صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

apart; to exclude. Se clu' sion,n. a secluding; a separating. Sec' ond ly, ad. in the second place.

Se crecy, n. privacy; sol

itude; close silence. Sec' re ta ry, n. one who

writes for another. Se crete', v. to hide; to

conceal; to separate. Se cre' tion, n. a separation of animal fluids. Se' cret ly, ad. privately; in secret.

Se cre' to ry, a. performing the office of secretion.

Sect, n. men united in certain tenets. Sec' u lar, a. not bound by rules; worldly. Se cure, a. free from fear or danger; safe. v. to make certain; to protect; to insure. Se cu' ri ty, n. protection; defence; pledge.

Se date', a. calm; quiet; still; serene. Sed' en ta ry, a. sitting much; inactive. Sedge, n. a growth narrow flags. Sed' i ment, n. what set

tles at the bottom.


Se di" tion, n. a tumult;

an insurrection. Se di" tious, a. factious;

mutinous; turbulent. Se duce', v. to tempt; to corrupt; to mislead. Se duce ment, n. the act of seducing; the means used to seduce.

Se duc' tion, n. the act of seducing; deceit. Se du' lity, n. assiduity; application; industry; Sed' u lous, a. assiduous; industrious; painful. See, n. the diocess of a bishop. v. to perceive; to descry.

Seed' time, n. the season for sowing.

Seek, v. to look for; to solicit; to make search. Seem, v. to appear. Seem' ly, a. decent; becoming; proper; fit. Seer, n. a prophet; one

who foresees events. Seeth', v. to boil. Segment, n. part of a circle comprehended between a chord and

an arc.

Seign' ior, n. an Italian title for lord. Seize, v. to take by force; to fasten on. Seiz' ure, n. the act of seizing the thing seized. Sel' dom, ad. rarely; not frequently.

Se lect', v. to choose in preference to others. a.

nicely chosen.

Se lec' tion, n. choice; the act of choosing. Self' ish, a. void of regard for others.

Sell' er, n. one who sells;

a vender. Sem' blance, n. resem

blance; appearance. Sem' i cir cle, n. half a circle.

Sem i cir cu lar, a. half round.

Sem i co' lon, n. a point made thus. (;) Sem i di am' e ter, n. half a diameter. Sem' i nal, a. belonging to seed radical. Sem' i na ry, n. a seed plot; original; school. Sen' ate, n. an assembly of counsellors who share in the government. Sen' a tor, n. a member of the Senate.

Senior, a. older than another.

Se ni ori ty, n. priority

of birth; eldership. Sen sa' tion, n. perception

by the senses. Sense, n faculty of perceiving; meaning.

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seat of sense; the organ of sensation. Sens' u al, a. pleasing to

the senses; carnal. Sens u al' i ty, n. addic

tion to carnal pleasures. Sen' tence, n. a determination; a period. Sen ten' tious, a. short and energetic. Sen' ti ment, n. thought; motion; opinion. Sen ti ment' al, a. reflecting; thoughtful. Sen' ti nel, 7 Sen' try,

n. a soldier

on guard. Sep' a ra ble, a. that may be separated. Sep' a rate, v. to break; to disunite. a. divided; disunited from. Sep a ra' tion, n. a disjunction; a divorce. Sep tem' ber, n. the ninth

month of the year. Sep ten' ni al, a. lasting or happening once in

seven years.

Sen si bil' i ty, n. quick-Sep ten' tri on,

ness of sensation. Sen' si ble, a. having quick intellectual feeling; of good sense;

n. the north; Charles' wain. Sep' tu a gint, n. the old

Greek version of the

Se pul' 'chral, a. relating to burial.

Sep' ul'chre, n. a tomb;

a grave; a monument. Sepul ture, n. interment; burial

Se qua cious, a. following; attendant; ductile. Se qua" ci ty, n. ductility; toughness. Se quel, n. a conclusion; consequence. Se'quence, n. a following order.

Se ques' ter, v. to put aside; to deprive of. Se ques tra' tion, n. a deprivation of profits. Se ragl' io, n. a house where concubines are kept.

Ser aph, n. an angel of one of the heavenly orders. pl. seraphim. Se raph' ic, a. angelic. Ser e nade', v. to entertain with nocturnai music.

Se rene', a. calm; placid; quiet; unruffled. Se ren'i ty, n. calmness;

peace; sereneness. Sergeant, n. a petty officer in the army.

Se ries, sequence; succession; order.

Se ri ous, a. grave; lemn; important.

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Ser vi tude, n. slavery; dependence.

Ses' sion, n. a sitting of magistrates; time of sitting.

Set teen. a long seat with a back.

Set' tled, a. confirmed ; determined.

Set' tle ment, n. legal possession; a colony; a jointure.

Sev' er, v. to force asunder; to divide; to disjoin.

Sev' e ral, a. divers; many; distinct.

Several ly, ad. distinctly separately.

Se vere, a. sharp; aus

tere; cruel; painful. Se ver i ty, n. cruel treatment; rigour. Sew, (so) v. to join with

a needle and thread. Sex a ges'i ma, n. second Sunday before lent. Sex en'ni al, a. lasting six years.

Sex' tant, n. the sixth part of a circle.

Sex' tile, n. the distance of sixty degrees. Sex' ton, n. an under officer of the church. Sex' tu ple, a. sixfold six times told.


Shab' by, a. ragged; mean; slovenly; paltry. Shac' kle, v. to chain; to fetter ; to bind. Shade, v. to cover from

light or heat. n. shadow.

Shad' ow, n. a shade; a

faint representation. v. to cloud; to darken; to represent. Shad' ow y, a. typical; gloomy; dark.

Sha' dy, a. cool; secure from light or heat. Shaft, n. an arrow. Shameless, a. impudent; audacious. Sham' ois, n. a wild goat. Shank, n. middle joint of the leg; handle.

Shape' ly, a. well formed; symmetrical. Share, n. a portion; dividend; plough blade. v. to divide.

Shark, n. a voracious seafish; a sharper.

Sharp, a keen; piercing; acute; sour.

Sharp' ly, ad. severely;

keenly; afflictively. Shat' ter, v. to break into pieces; to impair. Sheath, n. a scabbard ; the case of any thing.

Sheaths, Sheathes, S


v. to enclose

in a sheath or scabbard. Sheet, n. linen for a bed; a sail: paper. Shel' ter, v. to defend ; to protect; to give shelter. n. a cover. Shelving, a. sloping; slanting. Shep' herd, n. one who tends sheep. Sheriff, n. a chief county officer.

Shield, v. to cover; to defend; to secure. n. a buckler; a defence; a protection.

Shine, v. to glisten; to glitter; to be splendid.

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ness; reservedness.

Shiny, a. bright; luminous; splendid. Ship' ping, n. vessels for navigation. Ship' wreck, n. loss of a ship by rocks. Ship' wright, n. a ship. carpenter or builder. Shire, n. a division of a kingdom; a county. Shirt, n. the under linen garment of a man. v. to cover with a shirt. Shīve, n. a slice of bread; a thick splinter. Shiv' er, v. to quake; to tremble; to shatter. Shōal, n. a crowd; a sand bank.

Shock, n. a conflict; a concussion; an offence. v. to shake violently; to disgust; to offend; to be offensive.

Shoe, (shu) n. the outer cover of the foot. Short' hand, n. a writing in characters; stenography. Short' ly, ad. quickly;


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Short sighted, a. defect | ive in the sight. Shot' free, a. clear of the reckoning.

Shot' ten, a. having ejected the spawn. Shove, (shuv) v. to push.

n. the act of shoving ; a

push. Shoul' der, v. to push with insolence and violence;

to put upon the shoulder.

Shout, v. to cry in triumph or exultation.

Shred, n, a small piece cut off; a fragment. Shrew, n. a peevish, ma lignant, clamorous, turbulent woman. Shrewd, a. having the qualities of a shrew maliciously sly; cun ning; mischievous. Shriek, v. to scream. Shrill, a. sounding with an acute tremulous sound.

Shrine, n. a cabinet or

case to hold relics. Shrink. v. to contract itself; to express fear, by contracting the bo dy,

Shriv el, v. to contract into wrinkles. Shroud, n. a dress of the

dead; a shelter. v. to shelter.

Shrouds, n. large ropes

extended from the mast head to the side of the ship. Shrub, n. a bush; spirit

with acid and sugar. Shrug, n. a contracting of the shoulders to signify

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