River, and ready to stumble, ἐλέως κὶ οἰκκρμῶν κρίand thou shouldest push him νoντες τὲς ἁμαρτάνον and thrust him into the River, instead of offering him thy Hand for his Afsistance, thou would'st be guilty of the Murder of thy Brother ; whereas thou oughtest rather to lend thy helping Hand, as he was ready to fall, lest he perish without Remedy; that both the People may take Warning, and the Offender may not utterly perith. 'Tis thy Duty, Ο Βishop, neither to overlook the Sins of the People, nor to reject those who are penitent, that thou mayst not unskilfully destroy the Lord's Flock, or dishonour his new Name, which is impos'd on his People, and thou thy self beest reproach'd as those ancient Paftors were, of whom God Jer. xiito. speaks thus to Jeremiah, Many Shepherds have destroy'd my Vineyard; they have polluted Zach.10.3 my Heritage: And in another &ς. ἐσὺ γδ τ πρέπο ταμὸν βαδίζοντα ε μέλλοντα ὀλιπαίνειν 'κε paiαις ὥσας" εἰς τ ποίαμὸν ἐμβάλῃς ἀντὶ ξ χῶρα μᾶλλον ὀρέξαι, ἐφόνουσας (ε + ἀδελ φόν. δέον μᾶλλον τῷ ὀλιπαίνονκ ἐιδέναι δεξιὰν, ἵνα μὴ τελείως πόληται, ὅπως ὁ ὁ λαός νεθετῆται, ὁ ὁ αμαρτήσας μὴ κτ πᾶν πόληται. δῷ δὲ (ε, ὦ, ὀλήσκοπε, μήτε παρορᾶν Τί άμαρτήματα ξ λαῦ, μήτε τὲς μεταναῦντας Σποςρέφεποι, ὅπως μὴ διαφθείρης, ὡς ἄπειes, ὃ ποίμνιον κυρίε, ή φαυλίσης αὐτοῦ δ ὄνομα ὁ καινὸν δ εἰς τ λαὸν αὐτος βπιτεθέν, Εὀνειδιπήσῃ, καθάπερ & οἱ παλαιοί ποιμθύες, weιῶν ἔλεγχυ ὁ Θεός" τῷ Ἱερεμίᾳ· Ποιμλύες Passage, My Anger is waxed πολλοὶ διέφθειραν ἢ ἁμα hot against the Shepherds, and πελῶνά με, ἐμάλιωαν · παντελῶς. ν. deeft. V. 2 Η κληρονομίου με. against the Lambs (hall I have τὲς ποιμλύας αθρωξιώθη Te are the Priests that dishonour Mal. 1.6. ὁ θυμός με, τὰ στm my Name. τὸς ἀμνὸς ὀργιθήσομαι. Καὶ ἐν ἑτέροις· Ὑμεῖς οἱ ἱερεῖς οἱ φαυλίζοντες ο ὄνομά με. πάτωσης, κὶ γδ our Saviour himself intreated d el της ἡμαρτηκότων ὁ ω· his Father for those who had τὴρ τ πατέρα ἠξίε, ὡς sinned, as it is writtenin the γέγραπται ἐν τῷ as Gospel, Father, forgive them, Luk.xxii. γελίῳ. Πάτερ. άφες for they know not what they do. 34. αὐτοῖς, ἐ ὸοἴδασιν 38" Then order the Offender to ποιῶσι. Τότε (ύ κε: come in; and if upon Examiλύσεις εἰσελθεῖν αὐτὸν, nation thou findest that he is ὰ ἀνακρίνας ἐἰ μετα- penitent, and fit to be reνοῦ, ὁ ἄξιος ἔξιν ἐς ceiv'd at all into the Church, ἐκκλησίλυ ὅλως w- when thou hast afflicted him δελθῆναι, σιβώσας αὐτ his Days of Fafting, accordτὸν ἡμέρας νηςειῶν xing to the Degree of his Of Ξαι, ἐξελθόντος αὐτε. · κρινέσθωσαν. V. 3 τί ν. fence 3. 225. fence, as two, three, five or ὃ ἁμάρτημα, εβδομά seven Weeks, so set him at das δύο, ἢ τρεῖς, * Pag. liberty, and speak such things πέντε, ἢ *** ἑπτοὺ, to him as are fit to be said τως αὐτὸν δπόλυον, εἰ in way of Reproof, Instructi- πὼν αὐτῷ ὅσα αρμόζε on and Exhortation to a Sin- ἡμαρτηκότι εἰς νυθεσίδο ner for his Reformation; that πλήοσονία διδάσσκὸν so he may continue private-ραινεῖν, ὅπως μάνῃ ly in his Humility, and pray παρ' ἑαυτης ταπεινοto God to be merciful to φρονῶν, καὶ δεόμλυθε Pf. cxxix. him, saying, If thou, O Lord, Θεῦ τυχεῖν αὐτῷ ̓Αύμεshouldest mark Iniquities, O ves", * λέγειν Ἐὰν Lord, who should stand? For γύομίας πρατηρήση, κώ with thee there is Propitia- ριε, κύριε τις ύπηςήσε tion. Of this fort of De- ται; ὅτι πλά Coi o claration is that which is ἱλασμός όξι. Τοιέτον said in the Book of Genesis γάρ τι ὑπεμφαίνε εδ Gen. iv. 7. to Cain, Thou hast finned, be ἐν τῇ γχμέσα εἰρημθύου quiet; that is, Do not go on τῷ Καΐν' "Ημαρτος ; in Sin. For that a Sinner ἡσύχασον· τετέςι μὴ ought to be asham'd for his πῆς. Ὅτι γδ τ own Sin, that Oracle of God ἁμαρτήσομζα δει νωρ deliver'd to Mofes concerning & οἰκείς πλημμελήμαMiriam is a sufficient Proof, 70. αὐχωνεπς, ἱκομὸν ὁ when he pray'd that the λόγιον τῷ Μωσεῖ ὑπὸ might be forgiven. For, says Μαρίας ειρημδύον, Ιώ God to him, If her Father κα ἠξίς ἀφεθῆναι αὐτῇ. had spit in her Face should the noi γὸ αὐτῷ ὁ Θείς· not be asham'd? Let her be shut Εἰ ὁ πατὴρ αὐτης πλύων out of the Camp Seven Days, ἀνέπλυσεν εἰς δ' πρόσω and afterwards let her come in πον αὐτῆς, ἐκ 3 όνε LXX. 1 · ἐυμονῶς. V. 2 Ε. λέγων, 3 αν. V. τράπη; τράπη; ἑωποὺ ἡμέρας again. We therefore ought Ει' ἢ ὁ βλίσκοπος αὐ- BUT if the Bishop him- XVI τὸς ἐν προσηρμ be an Offender, how ματι υπάρχε, πῶς ἔτπἐ- will he be able any longer to πεξέλθοι εκζητῆται - prosecure the Offence of anoδίκηκά κνα, ἢ βther? Or how will he be able μῆσος κνι, χά προσω- to reprove another? Either ποληψίζω, · ἢ διὰ δω- he, or his Deacons, if by οληψιγμ", ἢ αὐτὸς, ἢ οἱ accepting of Perfons, or reΚάκονοι, ἐχ ̓ ὑπάρ- ceiving of Bribes, they have ·χοντες δύσκυνείδητοι; 8- not all a clear Conscience? που γδ ὁ ἄρχων αὐτῇ, For when the Ruler asks, and τὰ ὁ κριτής λαμβάνη, the Judge receives, Judgment, * ἐ διεξάγεται εἰς τε is not brought to Perfection; λα κρίσις. Κοινώνοὶ ἢ but when both are Companions Ifa. 1. 23 κλεπτῶν ὁ ἐκρίση xn- of Thieves, and regardless of : deeft. V.: κείσιν. ν. F doing doing Fustice to the Widows, τῶν προσέχοντες, ἐ δυνήσονται οἱ ὑπὸ ἐ πίσκοπον συνεπιμαχεῖν της όισκόπῳ· ἐρῶσι γὸ αὐτῷ ὁ ἐν τῷ διαδρε λίῳ γογραμμλύον. Τι βλέπεις ο κάρφου το ἐν τῷ ὀφθαλμῷ δ ἀδελφᾶ σε, those who are under the Bi· shop will not be able to support and vindicate him: For they will say to him what is Luk. v1.41. written in the Gospel, Why beboldest thou the Mote that is in thy Brother's Eye, but confiderest not the Beam that is in thine own Eye? Let the Bishop τὸν ἢ ἐν τῷ ἰδίῳ ὀφ therefore, with his Deacons, θαλμῷ ἐ κατομοεῖς; dread to hear any fuch thing; Εὐλαβείπω ἓν ὁ ὀλάthat is, let him give no oc- σκοτοθυ συν τοῖς δια casion for it. For an Of- κόνοις αὐτῷ, ἀκῶστη ῥῆfender, when he sees any o- μακ τοιῶτον· τετέςι, ther doing as bad as himself, μὴ διδότῳ ἀφορμιώ. ὁ will be encouraged to do 8 ἁμαρτάνων ἐπὰν the very fame things; and ἴη τινὰ ὅμοια αὐτῷ then the wicked One, taking δρῶνται, οἰκοδομηθήσε Occafion from a single In- ται εἰς ὃ τὰ αὐτὰ ποιῶν· stance, works in others, which εἶτα ὁ πονηρὸς δὲ ἑνὸς God forbid; and by that ἀφορμίω λαβών, εἰς means the Flock will be de- ἑτέρες ἐνεργεῖ· ὁ μὴ stroy'd. For the greater num- γλύοιτο. ὁ ὅπως χαber of Offenders there are, reαφήσεται τὸ ποίμνιον the greater is the Mischief πλειόνων γὃ ὄντων τώ that is done by them: For ἁμαρτυμόντων, πλείων Sin which passes without Cor- ἔsay ἐὶ ἡ δ ̓ αὐτῶν ὅλι rection grows worse and τελεμθύη ηανία. αμαρworse, and spreads to others; τία γ ̓ ἀνέλεγκτος", fince, A little Leaven infects χείρων ἑαυτῆς γίνεται, ε Gal. v. 9. |