صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Sheep, but themselves. Te eat Ἰσραήλ, ὅκ" ἐποί the Milk, and are cloathed with μαινον ἑαυτές. ἐ του the Wool, ye flay the Strong, πρόβατα ποιμαίνεσιν ye do not feed the Sheep. The οἱ ποιμλύες, άλλ' έαυ Weak have ye not strengthened, τές δ γάλα κατεπίεξε, neither have ye healed that τὰ ἔρια πριβάλλε which was fick, neither have θε, ὁ ἰχυρον σφάζετε, ye bound up that which was τὰ πρόβαία ἐ ποιμαί broken, neither have ye brought vere ὁ ἐνοχλέμθμον again that which was driven con ὀνιχύσατε, κ" δ away, neither have ye fought ἄρρωσον σόκ ἰάσαθε, ε that which was lost; but with & σωτετριμμλύον ἐ και Force and Insult have ye ruled τεδήσατε, ὁ ἐξωσμύον over them's and they were scat- 3 & κατεπεςρέψατε", ε tered, because there was no & ἀπολωλός στη ἐζηShepherd; and they became τήσατε ̇ κὶ ἐν κράτὸ ἐMeat to all the Beasts of the παιδούζατε αύται με Foreft. And again, The Shep- ἐμπαιγμὲ ὁ διεσπά herds did not fearch for my proόμ αυτά ὁ μὴ εἶναι Sheep; and the Shepherds fed ποιμλύα, ο εκλύοντο εἰς themselves, but they fed not my ngτάβρωμα πᾶσι τοῖς Sheep. And a little afrer, Be- θηρίοις * 4 δρυμό". hold I am against the Shepherds, Kaὶ πάλιν· Καὶ σοκ and I will require my Sheep ἐξεζήτησομ οἱ ποιμθύες at their hands, and cause them to προβατά με κख्ये to cease from feeding my Sheep, ἐποίμαινον οἱ ποιμθύες neither shall the Shepherds feed ἑαυτὴς, τὰ ἢ προβατά themselves any more; and I με σοκ ἐποίμαινον. Καὶ will deliver my Sheep out of met ὀλίγον Ἰδὲ ἐγὼ their Hands, and they shall weὸς τὸς ποιμλίας, not be Meat for them. And ἐκζητήσω ἐγὼ τὰ πρό

V. deeft. V. 3 ἐκ ἐπιτρέψατε. V. αγρῖ. V.


βατά με ἐκ χειρὸς αὐ- he also adds, speaking to
τῶν, ὁ καταπαύσω αὐ- the People, Behold I will
τὸς ὁ ποιμαίνειν τὰ judge between Sheep and Sheep,
πρόβατά με, ἐἐ ποι- and between Rams and Rams.
μαμᾶσιν ἔκ οἱ ποιμλύες - Seemed it a small thing unto
αυτές, ἃ ῥύσομαι Τα πρό you to have eaten up the good
βατά με ἐκ χειρός - Pasture, and to have troden
τῶν, ὁ σοκ ἐπονταροilgis down with your Feet the Re
εἰς κατάβεωμα. 'Kai" sidue of your Pasture, and
ὀπιφέρφκὶ πρὸς ἢ λαόν that the Sheep have eaten
λέγων Ἰδὲ ἐγὼ κρινῷ what was troden down with
ἀνὰ μέσον ωροβάτε εἰς your Feet ? And a little after
πρόβατον, ε κριόν He adds, And ye shall know
πρὸς κριόν. μὴ μικρὸν that I am the Lord, and
2 ἰω" ὑμῶν, ὅκ + vo- you the Sheep of my Pasture
μὴν ἢ καλὴν ἀνέμεπε, are my Men, Saith the Lord
Ο τὰ κατάλοιπα & God.
νομῆς κατεπατείτε τοῖς

ποσὶν ὑμῶν, ὁ τὰ πρόβατα Τὰ πατήματα της ποδῶν
ὑμῶν ἤθιον; Καὶ ὅλιφέρὰ με ̓ ὀλίγα Καὶ γνώσεπε, οκ
ἐγὼ κύριον, ὁ ὑμᾶς πρόβατα ἱ νομῆς με, ἄνθρωποί μα
ἐσὲ, ὁ ἐγὼ Θεὸς ὑμῶν, λέγε ̓ Αδωνας κύριθ.

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HEAR, EAR, O ye Bishops, XIX.

and hear, O ye of

οἱ λαϊκοὶ, 3 ὡς" φησιν the Laity, how God speaks, ὁ Θεός Κρινῶ κριών I will judge between Ram τορὸς κριόν, ὁ πρόβα- and Ram, and between Sheep, τον πρὸς πρόβατον ̇ & and Sheep. And He says πρὸς τὸς ποιμθύας λέγε" to the Shepherds, Ye shall

τα ν. * deeft. V. τί. ν.




be judged for your Unskil- κριθήσεθε ἕνεκεν ὁ ἀfulness, and for destroying πειρίας αὐτῶν κὶ ̔ ̔ the Sheep. That is, I will eis" τὰ πρόβατα δια judge between one Bishop preᾶς· τετέςιν, ἐλήand another and between σκοπον πρὸς Ἐπίσκοπον one Lay Person and ano- κρινῶ, κὶ λαϊκὸν πρὸς ther, and between one Ruler λαϊκὸν, ὁ ἄρχοντα πρὸς and another : (For these ἄρχονται λογικά γε Sheep and these Rams are τα πρόβατα, ἃ οἱ not irrational, but ratio- κριοὶ ὅτοι, Σλλ' σόκ nal Creatures;) lest at any

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λoγα ἵνὰ μήποτε εἴπῃ

time a Lay Person should ὁλαϊκὸς, ὅτι ἐγὼ πρό
fay, I am a Sheep, and not
a Shepherd, and I am not
concern'd for my self; let
the Shepherd look to that;
for he alone will be requir'd
to give an account for me. ωὸ ἐμὲ δίκην. ὡ-

Caτον εἰμὶ ὁ ἐ ποιμὴν,
2 @ ἐδένα λόγον ἐμαυτ
' πεποίημαη, Σλλ' ὁποι-
μὴν ἔψεται, ὁ αὐτὸς
μόνο εἰσπραχθήσεται


For as that Sheep that will περ γδ τῷ καλῷ ποι-
not follow its good Shep- μύι ὁ μὴ ἀκολεθέν
herd is expos'd to the Wolves πρόβατον, λύκοις ἔκ-
to its Destruction; so that κειται εἰς διαφθοράν,
which follows a bad Shep- ὕτω τῷ πονηρῷ ποι-
herd is also expos'd to un- ι ὁ ἀκολεθῶν, πρί
avoidable Death, since his
Shepherd will devour him.
Wherefore Care must be had
to avoid destructive Shep-

δηλον ἔχὸ ἢ θάνατον, on κατατρώξεται αὐ τό. διο φουκτέον ἀπὸ ς φθορέων ποιμέ


Τὸν μλύτοι ποιμλύα

As to a good Shepherd, let the Lay Person honour + ἀγαθὸν ὁ λαϊκός

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Κμάτω, ἀγαπάτω, φο- him, love him, reverence βείπω, ὡς κύριον, him as his Lord, as his Ma2 ὡς δεσπόττω", ὡς ἀρ- fter, as the High-Priest of χιερέα Θεῦ, ὡς διδά- God, as a Teacher of Piety. σκάλον οὐσεβείας. ὁ For he that heareth him hearαὐτῷ ἀκέων, Xe eth Christ, and he that reἀκές, κὰ ὁ αὐτὸν ἀθε jecteth him rejecteth Christ: τῶν, Χρισὸν ἀθετᾶ, And he who does not receive τὰ ὁ * Χρισόν μὴ δε- Christ does not receive his χέμυθη, ε δέχεται + God and Father: For says αὐτὸ Θεὸν κὶ πατέρα. He, He that heareth you hear-Luk.x.16. Ὁ ὑμῶν γδ, φησιν, &- eth me, and he that rejecteth κέων, ἐμὲ ἀκές, && you rejecteth me, and he that ὑμᾶς ἀθετῶν, ἐμὲ ἀθε- rejetteth me rejecteth him that τεῖ, κὰ ὁ ἐμὲ ἀθετῶν, sent me. In like manner let ἀθετεῖ ἢ δποςείλαντά the Bishop love the Laity as Ὁμοίως ὁ ὀλή- his Children, fostering and σκοτωθι ὡς τέκνα τὸς cherishing them with affectioλαϊκὲς ἀδαπαζω, θαλ- nate Diligence; as Eggs in πων ἐ σέργων" τῇ σε order to the Hatching of δῇ ἡ ἀγάπης, ὡς ὠd, young Ones; or as young εἰς πειποίησιν νοοσίων, Ones, taking them in his ἢ ὡς νοοσία, ἀδκαλι- Arms, to the rearing them ζόμθυθη εἰς πειποίησιν into Birds; admonishing all ὀρνίθων· πόμζας νεθε- Men, reproving all who stand τῶν πᾶσι τοῖς ἁπληκ- in need of Reproof; reproΚομέ ὀλιδεομλύοις *** ving that is, but not striking; * Επιπλήσσων, Ἀλλὰ μὴ beating them down to make 228. πλήσσων, ὑποπιέζων εἰς them asham'd, but not overἐντρροπὴν, Ἀλλὰ μὴ throwing them; warning εἰ ἀνατορπὴν", 18 θε- them in order to their Con


ὡς πατερα ν. - deeft. V. 3 θέλγων κὶ θερμαίνων. V. 4 δια ν.

*** Pag

deest. V.




version, chiding them in or- τῶν εἰς ὀλιςροφιώ, ελι der to their Reformation, and kμῶν εἰς διόρθωσιν, κὶ better Course of Life: Watch- θύτητα πορείας δ' ίσ ing the Strong, that is, keep. χυρόν φυλάσσων, τε ing him firm in the Faith who 75, ὁ ἑδραῖον τῇ πι is already strong; feeding ἀσφαλές τηρών, τ λαόν the People peaceably. Streng- ipίωικῶς ποιμαίνων· thening the Weak, that is, con ὀνοχλέμμον ἐνισχύων, firming with Exhortation that τετέςι, δι' πειραζόμθυον which is tempted. Healing that ἐν τῇ νεθεσία σερραwhich is fick, that is, curing by ποιῶν. το αρρωςαιῦ ἰωInstruction that which is weak μύθο, τετέςι, νο in the Faith thro' Doubtful- qui in f wίσεως ἐν ness of Mind. Binding up that διλοκοίς, διά τ διόδε which is broken, that is, bind- σκαλίας θεραπύων· ing up by comfortable Ad- & σωτετριμμλύον κατ monitions that which is gone ταδεσμῶν, τετέςι, δ astray, or wounded, bruis'd, πεπλομημλύον, ἢ δ τεθ. or broken by their Sins, and ραυσμγύον, ἢ δ" και put out of the way; easing τεαγμένον ἐν ἁπρτίαις it of its Offences, and gi- ἐς χωλείαν ὁδῶ, 2 Ελπ ving Hope; by this means δέννων" Νὰ πρακλης reftore and reduce it into the kκῆς νοθεσίας· Ἐλας Flock. Bring again that which φρωνων ἀπὸ παπλω is driven away, that is, do not μάτων, κὶ ύελπιν ποιῶν permit that which is in its ὕτω ρωμαλέον ἐν τῇ Sins, and is cast out by way ἐκκλησία Σποκαθίσα, of Punishment, to continue ἐπομάχων ἐν τῇ ποίμexcluded; but receiving it, vy. Τὸ ἐξωσμένον ἐλί and bringing it back, restore sρεφε, τετέςι, ὁ ἐν ἁ it to the Flock, that is, to ρτίαις λυόμθυον

deest. V. δεσμῶν. ν. 3 ν. V.


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