صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

når, not-tube, tåb, båll-oil-pôůnd-thin, THIS. Deduct, dé-dåkt' v. a. to subtract, to take Defectiveness, dè-fêk'tiv-nės s. want, faultaway [that which is deducted iness [dication Deduction, dé-důk'shůn s. consequence; Defence, dè-fênse' s. guard,protection, vinDeductive, de-důk'tiv a. deducible [tially Defenceless, dé-fênse'lês a. unarmed, unDeductively, dè-dûk'tiv-lè ad. consequen- guarded [of, to vindicate Deed, deed s. action, exploit, written evi- Defend, de-fend' v. a. to stand in defence Deem, dèèm v. n. to judge [dence Defendable, dè-fên'dâ-bl a. that may be de

Deep, dèèp a. far from the outer part; sa- fended gacious; solemn; bass

[part Defendant, dè-fên'dånt s. he that defends; Deep, deep s. the sea, the main; the solemn the person accused or sued [dicator Deepen dèè'pn v. a. to make deep, to dark- Defender, dè-fên'dår s. a champion; a vin[hoarse and loud voice Defencible, de-fên'sè-bl a. that may be defended; justifiable


Deepmouthed, dèèp môůтнd a. having a Deeply, deep'lè ad. to a great depth, so-Defensive, dè-fên'siv a. proper for defence; lemnly, in a high degree in a state or posture of defence Deepness, deep'nes s. profundity, depth Defensive, dè-fên'siv s. safeguard, state of Deer, déer s. that class of animals which defence is hunted for venison

Defensively, de-fên'sîv-lè ad. in a defensive


Deface, dè-fase' v. a. to destroy, to disfigure
Defacement, de-fàse'mênt s. `violation, in-Defer, dè-fêr' v. n. to put off, to delay to act
Deference, def'er-ênse s. regard, respect;
Defailance, dé-fa'lânse s. failure [away part complaisance, submission
Defalcate, de-fal'kåte v. a. to cut off, to take
Defalcation, dêf-fâl-kå'shån s. diminution
Defamatory,de-fâm'mâ-tûr-è a.calumnious,
unjustly censorious

Defame, de-fame' v. a. to censure falsely, to dishonour by reports

Defiance, de-fl'anse s. a challenge, expression of abhorrence or contempt Deficiency, dè-fish ́ên-sè s. defect, failing, imperfection

Deficient, de-fish'ênt a. wanting, defective Defile, de-file' v. a. to pollute; to violate Defamer, de-fa'mår s. one that injures the Defile, dè-file' v. n. to go off file by file reputation of another Defile, de-file' s. a narrow passage [tion Defatigate, de-fât'è-gate v. a. to weary Defilement, de-flle'ment s.pollution, corrupDefatigation, de-fat-e-ga'shun s. weariness Definable, dè-fine'å-bl a. capable of defini Default, de-fawlt' s. omission, neglect tion [scribe, to mark the limit Defaulter,de-fawlt'år s. one who is deficient Define, de fine' v. a. to explain; to circumin duty [ling Define, de-fine v. n. to determine, to decide Defeasance, de-fè'zânse s. the act of annul- Definite, def'è-nit a. certain, limited; exact Defeasible, dè-fè'zè-bł a. that which may be Definitely, dêf'è-nît-lè ad. precisely, in a annulled definite manner [tedness Defeat, de-fète' s. an overthrow [trate Definiteness, def'è-nit-nês s. certainty, limi Defeat, de-fete' v. a. to overthrow; to frus-Definition, déf-è-nish'un s. a short descripDefecate,def'fè-kåte v. a. to cleanse, to puri- tion of any thing by its properties Defecation,def-fè-kå'shân s.purification [fy Definitive, dè-fîn'è-tív a. determinate, exDefect, de-fêkt' s. want, failing; a fault; a press [expressly blemish Definitively, de-fin'è-tiv-lè ad. decisively, Defectibility, de-fêk-tè-bil'è-tè s. the state Deflagrability, dêf-flâ-grâ-bil'è-tè s. comof failing, imperfection [cient bustibility [fire Defectible, de-fek'tè-bl a. imperfect, defi-Deflagrable,de-flå grå-bla. wasting away in Defection, dè-fêk'shûns. a falling away,re- Deflagration, def-fla-grå'shin s. act of set[perfect; faulty ting fire to


Defective, dé-fêk ́tiv a. full of defects, im-Deflect, dè-flèkt' v. n. to turn aside

Fate, far, fall, fât-mè, mêt—pine, pîn-nò, môve,

Deflection, dè-flêk'shån s. deviation, the Deify, dè'è-fl v. a. to make a god of, act of turning aside [a turning aside adore as God [worthy Deflexure, dè-fêk'shure s. a bending down, Deign, dåne v. n. to vouchsafe, to think Defloration, def-flo-ra'shån s. the act of Deintegrate, dè-in'tè-gråte v. a, to diminish Deflour, de-flour' v. a. to ravish [deflouring Deism, de'izm s. the acknowledging a God, Defluous, def'flù-âs a. that flows down; without the reception of revealed religion that falls off [of humours Deist, de'ist s, one who adheres to deism Defluxion, dè-flûk'shån s. the flowing down Deistical, dè-is'tè-kâl a. belonging to the Deform, dè-form' v.a. to disfigure, to dis- heresy of the deists [or deforming Deity, de'è-tè s. divinity, a fabulous god Deformation, def-för-ma'shån s. a defacing Deject, dè-jekt v. a. to cast down, to afflict, Deformedly, de-för ́mêd-lè ad. in an ugly to grieve



[manner [larity Dejectedly, dè-jêk'têd-lè ad. in a dejected Deformity, de-för'mè-tè s. ugliness, irregu- Dejection, dè-jek'shůn s. lowness of spirits, Defraud, dè-fråwd' v. a. to rob or deprive melancholy [in pieces by a wile or trick Delaceration, dè-lås-ser-a'shân s. a tearing Defrauder, de-fråw'dår s. a deceiver Delactation, del-ák-tà'shan s. a weaning Defray, de-fra' v. a. to bear the charges of Delapsed, dè-lâpsť' a. bearing or falling Defrayment, de-frå'mênt s. the payment of down [hinder expenses Delay, de-là' v. a. to defer, to put off, to Defunct, de-funkt' a. dead, deceased Delay,de-la'v.n.to stop,to cease from action Defunct, de-funkt' s. a dead man or woman Delay, dè-la' s. procrastination; stay, stop Defy, de-fl' v. a. to call to combat, to chal-Delayer, de-là úr s, one that defers [ful lenge; to slight [invites to fight Delectable, dè-lek'ta-bl a.pleasing, delight Defyer, de-fl'år s. a challenger, one that Delectableness, dè-lêk'tå-bl-nés s. delightDegeneracy, de-jên'êr-â-sè s. a departing fulness, pleasantness Delectably, dè-lẻk'tâ-blè ad. delightfully, pleasantly

from the virtue of our ancestors

Degenerate, de-jên'èr-åte v. n. to fall from [light the virtue of our ancestors; to grow base Delectation, dêl-lêk-tå'shûn s. pleasure, de Degenerate, dè-jên'er-ate a, unlike his an- Delegate, dêl'è-gåte r. a. to send upon an cestors; unworthy, base [generate state embassy; to intrust; to appoint [sioner Degenerateness, de-jên'êr-åte-nês s. a de- Delegate, del'lè-gate s, a deputy, a commisDegeneration, dè-jên-êr-à'shûn s. a devia-Delegate, del'lè-gate a. deputed

tion from the virtue of one's ancestors Delegation, dêl-le-ga'shun s. a sending Degenerous, dé-jên'êr-ås a. degenerated, away; a putting into commission vile, infamous [power of swallowing Delete, dè-lete' v. a, to blot out [structive Deglutition, dêg-glù-tish'an s. the act or Deleterious, dél-lè-te'rè-ús a. deadly, de Degradation, deg-grâ-dà'shůn s. a depriva- Deletion, dé-lè'shån s. act of blotting out tion of any office or dignity; degeneracy Delf, dělf s. a quarry; earthen ware Degrade,de-grade' v. a.to lessen, to diminish Deliberate, dè-lib'er-ate v. n. to think in orDegree, de-gree' s. quality, rank, station; der to choice, to hesitate [wary; slow proportion; the three hundred and six-Deliberate, de-lib'er-ate a. circumspect, tieth part of a circle Dehort, de-hort' v. a. to dissuade Dehortation, de-hôr-tà'shân s. dissuasion, a counselling to the contrary [sed Saviour Deicide, de'è side s. the death of our BlesDeification, dé-è-fè-kà'shûn s. the act of making a god

Deiform, dè'e-form a. of a godlike form

Deliberately, dè-lib'êr-àte-lè ad. circum

spectly, advisedly [spection, wariness Deliberateness, de-lib'er-ate-nès s. circum Deliberation, dè-lib-er-a'shun s. the act of deliberating, thought in order to choice" Deliberative, dè-lib'er-â-tiv a. pertaining to deliberation, apt to consider Delicacy, dēl'è-kâ-sè a. daiutiness; soft


nôr, nôt-tùbe, tåb, bûll-dil-pound-thin, тHis.

ness; nicety; politeness; scrupulousness Deluge, del'luje s. an inundation; any sudDelicate, del'e-kate a. nice, dainty, choice, den and resistless calamity Deluge, del'loje v. a. to lay totally under Delicately,del'è-kate-lè ad.daintily; choice- water; to overwhelm

select; effeminate; pure

ly; politely; effeminately [being delicate Delusion, dè-lù'zhún s. a cheat; false reDelicateness, dêl'è-kâte-nes s. the state of presentation, illusion Delicates, del'è-kåts s. niceties, rarities Delusive, dè-lu'siv

affords delight

Delicious, dè-lish'ús a. sweet, delicate, that Delusory, de-lu sur-è a. apt to deceive [antly, delightfully Delve, delv v. a. to dig; to fathom; to sift Deliciously, de-lish'us-lè ad. sweetly, pleas- Delve, dêlv s. a ditch, a pitfall, a den Deliciousness,de-lish ́ús-nês s.delight,pleas- Demagogue, dêm'â-gôg s, a ringleader of ure, joy

the rabble

Deligation, del-le-gå'shân s. a binding up Demand, de-månd' s. a claim ; a question ; Delight, de-lite' s. joy, pleasure the asking of what is due [with authority Delight, de-llte' v. a. to please, to satisfy Demand, de-mand' v. a. to claim, to ask for Delight, dè-lite' v. n. to have delight or Demandable, dè-mån'dâ-bl a. that may be pleasure in demanded [base Delightful, de-lite'fùl a. pleasant, charming Demean, dè-mène' v. a. to behave, to deDelightfully, de-lite'fül-lè ad. pleasantly, Demeanour, dè-mè'når s. carriage, behacharmingly [lightful viour [ill-deserving Delightsome, dè-lite'sům a. pleasant, de- Demerit, dè-mêr'ît s. the opposite to merit; Delightsomeness, de-lite'sâm-nês s. pleas-Demesne, dè-mène' s. the land which a man antness, delightfulness holds originally of himself Delineate, dè-lin'è-åte v. a. to design; to Demi, dêm'è inseparable particle, half paint, to describe Demi-devil, dem'è-dev'vl's. half a devil Delineation, de-lin-e-a'shån s. the first Demigod, dêm'è-gôd s. half a god draught of a thing [failure in duty Demise, dè-mize's. death, decease Delinquency, dè-ling'kwên-sè s. a fault, Demise, dè-mlze' v. a. to grant at one s Delinquent, de-ling'kwent s. an offender death, to bequeath

Deliquate, del'lè-kwåte v. n. to melt, to be Demission, dè-mish'un s. degradation dissolved Demit, dè-mit' v. a. to depress Deliquation, dêl-lè-kwa'shûn s. a melting, a Democracy, de-môk'krå-sè s. a form of dissolving [by the force of fire government in which the sovereign powDeliquium, dè-lik'kwè-um s. a distillation er is lodged in the people [government Delirious, dè-lir'è-ås a. light-headed, ra-Democrat, dém'o-krát s. a friend to popular ving; doating [dotage Democratical, dêm-ó-krât'è-kâl a. pertainDelirium, dè-lire-am s. alienation of mind, ing to a popular government [stroy Deliver, dè-liv'år v. a. to give, to yield; to Demolish, de-mollish v. a. to raze, to derescue; to utter; to disburden Demolisher, dè-môl'lish-år s. a destroyer Deliverance, dè-lîv ́ûr-ânse s. the act of de-Demolition, dêm-d-lîsh'ån s. the act of delivering; rescue; utterance; the act of molishing bringing children [a relator Demon, de mon s. a spirit, an evil spirit Deliverer, de-liv'år-ar s. a saver, a rescuer ; Demoniacal, dêm-o-nl'â-kál Delivery, de-l'ür-és rescuer. de-mo-naka

render; utterance; childbirth

Dell, del s. a pit, a valley

a. devilish


influenced by the devil [by the devi [ceived Demoniack, de-mo'nè-ák s. one poss ssed Deludable, de-lu'då-bl a. liable to be de-Demonstrable, dè-môn'strå-bl a. that Delude, dé-låde' v. a. to beguile, to cheat, to be proved beyond doubt or contradiction deceive [tor Demonstrate, dè-môn'stråte v. a. to prove Deluder, dê-lâ'dûr s. a deceiver, an impor- with certainty


Fåte, får, fåll, fåt—mè, mét—pine, pin-nò, môve,

Demonstration, dêm-mon-strå'shůn s. the Deny, de-n v. a. to refuse, to disown, to highest degree of evidence



Demonstrative, de-mon'strå-tiv a. having Deobstruct, dẻ-ôb-strûkt' v. a. to clear the power of demonstration from impediments [that loosens Demonstrator, dem-mon-strå'tår s. one Deobstruent, de-ôb-stru'ênt s. a medicine that proves, one that teaches ffying Deodand, de'ò-dând s. a thing given to God Demulcent, dé-mål'sent a. softening, nolli-Deoppilate, dé-op'pè-låte v. a. to clear a Demur, de-mûr' v. a. to doubt of [kissing Demur, de-mår' s. doubt, hesitation [dest Deosculation, dè-ôs-ku-la'shun s. the act of Demure, dé-mure' a. grave, affectedly mo- Depaint, dè-pant' . a. to picture, to deDemurely, de-mure'le ad. with affected mo- scribe by colours [tize; to desist; to die desty [pect; affected modesty Depart, de-part' v. n. to go away, to apostaDemureness, de-mure'nês s. gravity of as-Department, de-pårt'ment s. separate allotDemy, de-ml' s. a kind of paper [beast [death; a forsaking Den, den s. a cavern, the cave of a wild Departure, de-pår'tshure s. a going away; Deniable, de-nl'â-bl a. that may be denied Depauperate, de pâw'pêr-åte v.a. to make Denial, de-nl'âl s. negation, refușal [nent poor


Denier, de-nlar s. a contradictor, an oppo-Depectible, dè-pêk'tè-bl a. tough, clammy Denigrate, den'è-grate . a. to blacken Depend, dé-pênd' v. n. to hang from; to reDenization, den-è-zà'shản s. the act of en- ly on; to trust to


name to

a name

Dependance, dé-pên'dânse

s. a freeman, one en-Dependancy, de-pen'dan-ses. the state of hanging from a supporter; connexion, reliance, trust


Denizen, den'è-znfranchised Denison, Denominate, de-nôm'è-nàte v. a. to give a [another [given to a thing Dependant, dè-pên'dânt a. in the power of Denomination, dê-nom-è-nà'shân sa name Dependant, dé-pen'dânt s. one who lives in Denominative,dè-nôm'è-nâ-tîv a. that gives subjection, or at the discretion of another [of a name Dependence, de-pen'dense s. state of Denominator, de-nom'è-nà-tår s. the giver Dependency, dè-pên'dên-se} Denotation, den-d-tå'shûn s. the act of de- hanging down; concatenation noting Dependent, de-pen'dênt a. hanging down Denote, de-note' r. a. to mark, to betoken Dephlegm, de-flêm' Denounce, de-nouûnse" v. a. to threaten by Dephlegmate, dè-flèg'måte v. a. to clear proclamation [proclaiming any menace from phlegm [the mind Denouncement,de-nôůnse'ment s. the act of Depict, de-pikt' v. a. to paint, to describe to Dense, dense a. close, compact Eness Depicture, dè-pik'tshure v. a. to represent Density, den'sè-tè s. closeness, compact- in painting [to take away hair Dental, dén'tål a. belonging to the teeth Depilatory, dè-pil'lå-tur-è s. an application Denticulated, dễn-tik ́u-là-têd a. set with Depilous, de-pilis a. without hair small teeth [teeth Depletion, dè-plè'shûn s.the act of emptying Dentifrice, dén'tè-fris s. a powder for the Deplorable, de-plo'rå-bla. lamentable, sad Dentist, den'tist s. a surgeon who confines Deplorableness, dè-plo'rå-bl-nês s. state of his practice to the teeth [the teeth being deplorable Dentition, den-tish'un s. the act of breeding Deplorably, de-plo'râ-blè ad. lamentably Denudate, de-nu'date v. a. to divest, to strip Deplore, de-plore' v. a. to lament, to bewail Denudation, dễn-nù-dà'shản s. the act of Deplume, de-plùme' v. a. to strip of its stripping

Denude, de-nude' v. a. to make naked Denunciation, dè-nûn-shè-à'shân s. a publick menace


Depone, dè-pone' v. a. to lay down as a pledge; to risk

Deponent,de-po'nênt s. one that deposes his

når, nôt―tùbe, tåb, båll-dil-pôånd-thin, THIS.

testimony in a court of justice; such¡Dẹpulsory, dè-pål ́sår-è a. putting or drivverbs as have no active voice ing away Depopulate, dé-pop'ù-låte v. a. to unpeople, Depurate,dep'ù-råtev.a.to purify,to cleanse to lay waste [waste Depurate, dep'u-rate a. cleansed, pure Depopulation, de-pop-u-lå'shån s. havock, Depuration,dep-u-rà'shån s. the act of makDeport, dè-port' v. a. to carry, to demean ing pure [ing with a special commission Deportation, dêp-òr-tå'shûn® s. transporta- Deputation,dêp-ù-tå ́shûn s. the act of sendtion, exile [haviour Depute, dè-pùte' v. a. to send, to empower

Deportment, de-pòrt'mênt s. conduct, be- to act Depose, dé-pòze' v. a. to lay down; to de- Deputy, dêp'ù-tè s. a lieutenant, a viceroy ; grade from a throne; to give testimony Depose, dé-poze' v. n. to bear witness Depositary,dè-pôz'è-tûr-è s.one with whom any thing is lodged in trust Deposite,dě-poz'it v. a.to lay up as a pledge or security; to lay aside

any one that transacts business for another. This word is frequently mispronounced even by good speakers. The p is apt to slide into b, which makes us often hear this word,as if written debbuty. Deracinate, dè-râs'sè-nåte v. a. to tear up by the roots

Deposite, dé-pôz'ît s. any thing committed to the trust and care of another Deraign, de-rane' v.a. to prove,to justify Deposition, dep-pò-zish'un s. the act of giv-Derain, ing publick testimony; the act of de- Derange, dè-rånje' v. a. to disorder, to disgrading [any thing is lodged arrange

[saking Depository,de-poz'è-tur-ès.the place where Dereliction, dêr-è-lik'shân s. an utter forDepravation,dep-râ-vå'shủn s. degeneracy, Deride, dè-ride' v. a. to laugh at, to turn to [rupt ridicule



depravity Deprave, dè-pråve' v. a. to violate, to cor- Derision, dè-rizh'ån s. scorn, a laughingDepravity, de-prâv'è-tè s. corruption Derisive, de-ri'siv a. mocking, scoffing Deprecate, dep'prè-kåte v. a. to implore Derivable, dè-ri'vå-bl a. attainable by derimercy of; to pray deliverance from [its original Deprecation, dep-prè-ka'shůn s. prayer Derivation, dêr-e-vå'shûn s. a tracing from against evil Derivative, dè-rîv'â-tiv a. derived from another [derived a. that Derivative, de-riv'â-tiv s. the thing or word [value Derivatively, dè-riv'â-tiv-lè ad. in a derivaDepreciate, de-pré'shè-åte v. a. to under- tive manner [from its original

Deprecative, dep'pre-ka-tiv
Deprecatory, dep pre-ka-tűr-é }

serves to deprecate

Depredate, dép pré-dåte v. a. to rob, to pil-Derive, de-rive' v. a. to deduce or trace lage [a spoiling Derive, dè-rive' v. n. to owe its origin to ; to Depredation, dep-prè-da'shun s. a robbing, descend from Depredator, dep'prẻ-då-tår s. a robber

Dernier, dêrn-yare' a. last [to disparage

Deprehension, dep-prè-hên'shån s. a catch- Derogate,dêr'o-gatev.a. to lessen the worth,

ing or taking unawares; a discovery Depress, dè-près v. a. to press or thrust down; to humble, to deject Depression, dè-prêsh'un s. the act of humbling; abasement [presses down

Derogate, dêr'ò-gåte a. lessened in value Derogation, dêr-o-ga'shun s. a disparaging Derogative, dè-rôg'â-tiv a. derogating, lessening the value [the value Derogatory, dè-rôg'â-tur-è a. that lessens Depressor, de-pres'sûr s. he that keeps or Derogatoriness, dè-rôg'â-tůr-è-nês a power Deprivation, dep-prè-vå'shån s. the act of of lessening the value depriving [thing; to put out of an office Dervis, dêr'vis s. a Turkish priest Deprive, de-prive' v. a. to bereave one of a Descant, dês'kânt s. a song or tune; a disDepth, depth s. deepness; the middle of a [discourse at large season; obscurity


Descant, dês-kânt'v. n.” to harangue; to

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