صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

God's favour by the death of Christ.

Re dou" ble, v. to double again. Re doubt, n. the outwork of a fortification. Re doubt a ble, a. formi

dable; much feared. Re dound', v. to be sent back by reaction Re dress', v. to set right; to amend; to relieve. n. amendment; relief; remedy.

Re duce, v. to make less;

to degrade; to subdue. Re du ci ble. a. possibe to

be reduced.

Re duc' tion, n. the act of reducing. Re dun' dan cỹ, n. a superfluity; 2 superabundance.

Re dun' dant, a. overflowing; superfluous. Re du' pli cate, v. to double over again.

Re ed' i fy, v. to rebuild. Reef, v. to reduce the

sails of a vessel. Re e lec' tion, n. a fresh or repeated election. Re em bark', v. to take shipping again.

Re en force', v. to send fresh forces.

Re en force' ment, n. fresh assistance.

Re en joy', v. to enjoy

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to forbear; to abstain Re fran' gi ble, a. such as may be turned out of its course.

Re fresh', v. to recreate ; to cool.

Re fresh' ment, n. food; rest; relief after pain. Re fri" ger ant, a cooling; refreshing. Re fri" ger ate, v. to cool; to mitigate heat. Ref' uge, n. a shelter from danger or distress. Ref u geen one who flies for protection.

Re ful' gence, n. splendour; brightness. Re ful' gent, a. bright; shining; glittering. Re fund', v. to pour back;

to repay; to restore. Re fusal, n. a denial; right of choice; option

Re fuse, v. to deny ; to reject; not to accept. Ref use, n. worthless remains; drošs.

Ref u ta' tion, n. a refut

ing of an assertion. Re fute', v. to prove to be false or erroneous. Re gain', v. to recover; to gain anew. Re' gal, a. royal; kingly. Re gale', v. to refresh; to gratify; to feast. Regale ment, n. enter

tainment; refreshment. Re ga' li a, n. the ensigns of royalty.

Re gal' i ty, n. royalty;

sovereignty; kingship. Re gard', v. to value; to observe; to respect. n. attention;



Re gard' ful, a. attentive; taking notice of. Re gard' less, a. negligent; inattentive. Re gen cy, n. the government of a kingdom; authority.

Re gen' e rate, v. to pro- | Regular ly, ad. con

n. a

duce anew; to make to be born anew. a. born anew of grace. Re gen e ra' tion, new birth by grace. Regent, n a governor; a deputed ruler. a. goveraing; ruling.

Re ger min a' tion, n. a budding out again. Re" gi cide, n. the mur

der or murderer of a king.

Re" gi men, n. a diet in time of sickness. Re" gi ment, n. a body of soldiers; rule; polity. Re" gi ment' al, a. belonging to a regiment. Region, n. a country; tract of land; space; part of the body; place. Re" gis ter, n. a list; a record. v. to record and register.

Re gorge, v. to vomit up; to swallow back. Re gress', v. to go back;

to return.

Re gres sion, n. a returning or going back. Re gret', v. to repent; to be sorry for. n. vexation at something past. Peg u lar, a. orderly; agreeable to rule. Regular i ty, n. a certain order; method.

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throw or to pour back. Re hears' al, n. a previ ous recital.

Re hearse', v. to recite

previously; to tell. Re ject', v. to refuse


discard; to cast off. Re jec' tion, n. the act of

casting off, or aside. Reign, (rane) v. to rule as a king; to prevail. n. the time of a king's government.

Re im bod' y, v. to embody again.

Re im burse', . to pay

back again; to repair. Rein, (rane,) n. part of a

bridle. v. to curb. Reins, (ranez,) n. the kidnevs; the lower part of the back. Re in sert', v. to insert a second time. Re in stâl', v. to put again in possession.

Re in state', v. to restore

to a former state. Re in vest', v. to invest


Re joice', v. to be glad ; to exult; to exhilarate.

Re join', v. to join again ;

to meet one again. Re it' e rate, v. to repeat again and again.

Re it e ra' tion, n. repetition.

Re judge', v. to re-exa

mine; to review.

Re kin' dle, v. to set on fire again. Re lapse', v. to fall back into sickness. n. a fall back into vice or sick


Re late', v. to recite; to

have reference.

Re la' tion, n. a narration;

kindred; reference. Rel' a tive, n. a relation; a kinsman. a. having relation.

Re lax', v. to be remiss ;

to slacken; to remit. Re lax a' tion, n. remis

sion; diminution. Re lay', n. horses on the road to relieve others.

from restraint. Re lent', v. to feel com

passion; to mollify. Re lent' less, a. unpity

ing; unmerciful. Rel e vant, a. relieving; relative.

Reliance, n. trust; de

pendence; confidence. Rel' ics, n. the remains of dead bodies. Rel' ict, n. a widow. Re lief', n. succour; alle. viation; relievo.

Re lieve', v. to succour;

to change a guard. Re lie' vo, n. the promi nence of a figure or picture.

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Re li" gion, n. a system of faith and worship. Re li'' gious, a. pious;

devout; holy; exact. Re lin' quish, v. to forsake; to quit; to depart from.

Re lin' quish ment, n. the act of forsaking. Rel' ish, n. a taste; liking; delight. v. to season; to have a flavour.

Re lu' cent, a. shining; transparent.

Re luctance, n. unwil

lingness repugnance. Re luc' tant, a. unwilling;

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to be left; to endure. Re main' der, n. what is

left; remains.

Re mains, n. relics; a dead body.

Re mand', v. to send or call back.

Re mark', n.observation; note; notice. v. to note;

to distinguish; to mark. Re mark' a ble, a. observable, worthy of note. Re me' di a ble, a. capable of remedy.

Rem' e di less, a. not admitting remedy; irreparable.

Rem'e dỹ, n. cure of any uneasiness. v. to cure ; to heal; to repair mischief. Re mem' ber, v. to keep in mind; to recollect; to remind.

Re mem' brance, n. retention in memory; recollection.

Rem'i grate, v. to remove back again. Re mind', v. to put in mind; to force to remember.

Re miss', a. slack; sloth-
ful; not intense.
Re mis' si ble, a. admit-

ting forgiveness.
n. abate-

Re mission,

ment; forgiveness ; pardon.

n. care

Re miss' ness, lessness; negligence. Re mit', v. to relax; to pardon a fault; to send money to a distant place to grow less violent by intervals. Re mit' tance, n. the paying money at a distant place; the money sent. Remnant, n. residue

that which is left. Re mon' strance, n. strong representation.

Re mon' strate, v. to make

a strong representation; to show reasons. Re morse', n. pain of guilt; anguish of a guilty conscience. Re morse less, a. unpitying; cruel; savage. Re mote', a. distant; foreign; removed far off. Re mote ly, ad. at a dis


Re mov a ble, a. such as may be removed. Re moval, n. the state of being removed. Re move', v. to put from

its place; to change place. n. change of place. Re mount', v. to mount again.

Re mu ne rate, v. to requite; to reward. Re mu ne ra' tion, n. re

ward; requital.

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