صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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World, n. the earth; man

kind; universal empire. Worship, n. religious reverence; adoration. v. to perform acts of adoration; to adore. Wor' ship ful, a. respec

ted for dignity. Wor' 5thy, a. deserving;

valuable; noble. Wran' gle, v. to dispute peevishly.

Wrap' per, n. a cloth or paper cover.

Wrath, n. anger; fury;

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Wreaths, n. a garland; any thing twisted. Wreck, n. a shipwreck; destruction; ruin. Wrench, v. to pull by force ; to wrest. Wrest, v. to twist by violence; to writhe. Wretch' ed, a. miserable; despicable.

Wright, n. a workman; an

artificer in wood. Wring, v. to twist. Wrist' band, n. the fast

ening about the wrist. Write, v. to form letters

with a pen. Writhes, v. to distort; to

twist; to wrest. Wrong, a. not right. n. injury; injustice. v. to injure.

Wry, a. crooked; distorted; wrested.


YACHT, n. a small vessel for carrying passen. gers. Yawl, n. a ship's boat. Year' ling, a. being a year old. Yearn, v. to feel great uneasiness.

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AB ER RA TION, n. the act of wandering; a deviation.

Ab' la tive,a. taking away; the sixth case of Latin nouns.

Ab o ri" gi nal, a. first or primitive.

A brasion, n. a rubbing or wearing off. A cat e lep' sis, n. uncertainty in science; incomprehensibility. Ac' cip en sers, genus of amphibious fish

n. a

Ac cip' i ters, n. an order of fowls with hooked bills.


A ceph' a lous, a. without a head; poor. Ach ro mat' ic, a. with out colour.

A cin a" ci form, a. shaped like a cimeter.

A" cin ōse, a. full of kernels or grains.

A co ty le' don, n. a plant whose seeds have no side lobes.

A cous' tics, n. pl. the science or theory of sounds.

A cron' ic al, a. rising or setting at sunset.

Ac tin'i a, n. a genus of

sea animals.

Ac' tin o lite, n. a species

of magnesian stone. Ad e nog ra phy, n. a description of the glands of the body.

Ad'i pous, a. fat; greasy; unctuous; oily. A er ol' o gy, n. the doc

trine or theory of air. A er om' e try, n. the art of measuring air. A' er o naut, n. one who sails through the air in a balloon.

A er os ta' tion, n. passing through the air in balloons.

V. to

Aga ric, n. a species of fungus. Ag glom' e rate, gather into a ball. Agi o, n. the difference of exchange between bank bills and current money.

A gra' ri an, a. relating to an equal division of lands.

Al' a bas ter, n. a soft

white marble. a. very white.

Al' che my, n. the highest

and most secret chemistry; transmutation of metals.

Al' co hol, n. highly rec tified spirit; the pure inflammable part of spirituous liquors.

A lem' bic, n. a chemical

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A lex i ter' ic, what expels poison. Al' ge bra, n. literal and universal arithmetic. Al' ka li, n. a substance which has an acrid, caustic taste, and which combined with oily matters forms soap. There are three Alkalis: Potash, Soda, and Ammonia.

Al ka les' cent, a. tending to an alkali.

Al li a' ceous, a. pertain ing to garlic; onions. Al lit e ra tion, n. the beginning of two or more words with the same letter.

Al loy', n. a baser metal

mixed with a finer; or the mixture of different metals; evil mixed with good. Al lu' vi al, a. washed to

land; added by water. Al' u mine,n argil, or pure clay; the base of alum. Al u mi nous, a. containing or like alum or alumine. Al' ve o late, a. deeply

pitted, like, a honey


Al' vine, a. belonging to the intestinal canal.

A mal' gam, n. a mixture of quicksilver with other metals; a well mixed compound.

A man u en' sis, n. a writer of another's works or words. Am' ber, n. a hard semi-pellucid substance, white or yellow, found in the earth, or thrown on shore by the sea. Am' ber gris, n. a hard opaque, resinous substance formed in the spermaceti whale. Am bi dex' ter, n. one who uses both hands equally well; a double dealer.

Am' ent, n. a catkin; a calyx consisting of a slender axis. Am'e thyst, n. a precious stone of a violet blue, white, gray, or green. Am mo' ni a,

Am mo ni ac,

n. a gum.

my resinous substance; volatile alkali

also a very pungent. A mor' phous, a. not having a determinate form. Am phi bol' o gă,n. doubtfulness of expression ; equivocation.

Am phyc' tions,n. pl. members of the supreme council of Greece. Am y la ce ous, a.


taking of the nature of starch, or the farinaceous part of corn. An achro nism❝, n. an error in the account of time.

An' a gram, n. a trans. posing the letters of a name so as to form some other word or sentence. An a lep' tic, a. comforting; strengthening. A nal' y sis, n. a separation of the parts; a resolution.

An' a pest, n. a poetic foot of three syllables, the two first short, the third long.

An a sar ca, n. a kind of dropsy.

An as tom' o sỹ, n. the opening of one vessel into another as veins and arteries.

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