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النشر الإلكتروني
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semblies, are to be receiv'd without regard to their Quality.

LIX. That every Christian ought to frequent the Church diligently both Morning and Evening.

LX. The vain Zeal which the Heathens and Jews thew in frequenting their Temples and Synagogues is a proper Example and Motive, to excite Christians to frequent the Church.

LXI. That we must not prefer the Affairs of this Life, to those which concern the Worship of God.

LXII. That Christians must ab

stain from all the impious Practices

of the Heathens.

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teach, because 'tis unfeemly; and what Women follow'd our Lord.

VII. What are the Characters of Widows falsely so called.

VIII. That the Widows ought not to accept of Alms from the Unworthy, no more than the Bishop, or any other of the Faithful.

IX. That Women ought not to Baptize; because it is impious, and contrary to the Doctrine of Chrift.

διδάσκειν, ἀπρεπές γδ κ ποῖαι γυναίκες εἶπον το τις κυ είω

"ζ'. "Οἷαὶ οἰσιν αἱ ψαδοχήἡ Ὅπό χρὴ δρὰ ἀνα ξίων λαμβάνειν * χήραν, · ἐπίσκοπον, ἢ ἄλλον πιςόν.

θ'. Ὅτι ἐ χρὴ γυναῖκας βαπτίζειν· ἀσεβές δι κι Χρις διδασκαλίας ἀλλότειον.

X. That one of the Laity oughtἱ. Ὅτι ὁ χρὴ λαϊκὸν ποιῶν

not to do any Office of the Priesthood, he ought neither to Baptize, nor Offer, nor Lay on Hands, nor give the Bleifing.

ἱερατικὸν ἔργον βάπτισμα, ἢ θυσίαν, ἢ χειροθεσίαν, ἢ δι λογίαν.

XI. That none but a Bishop and Presbyter, none even of the inferior Ranks of the Clergy are permitted to do the Offices of the Priests, that Ordination belongs wholly to the Bishop, and to no body elle.

XII. The Rejection all uncharitable Actions.

XIII. How the Widows are to pray for those that supply their Neceffities.

XIV. That She who has been kind to the Poor ought not to make a Stir, and tell abroad her Name; according to the Constitution of the Lord.

XV. That it does not become us

to revile our Neighbours, because Curfing is contrary to Chriftianity.

XVI Concerning the sacred Initiation of Holy Baptifm.

ια. "Οτι πλιὼ ἐπισκόπε ἢ αρεσβυτέρω ἐδενὶ λοιπῶν κληρικῶν ἐπιτέτραπιαι τα σε ἱερέων ἐνεργεῖν τὸ ἢ χει στονῶν μόνῳ ἐπισκότῳ στι· σήκε, ἑτέρῳ ἢ ἐδενί

ιβ. ̓Αποτροπή βασκανίας.

ιγ Όπως δεῖ φρgodis παι τὰς χήρας ὑπὲρ το δι' δόντων τὰ ωρὸς τὰς χροίας

εδ' ὅτι ἐ χρὴ κομπάζειν, κ) πειαςγέλλειν τὸ ἑαυτῆς όνομα, * καρποφορέταν, χει Η κυρία διάταξιν.

με. Ὅτι ἀπρεπές τὸ λοιδο ρῶν ἢ πλησίον ἀλλότειον γδ Χρισιανῶν τὸ κατα είπζ. ις'. Περί μυήσεως θείας αγίς βαλίσκαλο.

ιζ'. Ποῖαν αἰτίαν ἔχει τὸ

XVII. What is the meaning of Baptism into Christ: and on what ac-eis – Χρισὸν βάπλισκα, κι δια count every thing is there said or done.

XVIII. Of what Character he ought to be who is initiated.

τί τ ἐν αὐτις έκασον λέγεται, κι αράλεται,

τη οἷα ὀφείλει το με μυημλύΘ.


θ'. Οιθ ἀφείλει ὁ διάκονθ.

κ. Οι ὑπὸ τειῶν ἢ δύο ὀπισκόπων ὀφείλα χαρτονπαι ὁ ὀπίσκοπο, ἀλλ' ἐχ ὑπὸ ἑνὸς ἀβεβαιόν γδ.


τε τετάρτε βιβλία.

β'. φανῶν,

Πως χρή

πον ωρινοῶν ἢ ὀρ

γ ́ Τίνες ὀφείλεσι έλικε ρεῖθαι, και 7 κυριακήν διαταγήν.

δ'. Περί φιλαργυρίας. έ. Μετὰ πείκ φόβο ή τ κυριακῶν μετέχειν συνεισφο


5 ́. Τίνων αἱ καρποφορίαι δεκταὶ, κὶ τίνων άδεκτοι. ζ'. "Οτι αἱ ταναξίων καρποφορίαι, ἕως ἂνὦσι τοιῦτοι & μό νον ἐκ ἔξιλεῖν ται Θεὸν, ἀλλ' ἐκ ἢ ἐναντίων κινῶσιν αὐτὸν πρὸς ἀγανάκτησιν.

ἡ Ὅτι βέλτιον ἐκ κόπο ἰδίε παρέχειν 7 χήραις, κανᾗ τελή κ ̓ ὀλίγα, ἢ

ἢ ἀσεβῶν, κὰν πολλά κι με γάλα τυΓχάνη βέλτιον γελιο μῷ διαφθαρήναι, ἢ δρ. σεβῶν συνεισφοράν δέξαθαι.

θ'. "Οτι χρὴ πριτζέπεπαι * λαός από 7 ἱεξέως δ'ποιἂν τεὺ πένητας ̇ ὡς κὶ ὁ Σολο μὼν ὁ σοφὸς.

ἱ Διάταξις, ἵν ̓ ἐὰν τις * ἀσεβῶν, βία σισείψn

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of the Fourth Book.

ChaiHow the Bishop ought

and II. phans.

to provide for the On

III. Who ought to be supported, according to the Lord's Constitution. IV. Of the Love of Money. V. With what Fear Men ought to partake of the Lord's Oblations.

VI. Whose Oblations are to be receiv'd, and whole not to be receiv'd. VII. That the Oblations of the un

worthy, while they are such, do not only not propitiate God, but on the contrary, provoke him to indignation.

VIII. That 'tis better to afford tho it be inconfiderable and few Contributions, to the Widows from our own Labours, than those which are many and large, receiv'd from the Ungodly. For 'tis better to perish by Famine, than to receive an Oblation from the Ungodly.

IX. That the People ought to be exhorted by the Prieft to do good to the Needy, as says Solomon the Wife.

X. A Constitution, that if any one of the ungodly by force will caft


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ἀπίςων, δίκαμον τοῖς πιςοῖς τὰ δέοντα παρέχειν, xυρία διάταξιν.)

β'. "Οτι φακτέον ὁ ωρὸς του αδαδελφος συνεσίας, ὅταν ἐπιμθύωσι τῇ φαυλότητι.

γ' Ὅτι τοῖς διὰ Χρισόν περθεμλύοις χρή χεῖρα ὀρέγειν, καν ἐν κίνδυνο παρῇ

δ'. Ὅτι φρικτὸν κῷ ὀλέθει ον, τὸ ἀρνεῖστα Χρισόν

4. Ὅτι μιμητέον Χρισὸν ἐν το πάρειν κὶ ζηλωτέον γ

αυτέ ύπομονιω

5' "Οτι χρή Η πικὸν μήτε ριψοκίνδυνον εί) δὲ ἀσφάλει· Selar ἀλλὰ τὰ φεύγειν δὲ Αυλάβειαν, κι ἐμπεσόντα ἀ γωνίζεπζ διὰ ἢ ἀποκείμθμον sέφαγον.

αν μήτε πειδεῆ δ ̓ ἀναν

ζ'. Περι

2'. Περὶ ἀνατάσεως άπτο δείξως διάφοροι ατὶ η σύλλης κὶ τι οἱ Στωικοί πεὶ τὰ φοίνικὸ τὸ ὀρνές. ή. Περὶ Ἰακώβη το ἀδελ φε το κυρία, κὶ Στεφάνε το πρωτομάρτυρα.

θ'. Περί ψάδομαρτύρων. ·ἱ. Ἠθικὴ δραίνεσις, ὅτι δεῖ φάγαν ματαιολογίας, αἰχρολογίας, Φυτραπελίας, μεθην, λαγνείαν, πρύμν

ια Παραίνεσις, παιδλίες σε φεύγειν ὁ εἰδωλολατρείας τὸ μῦσθ.

16. Ὅτι μὴ καθήκς ᾠδω ἐθνικὴν ἢ πορνικὴν ἄδειν, ἔτε ἐπόμνυπζ εἴδωλον ἀσεβὲς γ8 τὅτο κὶ ὁ τῷ Θεῦ γνώσεως ἐχθρόν

εν ́. Κατάλογο κυρίκ ἑορτῶν, ἂς δει φυλά απειν κὴ πότε τέτων ἑκάση ὀφείλι ὀλιτελῶς


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that is laid up for him.

VII. Several Demonstrations concerning the Refurrection, concerning the Sibyll, and what the Stoicks lay concerning the Bird call'd the Phenix.

VIII. Concerning James the Brother of the Lord, and Stephen the firft Martyr.

IX. Concerning false Martyrs. X. A moral Admonition, that we are to abstain from vain Talking, obscene Talking, Jesting, Drunkenness, Lasciviousness and Luxury.


ΧΙ. An Admonition, instucting Men to avoid the abominable Sin of Idolatry.

XII. That we ought not to fing an heathen or an obscene Song: nor to swearby an Idol; because tis an impious Thing, and contrary to the Knowledge of God.

XIII. A Catalogue of the Feasts of the Lord which are to be kept, and when each of them ought to be ob


XIV. Concerning the Paffion of our Lord; and what was done on each day of his Sufferings. And concerning Judas: and that Judas was not present, when the Lord deliver'd the Mysteries to his Disciples.

XV. Of the Great Week; and on what account they enjoyn us to fast on Wednesday and Friday.

XVI. An Enumeration of the Pro

pherical Predictions which declare Chrift; whose Completion though the Feps faw, yet out of the evil Temper of their Mind they did not believe he was the Chrift of God, and con






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