صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


the chest from abdomen. Di' a rỹ, n. a journal; an account of every day. Dic' tate, v. to tell what to write; to instruct. 'Dic ta to' ri al, a. authoritative; dogmatical; proud.

Dic' tion, n. style; language; speech. Dic' tion a ry, n. a book of words explained in alphabetical order.

Di dac' tic, a. preceptive. Diet, n. food; regimen ; - an assembly of princes. v. to board; to eat by rule.

Dif' fer ent, a. unlike ; various.

Dif' fi cult, a. hard; troublesome.

Dif' fi dent, a. distrustful; suspicious; bashful.

Dif fuse', a copious; full; widely spread. Diffuse, v. to pour out;

to scatter; to disperse. Di gest', v. to dissolve;

set in order; arrange. Di ges" tion, n. a dissolving of food in the sto mach.

Di" git, n. a figure; the twelfth part of the diameter of the sun ΟΙ moon, &c.

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Di lap i da' tion, n. a destroying of buildings. Di late', v. to extend; to spread out; to relate at large.

Dil' a to ry, a. tardy; slow; sluggish.

Di lem' ma, n. a difficul

ty; a vexatious alternative.

Dil' i gent, a. industrious; persevering; attentive. Di lute', v. to thin; to

weaken with water. Di men' sion, n. the solid bulk; the capacity; size. Di min' ish, v. to lessen ;

to decrease; to degrade. Dim i nu' tion, n. the act of lessening; loss. Di min' u tive, a. small; contemptible; mean. Dim' ness, n. a defect of sight; stupidity; dul


Di' o cess, n. the jurisdiction of a bishop.

Di plo' ma, n. a deed of some privilege or de


Di rec' tion, n. order; rule; aim; superscription.

Di rec' to ry, n. a rule or book to direct.

Dis a' ble, v. to render unable; to lame. Dis ad van' tage, n. loss; prejudice.

Dis ad van tage' ous, a. prejudicial; hurtful. Dis af fect' ed, a. not wishing well to; hat. ing; averse.

Dis a gree' ment, n. a difference; an unsuitable

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to perceive; to distinguish; to judge. Discern' i ble, a. discov erable; distinguisha

ble; visible. Discern' ing, a. seeing; judicious; knowing. Dis cern' ment, n. the faculty of discerning; skill.

Dis charge', v. to dismiss ; to pay; to clear; to unload; to fire.

Dis ci' ple, n. a scholar;

learner; follower. Dis' ci pline, n. instruction; rule of government; correction. Dis claim', v. to disown; to deny any knowledge


Dis close, v. to uncover;

to reveal; to tell. Dis closure, n. discovery; the act of revealing a secret. Dis com' fit, v. to defeat;

to vanquish. n. defeat; overthrow.

Dis com' fit ure, n. defeat;

rout; overthrow. Dis com mode', v. to molest; to put to inconvenience.

Dis com pose", v. to disorder; to ruffle; to of fend; to displace. Dis con cert', v. to unset

tle the mind; to dis

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Dis' cord, n. disagreement; opposition; mutual animosity. Dis cord' ant, a. incon sistent ; at variance with itself; opposite. Dis cov' er, v. to disclose; to make known; espy; to find out. Dis cov' e ry, n. the act of finding, revealing, or disclosing. Dis' count, n. the sum refunded in a bargain. Dis count', v. to pay back again.

Dis coun' te nance, v. to abash; to put to shame. Dis cour age, v. to depress; to deprive of Confidence.

Dis creet', a. prudent; cautious; sober; modest. Dis cre" tion, n. prudence; liberty of act ing at pleasure. Dis crim i na' tion, n. a distinction; separation; mark.

Dis cur sion, n. the act of running to and fro. Dis cus' ion, n. debate ; investigation.

Dis cu'tient, n. a repelling medicine. Dis dain', v. to scorn; to despise. n. scorn; contemptuous anger. Dis dain' ful, a. scornful; haughty; lofty; proud. Dis ease, n. distemper ; sickness. v. to afflict; to pain; to infect. Dis em bark', v. to put men or goods on shore. Dis em bod' i ed, a. divested of body; spiritual; pure.

Dis em bogue', v. to gain a vent; to flow. Dis en cum' ber, v. to free

from encumbrance. Dis en gage, v. to extri

cate; to rid; to free. Dis en tan' gle, v. to unravel; to clear; to free

Dis figure, v. to deform

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to mangle; to maim; to deface. Dis fran' chise, v. to deprive of privileges or immunities. Dis grace', v. to bring a reproach upon. shame; dishonour. Dis guise', v. to conceal ; to hide by a counterfeit



Dis gust, v. to produce aversion; to offend. n.


Dis ha bille', dress.

n. an un

v. to dis

Dis heart' en, courage. Dis hon' our, v. to disgrace; to violate. Dis in gen' u ous, a. illiberal; unfair; mean. Dis in her' it, v. to de. prive of inheritance. Dis in' ter est ed, a. void

of self interest. Dis joint', v. to separate; to put out of joint. Dis junc' tion, n. a parting; separation; disunión.

Dis' lo cate, v. to disjoint;

displace; put out; slip. Dis lo ca' tion, n. a joint put out; act of displacing.

Dis lodge', v. to drive out;

to remove.

Dis loy' al, a. not true to allegiance; treacher


Dis mal, a. terrible; dark; gloomy; sorrowful.

Dis man' tle, v. to strip; to destroy; to over. throw.

Dis may. v. to affright;

to terrify. n. fright;

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Dis pen' sa ry, n. place where medicines are dispensed.

Dis pense', v. to deal out; to distribute.

Dis perse', v. to scatter. Dis play', v. to spread wide; to exhibit ostentatiously.

Dis pleasure, n. uneasiness; indignation. Dis po sal, n. distribution; the right of bestowing.

Dis po "si" tion, n. predominant inclination. Dis pro por tion, n. want of symmetry. Dis' pu ta ble, a. controvertible; liable to con


Dis pute', v. to contend; to oppose. n. contest; controversy.

Dis qual' i fy, v. to make

unfit; to disable. Dis qui si" tion, n. a dis

putative inquiry. Dis re spect' ful, a. irrev

erent; uncivil; rude. Dis sat is fac' tion, n. dis

content; disgust. Dis sat' is fy, v. to displease; to disoblige. Dis sect', v. to anatomize; to cut in pieces. Dis sem' ble, v. to play the hypocrite. Dis sem' i nate, v. to scat

ter; to sow; to spread. Dis sen' tion, n. disagree

ment; strife; discord. Dis sent', v. to differ in opinion. n. difference of opinion.

Dis sent' er, n. a nonconformist.

Dis ser ta' tion, n. a dis

course; a treatise. Dis sim' i lar, a. unlike;

heterogeneous. Dis sim u la' tion, n. a

dissembling; hypocrisy.

Dis' si pate, v.

to dis

perse; to spend lavishly.

Dis si pa' tion, n. extravagant spending.

Dis solve, v. to melt; to disunite; to separate.

Dis so lute, a. loose; unrestrained; debauch

ed. Dis' so nance, n. discord; harshness.

Dis suade, v. to advise to the contrary. Dis' tant, a. remote in time or place; shy. Dis taste',

n. aversion;

dislike; disgust. Dis tem' per, n. a disease; malady.

Dis tend', v. to stretch out

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Dis tin' guish, v. to dis

cern; mark; honour. Dis tort', v. to writhe;

twist; misrepresent. Dis tract', v. to perplex;

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