صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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a Brawler, not Covetous; not Tas, an' brenns, a



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max, apinag wees un veóquÏ®, iva μù Tuqwleis, eis xeina èμπέσῃ, καὶ παγίδα" το αβόλε ὅν πως ὁ ὑ v Euro'r TATAV WinΤο τον 5 δεν είναι τἐπίσκοπον, μιᾶς ἄνδρα funusior jurangs μgvoγάμε, καλῶς τὸ ἰδία ons geswra. Oumμg Cedw,


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Novice, left being puffed up with Pride, he fall into Condemnation, and the Snare of Luc, xiv. the Devil. For every one that exalteth himfelf hall be abafed. Such an one a Bifhop ought to be, who has been the Husband of one 1 Tim. Wife, who also has herself had no other Husband ; ruling well his own Houfe. In this manner let Examination be made when he is to receive τότ' δω την χειροτονία Ordination, and to be placd in his Biloprick, whether he 'be grave, faithful, decent; whether he hath a grave and faithful Wife, or has formerly had fuch a one; whether he hath educated his Coundren piously, and has brought Eph. vi. 4. them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord; whether his Domefticks do fear and reverence him, and are all obedient to him; for if thole who are immediately about him for worldly Concerns are feditious and difobedient, how will others, not of his

defunt. v. 3. V.


λαμβάνων καθίςαται ἐν τῷ τόπῳ ἢ ἐπισκο s, ei és Ceμvòs, mπñs, des gos, & no& g guGe geo vaxa Ceperles & wi singer τὴν ἔχοι Teva Joσε6@s arαSpas & in vedecia νοθεσία nei's matous weena & oi nat oinor Cμso è Αλαβέμβιοι geTOMSOL AUTOR Uπήκοοι πούτες εἰσὶν αὐτ εἰ δ' οἱ καὶ σάρκα o auto, weds auτον τασιάζεσι τ' απει· son, was 61 1⁄2w f

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Family, when they are under
his Management, become o-
bedient to him?

Dixías AUTO pior, W-
οικίας ἴδιοι
μάγιοι αὐτῷ ὑποταγή

σονται ;

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Levit. xxl.

Let Examination alfo be III. made whether he be unblameable as to the Concerns of this Life. For it is written,' Search diligently for all the Faults of him who is to be or- 17, &c. dain'd for the Priesthood: On** Pag. which account let him alfo 215 be void of Anger; for Wif dom fays, Anger deftroys even Ριόν. εν, the Prudent. Let him alfo, 1. lxx. be merciful, of a generous and loving Temper. For our Lord fays, By this Jhall all Joh.xIII. Men know that ye are my Difci 35. ples if ye love one another. "Esw @ Liμe Tado, Let him be alfo ready to give, pizon, pievos, a Lover of the Widow and φιλόχηρα, φιλόξενος imperinos, novos, the Stranger, ready to ferve, ConvλQ, SVEπaique and minifter, and attend. TO, ada's I Manor Refolute in his Duty; and, ὄντα άξιον ὑπολήψεως. let him know who is the

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moft worthy of his Affift

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Prov. xxiii. 21.

by reafon of Sickness, or xhe, din' irdens v-
the bringing up many Chil. πάρχω και νόσον, ἢ
dren, or Infirmity of her
Hands, let him firetch our
his Hand in Charity, rather
to this latter. But if any
one be in Want by Glutro-
Drunkenness, or Idleness,
he does not deferve any Affi-
stance, or to be efteem'd a
Member of the Church of




nongopiar, i Si doθένειαν χειρῶν, ὅπὶ ταύ my HÃMOV ČRTEIVÉTW ↑ xea. Eid 'ks" wo καταφαγες, ή μέθυσος, ap&N HIS BINTInis Oxiberry, con es xvcías,

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μιω ἐκκλησίας Θε..

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God For the Scripture, Ad 8 i zaph wei fpeaking of fuch Perfons, TT

Prov. xix-fays, The Slothful hideth his Hand in his Bofom, and is not able to bring it to his Mouth Eeclef. again, And again, The SlugIV. S. gard folds up his Hands, and eats his own Flesh. For every Drunkard and Whoremonger Shall come to Poverty, and every drowfie Perfon fhall be cloa thed with Tatters and Rags. And in another Paflage, If LXX, thou give thine Eyes to Drinking and Cups, thou shalt afterwards walk more naked than the Houfe-top: For certainly Idlenefs is the Mother of Famine.


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↑ HÍλTOV, διωήσεται ἀπενεκεν aislu eis ☎ sópa avrỡ. Kay an appo weegber mais Xereas πριέλαβεν хаешь αὐτό, καὶ ἔφαγε τας στρο ngs auto. αυτό. Пas 28 pivo, è moprong T, Haydi, & ENδύσεται ο διερρωγόταν 3 pannen" was reῥακώδη τας ns. Kai or amois. Ἐὰν ἢ εἰς τὰς φιάλαι TOTHELA SES TYS Danμes of, useCor περιπατήστε γυμνότε


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α. Ὡς αληθώς γδ μήτηρ 4 έςιν " ή αργία ο λιμέ


¿ Nw. V. ! Neppnyuíra. V. 3 deeft. v. 2 deest. V.


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Eros Formoner G A Bishop must be no Ac Ray Gin, Mre cepter of Perlons; he must

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not fear any, nor bafely flat-
ter a rich Man, neither over-
look nor domineer over a
poor Man. For, fays God
to Mofes, Thou shalt not accept Levit. xin
the Perfon of the Rich, nor fhalt 158.
thou pity a poor Man in his
Caufe : For the fudgment is
the Lord's. And again, Thou Deut. i. 179
shalt with exact Justice follow xvi. 26.
that which is right. Let a
Bifhop be frugal, and con-
tented with a little in his
Meat and Drink, that he
be ever in a fober Frame,
and difpos'd to inftruct and
admonish the Ignorant; and
let him not be coftly in his
Diet, a Pamperer of himself,
given to Pleasure, or fond of
Delicacies. Let him be pa-
tient and gentle in his Ad-
monitions, well inftructed
himself, meditating in, and ***
diligently ftudying the Lord's
Books, and reading them
frequently, that fo he may
be able carefully to interpret

ongsoinen This weg- the Scriptures, expounding

・reeft. V. 2 al. zsoon y mords 3 al. CRO

τροφὴ καὶ ποτὸς

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+ al.

Pag 2166

the Gofpel in correfpondence with the Prophets, and with the Law ; and let the Expo fitions from the Law and the Prophets correfpond to the Gospel. For the Lord Jof. v.39. Jefus fays, Search the Scrip. tures, for they are thofe which 45. teftify of me. And again, For Mofes wrote of me. But above all, let him carefully diftinguifh between the ori

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Mr Maler, Janviar le 657 vóμ πιςών, @ τί δεσμα α swv, iva per les twoπέση τοῖς δεσμοῖς. Ἐπι μελος εν ο λόγος επίσκο meiva i dusator Cos πάντα καὶ λέξιν ερμη veiv", è ev moray διδαχη πλεσίως τρέφης



ginal Law, and the Additio- jabos givende, vouge
nal Precepts, and fhew which
are the Laws for Believers,
and which the Bonds for the
Unbelievers, left any fhould
fall under thore Bonds. Be
careful therefore, Ο Bilhop,
to study the Word, that thou
mayft be able to explain eve-
ry thing exactly, and that
thou mayft copioufly nou-
rish thy People with much 3qw(ns" & óvo
Doctrine, and enlighten them
with the Light of the Law.
For God fays, Enlighten your
felves with the Light of Know-
ledge, while we have yet Op.

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: deeft. V. ερμηνεύσης να φωτίσης ν.


qonquer & vous. dwriGπ S, Onoir & Dec's, ἑαυτοῖς φῶς γνώσεως, es el raieos.



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