صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


For he is fo by Choice and very runs 2 TETO
Patience, and is worthy of καὶ ὑπομονῆς τιμῆς
great Honour, as having uns naciQ,
confers'd the Name of God,
and of his Chrift before Na-
tions and Kings. But if
there be Occafion, he is to
be ordain'd either a Bishop,
Priest, or Deacon, But if
any one of the Confefforse
who is not ordain'd fnatches
to himself any fuch Digni- rns, un xe Town-
ty, upon account of his Con- es, afton aud
feffion, let the fame Perfon,
be depriv'd and rejected :

ὁμολογήσεις ο όνομα
το Θεό, και το Χρις
αυτό ενώπιον
καὶ βασιλέων. ἐὰν

pea auton as 67-
axony, ἢ πρεσβύτ
novor xa-
εινεται εἰ δέ τις όμο




and T TRISTOP. WE διὰ τὸ ὁμολογίαν, τις

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for he is not in fuch an igen, nou anoOffice,, fince he has deny'd the Confitution of Chrift, 1 Tim.v.8. and is more than an Ινιξα del.


1 Cor. vii.



A Vir

gin is not Ordain'd; for we
have no fuch Command from
the Lord, for this is a State
of voluntary Tryal, not for
the Reproach of Marriage,
but on account of leifure
for Piety.

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came gap bir
επείπερ ήρνηται 7 Χ
σε διάταξιν καί ἔσιν
ἀπότε χείρων
[[ο αυτός, weing.
θένων διατάσσομα

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deeft. V.


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Judith xvi.

[[ K & ya Asb Caï ¡ επικληθείς Θαδδαίος, rade wei mean TONY]] A Widow is not Ordain'd; XHCOTOVETY IN yet if fhe has loft her Huf † ἐκ πολλὰ ἀπέβαλε band a great while, and has idea, comproves lived foberly and unblamee angray was (noe, ably, and has taken extraor-** Fág. Cerfs oinewr dei dinary Care of her Family,, **Empedon. as 'le as Judith, and Anna, thofe 21923,234 -dio, y "Arva, ai or Women of great Reputation, Luk. 11. Kórary nalamai let her be chofen into the As a memera Order of Widows? But if VENT! awilane fhe has lately loft her Yokedμg Sugar, pen med fellow, let her not be bewa, asia geary - liev'dy but let her Youth be στης κρινίσω, τα να πά- judg'd of by thetime. For In tean goumpa the Affections do sometimes aiteen per grow aged with Men, if ανθρώποις,κα reper for the jarure they be not reftrained by a το εργόμενα better Bridle smaɔ jonki 14 juros, memo to 300,hei lo und

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For 'tis a Tryal of voluntary

invois sabor, è Goodnefs, and of the Grace

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of God, through Chrift, by
the Affiftance of the Holy
Spirit: For he who has re-

2a6ion aeropia a ceived the Gift of Healing

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is declared by Revelation

μάτων, dimanukis


tourngogeï árgáóñois μn. al. deeft. V. cipzéμwá. al. 4 defunt. V.

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36, &e.



from God. But if there be
Occafion for him, he muft
be ordain'd a Bilhop, or a


Let a Bilhop be Ordain'd by
Three or Two Bilhops : but
if any one be Ordain'd by
one Bilhop, let him be de-
priv'd, both himfelf, and he
that ordain'd him. But if
there be a Neceflity that he
have only one to Ordain
him, becaufe more Bilhops
cannot come together, as in
time of Perfecurion, or for
fuch like Caures, let him
bring the Suffrage of Per-
mifion from more Bilhops.

Concerning the Canons.

A Bilhop bleffes, but does
not receive the Bleffing. He

* Επισκόπε. V. deeft, V.

μως ὑπὸ Θεῖ ἀναδεί
κνυται, φιμερᾶς ἔσης
πάσι δ ἐν ἀπῳ χάρι
τω. και 5 χρεία
το γλύηται εἰς Ἐπίσκοπον,
ἢ πρεσβύτερον, ἢ
κινον χειροτονείται
[[Σίμων ἢ ὁ Κανα
νίτης, κατω ατάκ
και από πόσων οφείλε
χειροτονείσαι ο πι
σκοπο ]] Ἐπίσκοπο
από τριῶν ἢ δύο Έλλ
σκόπων χειροτονεί τα
ἐὰν δέ τις ὑπὸ ἑνὸς χει
ροτονηθῇ ὅπισκέπν,και
θαιρείσω, ο αυτός, και ο
χειροτονήσας αυτόν· ἐξὺ
ή ανάγκη καταλάβη
απὸ ἑνὸς ' χειροτονηθῆ
και, α δ μὴ δύναπς
πλείονας αυέπου
διωγμὲ ὄντο, ἢ ἄλ
λης τοιαύτης αιτίας,
ψήφισμα νομιζω
ὅπτροπῆς πλειόνων ἐ

[[ 'O iuris, 2 Ng πασομαι" οι κανό νων.] Επίσκοπο τ λογεί, σον αυλογεῖται




1 3

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xaco deni, gelova, lays on Hands, Ordains, Of-
προσφέρε, συλογίωμ fers, Receives the Blefing
ay mongoor - from Bishops, but by no
Card, I πрεou means from Presbyters. A
τέρων ἐδαμῶς ἐπίσκος Bilhop deprives any Clergy-
TO nadaipei Tor man who deferves Depri-
unnernov1ažiov" öra vation, excepting a Bishop;
radaspérews, *** mile for of himself he has not
CMONITE MOVES Power to do that.
A Pref-
。iús π. 2 πрeσCúπрp byter Bleffes, but does not
curogei, con cuño receive the Bleffing; yet does
του ευλογίας δέχεται he receive the Bleffing from
@Dy monirs, 3ou the Bishop, or a Fellow-Pref-
πρεσβυτέρες, ὡσαύτως byter. In like manner does
ἐπιδίδωσι συμπρεσβυ he give it to a Fellow-Pref
TPW KADETEI, & e- byter. He lays on Hands,
COTOVE, Hawaip, but does not Ordain; he does
apoeist 5 tus vale not deprive, yet does he
Canotas, ich way - feparate those that are un-
WAARNOI TH TOLNUT der him, if they be liable to
hμweig. Haxorx fuch a Punishment. A Dea-
dagyri, & sidwory d con does not bless, does not
zoriar, raμbár give the Bleffing but receives
το ἐπισκίων & πρεσ- it from the Bilhop and Pref
Cumps & Bamil&byter; he does not baptize,
wegopept, he does not offer, but when
σκόπε προσενεγκόνloς a Bilhop or Presbyter has
πреσCUTÉρY, au- offer'd, he distributes to the
Tos emdidwar rus xa, People; not as a Priest, bur
x' wis iεpolis, an's as one that minifters to the
Za novéμQ ¡εpoo. Priests. But 'tis not lawful



Ideeft. V. 2. V. 3 V.






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for any one of the other
Clergy to do the Work of a
Deacon A Deaconels does
not bless, nor perform any
thing belonging to the Of
fice of Presbyters or Dea-
cons, but only is to keep
the Doors, and to minister
to the Presbyters in the
Baptizing of Women, on ac-
count of Decency. A Dea-
con feparates a Sub-Deacon,
a Reader, a Singer, and a
Deaconess, if there be any
occafion, in the Absence of
a Presbyter. 'Tis not law
ful for a Sub-Deacon to festor in waeil
parate either one of the
Clergy or Laity, nor for a
Reader, nor for a Singer,
nor for a Deaconefs, for
they are the Minifters to
the Deacons. :,:1

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Let the Bishop bless the Wa

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peoCUTÉρy, andras nove son ev apor eo, TE μlu arag είσαι, ἔτε μίω αναγε vas, öπ fäλæv, šti ψάλτην, ἔτι διακόνισσαν", εκλη ρικόν, ο λαϊκός πηρέται γάρ είσι δια


κ νων.

[[Teer 3 uddly ἐλαίε, ἐγὼ Ματθα diaorgy.]] d'agyo!ter, or the Oil: But if he i inongos Südwp, be not there, let the Prefov byter blefs it, the Deacon παρη, φυλογείτω ὁ πρεσtanding by: But if the Bi- CUTρO, DESWT.? Δελακονίατην, V.

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