صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Not as an Eye Servant, but as Eph. vi. 6.
a Lover of his Mafter, as knom- Col.iii. 22.
ing that God will recompence
to him for his Subjection. In
like manner, let a Master,
who has a believing Ser-
vant, love him as a Son, or
as a Brother, on account of

τω ὡς ὑὸν, ἢ ὡς άδελ- theirCommunion in the Faith;

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but ftill preferving the Diffe-
rence of a Servant.


See i Pet. ii 13.

Be ye fubject to all Royal_xi. Power and Dominion in things are pleafing to God, Tit. iii. 1. as to the Minifters of God, Rom xiii. and the Punishers of the 4.7. Wicked. Render all the Fear that is due to them, all Offerings, all Customs, all Honour, Gifts and Taxes. For this is God's Command, that you owe nothing to any one, but the Pledge of Love, xiii. 8. which God has commanded by Christ.

See 1 Cor. vii. 25.

Περὶ τας θενίας εν Concerning Virginity we XIV.
Toni con ExCop, have received no Command-
but we leave it to
τη της βελομγίων ment;
ἐξεσίᾳ τοτο ππτρέπο- the Power of thofe that are
pju, is dixlu înv. willing, as a Vow exhort-

Η καθώς. V.



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ing them fo far in this Mat-" aurois absthat they do not promife νοντες, μή προχείρως any thing rafhly; fince Solo


Ecclef.v.4 mon fays, It is better not to vow, than to vow and not pay.

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Let fuch a Virgin therefore§ada è μn

1 Cor. vii. be holy in Body and Soul, as


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ψυχή, ναὸς Θεῖ, ws oin Xero, ws




the Temple of God, as the αὕτη ἔξω ἁγία σώμακ
House of Christ, as the Ha-Luxy, as vads Oεv,
bitation of the Holy Spirit.
For the that vows ought to moμalayis" ng-
do fuch Works as are fuit-
able to her Vow; and to
fhew that her Vow is real,

razigrov. da 28 7 ἐπαγγειλαμθύω, άξια inayorías pra


and made on account of lei- we woμfile, de

κνύειν τὸ ἐπαγγελμα αὐτῆς, ὅτι ἔξιν ἀληθές, & à qorli d'œCéías,

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fure for Piety, not to call a
Reproach on Marriage. Let
her not be a Gadder abroad,
nor one that rambles about 2 Saboru záμs
unseasonably; not double-hopfile. esa
minded; but grave, conti-
nent, fober, pure, avoiding
the Converfation of many,
and especially of thofe that
are of ill Reputation.

ῥημβάς, μηδὲ ἀκαι eesniml☺, μn Si5. νωμα αλλα σεμνή, eams, ouer, ain, φεύγει τους πρ πολ λῶν σωυτυχίας, ο μά λιςα 7 ασέμνων.

· μόνον. v. 2 deeft. V. deeft. v. 4 φιλόκοσμο. ν.



Περὶ μαρτύρων.



Concerning the Martyrs.

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τισμός, δια δ' όνομα ξ Xe158, C * εἰς + Θεὶν αγάπην @ Tisw, ngraneity άorb wy eis Medov", πηρία, ἢ μέταλλον, μή Taеidnτ auriv, ' ċn rỡ nó̟wv na cn 2 3 ident" iμcov Teu FATE OUTY as a



F any Chriftian, on

account of the
Name of Christ,
and Love
Love and
Faith towards God be con
demn'd by the Ungodly to
the Games, to the Beasts,
or to the Mines, do not ye
overlook him; but fend to
him from your Labour and
your very Sweat for his Su-
tenance, and for a Reward

φω αὐτό, ο εἰς μto the Soldiers, that he may
aaorodiciar" IPS spa. be eafed and be taken care

· δέλον. V. Α τῶν. ν. ' ὑπαρχόντων. ν. ἱρῶτο Edit. Al. θερα wear. V.

** Pag




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ξης τ' αγίς αγγελίε ἔλαβεν " έκαςΘ πιςων ἐν τῷ καταξίω var ☎ + ȧq Dáрry" SE• pars, y ↑ μptuelas sπa drugτwv autě, @ f κοινωνίας * αἷμα


rit, by whom every one of ice, doxãor & the Faithful has received dyis" moμato, di the Illumination of the Glory of the Holy Gofpel, by being vouchfaf'd the incorruptible Crown, and the Teftimony of Chrift's Sufferings, and the Fellowship of his Blood, to be made conformable to the Death of Chrift, and the Adoption of aury, ourμg sowChildren. For this Caufe do you all ye of the Faithful, by your Bimbop, minifer to the Saints of your Subfiance, and your Labour: But if any one has not, let him faft a Day, and fer apart that, and order it for the Saints. but if any one has Superfluities, let him minifter more to hem pleas, preloas, according to the Proportion τέτο ἐκ ταξάτω τοῖς


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Xes. V. deeft. V. Co. V. deeft. V.


ἁγίοις. εἰ δέ ὺς ἐν πε- of his Ability. But if he

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can poffibly fell all his Livelihood, and redeem them out of Prison, he will be bleffed, and a Friend of Chrift. For if he that gives his Goods to the Poor be perfect, fupe pofing his Knowledge of Divine Things, much more is he fo that does it on account of the Martyrs. For fuch an one is worthy of God, and will fulfil his Will, by fupplying thole who have confeis'd him before Nations and Kings, and the Children of Ifrael; concerning whom our Lord declar'd, faying, Whosoever shall confefs me before Men, him will I also con fefs before my Father. And if thefe be fuch as to be attefted to by Chrift before his γων Us av oμgion Father, you ought not to be In Engi en wegater rafhand to go to them in the ἀνθρώπων, ὁμολογήσω. Prifons. For if you do this, καγὼ ἐν αὐτῷ ἔμπρο. it will be eflcem'd to you DEV & Tare's us for a Teftimony, because Καὶ εἰ τοις τοί εἰσιν. ὡς the real Trial was to them * Two Xes & 67 Ta Teftimony, and your Readi πaÏjs aures μprupa nefs will be fo to you, as be

· κατὰ τὴν τῇ χωρίς διάταξιν. ν. 2 τε ἐν τοῖς ἐρανοῖς. V.



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