صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

a conveyance.

Vel' lum, n. parchment; a fine kind of parch


Ve lo" ci ty, n. speed; swiftness; quickness of motion.

Ve'nal a. pertaining to veins; mercenary; base. Ve nal'i ty, n. mercinariness; sordidness. Vend, v. to sell; to offer to sale. Ven due

n. a sale of goods or merchandise. Ven' e ra ble, a. deserv ing of reverence; spectable.


Ven' e rate, v. to rever. ence; to treat with veneration.

Ven e ra' tion, n. a reverent or awful regard; honour.

Ven' geance, n. punish

ment; vehemence. Venison, n. the flesh of deer, &c.

Ven' om, n. poison. Ven'om ous, a. poisonous; destructive; malignant.

Ven' ti late, v. to fan; to cool. Ven tila tor, n. an instrument to supply fresh

air. Ven tril' o quism, n. the art or practice of speak.

ing so that the voice appears to come from a distant part of the


Ven tril' o quist, n. one who practises ventriloquism.

Ven' ture some, a. daring; bold; fearless. Ve' nus, n. the goddess of love; a planet. Ve ra" ci ty, n. disposition to truth; habit of speaking truth.

Verb' al, a. derived from a verb; spoken; oral. Verb' al ly, ad. by word of mouth.

Ver ba'tim, ad. word for

word; literally; truly. Ver bos' i ty, n. much empty talk; prate. Ver' dant, a. green; flourishing; beautiful. Ver' dict, n. a determination by a jury.

Ver' dure, n. a green colour; greenness of trees, &c.

Ver' i fy, v. to confirm; to


prove true; to justify. Verily, ad. truly tainly; confidently. Ver' i ty, n. truth; certainty; reality. Ver' juice, n. acid liquor expressed from crab apples.

Ver mil' ion, n. a beautiful

red colour.

Ver' min, n. small noxious animals.

Ver nac' u lar, a. belong.

ing to one's own country.

Ver nal, a. belonging to the spring.

Ver' sa tile, a. turning round; variable; fickle. Ver sa til' i ty, n. a versatile state; aptness to change. Versed, a. skilled; well learned; well practised. Ver si fi ca' tion, n. the act or art of making ver


Ver si fy, v. to make verse; to describe in


Version, n. a translation. Vertex, n. zenith; point overhead; top of any thing; any point. Ver' ti cal, a. placed in the zenith; perpendicular. Ver' ti go n. a giddiness; a quick whirling motion. Ves' pers, n. evening prayers; evening service. Ves'tal, n. a pure, sacred, or holy virgin. a. denoting pure virginity or holiness.

Ves' tige, n. a footstep; trace; mark.

Vest' ment, n. a garment; a priest's upper robe. Vest' ure, n. garment; habit; dress; vest. Vet' e ran, n. an old seldier; one long practi.sed.

Vex a' tion, n. the act or cause of plaguing or teasing.

Vex a' tious, a. provoking.

troublesome; afflictive. Vi' ands", n. meat dressed; food; victuals. Vi brate, v. to move to and fro.

Vi bra' tion n. a moving

with quick return. Vic' ar, n. the minister of

a parish; a substitute. Vic' ar age, n. the benefice of a vicar; a church living.

Vi ca' ri ous, a. deputed; delegated; inferior; lower. Vice ad' mi ral, second commander of a fleet.

n. the

Vice chan' cellor, n. a second magistrate in universities.

Vice gerent, a. acting in the room of another. n. one acting by substitu

tion. Vice' roy, n. the agent or substitute of a king. Vice roy' al tỷ, n. the dige

nity or post of a vice

roy. Vi cin' i ty, n. neighbour hood; state of being


Vi" cious, a. faulty; immoral; wicked; unruly.

Vi cis' si tude,n. a change;

revolution; succession. Vic' tim, n. a sacrifice ;

something destroyed. Vic' tor, n. one who gets the better; a conquer


Vic to ri ous, a. conquer. ing; superior; triumph- |


Vic' to ry, n. conquest; success; triumph; hon


Vict' uals, n. provisions; food; meat. View, n. a sight; prospect survey; display. v. to see; to survey; to examine.

Vi" gi lant, a. watchful; circumspect; diligent. Vig' or ous, a. forcible;

full of strength or life. Vigour,n. force; strength; efficacy.

Vile' ly,ad. basely; shamefully badly. Vil' i fy, v. to debase; to defame; to abuse; to undervalue.

Vil' lage, n. a small col


lection of country hous


Vil' lain, n. a vile wicked


Vil' la nous, a. base; vile;


Vil' la ny, n. baseness; wickedness.

Vin' di cate, v. to justify; to clear; to defend. Vin di ca' tion, n. a justi

fication; defence. Vin dic' tive, a. revenge.

ful; given to revenge. Vine' yard, n. ground planted with vines. Vint' age, n. time of gathering grapes; produce of vines.

Vint' ner, n. one who sells wine, &c.

Vi'o late, v. to injure ; to hurt; to infringe; to ravish.

Vi o lence, n. force; fu

ry; outrage; injury. Vi ra' go, n. a very bold resolute woman; a termagant.

Vir'tu al ly. ad. affectually; in reality. Vir' tue, n. moral good

ness; force; efficacy. Vir tu o' so, n. one skilled

in curiosities. Vir'u lent, a. malignant ;

inexorable; venomous. Vis age, n. the face; countenance; look; as

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Vul' gar, a. common; or- justify; to authorize. dinary; mean; low; tri-Wa' ry, a. cautious; scru

vial. n. the common or lower people; rabble. Vul gar'i ty, n. meanness; rudeness.

Vul' ner a ble, a. that may be wounded or injured.


WAGES', n. hire given for service.

Wag on ner, n. one who drives a wagon. Wain' scot, n. a lining for


Waistcoat, n. a part of a man's dress.

Wâlk, v. to travel on foot.

Wâl' nut, n. a large kind
of nut.
Wân, a. pale; sickly.
Wân' der, v. to rove; to

go astray; to ramble. Ward, n. district of a town; custody; one under a guardian. Wârd' robe, n. a place where apparel is kept. War' like, a. military; fit

for war.

Wârm, a. a little hot; zea

lous; furious. Warn' ing, n. a previous

notice; a caution. War' rant, n. a writ of caption; authority. v. to

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pulous; nice. Waste' ful, a. destructive; lavish; profligate. Watch' ful, a. attentive; careful; vigilant. Wâ' ter col ours, n. colours of a soft consistence used with gum


Weakness, n. a defect; feebleness; failing. Weal' thy, a. opulent ; rich; abundant. Weap' on, n. an instru

ment of offence. Wea' ry, a. tired. Weaths' er, n. the state of the air. v. to pass with difficulty. Weigh` ty, a. heavy; important; strong. Wel' fare, n. happiness; prosperity; success. Whârf age, n. rates for landing at a wharf. Whârf" in ger, n. a keep. er of a wharf. Wheat' en, a. made of wheat.

Wheel' wright, n.a maker of wheels. Wher' ry, n. a light river boat.

Whet' stone, n. a sharpening stone. Whim'si cal, a. capricious; freakish; fanci

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