صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ο δώρων, καὶ ἀπὸ them, and all that is fir


πολύτων" των θυσιῶν, κι από πάσης πλημμε λείας ο πεὶ ἁμαρ: μῶν· @ ὅσα Σποδιδόασι μοι ἀπὸ πούτων τῶν ἁγίων, (οὶ ἔςαι ε τοῖς τοῖς σε ἐν τῷ ἁγίῳ φάγανε αὐτοῦ. Καὶ μετ ̓ ὀλίγα Παα α. χὴ ἐλαίς καὶ οἶνε ~

σίτε, ὅσα δὲ δῶσι κ

ripe, to thee have I given it,
and every devoted thing. E-
very Firft-born of Man and of
Beat, clean and unclean, and
of Sacrifice, with the Breaft,
and the right Shoulder, all
thefe appertain to the Priefs,
and to the reft of those be
longing to them, even to the

ρίῳ, (οὶ δέδωκα αὐτά· καὶ τὰ πρωτοχρήματου πολίτου Cor δέδωκα. καὶ 3 συνέρι" παν διάθεμα πάν πρωτότο τον Ανθρώπε ε κrlas καθαρὰ καὶ ἀκαθάρτες, ο θυσίας, ε ευθηνίς, ο βραχίονΘ. δεξιὰ τοῖς ἱεροῦσες προστιμής κα", καὶ τοῖς λοιποῖς τοῖς του αμλύεσιν αὐτοῖς Λουΐζαις.


ΣΑΚ επι" τούτου & HEAR this, you of the

ὑμεῖς οἱ λαϊκοί,

ἐκλεκτὴ ἐκκλησία το
Θεῖ. ο δ ὁ λαὸς πρό-

πριν Θεῖ λαὸς ὁ ἔθ να ἅγιον ὠνομάζετο

Laity alfo, the Elect Church of God. For the People were formerly called Th People of God, and, An Exod. sig Holy Nation You therefore 5, 6. ὲ ὑμεῖς ἐν ἐτε αγία are the Holy and Sacred Heb. xi. τῇ θεὰ ἱερὰ ἐκκλησία Church of God, enrolla in petiig. Σπογεγραμμένη ἐν . Heaven, a Royal Priefthood, ρανῷ, βασίλειον ἱερά an holy Nation, a peculiar τομα, ἔθνΘ. ἅγιον, People, a Bride adorn d for the



deeft. V. φάγεσθαι. V. (ὶ ἐρεῖ V. v. deeft. V. προσανήκεν. V.ν. ακέσατε. V.



Lord God, a great Church, 2 faithful Church. Hear artentively now what was faid formerly: Oblations and Tythes belong to Chrift our High-Priest, and to those

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who minifter to him Tenths αφαιρέματα, ο δεκα of Salvation are the first ray, axa Tu ap Letter of the Name of Je- χιερείς Χριστῷ ο τοῖς fus. Hear, O thou holy

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Catholick Church, who haft efcaped the Ten Plagues,

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and haft received the Ten i naboninń čunanCommandments, and haft dia, Sergiangor learned the Law, and haft

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kept the Faith, and haft bev éλnqÿæ,

lieved in Jefus, and art nam'd og



mannya y after his Name, and art e- Inov mes stablish'd, and fhineft in the xya, 3 Tooroμg auConfummation of his Glory. τῇ ἐπονομαζομθύη, Those which were then the 6 Ty Thawod & dáSacrifices, now are Prayers ns aur Jujun and nterceffions,and ThankfUTHOR". A TOTE τότε givings Thofe which were suda, vuo dixa, è then Firft-fruits, and Tythes, dehors, by daversion and Offerings, and Gifts, a TTE axar, xai τότε χαι, καὶ now are Oblations, which δεκάται, ο αφαιρέμα are prefented by holy Bi- ra, deg vuw wegofhops to the Lord God, thro el a Hos Twy oJefus Chrift, who has died oiwy monóπwv Teo


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ນ ພໍ

· ἐκλεκτὴν κατὰ πίςιν κεκρατηκυία ν.. Γ καὶ τὴν δεκα τα έγνω κυῖα, καὶ ἐπὶ τῷ ἰῶτα, ὅπερ ὅζιν ἀρχῇ ὀνόματος Ιησε, πεπιτηκυία. V. * deeft. Ve

φερόμιμα κυρίῳ τῷ for them. For these are


your High-Pricks, as the Presbyters are your Priefts, and your prefent Deacons inftead of your Levites; as are allo your Readers, your Singers, your Porters, your Deaconeffes, your Widows, your Virgins, and your Orphans: But he who is above all there is the High

Dew, Hot Inot Xes, i autν a νόνΘ. οὗτοι γάρ είσιν ipar of aprepas of ἢ ἱερεῖς ὑμῶν, οἱ πρεσ Cúme of Adi Εύτεροι – vμwv, oi vuu Hanovo, Cor Magura noves jiv, è oi wobi, πυλωροί, αἱ Σάκονοι sμwr. & ai xñea, & Priest

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φομοὶ ὑμῶν ὁ 5 τέτων πούτων δώτερον ὁ ἀρχιερούς ότι

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The Bishop; he is the Mi- xxvÌ nifter of the Word, the Keep ** Pag. er of Knowledge, the Mediator between God and in the feveral Parts of your Divine Worship. He is the Teacher of Piety: and, next after God, he is your Father, who has begotten you again to the Adoption of Sons by Water and the Spirit. He is your Ruler and Governour; He is your King and and Potentate; He is, next after God, your Earthly God, who has a Right to be ho

Η λίγα. Υ.



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nour'd by you. For con- suv kuns Saver cerning Him, and fuch as weS TOUTE Hai TWE He it is that God pronounces, ομοίων αὐτῶν ὁ Θεὸς Pfal.lxxxi. I have faid ye are Gods, and ye λ 'Ema Огов 6. are all Children of the Most ise, nai чoi útice zdán Exod.xxii High. And, Tefhall not speak TS Kailers & ngevil of the Gods. For let the noλognots. O2 28" Bishop prefide over you as wegng DEone honour'd with the Au- Cow uwv, as e thority of God, which he is αξίᾳ τετιμημμα, to exercise over the Clergy, neaтe & nλnрs, you and by which he is to go-as juros apod. & vern all the People. But let NOVO TOUTE TA ἢ ΚάκονΘ τούτῳ πα the Deacon minifter to him esanda, 3 as a Xersos as Chrift does to his Fa marei", y λAT8ther, and let him ferve him δείτω αὐτῷ, ἐν πᾶσιν unblameably in all things, duuπtws is · Xer. as Chrift does nothing of gos d'o' SAUTY TOLWY himfelf, but does always οὐδὲν τὰ ἀρετὰ ποιεῖ thole things that plcale his της πατρὶ παύτοτε. ἡ Father. Let alfo the Dea "Lánov eis TUTTOV conefs be honour'd by you agis moualR Tεin the Place of the Holy kuradi vμuv, under Ghoft, and not do or fay avd & Yanove wear any thing without the Dea- Ton, con; as neither does the é o Comforter fay or do any thing of himself, but gives Glory to Chrift by waiting for his Pleasure. And as we can not believe on Chrift with




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ἀλλαχε. ν. ' ὧν. ν. καθάπερ αἱ δυνάμεις τῷ Θεῷ. V. ' κν

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day and I & Ad Malo Sidaonarias, & Tws and I Har μηδεμία προσπω γυ in Tus Hangvw, Emonóww. of TE πpeσβύτεροι εἰς τύπον ἡμῶν των Σποςόλων ὑμῖν νενομίσωσιμ. διδάσκαλοι wood Deoswoias TELDE HOY & NUer HAS STOSEM WY λey Пopol DENTES MINT CUTE TOUTA TA BaT COUTES AUTcus eis


xxviii. 19

out the Teaching of the Spirit, fo let not any Woman addrefs herself to the Deacon or Bilhop without the Deaconess. Let the Presbyters be esteem'd by you to reprefent us the Apo files, and let them be the Teachers of Divine Know ledge; fince our Lord, when he fent us, faid, Go ye, and Matt. make Difciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft: teach Soroμg To Hate's ning them to observe all things τὸ ὑς καὶ δ' αγίς πνδύ- what foever I have commanded HalQ• Didaσnortes au- you. Let the Widows and διδάσκοντες στους τηρεῖν πάντα ὅτα Orphans be efteem'd as reἐνετειλάμίω ὑμῖν Αἵ prelenting the Altar of Burnt π por u opgavol offering: and let the Vire's TUTTOY & Juras- gins be honour'd as repreei's renogíadworks iv. fenting the Altar of Incense, και σε πιθένοι εἰς τύπον and the Incenfe it felf. * 2 θυμιατηρίες τεκμή πωσομ. και " θυ • анято


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** Ὡς εν σοκ



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As therefore it was not XXVIL lawful for one of another *** Pag. Tribe, that was not a Ler 240. vite, to offer any thing, or

to approach the Altar with

iεpéws, &ow nai iues out the Prieft; fo alfo do

[úpav. V. 2 defunt. V.


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