صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Phleg mat' ic, a. troubled
with phlegm; dull;
cold; frigid.
Phos' phō rus, n. a chemi-
cal substance, which,
exposed to the air, takes
fire; the morning star.
Phrase, . a mode of
speech; an idiom.
Phra 'se ol' o gy, n. style;
diction; a phrase-book.
Phre netic, a. inflamed
in the brain; frantic.
Phren 6sy, n. madness;

Phthis ic, n. a consump
tion of the body.
Phthis ic al, a. wasting
by disease.

Phy lac' te ry, n.

a ban

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Piece, n. a fragment; a patch; a gun ; & coin. ` v. to enlarge; to join; to unite.

Pier, n. a column to support the arch of a bridge.

dage on which is in- Pierce, v. to penetrate;

scribed some memorá

ble sentence.

Physic, n. the art of
curing diseases; medi-
cines; a purge.
Physic al, a. relating to
natural philosophy; me-

Phy "si" cian, n. one who
professes physic.
Physics, . natural phi-
Phys iog no mỹ, n. the
face; the art of judging
by the face.
Phys i ol' o gy,

n. the
doctrine of nature.
Pi az' za, n. a walk under

to affect; to bore. Pie ty, n. discharge of duty to God.

Pi" geon, n. a well known

Pi las' ter,

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square column. Pilgrim age, n. a journey for devotion. Pil' lar, n. a column; supporter.

Pill'ion, n. a soft saddle

set behind a horseman. Pil' low, n. a bag of feath

ers, to lay the head on. Pilot, n. one who directs a ship's course. v. to steer.

Pi men' ta, n. allspice; Jamaica pepper. Pin' cers, n. an instrument to draw nails, or to gripe with. Pin' ion, v. to bind the wings; to shackle. n. a fowl's wing; fetters.

Pin' nace, war's boat. Pin' na cle, n. a turret; a

n. a man-of

high spiring point. Pi o neer', n. one whose business it is to level roads, throw up works, &c.

Pi' ous, a. devout; godly; religious. Pique, (peek) n. ill-will; petty malice. v. to of

fend; to irritate. Pi' rate, n. a sea-robber. Pi rat' ic al, a. predatory; robbing.

Pit' e ous, a. sorrowful;

tender; wretched. Pit'i ful, a. tender; melan

choly; mean; paltry. Pit' tance, n. an allow

ance; a small portion. Pit' y, n. sympathy with misery. v. to compassionate misery. Pivot, n. a pin on which any thing turns. Pla" cid, a. quiet; gentle; mild; soft.

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the thoughts or writings of another. Plague, n. pestilence ; trouble; vexation. v. to tease; to infect with pestilence.

Pla' guy, a. vexatious; troublesome; harassing. Pläint, n. a lamentation. Plain' tiff, n. he who commences a suit.

Plain' tive, a. expressive

of sorrow.

Plan' et, n. one of the cel estial bodies in the solar system.

Plan ta' tion, n. a colony ; a place planted. Plas' ter er, n. one who plasters walls, &c. Plas' tic, a. having power to give form. Plat' form, n. a place laid out after a model; a level; a scheme; a plan. Plau' dit, n. applause. Plau' si ble, a. superfici

ally pleasing; specious. Plead er, n. one who argues in a court of jus

tice. Pleasant, a. delightful; cheerful; merry. Pleasant ry, n. gaiety; merriment; lively talk. Pleasure, n. delight; gratification; choice.

Pla' gia ry, n. a thief in lit-Ple be' ian, n. one of the

erature; one who steals

lower people.

Pledge, n. a pawn. v. to invite to drink.

Ple' ia desó, n. a northern constellation; the seven


Plen i po ten' tia ry, n. one invested with full pow


Plen'i tude, n. fulness. Plen' te ous, a. copious; exuberant; fruitful. Pleuri sy, n. an inflammation of the pleura, or sides.

Plia ble, a. flexible; apt to bend.

Pliers, n. a kind of small pincers.

trine of the air. Po'em, n. a composition in verse.

Po' et,n. a writer of poems. Po et' ic al, a. pertaining

to poetry.

Po' e try, n. metrical composition; poems. Poign' ant, a sharp; irritating; satirical. Point, n. a sharp end; an indivisible part of time or space; a stop. Poison, n. what destroys life; venom. v. to corrupt.

Poise', v. to balance. n. a balance; an equipoise.

Plough share, n. the iron Po' lar, a. found near the

of a plough.

Plum, n. a fruit.

Plu' mage, n. feathers

; a

suit of feathers. Plumb, n. a leaden weight on a line.

Plumb' er, n. one who

works upon lead. Plume, n. a feather. v. to adorn with plumes; to be proud of. Plum' met, weight or pencil; a plumb. Plan' der, n. spoils gotten

n. a leaden

in war. v. to pillage; to rob by force.

Plu rai' i ty, n. a number

more than one. Pneu mat' ics, n. the doc

pole; lying near the pole.

Pole, n. the extremity of the axis of the earth; a long staff.

Po lem' ic, a. controversial; disputative. n. a disputant.

Po lice', (po leese',) n. the regulation and government of a city or country, so far as regards the inhabitants.

Pol' i cy, n. art of govern

ment; prudence. Pol' ish, n. artificial gloss;

elegance. v. to smooth; to gloss; to make elegant of manners. Po lite', a. elegant of man

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to politicks; prudent; cunning.

Pol i ti" cian, n. one skilled in politicks. Pol'i ticks, n. the science of government. Pol' i ty, n. a form of government; civil constitution.

Pollution, n. the act of

defiling; defilement. Po lyg a my, n. plurality of wives.

Pol'y gon, n. a figure of

many angles. Pol y syl' la ble, n. a word of many syllables. Pol'y the ism3, n. the doctrine of a plurality of gods. Pomp, n.splendour; pride. Pom pos' i ty, n. an affec

tation of pompousness. Pom' pous, a. splendid; magnificent; grand. Fon' der,v. to weigh mentally; to think; to muse. Pon' der ous, a. heavy ; weighty; momentous. Pon' iard, n. a dagger. Pon' tiff, n. a priest


high priest; the pope. Pon tif' i cal, a. popish; splendid; magnificent. Pope. n. the supreme bishop of the church

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of Rome.

Pope' dom, n. the jurisdiction of the pope. Po' pe ry, n. the popish religion.

Pop' u lace, n. the multitude; the vulgar. Pop' u lar, a. pleasing to the people; vulgar. Pop u lar' i tỹ, n. the favour of the people. Pop' u late, v. to breed people.

Pop u la' tion, n. the number of people. Pop' u lous, a. full of peo ple; well inhabited. Por ce lain, n. China Ware; an herb. Porous, a. full of pores;

having small passages. Port, n. a harbour; a gate; a kind of wine from Oporto in Portugal. Port a bie, a. that which may be carried. Por tend', v. to forebode;

to foreshow.

Por ten' tous, a. foretok

ening ill; monstrous. Por ti co, n. a covered walk; a piazza. Por tion, n. part; alotment; wife's fortune. Port' ly, a majestical; grand of mien." Port man' teau. n. a bag to

carry clothes in. Por trăit, n. a picture

drawn from the life. Por tray', v. to paint; to describe by picture. Po 'si' tion, n. a situation;

an assertion. Positive, a. absolute;

assured; certain. Pos' se, n. an armed pow

er; a large body.

Pos sess', v. to have as an


Pos si bil' i ty, n. the pow

er of being or doing. Pos' si ble, a. having the power to be or do. Pos te' ri or, a. happening

after; backward. Pos terity, n. succeeding generations. Post hu mous, a. done; had, or published after one's decease.

Post me rid' i an, a. being

in the afternoon. Post of fice, n. a place for

letters; a post house. Post pone', v. to put off; to lelay.

Post script, n. a writing

acded to a letter. Pos' tu late, n. a position assumed without proof. Pos' ture, n. a position;

place; disposition. Posy, n. a motto on a ring; a nosegay. Po' ta ble, a. fit to drink Po ta' tion, n. a drinking bout; a draught.

Po ta' to, n. an esculent root.

Po' tent, a. powerful; efficacious; mighty. Po' ten tate, n. a monarch; sovereign; prince. Potion, n. a draught, commonly in physic. Pot' sherd, n. a fragment of a broken pot. Pov er ty, n. indigence; meanness; defect. Poal' tice, n. cataplasm; a

mollifying application. Poul' try, n. all kinds of

domestic fowls.

Pow' er, n. command; anthority; ability. Prac' ti ca ble, a. performable; capable to be practised.

Prac' ti cal, a. relating to action.

Practice, n. habit; use;

dexterity; method. Prac' tise, v. to do; to

exercise; to transact. Prac ti" tion er, n. one en

gaged in any art. Prag mat ic al, a. med

dling; impertinent. Praise, n. renown; laud;

commendation. v. to commend; to applaud. Praiseworthy, a. deserving praise.

Prate, v. to talk carelessly; to chatter.

Prat' tie, v. to talk lightly;

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