صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Re mur' mur, v. to repeat | Re pair', v. to amend ; to

in low hoarse sounds;

to murmur back.

Ren coun' ter, n. clash; collision; personal opposition. v. to meet an enemy unexpectedly. Rend, v. to tear with violence.

Ren' der, v. to return; to pay back; to translate; to make; to yield. Ren dez vous, n. assem bly; place appointed for an assembly. v. to meet at a place appointed.

Ren e ga' do, n. an apos

tate; a revolter. Re new' al, n. the act of

renewing; renovation. Ren' o vate, v. to renew ;

to restore.

Ren o va' tion, n. the act of renewing; renewal. Re nounce', v. to disown; to abnegate.

Re nown', n. fame; celebrity; merit. Renowned', a. famous; eminent.

Rent' al, n. a schedule or

account of rents. Re nun ci a' tion, n. the

act of renouncing. Re or dain, v. to ordain

again, or anew. Re or di na' tion, n. a being ordained again.

refit; to go unto. n. a

Repair a ble,
Rep' a ra ble,

a. capa

ble of being amended or retrieved. Rep a ra' tion, n. the act of repairing; amends. Rep ar tee', n. a smart or witty reply.

Re pass', v. to pass again; to pass back. Re past', n. a meal; the act of taking food. Re pay', v. to recompense; to requite.

Re peal, v. to recal; to abrogate; to revoke. n. revocation.

Re peat', v. to recite; to do again. Repeat' ed ly, ad. over and over; frequently. Re pel', v. to drive back; to act with force. Re pel' lent, n. an application that repels. Re pent', v. to be sincere. ly sorry.

Re pent' ance, n. a peni

tent sorrow for sins. Rep e ti" tion, n. a reci

tal; a repeating. Re pine', v. to fret ; to be discontented.

Re place', v. to put again

in the former place. Re plant', v. to plant anew.

Re plen' ish, v. to stock; to fill; to finish.

v. to set at

Re plete', a. full; completely filled. Re ple tion, n. the state of being too full. Re plev i a ble, a. what may be replevied. Re piev' in, Re plev y, liberty any thing seized upon security given. Rep li ca' tion, n. a re bound; a reply Re ply, v. to answer; to rejoin. n. an answer. Re pol' ish, v. to polish again.

Re port', v. to tell; to relate; to noise abroad. n. a rumour; a loud noise. Re pose", v. to lay; to rest. n. rest; sleep; quiet; peace. Re posite, v. to lodge in a place of safety. Re pos' i to rý,n. a store.

house; a warehouse. Re pos sess', v. to possess again.

Rep re hend', v. to reto blame; to

prove; chide. Rep re hen' si ble, a. cul

pable; censurable. Rep re hen' sion, n. reproof; open blame. Rep re 'sent', v. to exhib

it; to describe; to appear for another ; to tell respectfully. Rep re sen ta' tion, n.

an image; description. Rep re 'sen' ta tive, n. a substitute in power. Re pres' sion, n. the act of crushing.

Re press', v. to crush; to subdue; to compress.

Re pres' sive, a. able or tending to repress. Re prieve', v. to respite from punishment. n. a respite after sentence of death.

Rep' ri mand, n. a reproof; reprehension; blame.

Rep ri mand', v. to rebuke; to reprove ; to check.

Re print', v. to print a

new or fresh edition. Re prisal, n. seizure by

way of recompense. Re proach, v. to upbraid;

to censure; to condemn. n. censure; blame; disgrace; scandal.

Re proach' a ble, a. deserving reproach; disgraceful,

Re proach' ful, a. scur rilous; abusive; infa


Rep' ro bate, n. a man abandoned to wickedness. a. lost to virtue. v. to disallow; to condemn; to abandon. Rep ro ba' tion, n. a being abandoned to destruction.

Re pro duc' tion, n. the act of producing again. Re proof, n. blame; rebuke; reprehension; check.

Re prova ble, a. deserving reproof. Re prove', v. to blame; to censure; to chide; to conde mn.

Rep' tile, n. a creeping thing. a. creeping; groveling.

Re pub' lic, n. a commonwealth, or state gov. erned by representatives elected by the people.

Re pub' lic an, n. a favourer of a commonwealth. a. placing government in the people. Re pub' li can ism, n. a system of republican government; an attachment to such a system. Re pub li ca' tion, n. a second publication. Re pub'lish, v. to publish what has been published.

Re pu' di ate, v. to divorce; to put away; to reject.

Re pug' nance, n. contrariety; unwillingness. Re pug' nant, a. contrary; opposite; disobedient. Re pulse', v. to beat back. n. a being driven off; rejection; denial. Re pul' sive, a. able to repel; forbidding. Re pur' chase, v. to buy back; to buy over a gain. Rep' u ta ble, a. honourable being of good report. Rep u ta' tion, n. honour; credit; good character; merit.

Re pute', v. to account; to esteem; to reckon. n. reputation. Re quest', n. an entreaty; petition. v. to solicit; to petition; to desire; to ask.

Re quire', v. to demand; to ask; to make neces. sary.

Re" qui 'site,a. necessary;

n. any thing necessary Re qui 'si” tion, n. a requiring; a request; claim.


Re qui' tal, n. a retaliation; recompense; re ward.

Re quite', v. to recompense; to reward; to satisfy.

Rere ward, n. the rear or last troop of an army.

Re scind', v. to cut off; to abrogate; to repeal. Re scission, n. a cutting off; abrogation; repeal. Re' script, n. an edict of an emperor. Res' cue, v. to deliver by force; to free; to save. n. a deliverance from restraint.

Re search', n. dilligent inquiry, or examination. v. to examine. Re 'sem' blance, n. a like. ness; similitude; pic.


Re 'sem' ble, v. to be like. Re 'sent', v. to take as an affront.

Re 'sent' ment, n. a deep

sense of injury; anger. Resó er va' tion, n. a reserve; something kept back.

Re 'serve, v. to keep; to retain. n. a store untouched; exception; modesty. Re 'served', a. modest; not loosely free ; sullen; not open; not frank.

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Reservoir', n. a place | Resó o lute lỹ, ad. stead

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Re 'solve', v. to determine; to solve; answer; to dissolve. n. resolution.

Resort', v. to repair; to have recourse; to revert. n. concourse ;

meeting; spring. Re sound, v. to sound again; to echo ; to ring; to celebrate.

Re source', n. a resort; retreat; expedient; means.

Re spect', v. to regard; to esteem; to consider. n. regard; esteem; reverence; relation. Respect' a ble, a. deserving of respect or regard.

Re spect a bil' i ty, n. the quality of deserving respect. Re spect' ful, a. full of duty or outward civil. ity.

Re spect' fully, ad. with

respect; with esteem. Re spec' tive, a. particu

lar; relative; accurate. Re spec' tive ly, ad. particularly; relatively; nicely.

Res pi ra' tion, n. a breathing; a relief from toil. Re spire', v. to breathe ; to take rest from toil. Re spi'ra ble, a. that may be, or is fit to be, breathed.

Res' pite, n. a reprieve; delay; pause; interval; ease. v. to sus. pend.

Re splend' ence. n. lustre; brightness. Re splend' ent, a. bright shining.

Re spond', v. to corres pond; to answer. Re spondent, n. one who answers in a suit. Re sponse', n. an alternate answer; a reply. Re spon si ble,



swerable; accountable. Re spon' sive, a. answering. Res ti tu' tion, n. the act

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