صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Jer. xxviii. & xxix.

rance, or an evil Difpofition, a Bishop, but falfely fo cal led, being not one fent out by God, but by Men, as Ananiah and Samaah in Ferufalem, and Zedechiah and Achiah the Falfe Prophets in Babylon. And indeed Ba· Num. xxv laam the Prophet, when he & xxxi. had corrupted Ifrael by Baal Peor, fuffer'd Punishment, Act. xix. and Caiaphas at laft was his own Murderer ; and the Sons of Sceva endeavouring to caft out Dæmons, were wounded by them, and fled away in an unfeemly man


revvQTE TO 9 ayvolan xan. voia memeoμyú, či agus bv, na fd. SavuμQ, & OËË,

a Jew Teobλnéis. as 'Ava νίας, και Σαμαίας ἐν Ἱε pecanje, Zedexias Σεδεκίας è'Axias oi cv Babu ἐν av toldow copñtay. ἀλλὰ @ Βαλααμ ὁ μαν τις τιμωρίαν ἔτισε δια least loann ἐν τῷ Βεελφεγώρ Καϊάφας τερον αυτό φονευτής ἑαυτὸ ἐπ

λιχεροντες δαίμονας ελαύνειν, ὑπ' αὐτῶν τραυματίαι γυόμθμοι, φύγον άπρεπώς, ἢ οἱ βασιλεῖς ὁ Ἰσραὴλ, κ

ner; and the Kings of feto". Coi yoi Σnevi
rael and of Judah, when they
became wicked, fuffered all
forts of Funiments. Tis
therefore evident how Bi-
fhops and Presbyters, allo
falfely fo call'd, will not e- Isda d'σeñados,
fcape the Judgment of God.
For it will be faid to them

Ma', i. 6. even now, O ye Priefts, that

παντοίας τιμωρίας ἔκ cav. die Er is o folderung xiong,

defpife my Name, I will depeσ BÚπECO, ¿x K
liver you up to the Slaugh- EuOUTOY OF
ter, as I did Zedekiah and Six phonσeτay 28.
Achiah, whom the King of Tois y vuw Tues
• Yu

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iepeis, oi quuλi Covris
με δ' ὄνομα e
Soow iμas eis opaylu
δώσω ὑμᾶς
as Zedeniar, Axiar,
ὡς ἀπετηγάνισε βασι-
λούς ΒαβυλώνΘ, ως
φησιν Ἱερεμίας ὁ προ
φήτης, που οι δέ φα-
jesu, & mais d'ands


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Babylon fry'd in a Frying-pan, Jer. xxix.
as fays Jeremiah the Prophet.
We fay these things, not in
Contempt of true Prophe-
cies, for we know that they
are wrought in holy Men
by the Infpiration of God;
but to put a Stop to the
Boldness of vain - glorious

wegonias erdery- Men, and add this withal,
τες, ἴσμους η αυτος

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XXI: 10.

God refifteth the Proud, but 2 Pet.v.5. giveth Grace to the Humble. Now silas and Agabus prophecy'd in our times; yet did they not equal them felves to the Apostles, nor did they exceed their own Measures, though they were beloved of God. Now Wo men prophecy'd also ; of old Miriam, the Sifter of Mofes Exod. xv. and Aaron, and after her Deborah, and after these Hul dah and Judeth, the former xxii. 14. judeth.viii under Jofiah, the latter under Darius. The Mother Luk. i. of the Lord God did alfo & ii. prophefie, and her Kinfwo. Ad. xxi. Μαριάμ ἡ Μωϋσέως @ man Elizabeth, and Anna ; Aαear adenon and in our Time the Daughaúτiu Aɛ66óðfæters of Philip: Yet were not

TOO εANTWV μÉTeg, ny οι θεοφιλείς ὄντες, TеREGÁTEVσαν

νεαῖκες δ β παλαιὸν




4 King.

xxi. 9.

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thefe clated againt their Hul- μα ταύτους Όλα
bands, but prefervd their * Ἰδήθ, ἡ μ στ
own Meafures. Wherefore Ἰωσία, ἡ ϋ ότι Δε
if among you allo there be ρείς κι ἡ μήτηρ
καὶ 3 τ
a Man, or a Woman, and κυρίως προεφήτευσε,
fuch an
one obtains any "" Ελισάβετ ή συνολι
Gift, let him be humble chat αὐτῆς, καὶ 'Αννα &
God may be pleafed with ἡμῶν αἱ Φιλίππε τ
For. fays He, Upon γατέρες αλλ' στη
whom will 1 look, but upon him πήρθησαν και της αν
that is humble and quiet, and δρῶν αὗται, ἀλλ ̓ ἐφι
trembles at my Words. λαξαν τα οικεία με
τρα ἐκῖν ὲ ἐν ὑμῖν

Ifa. lxvi. 2. him


καν ανήρ τις ᾖ, καν γιωή, ἢ τύχη τοιαύτης τις γάρια, ταπεινοφρονείτω, ἵνα ἐπ ̓ ἀπῷ εὐδοκῇ ὁ Θεός ἐπὶ τίνα γδ, φησίν, επιβλέψω, ἀλλ ̓ ἢ ἔπὶ τ του πεινὸν ἐ ἡσύχιον, καὶ τρέμοντο με τις λίγες.

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E have now finithed the

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μετα, τὶ τῶν σμάτων, ὅσαπερ ὁ Θεὸ κατ' ιδίαν βέλησε

First Part of this Dif cour fe concerning Gifts,whatever they be which God has beftow'd upon Men,according to his own Will; and how έχεν αὐθρώποις ε He rebuked the Ways of thole who either attempted to fpeak Lyes, or were moved by the Spirit of the Adverfary; and that God

: deeft. V.

ὅπως τῶν ψευδὴ ὅπ' χαιρέντων λέγειν, αλλοτρίῳ πνεύματικ νεμβύων, ἤλεγξε ο τρόπον ἢ ὅ που


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τοῖς πολλάκις ' ἀπεχαρίσατο ὁ Θεὸς πρός nwegonniav & me TON 36 KOPUQarÓTATOV canλncasınйs Yan TWσEWS • Vr as ἐπείγε ὅπως ¢ ταύThe ar padev TEST LÁTakı, oi Tag θέντες δι ἡμῶν γνώμη Χρις ἐπισκοποι, πολύTax Tis wIadne σας ἡμῖν ἐντολὰς ποιη. πε εἰδότες ὅτι ὁ ἡμῶν answr, Xeço and å 5 Xers answv T8 Θεῖ ἀπὸ καὶ πατρός ακές ᾧ ἡ δόξα εἰς τις αγώνας. ἀμω.




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Άμα τοίνυν ὑπαρα λοντες ἡμᾶς οἱ δεκαδύο - κυρίς απόςολοι τάσε δε τας θείας ἡμῶν ἐν πελλόμεθα διατάξεις τεί πλυτὸς ἐκκλησια εικό τύπο, συμπαρόν. Twv îμïv è rỡ cn292's ondes Hauλs Cuvamoson jμwr, è Tanabe to Thongs,



often takes away his Grace, both as to Prophecy, and the Performance of Wonders, from the Wicked. But now our Difcourfe haftens as to the principal Part, that is, the Conftitution of Ecclefiaftical Affairs, that fo when ye have learn'd this Conftitution from us, ye who are Ordain'd Bilops by us, at the Command of Chrift, may perform all things according to the Commands deliver'd you, knowing that he that heareth us heareth Luk.8.16% Chrift, and he that heareth Chrift heareth his God and Father, to whom he Glory for ever. Amen.

· ἀπεχρήσατο. V. * deeft. V.

Wherefore we the Twelve IV. Apoftles of the Lord, who are now together, give you in charge thole Divine Con ftitutions concerning every Ecclefiaftical Form ; there being prefent with us Paul the Chofen Veffel, our Fellow Apoftle, and James the Bishop, and the reft of the Presbyters, and the Seven


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Deacons. In the first place. S
therefore I Peter lay, That τέρων, « τῶν ἑπτὰ πα
Bishop to be Ordain'd now.



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TC v ú is to be, as we have al- on Пéтρ,]ériongready all of us appointed, or getoverday as unblameable in all things, a ἐν τοῖς προλαβεσιν felea Perlon, chofen by the ἅμα πούντες διεταξά whole People, who when he μέθαι, όν πάσιν is named and approved, let μεμπτον, αρκείνων the People affemble, with TOUTES TO the Presbytery and Bilhops ἐκλελεγμύον. * that are prefent, on the Lord's voug deve Day, and let them glve their συμτω, συνελθὼν ὁ Confent: And let the Prin-os aμa Tus #РEσcipal of the Bishops ask the Cureiw & Tois Presbytery and People, whe- σιν όπισκόποις, ἐν τ ther this be the Perfon whom μέρᾳ κυριακῇ, they defire for their Ruler? foxdTwo ̈ wes. and if they give their Con- xeito de 201 Pag. fent, let him ask farther whe. ** EWTTW ερωτάτω πρεσ ther he has a good Tefti- βυτέριον & * λαόν, mony from all Men, as to a auros Esty, or aihis Worthines for fo great τονται εις άρχοντα and glorious an Authority: Κλινδισάντων, προσε Whether all things relating περωτάτω εἰ μποτι to his Piety towards God peToNT WV CELOS be right : Whether Juftice είναι η μεγάλης 3 ταύ ៩ towards Men has been ob. ms" & Jaμπes ferv'd by him? Whether the gvías, a Tes Affairs of his Family have Θεόν αυτω δυσέβειαν been well order'd by him? Whether he has been unblameable in the Courfe of


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