صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ing out or expelling. E li qua' tion, n. the art of separating by melting. Elix a' tion, n. the act of boiling out or extracting.

E nun ci a' tion, n. a plain
declaration; intelligence.
E ol' i pile, n. a hollow
globe of metal to be
filled with water, and
heated, to shew the
force of steam.

E lix' ir, n. the quin-
tessence; a medicine; E phem' e ral,
a cordial.


lasting a day.

a. daily;

pi der' mis, n. the outer thin skin; the cuticle. piph' a ny, n. a manifestation; the twelfth day. Ep'i sode, n. a digression

E lu tri a' tion, n. a puri-E
fication of substances
by washing and pour-
ing off the lighter parts.
Em pir i cal, a. experi-
mental; practised by


Em pyre al, a. refined
beyond aerial; heavenly.
Em py ro' sis, n. a general
fire; a conflagration.
Em pyr eu mat'ic, a. hav-
ing the smell or taste of
burnt substances in

En cy clo pe' di a, n. the
whole circle of sciences.
En de mi al,
En dem' ic, S
a. peculiar
to a country or place.
En feoff', v. to invest; to

put in possession.
En sif'er ous, a. bearing

or carrying a sword. En' si form, a in the shape of a sword. En ter i tes, n. an inflam

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or separate story or action connected with the main plot of a poem. E pi spas' tic, a drawing; blistering. n. a blister. Ep i thal a' mi um, n.


nuptial song or poem. E ques' tri an, a. appearing

on horseback; noble.
E' qui nox, n. the time
when the day and night
are equal.

Er' rhine, n. that which
promotes sneezing.
Es 'cha rot' ic, a. burning;
searing; caustic.

Es cutch' eon, n. a coat of


Es' pi o nage, n. the art

or practice of spies. Es pla nade', n the slo ping of a parapet of a covered way.

Es' tu a ry, n. an arm or mouth of the sea; a frith.

Eth' ics, n. the doctrine of morality ; morals.

E thol' o gy, n. a repre sentation of the customs and manners of a people. E ti o late, v. to blanch, bleach, or whiten. Eu di om' e ter, n. an instrument to determine the purity of air. Eucharist, n. the Lord's supper.

Eu ichra sy n. good temperature of the body Eu pho ny, n. an agreea | ble sound; graceful flow of words. Eu roc' ly don, n. a tempestuous north east wind. Exa cer ba' tion, n. the height of a disease; a taunt.

Ex an' imate, a. dead;
lifeless; spiritless; de-

Ex an" gui ous,
Ex an" gu ous,

of blood.


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Far i na' ceous, a. mealy; resembling or like meal. Fas' ci cle, n. a little bundle. Fa tu i tỷ, n. foolishness ; weakness; stupidity. Fed' er al, a. of or relating to a league or compact. Fem' o ral, a.belonging or

relating to the thigh. Feoff, v. to invest with the fee of lands. Fer ru' gin ous, a. partaking of, or like iron. Fi du' cial, Fi du' cia ry,


a. confi

dent; certain; steady.

a. void Fil' i gree,

Ex che" quer, n the place

for the king's money. Ex hu ma' tion, n. a dig. ging out of the earth what has been buried Ex or' di um, n. an intro

duction; a preamble Ex pat' ri ate, v. to quit one's native country with a view to settle in

n. curious

work in gold or silver representing threads,

grains or leaves. Fim' bri ate, a. bordered; edged; fringed. Fis' cal, a. pertaining to

a revenue or treasury. Fis' tu la, n. a pipe: sore

disease; winding ulcer. Flex' or, n. the contracting muscle of a joint.

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For' mula, n. a prescrib. ed or general form. Fos sil' o gy, n. a discourse or treatise on fossils. Fron dose', a. having the leaf and stem in one body.

Fruc tif' er ous, Fru gif' er ous, ing fruit.



Fru giv er ous, a. eating or subsisting on fruits. Fru men ta' ceous, a. resembling wheat. Frus' tum, n. a part cut off from a figure. Fucus, n. a genus of sea weeds.

Ful' crum, n. the prop or support of a lever or of a plant.

Fu li" gin ous, a. like soot;

sooty; smoky; black. Fu nam bu la' tion, n. rope dancing.

Fus' i form, a. in the shape

of a spindle.


GA LE NA, n. sulphuret of lead, or sulphur and lead.

Gal' li cism, n. a peculiarity of the French tongue. Gal' van ismo, n. the name given to effects resembling electricity, produced by metalic substan


Gam' boge, Cam' boge,

n. a tree

and its gum. Gas' tric, a. belonging to the stomach.

Ga zom' e ter, n. an in

strument to measure gas, or to afford it in a uniform current. Gem mip' a rous, a. producing buds or gems. Gen er' ic,

a. compre. hending the genus. Genus, n. in science, a class of beings; kind; mode.

Ge o cen' tric, a. having the same centre as the earth.

Ge og nos' tic, a. relating to a knowledge of the earth.

Ge ol' o gy, n. science of the earth in its constituent parts.

Ge' o man cy, n. divination by lines on the earth. Ge om' e try, n. the science of quality, extension, or magnitude, abstractedly considered. Geor' gic, n. a rural poem. a. relating to agriculture.

3Gib' bous, a. protuberant; swelling.

Gin' gi val, a. belonging to the gums. Gla' brous, a. smooth; having an even surface. Gla cier, n. a perennial body of ice.

Gla' cis, n. a sloping bank, in fortification. Glan dif' e rous, a. bearing


Glebe, n. church estate; turf; soil.

Glo' bate, a. formed like a blobe.

Glume, n. a husk or chaff

on the seeds of plants. Gneiss, n. a compound


Gnome, n. a supposed being in the earth, regarding mines, &c. Gno mon' ics, n. the art

or science of dialling. Gon' do la, n. a long fat boat, chiefly used in Venice.

Go ni om' e try, n. the science of measuring


Gor' di an, a. inextricable; very intricate. Gos' sa mer, n. the down of plants; a long cobweb. Gral' lic, a. stilted; belonging to the grallæ, or order of fowls called waders.

Gram i nivo rous, a. eat

ing or living upon grass. Gran' ite, n. a genus of stone formed generally by fragments of quartz, felspar, and mica. Gra niv o rous, a. eating or living upon grain. Gran' u late, v. to form into small grains, to break; to raise. Graph'ic, a. laid down

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well delineated; exact. Gru' mous, a. clotted like

blood; thick; lumpy. Gua' ia cum, n. a tropical tree and its gum. Gu ber na to ri al, a. relating to a governor. Gut' tu ral, a. belonging to the throat.

Gym nos per mous, a.

having naked seeds. Gy nan' dri a, n. a class of plants in which the stamens and styles are united.

Gyp' sum, n. plaster of Paris; selenite ; salphate of lime,

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Hel'i cal, a. spiral; twisted; winding.

a. ap

He li o cen' tric, pearing or seen from

the sun. Hel' len ism, n. a pecu. liarity of the Greek tongue.

Hel vet' ic, & relating to Switzerland.

Hem' a tite, n. an ore of iron.

Hem' i ple gy, n. a palsy

which affects one side. He mis' tic, n. half a verse;

half a line in poetry.

ting of blood.

Hem or rhage, n. a great flow of blood.

Hem' or rhoids, n. the piles.

He patʼic, a. of or relating to the liver.

Hep tan' dri a, n. a class of plants with seven


Hep' ta gon, n. a plain figure of seven sides and angles.

Hep' tar 'chy, n. a govern

ment under seven kings. Her ba' ceous, a. belong

ing to or feeding on herbs; soft.

Her biv' o rous, a. subsist-
ing on herbs.
Her maph ro dit' ic, a. per-
taining to both sexes.

Hermet' ic,
Her met' ic al, S

a. closed

perfectly by heating the glass and twisting it. Het' er o clite, n. regular noun, thing, or


an ir.

Hex' a gon, n. a figure of six equal sides and angles.

Hex a he' dral, a. having six sides.

Hex4 am' e ter, n. a verse

consisting of six feet. Hex4 an' dri a, n. a class of plants with six stamens.

He mop' to tis, n. the spit-Hilum, n. the eye of a

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