صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Re store', v. to relieve; to | Re tard', v. to hinder ; to

give back.

Re strain', v. to withhold; to repress; to limit. Re straint', n. an abridg ment of liberty.

Re strict', v. to limit; to confine.

Re stric' tion, n. confine

ment; limitation.

Re stric' tive, a. express

ing limitation. Restrin' gent, a. having power to bind. Result', n. consequence. v. to fly back; to arise from. Resume', v. to take back; to begin again. Re 'sump' tion, n. the act of resuming.

Res ur rec' tion, n. revi

val from the dead. Re sur vey, v. to review,

or survey again. Re sus' ci tate, v. to raise up again; to renew. Re sus ci ta' tion, n. the act of raising up again, either from sleep or death.

Re tail er, n. one who sells by small quantities. Re tain, v. to keep; to

hire; to continue. Re tal' i ate, v. to return;

to repay; to requite. Re tal i a' tion, n. return of like for like.

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Re ten tive,

a. having

power to retain. Ret'i nue, n. a train of attendants.

Re tire', v. to retreat; to withdraw.

Re tired, a. secret; solitary; private.

Re tire' ment, n. a private

abode, or habitation. Re tort', v. to throw back; to return. n. a censure returned; a glass velsel.

Re trace' v. to trace back or over again.

Re tract', v. to recall; to

recant; to resume. Re treat', v. to retire; to take shelter. n. a place of retirement or secu rity.

Re trench', v. to cut off;

to confine ; to reduce. Re trench' ment, n. a re

duction of expense. Ret ri bu' tion, n. a repayment; requital. Re trieve', v. to recover; to repair; to regain. Re triev a ble, a. that may be retrieved. Re tro ces' sion, n. the

act of going back. Re tro duc' tion, n. a

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on things past.

Ret ro spec' tion, n. a looking back wards. Ret ro spec' tive, a. looking backwards. Return' a ble, a. allowed

to be returned. Re veal, v. to disclose ;

to lay open; to impart. Rev' el, v. to carouse. n. a noisy feast.

Rev e la' tion, n. discovery; communication of sacred and mysterious truths by a teacher from heaven. Re venge' v. to return an injury. n. return of an injury or affront. Re venge' ful, a. vindic tive; given to revenge. Rev' e nue, n. an income; annual profits.

Re ver' be rate,v.to bound back; to resound. Re ver be ra' tion, n. a beating or driving back. Re ver be ra to ry, a. returning; beating back. Re vere', v. to reverence; to venerate; to honour with an awful respect. Rev' e rence, v. to regard

with respect. n. vene“ ration ; respect;


Rev' e rend, a. venerable; deserving reverence; the honorary title of the clergy.

Rev' e rent, a. humble; testifying veneration. Rev e ren' tial, a. express. ing reverence. Rev e ry, n. irregular thought.

Re verse', v. to subvert; to repeal; to contradict. n. the opposite

side; contrary.

Re ver' sion, n. succession; right of succes

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Rinse, v. to wash the soap

out of clothes; to wash. Ri' ot, n. a sedition; an uproar.

Riot ous, a. luxurious;

seditious; turbulent. Ripen, v. to grow ripe. Ripe' ness, n. maturity; perfection.

Risi ble, a. excitiug laughter; ludicrous. Risk, n. hazard; danger; chance of harm v. to hazard; to put to chance.

Rite, n. a solemn act of religion.

Rit' u al, n. a book of religious ceremonies. a. solemnly ceremonious. Rival, n. a competitor; an opponent. v. to emulate; to oppose. Riv' et, n. a fastening pin that is clenched. v. to fasten with rivets. Riv' u let, n. a small river; a brook. Road, n. a large way for travelling; a path. Roam, v. to wander; to

ramble; to rove. Ro bust', a. strong; sinewy; violent. Rogue, n. a vagabond; a

knave; a wag. Ro'guish, a. fraudulent; knavish; waggish. Roll, n. a register; mass

made round. v. to in

wrap; to move in a circle.

Ro mance', n. a fable; a fiction; a lie.

Ro man' tic, a. wild; improbable; painful. Roof, n. the cover of a house; the upper part of the mouth. Rose ate, a. rosy; blooming; fragrant. Ros' trum, n. the beak of a bird; a pulpit. Rosy, a. like a rose in bloom.

Ro ta' tion, n. a turning round; succession. Ro tund' i ty, n. roundness; circularity. Rough' ness,

n. uneven

ness; harshness. Round' ly, ad. in a round form; plainly. Rout, n. a tumultuous crowd. v. to defeat. Route, n. a road; a way; march; journey. Roy' al, a. kingly; be coming a king. Royal ist, n. an adherent to a king.

Roy' al ty, n. the office or state of a king. Rubric, n.

directions printedan prayer books and books of law. Rude ness, n. incivility; boisterousness.

Ru' di ment, n. the first elements of a science. Rue ful, a. mournful; woful; sorrowful Ruf' fi an, n. a brutal fel

low; a robber. Ru'in ous, a. fallen to

ruin; mischievous. Ru min ate, v. to muse;

to chew the cud. Rum' mage, v. to search

places; to plunder. Rumour, n. a flying or popular report. v. to report abroad. Run' a gate, n. a fugitive;

a coward.

Run' dle, n. the step of

a ladder; a round. Rupture, n. a breach of

peace; an eruption. Rural, a. belonging to the country.

Rush' light, n. a candle

with a rush wick. Rus' tic, a. rural; rude;

simple; plain. Rus' ti cate, v. to banish

into the country. Rus ti" ci ty, n. rural appearance; simplicity. Rus' ti ly, ad. in a rusty manner; shabbily. Ruth' less, a. cruel; pitiless; barbarous.

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mies; hosts. Sab' bath, n. sunday; day of rest and worship.

Sab bat' ic al, a. belonging to the sabbath, or to rest.

Sa' ble, a. black; dark. Sa' bre, n. a scimitar; a falchion; a short sword with a convex edge. Sab' u lous, a. gritty; sandy; gravelly. Sac' 'cha rine, a. having the taste or any chief quality of sugar.

Sac' er do' tal,

&. be

longing to the priesthood.

Sa' chem, n. the chief of an Indian tribe. Sac' ra ment, n. an oath;

the Lord's supper. Sac ra ment' al, a. constituting or pertaining to a sacrament. Sa' cred, a. holy; conse. crated; inviolable. Sac' ri fice, n. an offering made to God; any thing destroyed. v. to offer up.

Sac' ri lege, n. the rob bery of a church. Sac ri le gious, a. violating things sacred. Sad' den, v. to make sad or gloomy.

Sad' dle, n. a seat to put

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