صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Target, n. a kind of buckler or shield. Tar' gum, n. a Chaldee paraphrase on the pentateuch.

Tarnish, v. to sully; to lose brightness. Tar pawling, n. tarred canvass; a sailor. Tar' ri er, n. one who tarries; a small dog. Tart, a. sour; severe. n. a small fruit pie.

Tart' ness, n. sharpness; acidity; ill-nature. Task, n. employment; business imposed. Tas' sel, n. an ornamental bunch of silk. Tasteless, a. insipid ; having no taste. Tat ter de mal' ion, n. a ragged fellow. Tat' tle, v. to prate; to talk idly.

Tat' tler, n. an idle talk.

er; a prater. Taunt, n. an insult; scoff; reproach.

Tau tol' o gy, n. a repetition of the same words. Taw' dry, a. ridiculously or meanly showy. Taw'ny, a. yellow, like things tanned.

Tax, v. to lay a tax; to censure; to charge. n. an impost; tribute;


Tax' a ble, a. that which may be taxed. Tax a' tion, n. the act of loading with taxes. Tea' board, n. a board for tea cups, &c.

Teach, v. to instruct; to inform; to show. Tech" nic al, a. belonging to arts; not common.

Tech' y Tetchy,


a. peevish;

captious; froward. Te' di ous, a. wearisome; irksome; slow.

Teem, v. to bring forth

young; to abound. Teg' u ment, n. a cover; the outward part. Teint, n. colour; shade; touch of the pencil. Tel' e graph, n. apparatus

for a rapid conveyance of intelligence by signals.

Tel' e scope, n. a glass

used for distant views. Te mer' i ty, n. rashness; unreasonableness; con. tempt of danger. Tem' per, n. calmness of mind; moderation. v. to soften; to mingle; to make fit.

Tem' per a ment, n. constitution; a medium. Tem' per ance, n. moderation; patience Tem' per ate, a. moder

ate; calm; not excessive.

Tem' per a ture, n. constitution of nature; tem. perament; moderation; mediocrity. Tem' pest, n. a violent

wind; a commotion. Tem pest' u ous, a, stormy; boisterous. Tem' ple, n. a church;

the side of the head. Tem' po ral, a. measured by time; not eternal; secular; not spiritual. Tem po ral′ i tỷ, n. secu lar possessions. Tem' po ra ry, a. lasting only for a time. Tem' po rize, v. to delay; to comply with times. Tempt a'tion, n. the act of tempting to ill. Tempt er, n. one



tempts; an enticer, Ten'a ble, a. that which may be held or kept. Te na cious, a. retentive; cohesive ;


har holding fast an opinion or privilege. Te na" ci ty, n. stiffness in opinion.

Ten' ant, η. one who rents of another.

a drift. Ten' der ly, ad. gently; mildly; kindly. Ten'der ness, n. susceptibility of impression; kind attention. Ten' don, n. a sinew; a ligature of joints.

Ten' dril, n. the clasper of a vine.

Ten' e ment, n. any thing held by a tenant. Ten' et, n. a position; principle; opinion. Ten' on, n. the end of a stick or piece of timber fitted to a mortise.

Ten' or,

Ten' orir,}

n. sense con

tained; purport; sound in music.

Ten' sion, n. the act of stretching; the state of being stretched. Tent, n. a pavilion; a roll of lint put into a sore. Ten' ter, n. an iron hook to stretch things on. Ten' ure, n. the condition whereby tenements are held.

Tep' id, a. warm in a small degree.

Ter gi ver sa' tion, n. a subterfuge; an evasion; a shift; a change.

Ten' ant a ble, a. fit to be Ter ma gant, n. a scold


Ten' den cy, n. a course ;

ing, brawling woman.

Ter min a ble, a. admit

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ing to a territory.

n. land;

Ter ri to ry, country; dominion. Ter' ror, n. great fear; dread; cause of fear. Ter tian, a. returning every third day. Test, n. a vessel to try

metals; examination. Tes ta'ceous, a. consisting of shells. Tes' ta ment, n. a will; either volume of the scriptures.

Tes ta ment' a ry, a. relating to a will. Tes' tate, a. having made

a will.

Tes ta' tor, n. one who leaves a will.

Tes ta' trix, n. a woman

who leaves a will. Test' ed, a. tried by a

test; witnessed.

Test' er, n. a sixpence ; the upper cover of a bed. Testify, v. to witness; to certify; to prove. Tes ti mo ni al, n. a cer

tificate or attestation. Tes' ti mo nỹ, n. evidence; proof; profession. Tes' ty, a. fretful; peevish; apt to be angry. Tete'-a-tete,(tate-a-tate) a. face to face. n. a pri vate conversation between two.

Teth' er, n. a string to prevent cattle pasturing too wide.

Tet' ra gon, n. a square; a four sided figure. Te' trarch', n. a Roman governor.

Text' ure, n. a web;

manner of weaving. Thank' ful, a. full of gratitude; grateful. The' a tre, n. a play-house. The at' ri cal, a. suiting a theatre.

Thēme, n. a subject; a

short dissertation. Thence, ad. from that

place; for that reason. Thence' forth, ad. from that time.

Thence for wârd, ad. on from that time. The oc' ra cy, n. divine government.

The o lo gian. n. a professor of divinity. The o lo" gic al, a. relat. ing to theology. The ol' o gy, n. the science of divinity. The' o rem, n. an established truth; a position laid down as an established truth. The o ret' ic al, a. speculative.

The' o rist, n. one given to speculation. The o ry, n. a speculation; a scheme; a plan, Ther mom' e ter, n. an instrument for measur ing the heat of the air. The sis, n. a position; proposition; subject. Thiev ish, a. given to stealing.

Thirst, v. to be dry; to

feel the want of drink. Thirst' y, a. suffering for want of drink. Thong, n. a strap or string of leather. Tho' rax, n. the inward part of the breast. Thorn' y, a. ful! of thorns; perplexing. Thorough, a. complete; passing through.

Thor' ough fare, n. a passage through a place. Thor' ough ly. ad. com. pletely; fully. Thought' ful, a contem plative; careful. Thought' less, a. airy ; gay; careless; dull. Thowl, n. a place or pin for oars to turn in. Thrâl' dom, n. slavery; servitude.

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Thrash, v. to beat corn; to beat or drub. Thread, n. a small line uniform tenor. Threat' en, v. to menace; to denounce evil. Thresh' old, n. an entrance; a gate; a door. Thrift, n. profit; gain; parsimony.

Thrif' ty, a. frugal; spar ing; well husbanded. Thrill, v. to pierce; to penetrate; to tingle. Thrive, v. to prosper; to grow rich.

Throb, v. to heave; to beat; to palpitate. Through out, ad. quite through; in every part. Thrust, v. to push ; to intrude; to stab. n. an assault; a push. Thwârt, v. to cross; to

traverse; to oppose.

Thyme, n. a fragrant plant.

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Tit' u lar, a. nominal; having only the name. Toast, v. to dry at the fire; to propose a health.

To bac' co nist, n. a vender of tobacco. To 3gether, ad. not apart; in company. Toil' et, n. a dressing table.

Toil' some, a. laborious. To`ken, n. a mark; a sign; a remembrance. Tol' er a ble, a. supportable; passable. Tol' er ance, n. the act or power of enduring. Tol' er ate, v. to allow; to permit ; to suffer. role ration, n. sufferance; permission. Tōll, n. an excise of

goods. v. to ring a bell, Tom' a hawk, n. an In

dian hatchet.

Tomb, (toom,) n. a sepulchre for the dead; a vault.

Tongue, (tung,) n. the or gan of speech; language. Ton' nage, n. a duty up

on every tun. Ton tine', (ton teen',) n. a raising money by annui


Tooth' ach', n. a pain in the teeth.

Tooth' some, a. palatable;

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