صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

a watch-tower. Pharyn got' o my, D. a cutting open the wind pipe.

Philip' pic, n. an invect

ive; a tart declamation. Phle bot' o my, n. the act of letting blood, or opening a vein. Phlo gis' ton, n. an element supposed by some to be the principle of inflammability, or matter of fire and heat. Phos' pho rus, n. a chemical substance which takes fire readily, and burns with great violence. Phos' phate, n, the salt formed by phosphoric acid and a base. Phthis ic, n. a consump a shortness of

tion; breath. Phthis is, n. a consumption, or wasting disease. Phys' e ter, n. a genus of cetaceous fish, or whales.

Physics, n. natural philosophy; divinity. Phy tol' o gy, n. the sci

ence of plants. Pis civ er ous, a. eating fish; living upon fish. Plan et a' ri um, n. a machine to represent the motions of the planets.

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Plan' is phere, n. a sphere projected upon a plane. Pla ti na, n. the heaviest of the metals.

Ple' ia desó, n. a northern constellation; the 7 stars. Ple' o nasm, n. a fulness of expression; a redundancy of words. Plum ba' go, n. a carburet of iron, improperly called black-lead.

Plu mose', a. covered with

pappous, or soft down. Plu' mule, n. the first upward shoot from a seed. Plu' to nist, n. one who ascribes the formation of mountains to the agtion of fire.

Plu vi am'e ter, n. a rain gauge. Pneu mat' ics, n. the doctrine of the air, or of elastic fluids.

Pneu ma tol' o gy, n. the science of spiritual be ings.

Po dag' ri cal, a. gouty; relating to the gout. Pol' len, n. the fecunda

ting dust of flowers. Pol y cous' tic, n. an in strument to multiply sounds.

Pol y an' dri a, n. a class of plants with many sta


Pol y del' phi a, n. a class

of plants with stamens

united in three or more filaments.

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Pol'y glot, a. written in Pyr' ite, n. a compound of

a. em

several languages. Poly technic, bracing many arts. Pol'y the isme, n. belief in a plurality of Gods. Po ma ceous, a. consisting of or having apples. Port cul' lis, n. a drawbridge to a castle. Pos tu lat' um, n. a principle taken without proof. Pre hen' sile, a. grasping; adapted to clasp. Pros o po po ia, n. personification; speaking of inanimate things as if animated.

Pseu do, a. false; counterfeit pretended ; forged. Pty'a lism', n. a salivation; increased flow of saliva.

Pul' 'chri tude, n. beauty;

grace; comeliness. Pul' lu tate, v. to bud; to

shoot up; to spring. Pul' mo na rỹ, a. belonging to the lungs. Pu' nic, a. false; treacher

ous; faithless; pertaining to ancient Carthage. Pus, n. matter from a well digested sore.

Pustule, n, a pimple or

sulphur and a metal; a firestone.

Py rom' e ter, n. an in

strument to measure high degrees of heat. Pyr o tech" nics, n. the.

art of making fireworks. Pyr' rho nism, n. scepticism; universal doubt.

Q. QUAD RA GESI MA, n. lent, consisting of 40 days.

Quad' ri fid, a. divided into four segments. Quartz, n. a silicious stone; one of the primitive rocks.

Quar ta' tion, n. the process of refining a metal, by mixing one fourth with three fourths of another metal.

Quin quen' ni al, a. lasting, or happening in 5


Quin' tal, n. a hundred pounds.

Quin' tu ple, a. five fold. Quo tid' ian, a. daily; hap. pening every day. n. a fever which returns every day.

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Red' di tive, a. answering

to an interrogative. Re fri" ger a to rỹ, n. a vessel for cooling liquors in distillation. Reg' u lus, n. pure metal separated from other matters.

Re nas' cent, a. rising or

springing up anew. Ren' i form, a. shaped like the kidneys.

Re sid' u um, n. the remains or residue. Re 'sil' i ent, a. leaping back; rebounding; recoiling.

Res" o nance, n. a sound sent back again; an echo. Res u' pi nate, a. having the upper side turned downwards.

Re sus' ci tate, v. to stir up anew; to revive; to raise again. Re tic' u lar, Ret' i form, S


a. made

in the form of a net.

Ret'i na, n. the expansion of nerves at the bottom of the eye, by which vision is produced. Rhomb, n. a quadrangular figure with equal sides, and two angles acute and two obtuse. Rhyth' mus, n. proportion between the parts of music.

Ri dot to, n. a musical en

tertainment; an opera. Ri mose', a. full of clefts or chinks.

Rin' gent, a. gaping; o

pening as a cleft. Roc' am bole, n. a wild

garlic; Spanish garlic. Ro do mon tade', n. boast

ing; noise; bluster; rant. Ro que laure', (rok e lo`,)

n. a sort of man's cloak. Ro rif' erous, a. producing

or causing dew; wet. Ros' trum, n. the beak of a bird; a ship's head; a stage for speakers; a pulpit.

Ru bes' cent, a. growing, or becoming red. Ru bi fa" cient, n. that

which makes red. Ru gose', a. full of wrin

kles; rough; uneven. Run' ci nate, a. having lobes convex before, and straight behind. Ru'nic, a. denoting the

language, &c. of the ancient people of the north of Europe.


SA BI AN ISM6, n. the system of oriental religion, consisting in the worship of the heavenly bodies and elements. Sac 'cho lac' tic, a. denoting an acid, obtained from the sugar of milk. Sa" gi tate, a. shaped like

an arrow.

Sa li ent, a. leaping; beat ing; projecting. Sal ma gun' di, n. a mix ture of chopped meat, pickled herrings, oil, onions, vinegar, &c. Sal so a' cid, a. consisting of saltness and sourness. San' da rac, n. a resin ob

tained from the juniper tree; also a beautiful fossil.

San' he drim, n. the su

preme council of the Jews. San'ies, n. a thin matter issuing from a wound. San' scrit,

Shan' scrit,


n. the an

cient language of India,
now used only by the

Sa po na' ceous,
Sap' o na ry,


a. soa

py; like soap. Sap o rif' ic, a occasioning or producing taste. Sap" phire, n. a blue pre

cious stone.

Sar coph' a gous, a eating

or feeding on flesh. Sca' brous, a. rough; rugged; harsh; unmusical. Sce nog ra phyỹ, n. the art of perspective Schir" rous, a. having an indurated gland. Sci' o list, n. a mere smatterer in any science. Sci op' trics, n. the science of exhibiting images through a hole in darkened room. Scle rot' ic, a. hard; firm; tough; hardening; one of the coats of the eye. Se baceous, a. fat; pertaining to fat.


Se' cant, n. a line drawn

from the centre of a circle till it cuts a tangent to the circle ; a line which cuts another Sec' tor, n. a portion of a circle; a mathematical instrument.

Se cu' ri form, a. in the shape of an ax, Sel' e nite, n. sulphate of lime; fossil of various species; gypsum.

n. a

Sel e nog' ra phy, description of the moon.

Sem i nif' er ous, a. producing seed.

Sem per' vir ent, a. ever


Senile, a. belonging to or consequent on old age. Sep' tic, a. causing or pro moting putrefaction. Se ros' i ty, n. the thin or watery part of the blood.

Ser rate, a. jagged like

a saw; having teeth. Ser ru late, a. finely serrate with small teeth. Serum, n. the thin watery

part of the blood: whey. Ses qui pe da' li on, a. containing a foot and a half. Ses' sile, a. growing on the stem without a foot stalk.

Se taceous, a. set with strong hairs; bristly; resembling bristles.

Se tose',

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set with

Sil' i


strong hairs; bristly.

Sex a" gen a ry, a. per.

taining to sixty.

Sham' ois,

n. a wild

a. having

or formed in a pod.

Sim' on y, n. buying or selling church prefer


goat; leather made of Si moon', n. hot suffoca

its skin.

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ting wind in sandy deserts.

Sine, n. a geometrical line

from the end of an arc perpendicular to the radius, being half the cord of double the arc.

Sib i la tion, n. the act of Si no vi a, n. the liquid

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