صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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of the

Ce ta' ceous, a. whale kind. 'Chal cog' ra phy, n. the art of engraving in brass.

'Cha lyb' e ate, a impreg nated with iron or steel. Char' la tan, n. a quack; mountebank.

Cher son ese', n. a peninsula.

'Chil' i ad, n. the sum of a thousand.

"Chili a e' dron, n. a fig

ure of 1000 equal sides. 'Chil' i arch, n. a com

mander of 1000 men. 'Chi rog' ra phỹ, n. the

art of writing. 'Chir' o man cy, n. a div-! ination made by inspecting the hand. 'Cho rog' ra phy, n. a description of places. Chro matic, a. relating to colours.

'Chrome, n. a metal used in colouring. 'Chrys' a lis, n. the first apparent change of a maggot.

'Chyle, n. a white secreted substance in animals, which is changed into blood.

Cic' a trize, v. to skin over to heal; to

a sore; close up.

Ci ce ro' ne an, a. like Cicero; elegant; forcible.

Cil' ia ry, a. belonging to the eyelids.

Ci ne're ous, a. of the colour of wood ashes. Cin' na bar, n. vermilion ; quicksilver combined with sulphur. Circum'gy rate, v. to roll, or wheel round. Cir cum val laꞌ tion, n. a surrounding with walls or trenches.

Cir' rus, n. a tendril or clasper.

Cis alp' ine, a. lying on the

south of the Alps. Clare ob scure', n. light and shade in painting. Clavicle, n. the collar bone.

Clep sy dra, n. a water clock. Clin' ic, a. belonging to a

bed; bedridden; sick.

Co arc ta' tion, n. cofinement; restraint; contraction.

Coc cif' e rous, a. producing berries.

Coch' i ne al, n. a fly or in

sect used to die scarlet. Co coon', n. an oblong ball in which the silk worm involves itself, formed by threads which compose silk Co' ho bate, v. to distil again, or a second time. Col' li gir ate, v. to melt; to dissolve; to liquefy; to soften.

Col orific, a. that is able to produce colour or tint.

Co ma tose', a. much given to sleep; drowsy; heavy. Con' choid, n. a curve approaching a line without touching it. Con 'chy ol' o gy, n. the

science of shell fish. Con ge d'e lire', n. leave given to choose a bishop. Conoid, n. a figure par

taking of or like a cone. Con sec' u tive, a. fol. lowing in order; successive.

Con stel la' tion, n. a cluster of fixed stars; a body.

Con vo lu' tion, n. a rollor twisting together. Cop' tic, a. pertaining to the Copts, the christians of Egypt. Cor al line, n. a substance formed by corals. Cor' cle, n. the heart or germ of a plant. Cori a'ceous, a. consisting of or like leather. Cor nu co' pi a, n. the horn of plenty ; abund


Cor' ol, n. the flower leaves; the petals of a plant.

Cor ru gate. v. to wrin kle; to purse up; to


Cor' ru ga tor, na muscle which contracts the skin of the eyebrows. Corse, n. a dead body; a carcass; an offering. Cor' vmb, n. a cluster of flowers proceeding from particular flower stalks, rising to an equal height. Cos' mi cal, a. setting or

rising with the sun. Cos mog o ny, n. the science of the formation of the world.

Cos mography, n. a description of the visible world.

Cos mop' o lite, n. a citi zen of the world.

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Cres' cent,

a. increas

Cres' cive, S ing; growing.

Crus ta ceous, a. shelly; having soft shells in several pieces. Cryp to gam' ia, n. concealed fructification; a class of plants so called. Cul' mi nate, v. to come to the meridian; to come to the highest point or degree. Cu' pre ous, a. coppery; containing or like cop per. Cus' pi date, a. ending in

a point, like a spear. Cu ti cle, n. outer or thin skin; the scarfskin. Cycloid, n. a figure of the circular kind. Cyclo pe' di'a, n. a body or circle of sciences; a dictionary.


DAC' TYL, `n. poetical

foot or measure, con

Decagon, n. a-figure having ten equal sides. Dec a he dral, a. having ten sides.

De cen' ni al, a. contain

ing or lasting ten years. Dec ol la' tion, n. the act of beheading or cutting off. Dec or' ti cate, v. to strip off the bark; to peel. De crep i ta' tion, n. & crackling noise as from salt thrown in the fire. Deli ques' cence,

n. a

dissolving in the air. Del' toid, a. of the shape of the Greek delta ; triangular.

De mol' o gy, n. a trea. tise on evil spirits. Den drit' i cal, a. having the form of a tree or plant.

Den drom' e ter, n. an in

strument to measure

the height and diameter of trees. Den ti" tion, n. the cutting or breeding of teeth. De ox' y date, v. to deprive of oxygen. De phlegmate, De phlegm',

V. to

purify from phlegm or

aqueous matter.

sisting of one long syl-De pil' a to ty, n. a means lable and two short used to take away

ones; a fish.


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n. sirup

Dia co di ong Di a co' di um, of poppies. Di a cous' tics, n. the science of refracted sounds. Di a gram, n. a mathematical scheme; figure; plan.

Di a lec' tics, n. pl. logic; the art of good reasoning.

Di a pason, n. an octave in music; concord; unison.

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ed; parts.

Di" git, n. a twelfth part of the diameter of the sun or moon; a figure. Di" gi tate, a. divided

like fingers. Digraph, n. a combination of two letters, of which only one is pronounced.

Di he' dral, a. having two sides.

Di op' trics, n. the science

of retracted vision. Di phyllous, a. having two leaves.

Dip lo mat' ic, a. relating

to public ministers. Dis' cous, a. broad; flat, like a dish.

Dis cu tient, n. a repelling medicine. Dis pen' sa ry, n. a place for dispensing medi

cines to the sick. Dis per mous, a. having two seeds together. Dis sil' ient, a. bursting with elasticity, as pods.

Dith yr am' bic, n. a sort of mad or licentious


Do ci mastic, a. pertaining to the assaying of metals.

Do dec' a gon, n. a figure of twelve sides. Do dec a he1 dral, a. hav ing twelve sides. Do de can' dri a, n. a class of plants having from 12 to 19 stamens. Do lab' ri form, a. resembling an ax. Dor sif' er ous, a. pro

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ducing seed on the back, Ef fer vesce', v. to dis

as fern leaves

Druid, n an ancient British priest, poet, or philosopher. Drupe, n. a pericarp or pulp, inclosing a stone, as a peach.

Da en'na, n. an old wo man kept to guard a younger. Dumal, a. full of bushes; briery; rough.

Du o dec a he dron, n. a body with twelve sides. Dy nam' i cal, a. pertain

ing to power. Dynasty, n. sovereign.

ty; government. Dys' cra cy, n. a distemper in the blood or juices. Dys pep' sy a. indiges

tion; depraved state

charge air with froth and agitation.

Ef flor esce', v. to form a fine white powder on the surface.

Ef flor es' cence, n. white powder or salts; red spots in fever ; the flowering of plants. E ge' an, a. denominating the sea between Greece and Asia.

E lec tri" ci ty, n. a particular kind of attraction and repulsion, or the cause of it. E lec' tron, n. a name giv. en to the sun. E lec trom' e ter, n. an in

strument to measure the quantity of electricity. Elim i na'tion, n. a forc


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