صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Courses, as can afford us the most rational Affurance of Bleffedness and Glory hereafter.


Now I fhall endeavour to make it out by plain Reason, that the Happiness of our Condition, in all these refpects, doth depend upon Religion and that not only morally upon Account of that Reward which virtouous Actions do entitle a Man unto, from a just and wife Providence; but naturally alfo, by reason of that phyfical Efficacy which the Duties of Religion have, to procure for us all those things wherein our temporal Happiness confifts; to promote the Welfare, not only of particular Perfons, but of publick Communities of Mankind in general, and of the whole Universe.

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How Religion conduces to our prefent Happiness in this World: And first to the Happiness of the Outwardman. 1. In respect of Health.


ND because these things I have men

tioned, (efpecially thofe of them which concern our external happiness in this world) are the great Aims and Defigns, by which the generality of Men are chiefly fway'd in their Actions; and therefore like to prove very powerful Motives to make Men religious, if they could be once effectually perfuaded, that Religion is the most proper Means for the attaining of these Things: I fhall therefore endeavour to make out this Truth, by the plainest and most convincing Evidence that may be. And the rather, because in fuch kind of Affertions, as are befides the common Opinion, and feem Paradoxes, Men will be apt to be jealous of their being impofed upon by fome kind of Sophifm or Fallacy.

In order to this, I fhall obferve this Method: First, I fhall endeavour to ftate and define the Nature of thefe Things,

and to fhew wherein the true Notion of them doth confift. And then proceed to the Proof of this Propofition, that Religion is the most proper Means to procure and promote thefe Ends. And befides the Evidence to this purpose, from the concurrent Opinions of wife Men, in feveral Ages; I fhall likewife make them out both by Reason and by Experience, which are all the kind of Arguments that fuch Matters are capable of.

Only I must premise one Caution; that when I fay Religion is the Cause of these Things, the Meaning is not, that it is fo neceffary, and fo infallible a Cause, as can never fail of its Effect. This would not be confiftent with our dependent Condition, there being nothing in this World fo much under the Power of human Endeavours, but that the Providence of God may interpofe for the Disappointment of it. To whom it must be left, to make what referved Cafes he pleases from the ordinary Courfe of Things. But tho' it be not an infallible Caufe, yet it is such a Caufe as doth generally and To, produce its Effect: And all Mankind do think it a fufficient Inducement, to apply their Endeavours unto fuch Courses for the procuring of any thing, as are the best Means to be had, and do for the most effect the Ends they are defigned for.


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This being premised, I doubt not but to offer fuch Arguments for the Proof of these Things, as fhall be fufficient for the Conviction of any Man who will but understand and confider them.

I begin with the Firft. The Welfare of our prefent Condition in refpect of our Outward-man doth depend upon Religion.

Firft, Religion is the best Means for Health. By Health I mean fuch a Constitution of our Bodies, whereby our Members and Faculties are inabled for the due Performance of their natural Functions, and freed from Pain; 'tis properly oppofed to Sickness or Disease. As for the Infirmities of Old Age, thefe are fo effential to all living Creatures, fo neceffarily fpring from the very Principles of our Natures, that though they may be fomewhat leffened and alleviated, yet are they not capable of any complete Remedy.

This Bleffing of Health is fo neceffary to our Well-beings in this World, that without it we cannot enjoy any thing else no, not our own felves; infomuch that Men do, and may justly put a great Value upon it, and . are willing to purchase it at any Rate. And therefore to all fuch, this Confideration muft needs be a very powerful Motive.

Now I fhall make it plain that this doth depend upon Religion,




1. Morally, By reafon of thofe Bleffings of this kind, which by the Light of Nature Men may reasonably expect from the Goodnefs of God, upon the Obfervance of his Laws; befides the feveral Affertions and Promises in Scripture to this purpose, where Sin is often reprefented as the meritorious Caufe of Sicknefs, and Diseases are often threatned, and accordingly inflicted as the due Rewards of Sin: And on the other fide, Deut. 28. upon Mens obferving the Duties of Religion, God promises to take away fickness from the Exod. 23. midst of them, to bestow upon them health 25. and length of days. The fear of the Lord Deut. 7. and departing from evil, fhall be health to 15: thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. Prov.3. 7, 8. Prov. 11. 19. As righteoufnefs tend- Prov. 4 eth to Life, fo he that purfueth Evil, purfueth it to his own death. c. 2. 22. The Ifa. 58. 8. wicked fhall be cut off from the earth, and the tranfgreffors shall be rooted out of it.

2. Religion is the natural Caufe of Health, which may appear upon this two-fold Reafon; because it doth remove thofe Things that will hinder it, and doth promote fuch Things as will help it.

1. It doth removere prohibens, it is apt to prevent and remove fuch Things as are the

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