صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Aiffers not only in magnitude, but also in having, a black head, with a tuft of dark blue feathers immediately below it. The belly of both is white; the back and wings of a buff colour, Spotted with brown; but the tail is lighter, and marked with black tranfverfe ftreaks.

The kitawiah frequents the moft fteril spots,. as the rhaad does the beft cultivated. It refembles a dove in shape and fize, and has fhort feathered feet. The body is of a livid hue, fpotted with black; and on the throat is the figure of a crefcent, of beautiful yellow. The tip of each tail feather is spotted with white, and the middle one is long and pointed. The flesh, both of this bird and the rhaad, is agreeably flavoured, and eafy of digeftion.

Partridges, quails, woodcocks, and several other kinds of wild fowl, fit for the table, are plentiful enough.

Among the moft fingular tenants of the groves is the green thrush, which, in vivid beauty of plumage, is not inferior to any. His head, neck, and back, are of a light green; the breaft white and spotted; the wings of a lark colour; the rump of a bright yellow; and the extremity of the tail and wings are tipped with the fame colour. This bird is migratory, and only feen here in the fummer months.

The capfa fparrow is of a lark colour; but the breaft is fomewhat lighter, and fhines with a varying luftre. This bird, which is about the fize of the common house sparrow, is remarkable for the sweetness of its note, which infinitely exceeds that of the canary bird or the nightingale; but it is of fuch a delicate nature, that it cannot long exift in a different climate."

noife I have often the lion, are the c quainted with in fav lion is believed to f boar; but that creatu with fuch refolution, both have been found Barbary contains li rabbits, ferrets, weefel lions, and feveral speci‹Of the ferpent kind the thaibanne, fome of or four yards long; and of their tkins, which we diameter. The zurreikeformer, is a native of the inches long, very flender, along with great fwiftnet The moft malignant, h... the leffah, which a - burning dipfas above a foo

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The infects are too numerous to particularize. One of the moft beautiful is a butterfly, the expanfion of whose wings is nearly four inches, and is all over elegantly ftreaked with murrey and D yellow, except the edges of the lower wings, which being indented and ending in a narrow ftrip or lappet, of an inch long, are finely fringed with yellow, and near the tail is a carnation-coToured fpot.

Such is Dr. Shaw's account of Barbary; wo fhall now attend him into the Holy Land.






Interfperfed with the coincident Remarks of other diftin guished Trvellers in that Quarter.

To avoid unneceffary repetitions refpecting a

country so often described as the Holy Land, and to embrace in a fmall compafs the most valuable accounts of Jerufalem in particular, we have made ufe of Dr. Shaw's travels as the bafis of this article; but, in trying to complete it, we have called in the affiftance of Maundrell, Wood, and others. It is probable, alfo, that in the progrefs of our work, we shall have an opportunity of following "e modern, though not fuperior autho


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