صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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An' o rex y, n. want of appetite.

Ant arctic, a. relating to the southern pole. An te pe nult', n. the last syllable but two in words. An thel mint' ic, n. a rem

edy for worms. An' ther, n. the top of the stamen of a flower containing the fecundating dust.

An thol' o gy, n. a collection of poems or flow

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An ti a" cid, n. that which corrects acidity.

An ti feb' rile, a. expelling or good against fe


An' ti mo nỹ, n. a brittle heavy metal used in me. dicine and the arts. An tiph' ra sis, n. the use of words in a sense contrary to their proper meaning.

An' ti pode, n. one who lives on the opposite side of the globe.

An ti scep' tic, n. a medicine or substance used to prevent putrefaction. An tis' tro phy, n. second stanza of every three in an ode.

An tith' e sis, n. an op position of words and thoughts.

A o'rist, a. indeterminate with respect to time.

A or tal, a. pertaining to the aorta, or great artery which carries the blood from the heart. Ap a go" gic al, a. that which proves any thing by shewing the absur dity of denying it'; indirect.

A pe rient, a. gently purgative; opening; purging.

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gen tif' er ous, a. producing silver. Ar gil la ceous, Ar gil' lous,


a. clay

ish; consisting of clay. Argonaut, n. one who attended Jason in his voyage after the golden fleeco. Aroma, n. the fragrance of plants.

Ar pent, n. a french acre, or 100 square rods. Arse' nic, n. a poisonous metal.

Ar son, n. the malicious

burning of a building. Ar' te ry, n. a vessel conveying blood from the heart.

Ar thrit' ic, a. gouty; belonging to the joints. As bes' tos, n. a species of fibrous earth, which is incombustible.

As the ni a, n. extreme debility.

As' tral, a. belonging to the stars; starry. As trol' o gy, n. the art of foretelling by the


As trog ra phy, n. description of the stars. As tron' o my, n. the sci

ence of the stars. As' ymp tote, n. a right line which continually approaches nearer to a curve, but will never coincide with it. At'ony, n. a relaxation

of parts; want of tone. At ra bi lari an, a. af

fected with bile. Au re li a, n. the first change of a maggot or form from which an insect is hatched. Au'ri cle, n. the external ear; a part of the heart. Au rif' er ous, a. bearing or producing gold. Aus' tral, a. of or tending

to the south; southern. Au' to crat, n. an absolute sovereign.

Au tom' a ton, n. an engine that moves of it

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BAC CIF' ER OUS, bearing or producing berries.

Ba le ar ic, a. pertaining to Majorca and Mi


Bal ne a' tion, n. the act of bathing.

Ba ril' la, n. an impure alkali prepared from marine plants.

Ba rom' e ter, n. an instrument to shew the density or weight of the atmosphere. Bar' ra try, n. foul prac tice in law; any fraud of a shipmaster. Ba ry' tesó, n. a very hea vy earth.

Ba sâlt', n. a species of rock generally found in upright columns.

Ba sil' i con, n. a kind of salve or ointment. Basilisk, n a serpent; a kind of cannon.

Bass-re-lief, n. sculpture whose figures do not stand out from their ground in full proportion.

Be he moth, n. the river. horse or hippopotamus. Be lem'ni tes, n. fossils of a particular kind; thunderbolts; arrowheads. Ben zoin', n. a balsam which exudes from a tree in Asia.

Bib li oth' e ca, n. a library.

B. fid, a.divided into two parts.

Bi fur' cate, a. shooting

into two heads or forks. Bi nom'i al, a having two parts, terms, or members.

Bi quad' rate, n. or a. the square of a square, or fourth power in arith. me ic.

Bit' u men, n. a fat glutinous fossil substance. Bom' bic, a. pertaining to

the silk worm. Bos' pho rus, n. a narrow strait, or arm of the sea. Bot' ry oid, a. resembling a bunch of grapes Brachial, a. belonging

to the arm.

Bra 'chyg' ra phy, n. shorthand writing

Brac' te, n. a prop or flo

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of silicious stones. Cal e fac' to ry, a. tending to warm; heating. Ca lig ra phy, n. fair or beautiful writing. Ca lor' ic, n. the matter, or simple element of heat.

Ca lo rim' e ter, n. an ap paratus to measure rel ative quantities of heat, or specific caloric of bodies.

Cal' u met, n. the pipe of

peace among the Indians.

Calyx, n. the cover or

outer leaves of a flower. Ca me1o, n. a picture of

only one colour. Cam'e ra-ob scu' ra, n. a philosophical apparatus and optical machine used to exhibit images. Can a lic' u late, a. channeiled; furrowed. Ca nic' u lar, a. of or be longing to the dog star. Can thar i desó, n. Span. ish flies used for blis ters. Can' thus, n. the angle or

corner of the eye. Cap i la ry, a. small as

or like a hair; minute. Cap' sule, n. a seed vessel of plants a hollow pericarp with cells for seeds.

Carbon, n. pure charcoal. Car' i ca ture, n. a figure or description in which beauties are concealed and blemishes exaggerated.

Car nel' ion, n. a silicious stone, red yellow or white.

Car te sian, n. a follower of Des Cartes who taught the doctrine of vortices round the sun and planets.

Ca run' cu late, a. having a fleshy substance like a coxcomb.

Ca' se ous, a. pertaining to cheese.

Cat' a combs, n. burial

places; vaults; caverns. Cat a coustic, a. of or relating to reflected sounds.

Cat' a lep sỹ, n. a sudden loss of sensation and motion.

Cat' a plasm, n. kind of

poultice, or soft plaster. Ca thol' i con, n. an universal or prime medicine.

Cat' kin, n. the calyx of certain plants, like a thong.

Ca top tri cal, a. of or relating to reflected visr


Cau lif' e rous, a. having

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