صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Ifa.v. 7,2.


Almighty God, through our Lord Jefus Chrift, be multiply'd unto you in the Acknowledgment of him.

χάρις ὑμῖν ἢ εἰρη Σπό * παντοκράτορα. Θε Kατε κυρίε ἡμβ Inσε Χριςός πληθυνθείη ἐν ἔπηρασε αυτό.

The Catholick Church is the Plantation of God, and his beloved Vineyard; containing thole who have believed in his unerring Divine Religion; who are the Heirs by Faith of his everlafting Kingdom, who are Partakers of his Divine Influence, and of the Communication of the *. Pag. Holy Spirit; who are arm'd and inwardly ftrengthen'd with his Fear, through fefus; who enjoy the Benefit of the fprinkling of the preciousand innocent Blood of Chrift ; who have free Liberty to call Almighty God, Father; being Fellow-heirs and Joint-Partakers of his beloved Son : : Hearken to this Holy DoCrine, you who enjoy his Promiles, as being deliver'd by the Command of your Saviour, and agreeable to his glorious Words. Take care,

· ὁμοςοιχῶς. V.

Θε φυτεία ἡ καθ λικὴ ἐκκλησία, & άμε τελών αυτὸ ἐκλεκτός, οἱ πεπιςευκότες εἰς τ απλανῆ θεοσέβειαν ἀ τ8, οἱ τω αἰώνιον καρ πέμθμοι ο πίςεως βα αλείο αυτό, οἱ δια μιν αυτό εἰληφότες – με τεσίου το αγίς πνούμα απλισμένοι

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Ιησε, ο ἐντερνισμούοι τον φόβον ἀπο, αντί μας μέτοχοι τε τι· με * αγώς αματα τε Χριτέ, οἱ παῤῥης σαν είληφότες τὸν που τοκράτορα Θεόν, πα τέρα καλῶν, συγκλη ρονόμοι ε συμμέτο και το ηγαπημβύς που δος από ακέσατε διδασ σκαλίζω ἱερὰν οἱ δτε λόμθμοι τῆς ἐπαγγελίας αυτό ἐκ προςαγμα α το σωτήρ, όμοιον

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ye Children of God, to
do all things in obedience
to God; and in all things
please Chrift, who is our
God. For if any Man fol
lows Unrighteousness, and
does those things that are
contrary to the Will of God,
fuch an one will be efteem'd
by God as the Disobedient


Toys En Doors & Trays a τους ἐνδόξοις φθοδηγους το. Φυλάσσεσθε οἱ Θε8 ùoì ändura es va ngle Oes weg war γίνεσθε ἀρετοὶ ἐν πᾶσι XμT TOEW wp. Edo zaples doγάρ μίαν μεταδιώκη & το ονομα τῷ θελήματι TO DEY TOLY, as Svo Θεο ποιη, MOV V TW DE τοῦτο λογισθήσεται. Απέχεσθε εν πάσης Abstain therefore from CAP. I. Theovecías » adni all unlawful Defires and Inas xì 28 Ev sus vou justice: For it is written in Véreaπlay Ovn - the Law, Thou shalt not coDupincers This juuang T vet thy Neighbour's Wife, nor Tancior σ, Gode Tov - his Field, nor his Man-Serπλησίον 08, τὸν α Yer auto, sode Tov - vant, nor his Maid Servant, δα αυτό. ἔτε τω παιδί- nor his Ox, nor his Afs, not στην αυτέ, ἔτε τὸν βεν any thing that is thy Neigh ¿UTE, ST Ő ÚTOČÚyov bour's: For all coveting of αὐτῇ, ἔτε ὅσα το πλη- there things is from the Evil στον σε εςιν ὅτι ἡ πα Gne. For he that covers his TiTWV Dupia in T Neighbour's Wife, or his Top Tape OS Man-Servant, or his MaidBrunous The zu Servant, is already in his 29, in Tiv Tajda, in Mind an Adulterer, and a Audion To Andiov, Thief; and if he does not non Harold Mes repent is condemn'd by our καὶ κλέπτης βξιν. ἐσὺ μή Lord Jefus Chrift: Through



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! xeja. V.


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νόμε ὅν ἐν τῷ νόμῳ γέ-
year, & prxdiods &
y 5 λέγω ὑμῖν· τετέςιν
ἐν τῷ νόμῳ τα Μωσέως
engang vui 5 å
avros újμv λézw. Пäs
össμbéift eis The
ακα το πλησίον προς

whom Glory be to God for μεταγνῷ, ἐκέκριν ὑπο ever, Amen. For He fays in the T weis ipfs 'Inos Gospel, recapitulating, and confirming, and fulfilling the Ten Commandments of the Matt. v. Law, It is written in the Law, Thou shalt not commit Adultery: But I say unto you; That ng The Seng Noor Te is, I faid in the Law, by Mofes; But now I fay unto you my Self, who oever Shall look on his Neigh bour's Wife, to luft after Her, hath committed Adultery with her already in his Heart. Such an one is condemn'd of Adultery who Covers his Neighbours Wife in his Mind. But He that Covers an Ox or an Afs, does not he defign to steal them? to apply them to his own Ufe, and to lead them away? Or again, He that covers a Field, and continues in fuch a Difpofition, does not he wickedly contrive how to remove the Land-marks, and fo compel the Poffeffior to part with fomewhat for nothing:

V. 2. V. 3 deelt. V.

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βῖν ἢ - ὄνον ἔπιθυμήσας.
of ow nhéjay,
idonin Gway, in &αяα-
gayev aura avea );
ἢ ὁ τὸν ἀγρὸν πάλιν ὅππι
Suμroas, & mμéras Ty
τοιαδε διαθέσι, ἐπονη
ρεύεται, ὅπως ὁρογλυ
φήσας αναγκάση “ ἔχον
τα τα μηδενὸς Σποδόοπτους


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bury; onoi gap w' For as the Prophet fomeDeg Ohms". Ovaj oi au- where fpeaks, Wo to thofe a. v. 8. ramones oinige wegs or who join house to house, and súdu, è aggor weis a- lay field to field, that they gor észi Cortes, iva o may deprive their Neighbour Totov apérWYTY T of somewhat which was his. 280 rézs un oixon Wherefore he fays, Muft Te poros Em & yus; nxs you alone inhabit the Earth? τε μόνοι ἐπὶ an go as to wra nei For these things have been heard σαβαώθ τώτα. in the Ears of the Lord of Hofts. MaxTM Emanea And elsewhere, Curfed be he Deur. IQ • μemandes dea who removeth his Neighbours xxvII. 17. To mandior cure Cipe Land-marks: and all the People Tas 。 dad's, 3OTO Shall Say Amen. Wherefore, Διό φησι ο Μωσης. Οὐ Mofes fays, Thou halt not re μeraminots oela To move thy Neighbours Landmanciov oy, 1à DevTo πατερες σε. Διά το το" Ev pobos, Daivaroi, dnashera, na radi, καταδίκαι TS" DE TOIs Τοιέτοις ἐπακολέθει TOIS UTAHOOLS e SWDCENTOLS AS VÓμ Det äπhus", ans, (WV, ETQ CHUTUP • où poes up' * * Tips μισᾶς ὑφ ̓ σου Αρέπει, σὺ ἄλλῳ * ποιήσει ο βέλη τῇ Jeevani 08 Fives Bréf ranws as a




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marks, which thy Fathers have xix. 17. fet. Upon this Account therefore, Terrors, Death, Tribunals and Condemnations follow fuch as thefe from God. But as to thole who are obedi ent to God, there is one Law of God, fimple, true, 'iving, which is this, Do not that to a Tob. 17. nother which thou hateft another 16. fhould do to thee. Thou wouldst ***Pag not that any one fhould look upon thy Wife with an evil Design to corrupt her; Do not thou therefore look upon


ησαίας. ν · διὸ ν. 3 γένοιτο, γένοιτο. V. + deelt. V. ς ταῦτα. ν. € deelt V. 7 deeft V.

B 3






do not




nangnews άTeviκακοήθως ἀτενί Οὐ βέλη σε το

thy Neighbours Wife with gear auons, punde où
a wicked Intention. Thou 7 Tổ manolov ou yuu-
wouldft not that thy Garment
fhould be taken away,
thou therefore take away ano-
thers. Thou wouldst not be
beaten, reproach'd, affronted;
Do not thou therefore ferve
any other in the like Manner.

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But if any one curse thee, do thou bless him: For it is written in the Book of Numbers, He that bleffeth thee XXIV. 9. is bleffed, and he that curseth thee is curfed. In the fame manner it is written in the Luke vi. Gospel, Bless them that curfe you. Being injur'd, do not avenge yourselves, but bear it with Patience ; for the Prov. xx. Scripture speaks thus, Say not thou, I will avenge my self on my Enemy for what Injuries he has offered me; but acquiesce under them, that the Lord may right thee, and bring Vengeance upon him who has injured thee. For fo fays he again Matt. v. in the Gospel, Love your Enemies; do good to them that



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o diam& natuσe, nameToy Ομοίως è av tys darsenów Jóyeantai Εὐλογεῖτε τις raraewujus iμãs adκέμθμοι μὴ αὐταδικάσητε, μevαTE OTI


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déyd i reagh. Mù äπης, τίσομαι * ἐχθρὸν, a ue ndimor. X με ἠδίκησεν. αλλ ̓ ὑπό pevov, ira or indianσε εκδική on'ô niero, è åndiniαν επαγάγῃ τῷ ἀδικον ice. Καὶ τὰ πάλιν ἐν rus d'arsenid. 'AgamaTE TÈS Expès

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