صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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n. a seat or

stool with three feet Triton, n. a sea god; a trumpeter to Neptune; a beautiful song bird of the West-Indies. Tro 'cha'ic,

Tro 'cha ical,}

a. con

sisting of trochees. Tro 'chee, n. a foot of a long and short syllable. Troch" le a rỷ, a. resem. bling a pulley. Troglo dyte, n. one who inhabits caves. Truc' u lent, a. cruel; bar barous; terrible of aspect. Trunn' ions, n. pl. the knobs upon cannon. Tuber cal, n. a small swelling or tumour ; a pimple. Tu me fac' tion, n. the act ofswelling; a swelling. Tung sten, Tung ste nite,

n. a met

al of a brown or steel gray colour. Turn sol, n. a plant; the war wort; a die. Turquoise, n. ivory pen

etrated with the blue calx of copper. Tus' can, a. denoting an order in architecture, or the most simple columns pertaining to Tuscany in Italy. Tut' ty, n. flowers of zink; nosegay; posey. Tym pan' um, n. a drum ;

drum of the ear; wheel. Ty pog ra phy, n. the art of printing with letters. Tyrrhene, a. pertaining to Tuscany in Italy.

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VA DE ME' CUM, n. the title of a book. Valve, n. a folding door; the cover of a siphon. Vat' i can, n. a magnifi. cent palace of the pope

in Rome. Ve' da, n. a sacred book among the Hindoos, of which there are four. Ven' tri cle, n. the stomach; a cavity in the heart.

Ven tril' o quism, n. the art or practice of speaking so that the voice appears to come from a

distant part of the


Ver' di ter,n. a preparation of copper used as a pale green or blue pigment. Ver' di gris, n. the acetite

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Ver mil' ion, n. sulphuret of mercury or cinnabar; a beautiful red colour. Ver mip' a rous, a. producing worms or grubs. Ver na'tion, n. the disposition of leaves in the buds of plants. Ver ni cose, a.

warty; having knobs or warts. Ver te ber, n. a single joint of the back-bone or neck.

Ver' ti cil, n. a whirl; a spe

cies of inflorescence in which the flower grows in a whirl or ring. Ver ti cil' late, a. whirled; having a flower in shape of a ring. Ves' i cle, n. a small cu ticle filled or inflated. Vex' il la ry, a. pertaining to an ensign standard.


Vi at' ic, a. relating to a journey or travelling. Vi at' i cum, n. provisions for a journey; a rite. Villose, Vil' lous, S

a. hairy;

shaggy; rough; horrid.

Vi rid' i ty, n. greenness ; verdure.

Vir tu o' so, n. one skilled in curiosities.

Vir' us, n. foul matter from ulcers; poison. Vith nou, n. in the Hindoo system of faith, one of the three beings forming a sort of trinity; the preserver.

Vit ri ol, n. a compound of sulphuric acid and a metal.

Vit' u line, a. belonging to

or like a calf. Vi vip' a rous, a. bringing forth the young alive. Vo lute', n. a spiral scroll used as an ornament in building. Vul' pine, a. belonging to a fox; crafty; artful.

W. WOL FRAM, n. an ore of tungsten; a mineral.

Y. YAWS, n. the African name for raspberry; a

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disease among the Af



ZAF FER, n. a dark

gray oxyd of cobalt. Zeolite,n. a silicious stone

of a white or red colour. Zeug ma, n. a figure in grammar; ellipsis; defect.

Zir' con, n. a fine white earth obtained from the jargon, and hyacinth. Zo' di ac, n. the sun's

track in the twelve signs; a space. Zo og'ra phy, n. a minute description of animals. Zo ol o gỹ, n. a scientific treatise on animals. Zo on'ic, a. pertaining to animals, as zoonic acid obtained from animal substances.

Zo on' o my, n. the science of animals, or of animal life.

Zo o phite', n. a kind of substance partaking of the nature both of plants and animals.

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