صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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to prove metals; a test. Touch' y, a. peevish; irritable; cross. Tough, (tuf,) a. stiff; not

brittle; viscous; ropy. Tour' na ment, n. a tilt; a mock encounter. Tōw, v. to draw by a rope, particularly through the


Toward, a. ready to do. ad. near. Towards, pr. in a direction to; regarding. Tow' er, n. a high building; a fortress. v. to soar ; to fly or rise high. Toy, n. a plaything. v. to play; to trifle; to dally amorously. Trace, v. to follow by the footsteps; to mark out. Track' less, a. untrodden. Tract, n. a region ; quantity of land; course: treatise; small book. Tract' a ble, a. manage

able; docile.

Trade' wind, n. the mon

soon or periodical wind. Tra di" tion, n. oral account from age to age. Tra di" tion al, Tra di" tion a ry, S

a. de

scending by oral communication.

Tra duce', v. to censure; to calumniate.

Tra du' cer, n. a slanderer; a calumniator. Tra du' ci ble, a. such as may be derived. Tra duc' tion, n. deriva

tion; tradition. Traf' fic, n. commerce ; merchandise. v. to trade. Tra ge' di an, n. a writer or actor of tragedy. Tra” ge dy, n. a dramatic representation of any serious action; any dreadful event.

Tra" gic,
Tra" gic al, S

a. mourn

ful; sorrowful. Traitor, n. one who betrays his trust. Trai tor ous, ous; deceitful. Tran' quil, a. quiet; undisturbed.

a. perfidi.

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remove; to transport. Trans fig u ra' tion, n. change of appearance or figure.

Trans figure, v. to change the figure. Trans fix, v. to pierce through.

Trans form', v. to metamorphose; to change. Trans for ma' tion, n. a change of form. Trans fuse, v. to pour

out of one into another. Trans gress', v. to violate; to pass over; to offend. Trans gress' ion, n. a crime; a fault. Trans gress' or, n. an offender; a law break


Tran' sient, a. not lasting; momentary. Tran' sit, n. the passing of a planet.

Transition, n. a change; a removal; a passage. Tran' si to ry, a. passing away speedily.

Trans late, v. to remove; to convey; to interpret.

Trans la' tion, n. removal; change; version.


V. to

Trans la tor, n. one who turns any thing into another language. Trans lu' cent, a. transpa rent; clear. Trans ma rine', a. foreign; lying beyond sea. Trans' mi grate, travel; to pass from one country to another. Trans migration, n. passage from one place or state into another. Trans mit', v. to convey; to send from one place to another. Trans mu ta'tion, n. the change from one nature or substance into another. Trans mute', v. to change from one substance to another.

Trans pa' rent, a. clear; pellucid; translucent. Trans pire', v. to emit in vapour : to escape from secrecy to notice. Trans plant', v. to plant in a new place. Trans port', v. to banish; to put into ecstacy. Trans' port, n. a vessel of carriage; rapture; ecstacy; conveyance ; transportation.

Trans port a' tion, n. banishment.

Trans pose, v. to put out

of place; to change as to order. Trans po "si" tion, n. the act of misplacing. Tran sub stan ti a' tion, n. change of substance. Trans verse', a. being in a cross direction. Trap' pings", n. ornament; dress: finery. Trav' ail, n. labour; toil; fatigue. v. to toil; to labour.

Trav' el, n. a journey. v. to make journeys; to go.

Trav' erse, v. to sail across; to wander over; to examine. Treach' er ous,

a. faithless perfidious ; false. Treach'e ry, n. perfidy; a breach of faith. Trea' cle, n. a sort of

medicine; molasses. Treason, n. disloyalty;

treachery; rebellion. Treason a ble, a. of the nature of treason.

Treasure, n. hoarded

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Tri gon, of three angles. Trib u la' tion, n. vexation distress. Tri bunal, n. a court of justice; a judge's seat. Trib' u ta ry, a. paying tribute; subject unto. Trib' ate, n. a payment

made in acknowledgment of dependence. Tri'dent, n. a three forked sceptre of Neptune. Trig 3ger, n. a catch of a wheel or gun.

Trig o nome try, n. the art of measuring triangles.

Trin'i tỷ, n. three persons in one God. Trip' ar tite, a. divided into three parts. Triph' thong, n. coalition

of three vowels. Tri" ple, a. treble: three times repeated. Trip'let, n. three of a kind; three lines.

Trip'li cate, a. thrice as

much; trebled.

Tri pli" ci ty, n. treble

ness; a threefold state. Tri' pod, n. a seat or stool

with three feet. Trivial, a. inconsiderable; worthless. Triumph, n.joy or pomp for success; victory; conquest. v. to rejoice for victory; to obtain victory; to celebrate a victory with pomp. Tri umph' al, a. used in celebrating a victory. Tri umph' ant, a. celebrating a victory. Tri une, a. three joined in one.

Trol' lop, n. a slattern; a slovenly woman. Trope, n. a figure in speech; a word changed from its original meaning.

Trophy, n. something taken in battle. Tropic, n. an astronomi

cal line of the sun. Trop' ic al, a. figurative; near the tropics. Troth, n. truth; faithful


Troth' plight, a. betrothed; espoused. Trou" ble, v. to perplex. n. affliction.

Trou" ble some, a. vexatious; tiresome. Trough, (troff) n. any long thing hollowed. Trounce, v. to punish. Tru' ant, n. an absenter from school. a. idle ; lazy.

Truce, n. a temporary cessation of war. Truc' kle bed, n. a bed that runs on wheels under a higher bed. Trudge, v. to jog on heavily; to labour. Trum' pe ry, n. trifles; trash; idle talk. Trum' pet, v. to proclaim; to sound one's praise. n. an instrument. Trun' 'cheon, n. a staff of

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command; a cudgel. Trun' dle, v. to roll; to bowl along. n. a round rolling thing. Trunk, n. the body of any thing; a sort of chest; the proboscis of an ele phant.

Trunn' ions', n. the knobs

on cannon.

Truss, n. a bandage for ruptures; a bundle of hay, 56 lbs. v. to pack close together. Trus tee', n. one entrusted with any thing. Trus' ty, a. honest ; true; faithful; strong. Tuesday, n. the third day of the week. Tuft, n. a cluster ; clump.

Tu i tion, n. guardianship; instruction. Tu me fac' tion, n. a swelling.

Tu' mid, a. puffed up; swelled; pompous. Tumour, n. a morbid swelling. Tu'mult, n. riot; bustle; a wild commotion.

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