صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

I could have wished, that the task of anfwering ob, jections had fallen into other hands. Still pledged as I am by what has been already advanced, (and not without mature confideration) I fhould not, it is probable, ftand acquitted by the public, were I to defert a caufe, which, however unequal to the undertaking, I am profeffionally bound to fupport.

Fully impreffed with this idea, I throw myself on the indulgence of the Reader; in the hope that the intention of the author will compenfate for the defects of his performance. It may be proper, however, to obferve, on the fubject of the following sheets, that it is not elegance of compofition, so much as a correct and perfpicuous ftatement of facts accompanied with correfpondent reafoning, that is to be looked for in them; and that their merit (if they may pretend to any) confifts in this, that the matter contained in them is calculated to convey ufeful information to every well-difpofed mind. "It is enough for me (if Imay speak in the language of pious Bishop TAYLOR) to be an under-builder in the houfe of GOD; and I glory in the employment; I labour in the foundations; and therefore the work needs no apology for being plain, fo it be ftrong and well laid." Should the learned reader think, as it is probable he may,

that the fubject, in fome parts, wants compreffion; the unlearned one, for whofe advantage I chiefly write, may feel himself indebted to its dilated form for that more particular information, which it was defigned to leave on his mind: a confideration which weighs heavier in my scale of estimation, than any degree of credit that might otherwife have accrued to myself. The honours which wit and learning may defervedly acquire, from their exertion on their appropriate fubjects, I fhall never envy; fatisfied, fhould I be counted worthy to be numbered among those writers, who, in a caufe which every minister of the church ought to have at heart, fhall be thought to have contributed, in any degree, to the establishment of truth. Should the world be grown fo old in error, as no longer to be in a disposition to receive the truth, I have to lament the circumftance. though in fuch cafe I can have neither fame nor emolument to expect, there is ftill fomething far better than either, of which no honeft man can be deprived; namely, that fatisfaction, with which the consciousness of having discharged a duty, muft ever be accompanied.


The fubject here committed to the public is certainly of the most important kind; particularly fo in the present day. In handling it, should I so far

have fucceeded, as by leaving conviction on any reader's mind, to make him a more regular, confirmed, and confiftent member of the church, than he otherwife might have been; I fhall thank GOD, for having thought fit to make me, unworthy as I am, the inftrument of doing fome good, at a time when, confeffedly, much good is wanted to be done. The most valuable return the reader can make, for the hours that have been dedicated to his fervice, will be his earnest prayer to God, that the writer of the book before him, after having endeavoured to guide others into the good and right way, may not himself be found in the number of those who are loft,

Bath, March 26, 1894.

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fect or party, or even to declare a man's own opinions, if they differ from those of fuch fectarists or partisans, without cenfure, is what no author must expect: for, whilft man continue in his present state of imperfection, a diversity of opinions must occafionally give rife to difputes and divifions. These, as the beginning of evils, ought to be avoided; fo far as may be confiftent with a proper regard for truth; because they tend, more or lefs, to the breach of that charity which is a principal characteristic of the Christian. On this account, to make use of the


remark of a judicious writer,* "an author fhould avoid, as much as he can, replies and rejoinders; the ufual confequences of which are lofs of time and lofs of temper;" confidering that a controversy with his own paffions is the most profitable one in which a Christian can be engaged.

These confiderations might have juftified me in my first purpose to return no answer to the letters that have been addreffed to me, on the subject of my late publication, did I not reflect that such seeming inattention might be deemed inconfistent with the respect which I really feel for your character and station in life. But as time is precious; and, with all my zeal to be useful in my generation, feeling confcious of having abused too large a portion of it; I am concerned, where there is fo much real work to be done in the Chriftian world, to find myself engaged in an useless undertaking. For, upon reading over your letters, I fee nothing new upon the fubjects attempted to be maintained in them; nothing to which a full and complete anfwer has not, in my judgment, been repeatedly given. And if what with fuch clearnefs of argument has heretofore been written upon the particular tenets of your creed, have not brought


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