صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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faying to every one, Thy 2 King.
Words are good, but there is xv. 3.
no one that will hear thee, and
do thee Justice. Who will make
me a Ruler? But Abdadan.



I have no part in David, nor xx. 1.

μépR Ev Aabid, code any Inheritance in the Son of
annevoμía cv u 'le- Jeffe.
κληρονομία ἐν yw


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'Tis plain that he

wai, dĥngv és áva§io- could not endure to be unTatwv apneas an Aα- der David's Government, of bid, wei & &T whom God fpake, I have A&t. xiii. Θεός, ὅτι δρον Δαβίδ found David the Son of Jefle, + F'Ieosal, ävde a Man after my Heart, who I napside μ8, o's mon- will do all my Commands. But καρδίδω ποιήof rojúvra Ti Deanμ- Dathan and Abiram, and the Té μs. O 5 Aadar Followers of Corah faid to Abaear 2 of Kopeтay Mofes, Is it a small thing that Num.xvi. Кората REDOUTES MWOET. Mh thou haft brought us out of 13. mexeiv ön ávázages - the Land of Egypt? out of a Mas in gus Aigue, in Land flowing with Milk and mus pesons Mén - Honey? And why hast thou v; è Ti ök éénglas put out our Eyes? And wilt Tes of Dadμes Sμav; thou rule over us? And they ← Cùäрxas Я μæv; gathered together against him CONE CV ETT av a great Congregation, and the čunλnoiav pegárlw Followers of Corah faid, Has xii. 2. οἱ Κορέτα Μὴ Μωσε God fpoken alone to Mofes λελάληκε μόνῳ ὁ Θεός; Why is it that he has given Tiön 'Aagar dédure the High-Priesthood to Aaron Taxole pore; alone? Is not all the Congre- xvi, 3. xi mou & awazwyn gation of the Lord holy? And


1 deeft. V.

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Ex. ii. 14.


xii. 3.

why is Aaron alone poffefs'd xveis aɣía; Tí ön of the Priesthood? And before this one faid, Who made thee a Ruler and a Judge o.

ver us?

And they rais'd a Sedition against Mofes, the Servant of Numb. God, the Meekeft of all Men, and faithful, and affronted fo great a Man with the highest Ingratitude; him who was their Law-giver, and Guardian, and High-Prieft, and King, the Adminiftrator of Divine Things, one that fhew'd, as a Creator, the mighty Works of the Crea. tor, the meekest Man, freeft from Arrogance, and full of Fortitude, and most benign in his Temper, one who had deliver'd them from many Dangers, and freed them from feveral Deaths by his Holinels, who had done fo many Signs and Wonders from God before the People, and had perform'd glorious and wonderful Works for their Benefit; who had

• deeft totum. V.

Aagrisearold μivos; Καὶ πρὸ τέτων ἄλλω les nege Tis σe ng

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τέτησεν άρχοντα @ δια κατὴν ἐφ ̓ ἡμῶν;

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work, & egoTÁTY, TICW, ' ἐτίμησαν ἳ τηλικ ardea of anger. ςότατοι ἳ νομοθέτην, quλang, & aρXLEρέα καὶ βασιλέα, ἣ μύ my DHS DEAWN, I wis nuspres Tas To Sne μιεργο ότι δειξάμμον crepelas &πραóra τον, ἳ ἀτυφώτατον


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γλαίαν αυτῶν τετελε- brought the Ten Plagues upAigur- on the Egyptians, who had




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divided the Red-Sea, and had Ex.vii,. feparated the Waters as a θάλασσαν διηρηκότα, Wall on this Side and on that zy ws TEIN @ Taidat Side, and had led the People Every evder Hash through them, as through a carla, è as dispus dry Wilderness, and had drown- xv. 25. ξηρᾶς τὸν λαὸν ἀymo ed Pharaoh and the Egypχότα, καὶ βυθίσορία Φα- tians, and all that were paw ý rss Aiqunties, in Company with them, MY TAUTAS TES AS A and had made the Fountain xvii. 64 τῶν μετ ̓ ἀυτῶν τὸν fweet for them with Wood, ṛungirola myl- and had brought Water out Tois ¿zi žúλ8, in of the Stony Rock for them πέτρας ἀκροτόμε άψ- when they were thirty, and τοῖς προαγαγόντα ύδωρ had given them Manna out of διψῶσι τὸν ἐξ έρανο Heaven, and had diftributed μανοδοτήσαντα αυτοῖς, Fleh to them out of the Air, ¿ & E αéρ 2 xрew and had afforded them a Pil- xiii. 21. હૈ αέρα γήσανία", τὸν φύλον πυ· lar of Fire in the Night to eos EN VUNTi eis qwko- enlighten and conduct them, Már z ódnyiar



e and a Pillar of a Cloud to uhvor dumis, & suor shadow them in the Day, by νεφέλης εἰς σκιασμών - rcafon of the violent Heat μέρας οὶ τὸν ἐξ ηλίs of the Sun, and had exhi- xxxi, &c φλογμόν τον νόμον Θεξ bited to them the Law of En sóμal & XHe's God, engraven from the * Hans Dee Ev magi Mouth, and Hand, and Wriλιθίναις κεκολαμμλύον ting of God, in Tables of τα χόμθμον αυτοῖς,τ- Stone the perfed Number


defunt. V. xgewdofhouva. v. al


xxxiii.11. of Ten Commandments: To es detμs denging201°

XXXIV. 10.


whom God fpake Face to Face, as if a Man pake to his Friend. Deut. Of whom he faid, And there arofe not a Prophet like unto Num.xiv. Mofes. Against him arose the Followers of Corah, and the Reubenites, and threw Stones at Mojes, who pray'd and xvi. 15. faid, Accept not thou their Offering: And the Glory of God appear'd, and fent fome down to Hell, and burnt up others with Fire; and fo as to thole Ringleaders of this SchifmaticalDeceit,which iv. 5. said, Let us make our felves a Leader, the Earth open'd its Mouth, and fwallow'd them up, and their Tents, and what appertain'd to them, and they went down quick into Hell: But he deftroy'd the Followers of Corah with Fire.

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TÍ TIED RUTES, NY is ontwas au Twv, nou

Smondles aitwv, κατῆλθεν εἰς ᾅδε ζάν τις τες 5 Κορεί τους α πώλεσε ο πυρός,

* Α1. εβηλίται.




Ἐι ἐν τοῖς άφι. [ therefore God infiacd, V

λαρχία Στοιχί σασιν, ραυτίκα Θεός ἐπήγαγε ο τιμωρίαν, πόσῳ μᾶλλον τοῖς αἱρέσεων ἀσεβῶν καθηγη. σαμθύοις; ἐ σφοδροτέραν ἐπαξε * τίσιν βλασφημέν αὐτὸ τρόνοιαν ή ἢ δημιεργίαν ;



Punishment immediately on thole that made a Schim on account of their Ambition, how much rather will he do it upon thole who are the Leaders of impious Herelies Will not he infiæ feverer Punilhment on thole that blafpheme his Providence, or ἀλλ' ὑμεῖς, ἀδελφοί, ἐκ his Creation? But do you, - γραφής παιδονόμβροι, Brethren, who are inftru&ed φυλάσσεσθε μή ποιων out of the Scripture, take τα χίσματα τι γνώ:: care not to make Divifions in μης, μήτεμω τ" ενώ σεως ὑμῶν· ὅ σκοποί ἀπωλείας οἱ δόξης αθεμίτε ἄρξαντες καθίσαν τοῖς λαοῖς ὁμοίως καὶ οἱ λαϊκοί. τοῖς τῇ γνώμη * Θεῖ ἐναντία δογματίσασι μὴ πλησιάζετε, μηδὲ κοινωνοί ~ ασεβείας αὐτῶν γίνεπε λέγω γ ὁ Θεός. Αποχίπητε εκ μέσω ν ἀνδρῶν τέτων, ἵνα μή (απόλησε αυ

# defunt. v. 3 αὐτῶν.

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Opinion, nor Divifions in
Unity. For thole who fet
up unlawful Opinions are
Marks of Perdition to the
People. In like manner do
for you of the Laity come
near to fuch as advance Do-
&trines contrary to the Mind
of God ; nor be you Par-
takers of their Impiety. For,
fays God, Separate your felves Num, xri
from the midft of the fe Men, 1.
left you peri together with
them. And again, Depart 2 Cor. vi.



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