ταν, συναθροιζομλίες ἑορτάKay .. λά. Οἶκι είναι χρή του χειροτονομίας. 26'. Hepphors μελλόντων. λγ'. Προσευχή εξαγγελη κή προνοίας διαφόρκ. λου. Προσευχή εξαγγελπ· κή δημιυργίας διαφορε λέ. Προσευχή με ένα εισίας εξαγγέλλεσα το Θεό πει τα ὄντα κηδεμονίαν. Ας'. Προσευχή υπομιμνή σκέτα με γενομίων Xess er ανθρώπησιν, καὶ ἢ εἰς του αγί. τις διάφορον πρόνοιαν λζ'. Προσευχή περιέχεσα μνήμων προνοίας, και η παρίθ μην εργασιών διαφόρων 7 πεινόα Θεῖ διὰ Χριςό πα επιθεισῶν τῖς ἁγίοις. val-day of our Saviours Refurrection. XXXI. What Qualifications they ought to have, who are to be Or dain'd. XXXII. A Prediction concerning Futurities. XXXIII. A Prayer declarative of Gods various Providence. XXXIV. A Prayer declarative of Gods various Creation. XXXV. A Prayer with Thank!giving declarative of Gods Providence over the Beings he has made. XXXVI. A Prayer commemorative of the Incarnation of Chrift: and his various Providence to the Saints. XXXVII. A Prayer containing the Memorial of his Providence ; and an Emuneration of the various Benefits afforded the Saints by the Providence of God through Chrift. λή. Προσευχὴ ἀντιλήψεXXXVI. A Prayer for the Af ως δικαίων. fiftance of the Righteous. Αθ. Όπως χρή του και την χελώος στιχοι που μ'. Διάταξις, ὅπως χρὴ του κατηχειους από ἱερέων ἐν τῇ μυήσει άλογο πς, καὶ τίνα διδάσκεται αυτές. μα Αποταγή προς ἐναντίον, και συνταγή προς Χρισὸν τὸν Θεῖο μβ'. Περὶ χρίσματα τα μυστικό έλαιο χαρισία μγ. Περὶ τὸ μυστικα δα το αγα μγ'. Περὶ τὸ μυστικό μύ so agausia μέ. Προπτυχή της νεοτε χών. XXXIX. How the Catechumens are to be inftructed in the Elements. XL. A Conftitution how the Catechumnens are to be bleffed by the Priefts in their Initiation ; and what things are to be taught 'em. XLI. The Renunciation to the Adverlary, and the Dedication to the Chrift of God. XLII. A Thanksgiving concerning the anointing with the myftical O,Ï. XLIII. A Thanksgiving concerping the myftical Water. XLIV. A Thanksgiving concerning the myftical Ointment. XLV. A Prayer for the NewFruits, XLVI. Who 2 XLVI. Who were they that the Holy Apoftles fent and ordain'd? XLVII. A Morning-Prayer. XLVIII. An Evening-Prayer. XLIX. A Prayer at Dinner. CONTENTS Chap. I. ON whofe Account, the are perform'd. Powers of Miracles II. Concerning unworthy Bishops and Presbyters. III. That to make Conftitutions about the Divine Offices to be perform'd in the Churches, is of great Confequence. IV. Concerning Ordinations. V. The Form of Prayer for the Ordination of a Bishop. VI. The Divine Liturgy, wherein is the Bidding Prayer for the Catechumens. VII. For the Energumens. VIII. For the Baptized. IX. The Impofition of Hands and Prayer for the Penitents. X. The Bidding Payer for the Faithful. XI. The Form of Prayer for the Faithful. XII. The Conftitution of James, the Brother of John, the Son of zebedee. XIII. The Bidding Prayer for the Faithful, after the divine Oblation. XIV. The Bidding Prayer after the Participation. κθ'. Περὶ Φλογίας υλο τῷ καὶ ἐλαίν, το Μαλίκ διάταξις. λ'. Γι αυτό πεὶ ἀπαρχῶν καὶ δεκατῶν. λά. Τις αυτές πεί ποιος ε μέτων. XV. The Form of Prayer after the Participation. XVI. Concerning the Ordination of Presbyters, the Conftitution of John who was beloved by the Lord. XVII. Concerning the Ordination of Deacons, the Conftitution of Philip. XVIII. The Form of Prayer for the Ordination of a Deacon. XIX. Concerning the Deaconels, the Conftitution of Bartholomew. XX. The Form of Prayer for the Ordination of a Deaconess. ΧΧΙ. Concerning the Sub.deacons, the Conftitution of Thomas. XXII. Concerning the Readers, the Conftitution of Matthew. XXIII. Concerning the Confeffors, the Conftitution of James the Son of Alpheus. XXIV. The fame Apoftles Conftitution, concerning Virgins. XXV. The Conftitution of Lebe beus, who was furnam'd Thaddeus, concerning Widows. XXVI. The fame Apoftle concerning the Exorcift. XXVII. Simon the Canaanite, concerning the Number neceffary for the Ordination of a Bishop, XXVIII. The fame Apoftles Cam nons, concerning Bithops, Priefts Deacons, and the reft of the Clergy. XXIX. Concerning the Eulogy of Water and Oil, the Conftitution of Matthias. XXX. The fame Apoftles Conftitution concerning Firft-Fruits and Tythes. XXXI. The fame Apoftles Conftitutions, concerning the remaining Oblations. XXXII. XXXII. Various Canons of Paul the Apoftle,concerning thole that offer themfelves to be baptized, whom we are to receive, and whom to reject. XXXIII. Upon which Days Ser vants are not to work. XXXIV. At what Hours, and why we are to pray. XXXV. The Conftitution of James the Brother of Chrift, concer ning Evening Prayer. XXXVI. The Bidding Prayer for the Evening. XXXVII. The Thanksgiving for the Evening. XXXVIII. The Thanksgiving for the Morning, XXXIX. The Impofition of Hands for the Morning. XL. The Form of Prayer for the Firft-fruits. XLI. The Bidding - Prayer for thole departed. XLII. How and when we ought to celebrate the Memorials of the Faithful departed; and that we ought then to give fomewhat out of their Goods to the Poor. XLIII. That Memorials or Mandares, do not at all profit the wicked who are dead. XLIV. Concerning Drunkards. XLV. Concerning the receiving fuch as are perfecured for Chrifts fake. XLVI. That Every one ought to remain in that Rank wherein he is plac'd ; but not fnatch fuch Offices to himfelf, which are not intrufted with him, XLVII. The Ecclefiaftical Ca nons. |