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النشر الإلكتروني


MRS. MARY BROMLEY (whose maiden name was Thompson), was born on the 10th of September, 1771, and died on Sunday, the 12th of November, 1837, aged 66 years and two months. Her parents were members of the Scotch meeting-house in Bow Lane, Cheapside, and were highly esteemed in the circle in which they moved, and trained up their children in the due observance of the forms and duties of religion. She was the youngest of the family; and, at the tender age of 11 years, suffered the severest worldly privation a child can know, in the loss of an affectionate pious mother. Her father married again; and, for about ten years, she suffered much confinement and fatigue, in constantly attending her mother-in-law during a long illness, which terminated in death; after which event, Mrs. Bromley, then about twenty-one years of age, began to anticipate a joyous career of uninterrupted pleasure, and entered at once upon a life of gaiety-attending card parties, and frequently visiting the theatre. The Sabbath, at this time, possessed no charms to her-its hours were tedious and irksome, and she even expressed a wish that it were blotted out of the days of the week. Oh! how different her views upon this subject when the grace of God had reached her heart!

In the year 1795, she was induced, one Sunday afternoon, to accompany her sister, Mrs. Savage, to the Rev. Mr. Freer's chapel, Portland Street (on the site now form. ing part of the London Docks), to hear the Rev. Mr. Swain, a popular Baptist minister of that day. On this occasion Mr. Bromley officiated as clerk, and here they first met with each other. For some time previous to her marriage, she occasionally attended Sion Chapel, with her sisters, and, in going and returning with her, Mr. Bromley (in order to ascertain the state of her mind, and being impressed with the sentiment of these words, "be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers") would purposely introduce religious subjects, put serious and solemn questions, and converse about the sermons they had heard. Her attention was thus arrested; she became gradually impressed with the importance of spiritual things. The Lord was pleased to enlighten her mind, and to bring her to the knowledge of Himself, which led her to forsake her former worldly associates and connexions, and, at length, "to count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus her Lord." Her first serious impressions were always dated by her from the period of the last mentioned interviews. She could not specify any particular sermon as the cause of her conversion; but her subsequent holy life and conversation clearly evinced that her heart had become renewed by the Spirit of grace, and her affections raised from earthly to heavenly objects. Mr. and Mrs. Bromley were married on the 15th of June, 1797. After the ceremony, on their return home, they called at the house of a friend, and there united in solemn prayer that the blessing of Heaven might attend the union; and, in the evening, heard the Rev. William Cooper, at Sion Chapel. They commenced life with comparatively limited means; but, by persevering industry, and economical habits, soon got forward, the Lord graciously smiling on their efforts, and abundantly prospering all their un dertakings; and thus verifying in their experience, the truth of His word, which says, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you." "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct

thy paths."

The year (1803), in which her father died, was a very memorable year of trial and bereavement; in addition to his loss, she was called to part with two dear young children, John and Janet. She often adverted, with much feeling, to these afflictive dispensations. Soon after they had removed into a house in Cannon Street Road, they were called to part with their beloved Janet; and, in September, 1805, another dear child was removed by the hand of death, which occasioned the family grave at Bunhill-fields to be opened four times within a short period (three times in less than nine months); but, after the interment of the last dear child, it remained closed for the long period of thirty-one years. Her other seven children still survive her; they were ever the objects of her constant solicitude and fervent prayers; and her grand-children, also, participated in her fondest affection. She was mercifully spared


to see all her children attain to years of maturity; and it afforded her much consolation, that several of them had given themselves up to the Lord.

In the year 1811, Providence led them to their present dwelling, and Mrs. B.'s was the first death that occurred therein, during a residence of upwards of twentysix years. They continued to attend at Sion Chapel until the Rev. Mr. M'All became the settled minister, after which they joined the Church of Christ under the pastoral care of the Rev. A. Reed, whose ministry was much blessed to her soul, and their eldest daughter also became united with them in church fellowship. Here they continued about ten years, and then returned to Sion Chapel, to which they had ever been much attached. The means of grace, which she regularly attended, were abundantly refreshing to her spirit, and she was anxious to profit, not merely by the preached Word, but by the prayers and praises of the great assembly. She derived much spiritual good under the ministry of the Rev. Messrs. William Cooper, Bennet, Browning, Thomas Jones, Wilkins, Brown, and other ministers, in the Connexion; and, particularly, in hearing the Rev. Mr. Gunn, who, in the early part of her life, preached in Lothbury, on Friday evenings. She always heard the Word with candour, and received it in love; and, consequently, enjoyed almost every sermon she heard. She was a praying woman--humble, spiritually-minded, sympathetic, and of quiet retiring habits; a valuable help-meet to her husband in all religious matters; often, in early life, accompanying him in his visits to the workhouses to preach the Gospel to the poor; and, afterwards, willingly sacrificing his company on the Sabbath, that he might declare the unsearchable riches of Christ in the destitute villages round London.

For more than forty years she has walked in the ways of religion, which she had proved to be ways of pleasantness and paths of peace. Her heart panted after the wells of salvation, and her tongne delighted to make mention of the righteousness of Christ, and of His only. She knew herself to be a sinner, and felt her need of a Saviour. She was truly a mother in Israel; particularly considerate and kind to the poor, wherever she went; and manifested the deepest concern for sinners. In the family she was the affectionate, faithful partner-the tender parent—the kind, forgiving, peace-making friend-in whose presence no one felt embarrassed. There was much ease and good nature in her manner, which endeared her to children in a peculiar way. Many of her friends were impressed by her pious observations, in a manner they hope never to forget: some, who knew and loved her in their childhood, have arrived at mature age, and become engrossed with numerous cares, who still found her the same kind, sympathising friend, always ready with a word of consolation when in trouble. The value of the soul, the emptiness of the world, the nearness and solemnity of death-were frequent topics of conversation. She generally enjoyed a good share of health, and, since her continuance at Bromley, in Kent (the last two years), it seemed more established; so that it was fondly, though vainly, anticipated (from her very regular and abstemious habits), she might be spared for many years, to cheer and benefit her family by her society, her counsel, and her prayers; but the Lord otherwise appointed, and we know He is too wise to err, and too good to be unkind.

After spending a few days at Brighton, in the early part of October, with kind Christian friends, she returned on the 9th, and finally removed to town on the 12th, for the winter months, anticipating a happy season with her beloved children, from whom she had been much separated during her residence out of town. The last public service in which she was permitted to join was at Sion Chapel, in the morning of the 29th of October, when the Rev. Mr. Hodson concluded his Lecture upon the "Dominion of God," which discourse she much enjoyed, and spoke of with great pleasure. On the 3rd of November she took cold, which first occasioned a rheumatic affection in the head and face, the pain increasing from day to day ;. on the 7th inst. she took to her bed, medical aid was procured, and every means applied, still she suffered exceedingly. On the Friday preceding her departure, she was rather depressed in mind, and, turning towards her youngest daughter, who was supporting her head, she said 'Do you think Jesus will leave me at last?' Her daughter assured her of His love and faithfulness, even unto death; that He had promised to bring the third part through the fire, and not leave it to be consumed; she soon after seemed consoled and happy; expressed her firm belief that


He who had brought her thus far, would support her even in death, I rest on Jesus,' said she, 'His love and His merits are my only dependence, and on Him I must rest safe.' Yes,' she could say, 'I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day. Feeling exceedingly low, she expressed a conviction that such pain could not last long; at which time no immediate danger was apprehended, nor until the morning of the day on which she died: and even then, when her daughter first arose, she appeared composed, and inclined for sleep, but said the pain had been insupportable during the night, and prevented her taking any rest. The first alarming symptom perceived, was her calling her daughter to come and lift her, saying she could not move a limb. It was apprehended, at the moment, that she was not quite sensible; the medical attendant was immediately fetched, he lifted her up in the bed; she was shortly afterwards seized with sickness, when he turned to her daughter, and said, 'It's all over with your mother!' Dr. Gordon, the physician, was sent for, and other means applied; she revived a little, but not so as to notice those around her; effusion on the brain had taken place; it was pronounced to be a case of 'metastasis.' About eleven o'clock she seemed to fall into a sweet sleep, but it was the sleep of death; her numerous family were quickly summoned to witness the solemn scene-all her children were present, except one (the youngest son), who did not arrive until she had ceased to breathe. Her affectionate partner was exceedingly overcome. When he spoke to her she remained silent and speechless; he entreated her to press his hand, if she knew him, but she still lay perfectly unconscious. Her breathing was somewhat difficult, yet she remained quiet, and, apparently, sleeping, until twelve minutes to four o'clock in the afternoon of Sunday, the 12th inst., when, without a struggle, or a groan, gently gliding over the river of death, her happy spirit took its flight to the mansions of eternal blessedness, to take possession of the heavenly temple, and enter upon a sabbath which will never end. Thus she came to her grave "in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in in his season." Sudden and painful as were the circumstances attending her dissolution, she was mercifully spared the pang of parting, which would have produced the deepest anguish in her feeling mind. The lines had fallen unto her in pleasant places, yet she had been called to pass through deep waters of affliction-she bore up under her trials with Christian fortitude; and experienced the truth of God's Word-" When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee, and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee." In the closing days of her life, the severe illness of one of her dear grandchildren, in the adjoining room, once greatly affected her. Hearing its agonising cries, she said, 'I wish I could go to glory, and take that dear child with me.' She has entered into her rest, but the dear child is still spared to suffer, and await the righteous will of Heaven.

The remains of the dear departed were deposited in the family grave, in Bunhillfields, on Tuesday, November 21, 1837, followed by her bereaved partner, their sons, and other mourning relatives; but her spirit rests with God, and realizes the joys described in one of her favourite hymns

"O happy souls that dwell in light,

And walk with Jesus clothed in white;
Safe landed on that peaceful shore,

Where pilgrims meet to part no more," &c.

The solemn event was improved on Sunday evening, November 26, 1837, at Sion Chapel, by the Rev. W. Hodson, from Luke xxiii, latter clause of 43rd verse; and at Bromley Chapel, Bromley, Kent, by the Rev. G. Verrall, from 2 Cor. v. 1.


ON November 30, 1837, died, in the faith of Jesus, Mr. James Pratt, brotherin-law to the Rev. Wm. Spencer, of Holloway, and Superintendent of Spa-fields' Chapel Sunday School. The event was improved in a Funeral Sermon, preached at the above Chapel, on Lord's Day Evening, the 10th inst., by the Rev. John Harris, of Ebenezer Chapel, Kidderminster. An obituary of this valuable young Christian may be expected in our next.

THE PEACE-MAKER: LAYING FORTH-for the followers of Christ, to seek the THE RIGHT WAY OF PEACE IN MAT- retirement of their closet, and to open TERS OF RELIGION. By JOSEPH such a work as the present; and, to use HALL, D.D., successively Bishop of the good bishop's words, "to pick out Exeter and Norwich. 32mo. pp. 184. what might sound towards concord." Again, in his opening chapter, he re

London: Seeley, Fleet Street.

THE labours of Bishop Hall have de-marks:

servedly claimed the love, the reverence, "It is the duty of every son of peace to and the admiration, of the Christian endeavour, what in him lies, to reduce all public, for the last two centuries. For the members of God's church upon earth to originality and quaintness, and for elo- a blessed unity, both in judgment and affecquence and devotion, he will ever hold tions. This is the holy labour which I have here undertaken. The God of peace put a distinguished rank with Jeremy life into it: and make it as effectual, as it is Taylor, Hooker, and Barrow. Dr. Fuller has remarked, that, "Hall may tian soul!" heartily meant, to the good of every Chrisbe said to have died with his pen in his hand, whose writing and living expired rusal of this seasonable little work may, We trust that the circulation and petogether. Not unhappy in controver under the Divine blessing, promote a sies, more happy at comments; very spirit of union and concord among all good in his character, better in his sermons, best of all in his meditations-he who profess and call themselves Chrishad preached to two Synods, reconciled six controversies, served two princes, and as many kings; sat in three parliaments, kept the pulpit for fifty-three years, managed one deanery and two bishoprics, written forty-three excellent treatises, and seen his and the church's enemies made as odious at last, as they were popular at first."


A GLIMPSE OF THE KINGDOM OF GRACE. Eight Sermons by Dr. F. W. KrumMACHER, Author of "Elijah the Tishbite." Translated by the Rev. R. F. WALKER, Curate of Purleigh, Essex. 18mo. pp. 236.

Religious Tract Society.

In the year 1808, the Rev. Josiah IN our last Number will be found some Pratt arranged and revised an edition remarks on German Sacred Literature; of Hall's Works in 10 vols. 8vo., of and we have this month to introduce to which a large portion was bespoken by the notice of our readers another work subscribers before the day of publication, by Dr. Krummacher, containing Eight and which has now become very scarce. Sermons, under the title of "A Glimpse We are glad to find, however, that a new of the Kingdom of Grace." The fact of and improved edition of the bishop's en- the present work having been issued tire works are now issuing from the Ox-from the Religious Tract Society is a ford press, and which is expected to be comprised in 12 large 8vo. volumes.

sufficient guarantee for the correct sentiments of the Author. However, as As the high price at which the entire we are likely to be inundated with works works of Bishop Hall are published will from the prolific German press, we rerender them inaccessible to the majority commend that every republication should of Christians, we feel some gratification undergo a severe criticism in this country; in being able to introduce to the notice of and that, too, on account of the preour readers one treatise by our author, and vailing errors of so many of their which, from the present divided state of the celebrated authors. The literary activity church, deserves to be extensively circu- of the writers in Germany is unprecelated and read by all classes of professing dented in the history of bibliography; Christians; for it will be found a de- for it appears that, of late years, on a lightful, as well as a profitable, employ-moderate calculation, if we calculate all ment, in the midst of the religious dis- the volumes of every impression, there cord of the day-too frequently carried are ten millions published annually in on with the passions of the natural, and that country. As inventors of the art not with the graces of the spiritual, man of printing, they are determined to give

a practical demonstration of their attachment to the liberty of the press.

when we begin to lean to our own wisdom, or our own worth, or our own strength; and think, by devices of our own, to keep up our spiritual health-to form a spiritual dew for ourselves-to make to ourselves a holiness and a glory. This is no other than the way to spiritual death. Our life consists in abidwith Him who is the Root of David, and the ing in the Light of Israel, in communion Bright and Morning Star. Happy indeed are they, who know of no consolation but

The work before us will, we think, obtain a wide circulation, on account of its clear and forcible representations of evangelical truths. The following are the subjects: I. The Dew of Israel, and the Lily of God.-II. Issachar, or Couching between the Borders.-III. The More than Parental Love of God.-IV. The Encampment of Judah. V. Wis-in Christ, their Surety; no nourishing spring dom's Delights with the Sons of Men. VI. The Night Vision. VII. Apostacy and Recovery. VIII. The Depths of Satan. We select a specimen from the first sermon of the author's happy manner of conveying Divine truths to the understanding and to the heart: his text is from Hosea xiv. 5. "I will be as the dew unto Israel: he shall grow as the lily."

but the Fountain of Salvation opened to the house of David, from which they daily and hourly receive and draw. Happy they, who have no other care than to live beneath the wings of the Sun of Righteousness, that they may be constantly advancing to perfect spiritual health. Happy they, whose eyes are ever looking to the Great immediately from His hand, and to be satis Shepherd and Bishop of Souls, to receive fied with His good pleasure. Nothing "The lily is often found growing among really good for them will be withheld. thorns. Accordingly, we find the bridegroom Bread shall be given them; their waters exclaiming, in the Song of Songs As the shall be sure.' Wilt thou then thrive, O lily among thorns, so is my beloved among Israel, and bloom as the lily? Let a sense the daughters.' And what do such thorns of thy need keep thy heart ever thus open represent, but the many temporal and spi- to Christ, with thy mind always humble, and ritual troubles with which the chosen of God prayerfully teachable to His Spirit. Thus are incessantly encompassed here on earth? shalt thou be as the summer lily-lovely, But thus it must be; for such thorns are as fresh, and fragrant-and, in the midst of thy a fence and a check round about us: as a leaves-thy words and actions-thy prayers check, to keep us humble and dependent on and praises will be seen sparkling and the Lord alone; and as a fence to ward off glistening, the pure blessing of that eternal many a temptation to pride and levity. La-dew which has nurtured thee. zarus, without his sores, would not have bloomed so beautifully as he did in spirit before the Lord; and Paul, without his thorn in the flesh, would have been exalted above measure. The church of old shone brightest, when, in the midst of her tribulations then was her whole beauty developed.


May, then, the Spirit of the Lord Jesus come upon each of us as the dew! Though we may have been hitherto but as dry and withered grass, good for nothing but to be cast into the fire and burned; yet now on us may He do marvels, even as upon the rod of Aaron, which was sapless and dead; but, in a single night, by the mighty power of the Lord, became verdant, bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds! May He transform this our whole church into a very field of lilies! Then, whenever He shall visit us, to pluck away any one from amongst us, it may be said of Him in heaven, as in the Song of Songs, 'My Beloved is gone into His garden to gather lilies.' while, may His Church upon earth, with all its members, expand and bloom to the utmost!"



"Observe, again, by what means the lily thrives and flourishes. Though it toil not, neither does it spin, it loves the sunshine, and opens its cup to the morning dew. Thus it breathes its fragrance, thus it blooms so beautifully, and becomes so gorgeously arrayed. Consider then the lily, how it grows; for we cannot grow better than by the process which it observes. As it passively waves in the sunshine of God, and opens its cup to the day-spring dew, so let us learn to glory only in that life' which is the light of men'-namely, in Christ who is our life; the whole volume. We trust that these This may be taken as a fair sample of and to expand our thoughts and affections Sermons will find their way into many every morning to the sweet influence of His Spirit. Let us ever remember, that nothing Christian families; and we are sure they is effected by the self-importance or self-de- will be read with interest and with pendence of him that willeth, or of him pleasure. that runneth. Oh, it is a fearful presage,

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