صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

tance; remorse.

Com pu ta' tion, n. a calculation; an estimate. Com pute', v. to calcu

late; to reckon.

Com' rade, n. a compan

ion; an associate. Con cat e na' tion, n. a

regular series of links. Con' cave, a. hollow in the inside.

Con cav' i ty, n. the inside cavity; hollowness of a round body.

Con ceal', v. to hide; to

keep secret; to cover. Con ceal' ment, n. the act of hiding, or being hid; hiding place.

Con cede, v. to admit ; to grant.

Con ceit, n. idea; opin ion; pride. v. to imagine; to suppose. Con ceit ed, a. proud; o. pinionative; affected. Con ceiv' a ble, a. that may be conceived. Con ceive', v. to become pregnant; to think; to understand.

Con cen' trate, v. to drive

into a narrow compass. Con cen tra' tion, n. col

lection into a narrow space round the centre. Con cep' ti ble, a. intelli. gible.

Con cep' tion, n. the act

of conceiving; notion; idea; sentiment. Con cern', v. to affect ; to interest. n. an affair; business; care. Con cern' ing, pr. relating


Con cert', v. to contrive;

to settle privately. Con' cert, n. music in several parts; harmony. Con cession, n. the thing yielded; a grant. Conch', n. a shell; a sea shell.

Con cil' i ate, v. to give

over; to reconcile. Con cil' i a to ry, a. relat

ting to reconciliation. Con cise', a. brief; short. Con cisely, ad. briefly; shortly.

Con cision, n. cutting off; excision. Con' clave, n. an assembly of cardinals; a close assembly.

Con clude', v. to finish; close; determine. Con clusion,n. the close;

end; consequence. Con clu' sive, a. decisive; convincing.

Con coct', v. to digest by the stomach.

Con coc' tion, n. digestion

in the stomach. Con com'i tant, a. accom

panying joined to. n.

attendant; companion. Con' cord, n. agreement; harmony.

Con cord' ance, n. an index to the scriptures. Con cord' ant, a. agreeing; suitable; fit. Con' course, n. a great assemblage of people; meeting. Con crete, v. to form into

one mass.

Con cretion, n. an union

of parts; a mass. Con' cu bine, n. an unmarried woman who lives with a man as a wife. Con cu' pis cence, n. ir regular desire; sensuality.

Con cur', v. to agree in

one opinion. Con cur rence, n. union; help; joint claim. Con current, a. acting in conjunction.

Con cuss' ion, n. the act

of shaking; agitation. Con demn', v. to pass sen

tence on; to blame. Con dem na' tion n. a sen

tence of punishment. Con dense', v. to grow thick or close. a. thick. Con de scend', v. to yield;

to stoop; to bend. Con de scen' sion, n. submission; courtesy. Con dign', a. deserved;

merited; suitable. Con di" tion, n. quality, temper; rank; stipulation; circumstances. Con di" tion al, a. by way of stipulation. Con dole', v. to lament; to bewail with another. Con do' lence, n grief for

the sorrows of another. Con duce', v. to promote

an end; to contribute to. Con du' cive, a. that which may contribute to any end.

Con' duct, n. behaviour, economy.

Con duct', v. to guide;

manage; lead; direct. Con duct' or, n. a leader;

director; chief.

Con' duit, n. a waterpipe. Cone, n. a solid body, reg

ularly tapered to a point. Con fab'u late, v. to talk

easily together; to chat. Con fab u la' tion, n. easy conversation.

Con fec' tion, n. sweet

meat; a composition. Con fec' tion a rỹ, n. place where sweetmeats are made.

Con fec' tion er, n. one

whose trade is to make sweetmeats. Con fed' e ra cỹ, n. league; union; engage




Con fed' e rate, V. league; to unite. united in a league. n. an ally.

Con fed e ra' tion, n. league; alliance.

Con fer', v. to discourse

with another; to bestow. Con' fer ence, n. formal discourse; oral discussion of any subject. Con fess', v. to acknowledge a crime; to own; to make confession. Con fess' ed ly, ad. avow

edly; indisputably. Con fess' ion, n. the acknowledgement of a


Con fi dant', n. a person trusted with private affairs.

Con fide', v. to trust in. Con' fi dence, n. firm be.

lief of another; trust. Con' fi dent, a. positive. n. one trusted with secrets.

Con fi den' tial, a. worthy

of confidence. Con fine, v. to border upon; to limit; to impri


Con' fine,n.common boundary; border ; edge. Con fine' ment, n. imprisonment; restraint of liberty. Con firm', v. to establish.

Con fir ma' tion, n. evidence; additional proof; an ecclesiastical rite. Con fis' cate, v. to seize on private property, by way of penalty. Con fis ca tion, n. act of transferring forfeited goods to public use. Con fia gra' tion, n. a general fire.

Con' flict, n. a violent collision ; strife; struggle.

Con' flu ence, n. the junc

tion or union of several streams.

Con' flux, n. the union of

several currents; crowd. Con form', v. to comply

with; to yield; to suit. Con form' i ty, n. a compliance with; similitude.

Con found', v. to mingle things; to perplex; to astonish.

Con founded, a. hateful; detestable.

Con fra ter ni tỷ, n. a re

ligious brotherhood. Con front', v. to force; to

oppose; to compare. Con fuse, v. to compound; to perplex; to mix. Con fusion, n. disorder; hurry; astonishment. Con fu ta' tion, n. disproof; act of confuting.

Con fute', v. to disprove ; to convict; to baffle.

Con gee', n. a bow; Con ge',

act of reverence. v. to take leave.

Con geal', v to freeze; to harden.

Con ge' ni al, a. partaking of the same nature. Con glo ba'tion, n. a round body. Con glom' e rate, V. to make round; to wind or gather into one mass. Con' gou, n. a finer sort of bohea tea.

Con grat'u late, v. to wish joy to; to compliment on any happy event. Con grat u la' tion, wishing of joy.

n. a

Con grat u la to ry, a. expressing joy. Con' gre gate, v. to collect; to assemble; to meet. a. compact. Con gre ga' tion, n a collection ; an assembly met to worship God Con' gress, n. an assembly of delegates; a meeting. Con gru' i ty, n. suitable. ness; fitness ; consistency. Con' gru ous, a. agreeable to ; consistent with;

suitable to.

[blocks in formation]

the form of a cone.

Con' icks,



Con' ic Sec' tions, that part of geometry which considers the cone, and the curves arising from its sections. Con ject' u ral, a. depending on conjecture. Con ject' ure, n guess; imperfect knowledge. v. to guess; to judge by guess.

Con join', v. to consolidate into one; to connect. Con jointly, ad. in union; together.

Con' ju gal, a. matrimonial; belonging to mar riage.

Con' ju gate, v. to unite ; to inflect verbs. Con ju ga' tion,



form of inflecting verbs;

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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Con' se quence, n. an effect; importance. Con' se quent, a. following naturally.

Con se quen' tial, a. conclusive; important. Con' se quent ly, ad. therefore; necessarily. Con ser va' tion, n. act of preserving.

Con serv' a to rỹ, n. a

place where any thing is kept; a green house. Con' serve, n. a sweet

meat; preserved fruit. Con serve', v. to preserve or candy fruit. Con sid' er, v. to examine ; to regard; doubt.


Con sid' er a ble, a. wor

thy of regard; great. Con sid' er a bly, ad. im

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