan s. the act of
corrupting; the state of being contami-

Adopt, â-döpt' v. a. to take a son by choice who is not so by birth; to place any person or thing in a nearer relation to something else [of something adopted Adoptedly, â-dop'ted-lè ad. after the manner Adopter, a-dop'tår s. he that gives some one by choice the rights of a son Adoption, â-dôp'shan s. the act of adopting; the state of being adopted Adoptive, a-dôp'tiv a. he that adopts, or is Adulterer, â-dål'tår-år s. a man guilty of adopted by another [adored Adulteress, å-dål'tår-ẻss s, a woman that Adorable, a-do'râ-bl a. that ought to be commits adultery [an adulteress Adorableness, â-do'râ-bl-ness s. worthiness Adulterine, â-dûl'tür-lne s, a child born of of divine honours [thy of adoration Adulterous,â-důl'tür-us a. guilty of adultery Adorably, â-do'râ-blè ad. in a manner wor-Adultery, á-dål'tår- s. the act of violating Adoration, âd-o-rà'shûn s. homage paid to the bed of a married person

the divinity, or to persons in high place Adumbrant, âd-um'brânt a. that gives a [nal homage slight resemblance

or esteem

Adorn, â-dorn' v. a. to dress, deck, set out Adornment, â-dörn'mẻnt s. ornament, embellishment


Adore, å-dore' v. a. to worship with exter-Adumbrate, âd-âm'bråte v. a. to shadow
Adorer, â-dò'rår s. he that adores; a wor- out, to exhibit a faint resemblance
Adumbration, âd-ům-bra'shůn s. the act of
giving a slight and imperfect representa
[ing united, union
Adunation, âd-u-na'shun s. the state of be-
Aduncity, a-důn'sè-tè s. crookedness, hook-
Adunque, â-důnk' a. crooked [edness
Adure, a-dure' v. n. to burn up
Adust, â-dist' a. burnt up, scorched
Adusted, â-důst'êd a. burnt, dried with fire
Adustible, â-dis'tè-bla. that may be adusted

Adown, â-doůn' ad. down, on the ground
Adown, â-dỏûn' prep. down, towards the

Adread, å-dred' ad. in a state of fear
Adrift, â-drift' ad. Soating at random
Adroit, â-drôît' a. active, skilful

Fåte, får, fåll, fåt—mè, mêt—plne, pîn—nỏ, môve,

or adjective, and applied to the use of qualifying and restraining the latitude of their signification

Adustion, â-dus'tshån s. the act of burning up, or drying Advance, âd-vânse' v. a. to bring forward; to raise to preferment; to improve; to Adverbial, âd-ver'bè-ål a. having the qualiaccelerate [to make improvement ty of an adverb [ner of an adverb Advance, âd-vânse' v. n. to come forward; Adverbially, âd-ver'bè-âl-lè ad. in the manAdvance, åd-vânse' s. the act of coming Adversable, âd-ver'så-bl a. contrary to forward; progression, improvement Adversary, âd'vẻr-så-rè s. an opponent, Advancement, ad-vânse'ment s. the act of antagonist, enemy


attention to,


coming forward; preferment; improve- Adverse, âd'vêrse a. acting with contrary [der directions; calamitous, afflictive Advancer, åd-vân'sûr s. a promoter, forwar-Adversely, âd'verse-lè ad. unfortunately Advantage, âd-vân'tådje s. superiority,gain, Adversity,âd-vẻr'sè-tè s. affliction, calamity profit; preponderation [promote Advert, åd-vẻrt' v. n. to attend to, regard, Advantage, âd-vân'tâdje v. a. to benefit, to observe Advantaged, âd-vân'tâ-jêd a. possessed of Advertence, âd-vêr'tense advantages Advertency, âd-ver'tên-sè) regard to Advantage-ground, âd-vân'tâdje-gråånd s. Advertise, âd-ver-tize' v. a. to inform anothground that gives superiority and advantage [useful Advantageous, ad-vẫn ta jus a. profitable, Advantageously, âd-vân-tà'jus-le ad. conveniently, opportunely, profitably Advantageousness, ad-van-tà'jus-ness s. profitableness, convenience [peradded Advene, âd-vène' v. n. to accede, to be suAdvenient, åd-vè'nè-ẻnt a. advening, superadded

Advent, âd'vent s. one of the holy seasons

signifying the coming of our Saviour; the four weeks before Christmas Adventitious, âd-vẻn-tish'as a. that advenes, extrinsically added


er, to give intelligence Advertisement, âd-ver'tiz-ment s. intelligence, information; notice published in a paper of intelligence. We often hear this word accented on the penultimate syllable; and perhaps there is some reason for it; if the rule, which governs the accentuation of nouns ending in ment, be maintained. But the law of custom among good speakers, decides in favour of the antepenultimate accent. Advertiser, âd-ver-tl'zårs. he that gives intelligence; the paper in which advertise. ments are published


Advertising, âd-vêr-ti'zing a. active in givAdventive, âd-ven'tiv s. the thing or person ing intelligence, monitory that comes from without [season of Advent Advesperate, âd-ves'pè-rate v. n. to draw Adventual, âd-ven'tshu-al a. relating to the towards evening [tice; intelligence Adventure,âd-vẻn'tshùre s.accident, chance, Advice, âd-vise' s. counsel, instruction, no[chance, to dare Advice-boat, âd-vice'bote s. a vessel ́emAdventure, âd-ven'tshåre v. n. to try the ployed to bring intelligence Adventurer, âd-ven'tshur-år s. he that seeks Advisable, âd-vi'zâ-bl a. prudent, fit to be occasions of hazard [ty of being advisable Adventurous, âd-vẻn'tshår-ûs a. inclined to Advisableness, âd-vl'za-bl-ness s. the quali adventures, daring, courageous; fuil of Advise, âd-vize' v. a. to counsel; inform, hazard, dangerous [ly, daringly make acquainted [deliberate Adventurously, ad-ven'tshår-is-lè ad. bold-Advise, âd-vize' v. n. to consult, consider, Adventuresome, âd-ven'tshur-suun. See Advised, âd-vi'zêd part. a. acting with de liberation,prudent,wise [posely,prudently Adventuresomeness,âd-ven'tshur-sam-ness Advisedly,ad-vi'zed-lè ad. deliberately,pur. s. the quality of being adventuresome Advisedness, âd-vt'zêd-nêss s. deliberation,


Adverb, åd'verb s. a word joined to a verb prudent procedure

når, nôt-tube, tâb, bûll-oil-poånd-thin, THIS.

Adviser, åd-vl'zårs. the person that advises Affection, åf-fék'shẩn s. the state of being Advocacy, id′vỏ-ha-sẻ s. vindication, de- affected; passion of any kind; love,

[cause of another kindness

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fence, apology [fection, fond, tender Advocate, âd'vo-kåte s. he that pleads the Affectionate, âf-fêk'shan-ate a. full of afAdvocation, âd-vo-ka'shûn s. the office of Affectionately,af-fek'shan-ate-lè ad. fondly, pleading, plea, apology [ing to something tenderly [fondness, tenderness Advolation, ad-vo-la'shun s. the act of fly- Affectionateness, âf-fek'shun-ate-ness Advolution,åd-vo-lu'shûn s.the act of rolling Affectioned, âf-fêk'shund a. affected, conAdvoutry, âd-vou'trẻ s. adultery ceited; inclined, mentally disposed Advowee, åd-võů-èè' s. he that has the right Affectiously, af-fèk'shas-lè ad. in an affectof advowson [to a benefice ing manner Advowson, âd-voû'zan s. a right to present Affective, âf-fêk'tiv a. that which affects Egyptiacum, è-jîp-tl'â-kům s. an ointment Affectuosity, âf-fêk-tshù-ôs'sè-tè s. passionconsisting of honey, verdigris, and vinegar ateness

Affidature, âf-fè-da'tshåre

s. mutual

contract, mutual oath of fidelity [oath Affidavit, af-fè-da'vit s. a declaration upon Affied, â-fl'ed part. a. joined by contract, affianced

Aerial, à-e rè-åla. belonging to the air, high Affectuous, âf-fêk'tshå-ås a. full of passion Aerie, è'rè s. a nest of birds of prey [air Affere, âf-fère' v. a. a law term, signifying Aerology, à-år-ôi'lò-jè s. the doctrine of the to confirm Aeromancy, a'ûr-o-mân-sè s. the art of dl-Affiance, âf-fl'ânse s. a marriage contract; vining by the air [measuring the air trust, confidence [confidence Aerometry, à-ur-ôm'mè-trè s. the art of Affiance, âf-fl'ånse v. a. to betroth, to give Aeronaut, à'ur-ó-nåwt s. one who sails Affiancer, âf-fl'an-sår s. he that makes a through the air [of the air contract of marriage between two parties Aeroscopy, à-år-ôs'ko-pès. the observation Affidation, âf-fe-da'shun Edites, é-ti'tèz s. eagle-stone Afar, a-får ad. at a great distance [afraid Afeard, â-fèrd' part. a. frightened, terrified, Afer, a'für s. the south-west wind Affability, af-fa-bîl'lè-tè s. easiness of manners; civility, condescension [teous Affiliation, âf-fil-lè-à'shån s. adoption [tals Affable, âf'fâ-bla. easy of manners, cour- Affinage, af'fe-naje s. the act of refining meAffableness, af få-bl-ness s. courtesy, affa-Affined, åf-fi'ned a. related to another bility Affinity, af-fin'ne-tè s. relation by marAffably, af få-ble ad. courteously, civilly riage; connexion with [confidently Affabrous, âf'â-brus a. skilfully made, com- Affirm, âf-fêrm' v. n. to declare, to assert plete [managed or transacted Affirm, âf-fêrm' v. a. to ratify or approve Affair, âf-fare' s. business, something to be Affirmable, âf-fêr'må-bl a. that may be afAffear, âf-fère' v. a. to confirm, to establish firmed [opposed to repeal Affect,âf-fekt' s. affection, passion,sensation Affirmance, af-fêr'mânse s. confirmation, Affect, âf-fêkt' v. a. to act upon; to move Affirmant, âf-fêr'mânt s. the person that the passions; to aim at affirms Affectation, âf-fêk-tà'shån s. the act of ma- Affirmation, âf-fêr-ma'shun s. the act of afking an artificial appearance, awkward firming; the position affirmed; confirmaimitation [firmed Affected, áf-fêk têd part. a. moved, touched Affirmative, âf-fer'mâ-tiv a. that may be afwith affectation; studied with over-much Affirmatively, âf-fêr'mâ-tiv-lè ad. on the care; full of affectation positive side, not negatively Affectedly, âf-fêk'têd-lè ad. in an affected Affirmer,âf-fêr mårs.the person who affirms manner; hypocritically Affix, åf-fiks' v. a. to unite to the end, to [end of a word Affix, âf'fiks s. a particle united to the


Affectedness, af-fêk têd-ness s. the quality of subjoin being affected

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