صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


237. Exek.

xxxiv. 3.

Ifa. v. 8.



XXV. 4.

reproach'd by God, who fays 2 ws we's a manto fuch unfatiable People, us


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who alone devour all, Te eat To gana narediɛTE, up the Milk, and cloath your ta tela wei Camεads. felves with the Wool And Ka v años. Mh oiin another Paffage, Muft you were poor & Jus alone live upon the Earth ? Διὸ ἢ ἐν τῷ νόμῳ Upon which account you προσέτακται ὑμῖν are commanded in the Law, Agamos manolov Levit. xix. Thou shalt love thy Neigh our Ce as σeaulov Kai as thy felf. Now we say these Taura" égousu, &x" ταῦτα λέγομψυ, ἔχ things, not as if you might ἵνα μὴ μεταλαμβάνη not partake of the Fruits of ὑμῶν τῷ πόνων γέyour Labours; for 'tis writ- gap. Où quáten, Thou shalt not muzzle the ofs Bev anal an' Mouth of the Ox which tread ἵνα μεμετρημθύως με eth out the Corn; but that you δικαιοσιώης. ὃν τρόπον fhould do it with Mode- o Bus Epa Coμ Q 3 y ἐργαζόμμα ration and Righteousness ev Tadw + anruglos", As therefore the Ox that la- i usu, d'n' & To ma bours in the Threlhing-floor without a Muzzle, cars in deed, but does not eat all up: So do you who labour in the Threshing floor, that exuλnoias diene Or is in the Church of God, eat τρόπον & οἱ Λουΐται οἱ of the Church; which was λειτεργουντες τῇ σκηνῇ alfo the Cafe of the Levites, who ferv'd in the Taberna- TUTO & innλnoias cle of the Teftimony, which was in all things a Type of


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καππις ἔτω @ ὑμᾶς paCoμsvor as Ianw, τετέςιν εἰς ἐκκλησ clar & DECS, in &

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TTO. V. 3 gap v. 4. doiμal 7. VEDION DÉRETE. V. δῆλον γὰρ καὶ ἐκ τῶ καλάπς αυτὴν μαρτύρι, σκηνὴν ὅτι. ν.


papierov, & innλn the Church; nay farther, its olas in onnin wew- very Name imply'd, that that ρίζετο. ἐνταῦθα eileto. ivTaïda y Tabernacle was fore-appoint



* AdiTy Ty ouned for a Testimony of the

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Church. Here therefore the Levites allo, who attended upon the Tabernacle, par took of those things that were offered to God by all the People, namely Gifts, Offerings, and First-fruits, and Tythes, and Sacrifices, and Oblations, without Diofturbance, they and their Wives, and their Sons, and their Daughters: fince their Employment was the Miniftration to the Tabernacle, therefore they had not any Lot or Inheritance in the Land among the Children

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298, nλnedoria of Ifrael, because the Ob* Λοί – κληρονομία Tñs Quλñs autŵr.4. μες ἦν σήμερον, ὦ ἐ· πίσκοποι, τῷ λαῷ TiGKOT, ESE TW 2 ὑμῶν ἱερεῖς, Λόυιτω, are to your People Pries οἱ λειτεργῶντες τῇ ἱεpå σunin, Ty ȧvia the Holy Tabernacle, the σκηνῇ, ἁγίᾳ καθολικῇ ἐκκλησία, Holy Catholick Church, who αρεσώτες των θυσιαςη fand at the Altar of the

lations of the People were the Lot of Levi, and the Inheritance of their Tribe. You therefore, O Bishops,

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and Levites, miniftring to

* τιμὴν· ν. · κ μόνον αὐτοὶ ἀλλα. ν. 3 γρ. ν. 1 και να

H 4


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Lord your God, and offer eier T to reasonable and un, & we CanonES bondy Sacrifices, through aur Tais dying's my αὐτῷ τοὺς λογικές Jefus, the great High-Prieft. avaianтes Joias g You are to the Laity Pro Ιησοδ 2 το μεγάλο αρ phers Rulers, Governours,and pÉWS. VμLEIS TOIS EV Kings; the Mediators between God and his faithful People, who receive and declare ρύμθμοι, και βασιλείς, his Word, well acquainted with the Scriptures; ye are v auto, oi doncis the Voice of God, and Witneffes of his Will, who bear the Sins of all, and intercede qv,

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βαςάζοντες, περὶ πάν των Σπολογούμθμοι οἷς, site, iμberdas 262 ATTAλe, d κρύψετε ἐξ ανθρώπων κ της γνώσεως κλείδα οἷς κίνδυν@ ὀλέθρια, ἐγὼ 5giante To Os=

for all; whom, as you have ε μάрTUρES TO heard, the Word feverely deanμal threatens, if you hide the πάντων τὰς ἁμαρτίας Key of Knowledge from Men, who are liable to Perdition, if you do not declare his Will to the People that are under you; who fall have a certain Reward from God, and unfpeakable Honour and Glory, if you duly minifter to the Holy Tabernacle. For as your's is the Burden, fo you receive, as your Fruit, the Supply of Food and other Neceffaries. For you imitate Chrift the Lord; and

! deest. V. * x«‹ã. v. 3 xúguxes. v.


na auтÿ TuSúp vu now ois why es pratos a foldin's @ κλέΘ ανεκδιήγητον ἐν on anws Topδόξη, καλῶς λειτερ γήσασι τη σκηνή τη

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as he bare the Sins of us all

ὑμέτερον, ὅτω και τους upon the Tree, at his Cruci Shangvías HS Teory, fixion, the Innocent for those ← Tis a mas geas - who deferv'd Punishment; fo Mas naprovade. Men alfo you ought to make the μας καρπούσε. μιμη ταὶ γὰρ ἐς Χριςοδ το Sins of the People your weis I ws auto's ule W αὐτὸς own. For concerning our SaZONTOV Aucor Tis a viour, it is faid in Ifaiah, He a. liii; 4 Tias AliveSner &úngr, save deis o aξύλον, MwμQ up ifs nog σεως αξίων. DEWS akiwν. TW છે μας ξ λας τας αμής Tías idiomicas an. apnroy go wei To Com TO G PQ in HGia, on TO Tas aμaptías Mwv gépt, è wei μῶν ὀδικᾶται. Καὶ παλιν· Αὐτὸς ἁμαρτίας mmŵv dúlweľne, è στους δρομίας αὐτῶν παPedan. "NOTTED 3 ρεδόθη. Ώσπερ ὑμᾶς σκοποί ἐπ, τω - και " σκοπὸν ἔχετε * Χριςόν ὡς ἂν αὐτὸς πολύτων ὑμῶν, ὅτω &



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bears our Sins, and is afflicted for us. And again, Fe v. 12. bare the Sins of many, and was delivered for our Offences. As therefore you are Patterns for others, fo have you Chrift for your Pattern. As there fore he is concern'd for all, fo be you for the Laity under you. For do not thou imagine that the Office of a Bilhop is an calie or light Burthen. As therefore you bear the Weight, fo have you a Right to partake of the Fruitsbefore others, and to impart to chofe that are in want, as being to give an ac count to Him, who without ὑμεῖς τῶν ὑφ ̓ ὑμᾶς λαϊ- Byals will examine your Ac nov. μn 3 vóμice" on counts. For those who attend Αχερὲς ἢ ἐλαφρὰν φορ- . upon the Church ought to be Tíor 65iv i 6mong. maintain'd by the Church, as

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fic. v. reliq. male wouvres. deeft. V. 3 rouilers. V,

xviii. I.

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being Priests, Levites. Prefi- xph **Pag. dents and Minifters of God: 238. As it is written in the Book of Numbers concerning the Numb. Priefts, And the Lord faid unto Aaron, Thou, and thy Sons, and the Houţe of thy Family Shall bear the Iniquities of the Holy things of your Priesthood. Behold I have given unto you the Charge of the Firft-fruits: y.8, &c. From all that are fanctified to are iepes, Adiges, me by the Children of Ifrael; wegspus, NATERYES λειτεργές I have given them for a Re-e natws En Bibaw ward to thee, and to thy Sons is dertuğăr gútearoa after thee, by an Ordinance for my wei off iɛpéwv. Kai ever This fhall be yours out at nie weg's Aaείπε of the holy things, out of the ear Cù, è oi you σ8, Oblations, and out of the Gifts, o oin marelas os and out of all the Sacrifices, λήψεθε τας αμαρτίας and out of every Trefpafs- ps ἁγίων, ἡ ἱεραπείας Offering, and Sin-Offerings, and juv. idoù dédung vun

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all that they render unto merupрnow Sanout of all their holy things, and TONTIV TIS από πούτων they shall belong to thee, and oficer pa y.12, &c. to thy Sons: In the Sanctu- wv ywv 'Ioann, Col ary fhall they eat them. And Sedang avrà es yeeas, a little after, All the First-Tis vous ou μ Ce fruits of the Oil, and of the ropov aiwviov. Č. 78Wine, and of the Wheat, all to say iμ TO TWY which they hall give unto the ἡγιασμένων, ἐκ τῶν Lord, to thee have I given rgprWMTWY, T

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