CONTENTS of the Second Book. Chap. I. Hat a Bishop must be well inftructed, and experienc'd in the Word. il. What ought to be the Characters of a Bihop, and of the reft of the Clergy. III. In what things a Bishop is to be examined before he is ordain'd. IV. That charitable Diftributions are not to be made to every Widow. But that rometimes a married Wife is to be prefer'd and that no Diftributions are to be made to any one who is given to Gluttony, Drunkenness, and Idlenefs. V. That a Bishop must be no Accepter of Perfons in Judgment: that he must be gentle in his Convertation, and temperate in his Diet, VI. That a Bishop muft not be given to filthy Lucre, nor be a Surety nor an Advocate. VII. What ought to be the Character of a Candidate for Baptifin. VIII. Concerning a Perfon falfely accus'd, or another convicted. IX. That a Bishop ought not to receive Bribes, X. That a Bishop, who by wrong Judgment fpares an Offender, is him. felf guiky. XI. How a Bishop ought to judge Offenders. & Οπχ απροσωπόληπε τον ἐν + ἐπίσκοπον ἐν τῷ xeive Mirelor, * δίαιτων συνεςαλμυθίου. 5. Περὶ τὰ μὴ mononov aigsoxep dã, MÅTE ο έρωτα η συνηγορών. ζ. Οἷον καὶ ἐν + μεμυη μένον ή Περί συκοφαντημένο, ἤτ το ελεγχομένο. θ'. τι αδωροδόκητον χὴ τὰ ἐπίσκοπον. ι Ὅτι ὁ ἐπίσκοπΘ ἀκρί τως φειδόωρα τὸ ἡμαρτηκό το, παίτια γίνεται. TO ια Όπως χρὴ + ἐπίσκο· που κρίνειν του αμαρτάνον της. 6. Διδασκαλία, ὅπως XII. Doctrinal. How a Bishop ought to behave himself to the Peni-rigiday rois mera tent. 2 απ' ότι φεύγειν χρή ἁμαρτημάτων των πρα ιδ. Περὶ 7 λεγόντων μὴ δέχεθαι κατανοῦντα, καὶ ὅτι δίκαις καν σύνεσιν αμαρτω· δῷ, ο συναπόλλυται αυτῷ. Ότι ἐδεὶς ὑπερ ἄλλο τιμω εῖται ἀλλ ̓ ἕναςος ὑπρ ἑαυτὸ λόγον απαιτείται Ὅτι δεῖ τοῖς ἀπενται πε εἰ τὴν πίςιν βοηθείν Ὅτι χρὴ Ἡ ἐπίσκοπον πείθεις λαικῷ τασιώδει. ε. Ὅτι ς καὶ ἡ ἱερέα μή ποτε παρορᾷν τα αμαρτήμα. τα, μήτε πρόχειρον ἔν ἐν τῷ τιμωρία παι ις" Περί μετανοίας, και τις αὐτῆς ὁ τρόπο, καὶ ὅπως καὶ· πορθῆται. ιζ'. Οπ ἀνεπίληπτον τ 23 + ἐπίσκοπον, ὡς τύπον της αρχομένων. ή Ὅτι χρὴ ὲ ἐπίσκοπον φροντίζειν ὅπως ὁ λαὸς μὴ πλημμελῇ, διὰ τὸ ἓν αὐτὸν σκοπόν ιθ'. Ὅτι καὶ ὁ ποιμὴν ἀμε λῶς φερόμενα πει τα από βαια, δίκην γννυσιν, καὶ τὸ πρόβατον μὴ πειθαρχών της ποιμένι, κολάζεται κα. Όπως χρή του αρχο μόνες πειθαρχεῖν τοῖς ἄρχει σιν ἐπισκόποις. κά. Ότι κίνθω μονο μωρή κρίσιν ποιήσαθαι, κ τιμωρίαν ὁρίσαι και το μ... μηδέ πω ἐλεγχθέντα κβ'. "Οτι μέγα παραδειγ και μετανοίας πρόκειται. Δα ξίδι και Νικομήτης, Ἐζεχίας XIII. That we onght to beware how we make Tryal of any finful Courfe. XIV. Concerning those who affirm that Penitents are not to be receiv'd into the Church. A righte ous Perfon, altho' he converfe with a Sinner, will not perifh with him, That'no Perfon is punim'd for another; but every one muft give an account of himself. That we must affift those who are weak in the Faith: and that a Bilhop muft not be govern'd by any turbulent Perfon among the Laity. XV. That a Bishop must neither overlook Offences, nor be ram in puniming them. XVI. Of Penance. The manner, of it, and Rules about it. XVII. That a Bilhop muft be und blameable, and a Pattern for thofe who are under his Charge. XVIII. That a Bilhop mult take care that his People do not Sin ; confidering that he is fet for a Watchman among them. XIX. That a Shepherd who is carelefs of his Sheep will be condemn'd; and that a Sheep which will not be led by the Shepherd, is to be punish'd. XX. How the Governed are to oby the Bilops who are fer over them. eminent Examples of Repentance. τε καὶ ὁ τότε ὑὸς Μανασης. The Prayer of Manaffes King of Judah. XXIII. Amon may be an Example to fuch as Sin with an high hand. XXIV. That Christ Jesus our Lord caine to fave Sinners by Repentance. XXV. Of Firft fruits and Tyths; and after what manner the Bilhop is himfelf to partake of them, or to diftribute them to others. XXVI. According to what Paro terns and Dignity every Order of the Clergy is appointed by God. XXVII. That 'tis a horrible Thing for a Man to thruf himlelf into any facerdotal Office, as did Coral, and his Company, Saul and Uzziah. XXVIII. Of an Entertainment; and after what manner each diftinct Order of the Clergy, is to be treated by those who invite them to it. XXIX. What is the Dignity of a Bilhop, and of a Deacon, XXX. After what manner the Laity, are to be obedient to the Dea con. XXXI. That the Deacon must not do any thing without the Bishop. XXXII. That the Deacon muft not make any Diftributions without the conlent of the Bilhop, becaufe that will turn to the reproach of the Bishop. XXXIII. After what manner the Bishops are to be honour'd, and to be reverenc'd as our fpiritual Parents, XXXIV. That Bishops are to be prefer'd before Rulers and Kings. κγ'. Πρὸς τοὺς ἐκ κατα φρονήσεως αμαρτάνοντας ἔςω παράδειγμα Αμών κ' υπ. Χριςός Ιησός και παρέχετο αμαρτω λές σώσαι διὰ μετανοίας. κι Περὶ ἀπαρχῶν καὶ δε κατῶν, καὶ ὅπως ὀφείλς ὁ ἐ πίσκοπο, ἢ αὐτὸς μεταλαμ βάνειν ἐξ αὐτῶν, ἢ ἑτέροις διανέμειν. κς' Εἰς τίνΘ- τύπον καὶ αξίαν ἕνας ἐν τῷ κλή ζω τέτακται παρά Θεῷ και. "Οτι φρικώδες, ἄνε θρωπον σαυτὸν ἐπιῤῥίπλων αξιώματά τινι ἱερατικῶν ὡς οἱ Κορείται, ὡς Σαέλ, ὡς Οζίας. και Περὶ δοχῆς, καὶ ὅπως χρὴ ἕναςον τάγμα το κλήρος απο του προσκαλεμένων τιμάς που λθ'. Τίς ἡ ἀξία τὸ ἐπιστ κόπο, καὶ τὸ διακόνο λ' όπως χρὴ τοῦ λαϊ· κός πειθαρχείν τις διακό γοις. λά Οτι μὴ χρὴ * διάκο νον ἄι & τὸ ἐπισκόπου τι πράγ 708. λε". "Οτι μὴ χρὴ + διακο vov ρα γνωμίω το ἐπισκό το διδόναι τινὶ ἐπὶ διαβο 128 τὸ ἐπισκόπε τότο προ ξει. λγ'. Όπως χρὴ τιμάπαι τοὺς ἱερεῖς καὶ στολές ἡγεῖται, πνευματικὸς ὄντας γονεῖς. λδ'. Ὅτι ε αρχόντων και βασιλέων εἰσὶ κρείπες οἱ ἱερεῖς. 1 λέ. Ὅτι ρακελεύονται οἱ νόμοι καρποφορεῖν ὡσαύτως και το δαγέλιον. λε Υπόμνησις δίκα Το Θεῖς λογίων, καὶ ὅπως αὐ. τὰ ἐνταῦθα διαγορεύει. λζ. Περὶ κατηγόρων κ συκοφαντῶν καὶ ὅπως χρή μὴ προχείρως τα εύειν ἢ επισεῖν τέτοις * κριτὴν ἀλλὰ με ἀκριβῶς ἐξετάσεως. λή. "Οτι χρή του άμαρτά νοντας ιδιαζόντως ἐξελέγχων, και του μετανοώντας προσδέχει Στι, και να το κυρίω διάτα. ξεν λθ'. Παραδείγματα δε μετανοίας. μ' απ ἐ χρὴ ἐχθρωδώς διακείσαι πει να ταξιδε. περον ἁμαρτάνοντα με Ὅπως δεν προσεποι * μετανοῖντα, καὶ ὅπως διαγίνεται προς αμαρτάνοντας, και πότε εκκόπτειν η έκκλησίας. με τι χρή απροσωπο ληπτον ε * κατώ μη. Όπως χρή του στο κοφάντας τιμωρεί που μδ' "Ον χρὴ ἢ διάκονον ἐπικρίζειν τὸ βάρΘ 7 ἐπισ κόπων, καὶ διευθύνειν τὰ κα φότερα μέ. "Οτι μη προσήκον Χριςιανοῖς, ἀντιλογίας και διαπληκτισμοί. με απ ' χρή του τιςὲς ἐπὶ τ' ἀπέςων δικάζεται, ἔτι μίω ξ αὐτῶν τινα και λῶν εἰς μαρτυρίαν * Xes νῶν. μζ'. Ὅτι χρὴ ἐν δευτέρα XXXV. That both the Law and the Gofpel prefcribe Oferings, XXXVI. The recital of the Ten Commandments ; and after what manner they do here prefcribe to us. XXXVII. Concerning Accufers and falle Accufers, and how a Judge is hot rally either to believe them, or disbelieve them, but after an accurate Examination. XXXVIII. That Sinners are pris vately to be reprov'd, and the Penitent to be receiv'd, according to the Conftitution of our Lord. XXXIX. Examples of Repen Chriftians ought to be held on the fecond Day of the Week. XLVIII. That the fame Punishment is not to be inflicted for every Offence; but different Punifhments for different Offenders..:: XLIX. What are to be the Characters of Accufers and Witnefles, L. That former Offences do fometimes render after-Accufations credible. LI. Againft judging without hear ing both Sides. LII. The Caution obferv'd at Heathen Tribunals before the condemnation of Criminals, affords Chriftians a good Example. LIII. That Chriftians ought not to be Contentious one with another. LIV. That the Bishops muft by their Deacon, put the People in mind of the Obligation they are under το live peaceably together. to . σαββάτων ποιεῖσαι της δίκης. μή. Ὅτι μὲ χρὴ ταύτην ἐπὶ πάσης new nuwelas πλημμελείας, ἀλλὰ διάφορον, πρὸς τὸ διάφορον το παρτε νοντα μθ. Οποίος τη χρή του κατηγόρας, και μάρτυρας On we van προτέρων κακῶν μὲ ἀπὸς εἶπαι τα δεύτερα. vá. Oni xen novouegeïs τις κρίσεις ποιείς 16 Порубнуна ту Лха xpiμaTO SLEWDer Dκακῶν δεὶ τὰς ἀποφάσεις ασε φάλεια. "On 2n xaľúλμια τιμή χρή κατ' άλ λήλων ἔχειν του τις υδ'. Ὅτι χρὴ τοῦ ἐπισκό este expluns die to διακόνω υπομιμνήσκειν την κα. νέ Απαρίθμησις διαφόρε megvolas, my omas & arms LV. An Enumeration of the feveral Inftances of divine Providence, and how in every Age from the Bea9' nashr quear cuarevE. ginning of the World, God has in-us eis metávolav návras. vited all Men to Repentance. LVI. That 'tis the Will of God that Men fould be of one Mind, in matters of Religion, in accord with the heavenly Powers. LVII. An Exact Defcription of a Church, and the Clergy; and what Things in particular, every one is to do in the folemn Alfemblies of the Clergy and Laity for religi. gious Worship. 45. "On Hernia Oi, i. μόφρονας εἰς τοῦ ἀνθρώπες σίως ν' ἐν ἐρανῷ δυνάμεσι. τζ' Διατύπωσις ἐκκλησί as λne, éxas avond wa θροιζομθύων κληρικῶν, ἢ λ ïna, en rỹ owndel νή. Περὶ συστατικῶν, ἤτοι LVIII. Of commendatory Letters in favour of Strangers, Lay-perfons, ever, λaïnav, unneixor, Clergy men, and Bifhops. And that monxasxprix Nothofe who come into the Church Afr. de |