صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Ques' tion, n. interrogatory; subject of debate. Quib' ble, v. to pun; to play on the sound of words.

Quick, a. living; ready; swift. ad.nimbly; readily. n. the living flesh. Qui es' cent, a. resting. Qui et, a. still; peaceable. n. rest; repose. v. to calm; to still. Quin quen' ni al, a. lasting or happening once in five years. Quin tes' sence, n. a fifth being; an extract containing all the original virtues in a small quantity. Quire,

n. twenty-four

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Ra' di ant, brightly; sparkling Radical, a. primitive; implanted by natureRa' di us, n. the semi di

ameter of a circle. Rage, n. violent anger. Ra gout, n. meat stewed and highly seasoned.

sheets; a choir of sin-Rail le rỹ, n. satirical

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Quo'tient, n. the number Ram' i fy, v. to separate

or part into branches. Ram'pant, a. wanton; fris ky; ready to attack. Ram' part, n. a wall around a fortified place. Ran' cid, a. strong scented; stinking; musty. Ran' cor ous, a. malignant; spiteful in the utmost degree.

Random, a. done by chance. ad. without aim.

Range, v. to place in order; to wander ; to


Ran' sack, v. to search narrowly; to plunder. Ran' som, n. a price paid for liberty. v. to redeem.

Ra pa' cious, a. seizing by violence ; very greedy.

Rap' id, a. swift ; quick. Ra pid'i ty, n. swiftness; quickness.

Rapids, n. a place in a river where the water runs swiftly over the rocks.

Rap' ine, n. plunder; pillage; open violence. Rap ture, n. ecstasy; transport; rapidity. Rap' turous, a. ecstatic; transporting.

Rar' e fy, v. to make or become thin.

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Rarely, ad. seldom,
Rar'i ty, n. scarcity; un-


Ras' cal, n. a villain; a Scoundrel; a mean or bad fellow.

Ras cal' i ty, n. villany. Rash, a. precipitate; hasty.

Rasp' ber rỹ, n. a species of bramble and its fruit.

Ra sure, n. a scraping out of writing. Rate, n. a price; degree; parish tax. v. to value; to chide hastily. Rather, ad. more willing; especially.

Rat i fi ca tion, n. a confirmation.

Rat' i fy, v. to confirm ; to settle; to establish. Ra' tio, n. a proportion; a


Ra' tion al, a. agreeable to

reason; endowed with reason; wise; judici


Rats' bane, n. arsenic; poison for rats. Rav' age, v. to lay waste;

to ransack; to pillage. Rav' en ous, a. voracious;

hungry to rage. Rav' ish, v. to transport;

to delight; to rapture. Ray, n. a beam of light. Raze, v. to overthrow ; to

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Rēam, n. twenty quires of paper.

Re an' i mate, v. to res

tore to life. Re as cend', v. to climb

or mount up again. Reason, n. a faculty of the soul by which we distinguish good from evil; cause; principle; motive. v. to argue or examine rationally. Reason a ble, a. endued with reason; just.

Reason ing, n.



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Re build', v. to build a
gain; to repair.
Re buke', v. to reprehend;
to chide.

Re cant', v. to retract an


Re can ta' tion, n. a retrac-
ting an opinion.
Re ca pit' u late, v. to re-
peat again distinctly; to
detail again.
Re cap it u la'tion, n.
distinct repetition of
the principal points.
Re cede', v. to fall back
to retreat; to desist.
Receipt, n. the act of
receiving; prescription;
an acquittance.

Re as sem' ble, v. to col- Re ceive, v. to take;

lect anew.

Re as sume', v. to resume;

to take again. Re bate', n. discount. v.

to lessen; to blunt. Reb' el, n. one who oppo

ses lawful authority.



Re' cent, a. new; late.
Re' cent ly, ad. newly;
freshly; lately.

Re cep' ta cle, n. a place
to receive things in.
Re cep' tion, n. act of re-

⚫eiving ;

admission ;


Re cess' n. retirement;


Rec' og nise, v. to_acknowledge; to review; to recollect.

Re coil', v. to rush back; to fall back; to shrink.

a medical Rec ol lect', v. to recover

departure; privacy. Re ces' sion, n. the act of retreating. Re" ci pe, n. prescription. Re cip'i ent, n. a receiver: a vessel to receive. Recip' ro cal, a. mutual; alternate.

Re cip' ro cate, v. to act

interchangeably. Recip ro cation, n. action interchanged. Re cis ion, n. cutting off, a making void. Re ci tal, Re" ci ta' tion;


n. rehearsal; repetition. Re" cita tive, n. a kind of musical pronunciation.

Re cite', v. to repeat; to enumerate.

Reck' on, v. to number; to esteem; to com. pute. Reck on ing, n, an esti

mation; a calculation. Reclaim', v. to reform;

to memory. Rec ol lec' tion, n. a revival of former ideas in the memory. Re com mence', v. to begin anew.

Rec om mend', v. to commend to another.

Rec om men da' tion, n. the act of recommending. Rec om men' da to rỹ, a. recommending. Rec' om pense, n. & requital; an amends, v. to repay; to requite. Rec' on cile, v. to make things agree.

Rec on ci la ble. a. that may be reconciled. Recon cile ment, n. reconciliation.

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to correct; to recal. Re cline', v. to lean side-Re ways or back.

Re cluse, a. shut up; retired.

Re cognisance,

bond of record;




Re con duct', v. to conduct back again. Re con noi' tre, v.to view; to examine.

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Re cord', v. to register;

to celebrate. Record, n. an authentic enrolment.

Re cord' er, n. a law offi

cer; a sort of flute. Re cover, v. to regain; to grow well again. Recover a ble, a. that may be restored. Re covó e ry, n. a resto

ration from sickness. Re count', v. to relate in detail.

Re course n. an applica

tion for help. Rec' re ate, v. to refresh ;

to delight; to revive. Rec re a tion, n. relief

after toil; diversion. Re crim' i nate, n. to ac

cuse in return. Re crim i na' tion, n. an

ness; uprightness. Rec' tor, n. minister of a parish; a ruler.

Rec' tor ship, n. the office of a rector.

Rec' to ry, n. a parish church, or spiritual living, with all its rights, glebes, &c. Re cum' bent, a. lying down; leaning. Re cur', v. to have recourse to.

Re cur' rence, n. a return.

Re cur' rent, a. returning

from time to time. Re cur va' tion, n. a bending backwards.

Re cu'sant, n. a non-conformist.

Re cuse, v. to refuse; to reject.

Re cus' sion, n. the act

of beating back. Red' den, v. to make or

grow red; to blush. Re deem', v. to ransom; to relieve by paying a price; to atone for. Re deem'a ble, a. capable of redemption. Re deem'er, n. one who ransoms ; the Saviour of the world.

accusation retorted. Recruit v. to repair; to replace; to supply. n. a new enlisted soldier ; a supply. Rec' tan gle, n. an angle of ninety degrees. Rec tan' gu lar, a. having right angles. Rec' ti fy, v. to make right; to reform. Rec ti lin' e ar, a. sisting of right lines. Rec' ti tude, n. straight


Re de liv' er, v. to deliver or give back.

Re demp' tion, n. a ransom; the purchase of

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