صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

port; to defend. Pat' ten, n. a shoe of wood with an iron ring, worn under the common shoe by wo


Pat' te pan, n. a pan to

bake small pies in. Pat' tern, n. a specimen ; archetype; model.

Pau' ci ty, of number. Pau' per, n. a poor person who receives alms. Pause, n. a stop. v. to consider ; to stop; not to proceed. Pavement, n. a stone or brick floor.

n. smallness

Pa vil' ion, n. a tent; a temporary house. Pawn' bro ker, n. one who

lends on pawns. Pay' a ble, a. due; that ought to be paid. Pay' ment, n. the discharge of a debt or promise. Peace, n. respite from

war; rest; silence.

in. silence; stop. Peace' a ble, a. not turbu

lent; free from war. Peal, n. a loud sound, as of bells.

Pearl, n. a gem generated in the body of a testaceous fish. Pear main, n. a kind of


Pear tree, n. the tree that bears pears. Peasó ant, n. one who lives by rural labour. Peas' an try, n. peasants; country people.

Pec' to ral, a. pertaining

to the breast. Pec u la' tion, n. theft of public money.

Pe culiar, a. appropriate; belonging to any one with exclusion of others. Pe cu li ar i ty, n. particularity; oddness.

Pe cu ni a ry, a. pertain ing to money. Ped' a gogue, n. a schoolmaster; a pedant. Ped' ant, n. a man vain of low knowledge. Pe dant' ic, a. like a pedant; conceited.

Ped' an try, 1. ostentation of shewing needless lit


Ped' es tal, n. the basis or foot of a statue. Ped' i gree, n. genealogy; lineage; descent.

Ped' dle, v. to busy about trifles.

Ped' ler, n. a dealer in

small commodities. Peer, n. a nobleman; an equal. Peerless, a. unequalled having no peer.

Pee' vish, a. irritable; easily offended. Pel lu' cid, a. transparent; clear; bright

Penal, a. enacting pun

ishment; vindictive. Pen' al ty, n. a punishment; forfeiture. Pen' ance, n. an

atonement; a mortification. Pen' dant, n. an ear-ring; an ornament; a flag. Pen' dent, a. hanging; jutting over.

Pend' ing, a. depending; undecided.

Pen du' lum,n. any weight hung to swing backwards and forwards. Pen' e tra ble, a. that which may be penetrated. Pen' e trate, v. to pierce;

to affect; to understand. Pen e tra' tion, n. sagacity; a piercing through. Pen in' su la, n. land almost surrounded by


Pen' i tence, n. repre

tance; sorrow for sin. Pen'i tent, a. repentant ; contrite for sin. n. one sorrowful for sin. Pen i ten" tial, a. express

ing penitence.

Pen' sion, n. a settled annual allowance. Pen' sion er, n. one who

[blocks in formation]

Per en' ni al, a. lasting through the year; perpetual.

Per fect, a. complete; pure; immaculate. V. to finish; to complete ; to instruct.

Per fec' tion, n. the state

of being perfect. Per fect ly, ad. totally; exactly; accurately. Per fid' ious, a. treacherous; false to trust. Per fi dỹ, n. treachery. Per' fo rate, v. to pierce through; to bore. Per fo ra tion, n. the act of piercing; a hole. Per form', v. to execute; to succeed in an attempt.

Per form' ance, n. completion of something designed; composition;


Per form' er, n. one who

performs or plays. Per fume', n. a sweet odour; fragrance. Per haps', ad. peradventure; it may be. Per i cra' ni um, n. the membrane that covers the skull.

Per' i gee, n. a planet's nearest distance from the earth.

Per' il ous, a. hazardous ; dangerous.

Pe rim' e ter, n. the circumference of a figure. Pe' ri od, n. a circuit; epocha; full stop. Pe ri od' ic al, a. regular ;

at stated times.

Pe riph' e ry, n. circumference.

Per' ish, v. to die; to be destroyed; to decay. Per ish a ble, a. subject to decay or perish. Per' ju ry, n. the act of swearing falsely. Per' ma nent, a. lasting ; unchanged.

Per mis' sion, n. grant of leave or liberty. Per mit', v. to allow; to suffer. n. a warrant; license; leave. Per mu ta' tion, n. an exchange; barter. Per nicious, a. destruct

ive; very hurtful. Per o ra tion, n. the con

clusion of an oration. Per pen dic' u lar, a. that falls, hangs, or is directly downwards. n. a line crossing the horizon at right angles. Per' pe trate, v. to commit a crime.

Per pet' u al, a. neverceasing; continual. Per pet' u ate, v. to make perpetual.

Per plex', v. to disturb

with doubts; to vex. Per plex' i ty, n. anxiety; intricacy.

Per quis ite, n. a fee more than the salary. Per' se cute, v. to oppress; to pursue with malignity.

Per se cu tor, n. an op. pressor.

Per se ve rance, n. firm

ness; resolution. Per se vere', v. to be steadfast; to persist. Per sist', v. to persevere; to continue firm. Per sist' ance, n. obstina

cy; contumacy. Per' son age, n. a consid.

erable person. Per son ate, v. to coun

terfeit; to represent. Per son' i fy, v. to change from a thing to a per

[blocks in formation]

act of sweating. Per spire', v. to sweat; to be excreted by the skin.

Per suade, v. to bring to an opinion; to influence by argument or expostulation.

Per suasion, n. the act of persuading. Per sua sive, a. able to persuade.

Per tain', v. to belong; to relate.

Per ti na cious, a. obstinate; stubborn; wilful.

Per ti na" ci tỷ, n. obstinacy; resolution.

Per ti nent, a. apt to the purpose; fit.

Pert' ness, n. brisk folly ;

sauciness; petulence. Per tur ba' tion, n. disquiet of mind. Per vade', through. Per verse', a. obstinate; stubborn; petulent. Per version, n. turning

V. to pass

to a wrong sense. Per vert', v. to distort;

to corrupt; to mislead. Per vi ous, a admitting


Pe" ruke, n. a cap of false hair; a wig.

Pe ru' sal, n. the act of reading over.

Pe ruse, v. to read over; to observe. Pest, n. a plague ; pesti

lence; mischief. Pes' ter, v. to plague; to disturb; to harass. Pes' ti lence, n. a plague ; a contagious distemper. Pes' ti lent, a. producing

plagues; malignant. Pes ti len' tial, a. infec tious; contagious. Pet' it, Pet' ta. small; incon

siderable; little. Pe ti" tion, n. a request; prayer; entreaty. v. to supplicate; to solicit. Pe ti" tion er, n. one who offers a petition. Pet ri fac' tion, n. act of turning to stone. Pet' ri fy, v. to change to


Pet' ti fog ger, n. a petty

small rate lawyer.

Pet' u lant, a. saucy; perverse; wanton. Pew' ter er, n. one who

works in pewter. Phae' ton, n. a high open carriage.

Phalanx, n. a troop of men closely embodied. Phan' tom, n. a spectre ; a fancied vision. Phar i sa ic al, a. externally religious. Phar ma cop' o list, n. an


Phar' ma cy, n. the trade of an apothecary; the art or practice of preparing medicines. Pha' ros, n. a light house; a watch-tower. Pha' sis, n. appearance of a planet. pl. phases. Pheasant, n. a kind of wild cock, or hen. Phe nom' e non, n. an extraordinary appearance in the works of nature Phi' al, n. a small bottle; a vial.

Phi lan' thro př, n. love

of mankind; kindness. Phil ip' pic, n. any invec

tive declamation. Phi lo lo" gic al, a. criti

cal; grammatical. Phi lol' o gy, n. grammatical learning; criticism. Phil' o mel, n. the nightingale.

Phi los' o pher, n. a man deep in knowledge,

either moral or natural. Phi los' o phy, n. knowledge moral or natural; the hypothesis upon which natural effects are explained. Phle bot' o my, n. the act of blood-letting. Phlegm, n the tough viscid matter discharged by coughing.

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