صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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causing sleep. Spâthe, n. a calyx like a sheath bursting lengthwise. Spath'i form, ling a sheath. Spha" ce late, v. to gangrene; to mortify; to corrupt.

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Sta" gy rite, n. an appel. lation given to Aristotle, from the place of his birth.

Sta lactite, n. spar in the form of icicles. Sta lag' mite, n. spar in the form of drops. Stam' en, n. the filament of a flower.

Stan' ic, a pertaining to

tin or the acid of tin. Stat' ics, n the science of weighing bodies. Sta tis' tics, n. a statement or view of the civil condition of a people. Stau' ro lite, n. a silicious

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Stel'lu lar, star; radiated. Ste nog ra phỹ, n. the art of writing short-hand. Sten to ro phon' ic, a. speaking or sounding loudly.

a. re

Ster co ra ceòus Ster co ra'ri ous, lating to dung. Ster e og'ra phy, n. the art of drawing solids on a plain.

Ster e om' e try, n. the art of measuring solid bodies.

Ster nu ta' tion, n. the act

or effort of sneezing. Stib' i ated, a. impregnated with antimony. Sto lo nif' er ous, a. producing shoots from the


Storax, Sty' rax,

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very fragrant gum. Strabismo, n. a squinting, or looking obliquely. Striæ, n. pl. small channels in cockle-shells.

Stri ate,


Stri'a ted. S

a. formed

into striæ, or channels, Stri gose', a having stiff

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Strophe, n. a stanza; the first member of a poem. Stru'thi ous, a. pertaining to the ostrich.

Styp' tic, n. an astringent

medicine or lotion. Sub cla' vi an, a. lying under the shoulder or collar bone.

Su' ber ic, a. denoting the acid of cork. Suber ous, a. corky ; soft and elastic.

Sub' stile, n. the line on

which a gnomon stands. Sub sul' tive, a. bounding; leaping up; bubbling up. Suc ce da ne um, n. what serves for something else. Suc cif' er ous, a. bearing or conveying sap. Suc cin' ic, a. denoting the acid of amber. Sul' phate, n. a salt form

ed by sulphuric acid and a base.

Sul' phite, n. a combination of sulphurous acid and a base.

Sul phu ret, n. combing

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

tion of sulphur with an alkaline, earthy, or metallic base.

Su per nal, a. placed acelestial; hea.

bove; venly. Sup' pu rate, v. to generate or grow into matter. Sus' ci tate, v. to rouse; to excite; to stir up; to awake.

Syl' la bus, n. an abstract;

the heads of a lecture. Syn a le' pha, n. a contraction or excision of a sylJable. Syn' 'chro nous, a. existing at the same time. Syn' co pe, n. a fainting fit. Syn ec' do 'che, n. a part taken or put for the whole.

Syn ge ne sia, n. a class of plants whose anthers are united in a cylinder. Syn' o nym, n. a name which has the same meaning with another. Sy non' y my, n. the quality of having the same meaning.

Sy nop' sis, n. a general or short view of all parts. Sy no' vi a, n. the nutritious juice proper to any part. Syn' the sis, n. the act of compounding or joining

Sys' to ly,

traction of the heart the act of shortening a long syllable. Syzygy, n. the conjunc tion or opposition of a planet.

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Tet ra dy nam' ia, n. a class of plants in which four of the stamens are longer than the others. Tet' ra gon, n. a figure of four sides; a square


Tet ra gyn' ia, n. an order of plants with four pistils.

Te tran' dri a, n. a class

of plants with herma phrodite flowers of four males or stamens. Tetrarch, n. a governor of a tetrarchate. Teu tonic, a. denoting what belonged to the Teutons, or ancient Germans. The og o ny, n. the feigned generation of the gods.

The om' a 'chy, n. the battle of the gods and giants.

Ther' mal, a. pertaining

to heat; warm.

Thoracic, a. belonging to the breast.

Thum' er stone, n. a silicious stone of a brown colour.

Tib' i al, a. relating to a
pipe, or to the shin bone.
Tin' cal,
Tin' car,


n. crude or

impure borax.

Tit' an ite, n. new discov

ered fossil of a brownish red colour. Ton' sil, n. a gland in the

throat, called almond. Ton tine', n. a raising of money on annuities.

To paz, n. a precious stone of a gold colour. Top' i cal, a. local; limited; fixed; applied; general.

Tor re fac' tion, n. the act of scorching or roasting.

Tour malin,}

Tur' ma

n. a spe

cies of silicious stone, remarkable for its electrical properties. Tra chot’o mỹ, n. a cutting of the wind pipe. Traction, n. the act of drawing; a being drawn. Trag' a canth, n. goatsthorn; a plant and its gum. Tra jec' to ry, n. a curve line described by a comet. Trans alp' ine, a. situated beyond the Alps with regard to Rome, that is, on the north west of the Alps.

Trans at lan' tic, a. beyond

the Atlantic ocean. Tra pe zi um, n. a figure bounded by four unequal right lines. Tra pe zoid, n. a figure having two parallel

sides, or an irregular figure having four sides not parallel.

Trav' es ty, n. a burlesque translation.

Treacle, n. the spume of sugar refineries ; a medicine.

Trel' lis, n. a lattice work

of iron or wood. Trem' o lite, n. a species of stone from mount Tremola in the Alps. Trev' et,

rivet n. a stool with three legs.

Tri an' dri a, n. a class of plants having hermaphrodite flowers and three stamens.

Tri bom' é ter, n. an instrument to measure friction.

Tri chot’o mỹ, n. a division into three equal parts. Tri cus' pi date, Tri cus' pid,

a. ending in three points. Trident, n. a three forked

sceptre ; a sort of curve. Trig o nom' e try,n. the art

of measuring triangles. Tri he' dral, a. having three equal sides. Trill' ion, .n a million of

millions of millions. Tri no' mi al, a. containing

three terms or names.

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