صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Out' er most, a. remotest from the midst; outmost.

Out land' ish, a. foreign; not native.

Out' law, n. one excluded from the benefit of the laws.

Out' line, n. extremity; contour; a sketch. Out' par ish, n. a parish without the walls. Out' rage, n. violence ;

tumultuous mischief. Out rage' ous, a. violent;


Out right', ad. immediately; completely. Out stretch', v. to extend; to spread out.

Out strip', v. to outgo; to leave behind. Out vie', v. to exceed; to

surpass; to excel. Out' wall, n. the outward

part of a building. Out' ward, a. external; foreign. ad. to foreign parts. Out' ward ly, ad. in ap

pearance; externally. Out weigh', v. to exceed in weight.

Out wit', v. to overcome by stratagem. Out' works, n. externals of a fortification. Oyster, n. a bivalve shell fish.


PA CIF' IC, a. mild; gentle; appeasing. Pa" ci fy, v. to appease ;

to compose. Pack' et, n. a small pack ; a mail of letters. Pad' lock, n. a pendant, or hanging lock.

Paan, n. a song of triumph or praise. Pa' gan, n. a heathen; one not a christian. a. heathenish.

Pa" geant ry, n. pomp ; ostentation; show. Pa' god, n. an Indian idol, or its temple.

Pain, n. sensation of uneasiness. v. to afflict; to torment. Pair, n. two things suiting one another. v. to join in couples ; Lo suit; to unite.

Pal' ace, n. a royal or splendid house.

Pal' at a ble, a. pleasing

to the taste.

Pal' ate' n. the instrument of taste.

Pa lat' in ate, n. the juris. diction of a Count Palatine, in Germany. Pal' a tine, n. one possessing royal privileges. pl. subjects of a palatin


Pale ness, n. wanness;

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by way of enclosure or defence. v. to enclose with palisades. Pâll, n. a cloak or mantle of state; a funeral cloth. v. to cloy; to weaken; to become insipid.

Pal' lat, n. a nut of a watch.

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Pal' let, n. a small, mean Pang, n.


Pal' li ate, v. to excuse ;

to extenuate; to ease. Pal li a' tion, n. favourable representation; ex


Pal' li a tive, 2. extenuat

ing; mitigating. Pal' lid, a. pale. Palm, n. a tree; triumph; part of the hand. v. to cheat.

Pal' pa ble, a. that may be

felt; plain; gross. Pal' pi tate, v. to beat at

the heart; to flutter. Pal pi ta' tion, n. a throb

bing of the heart. Pål' sy, n. a privation of

the sense of feeling. Pam' per, v. to feed lux

uriously; to glut. Pam' phlet, n. a small



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Pan' ic, n. a sudden and

groundless fear.

Pan' nel, n. a kind of rus tic saddle.

Pann' ier, n. a basket carried on horses.

Pan' o ply,

n. complete

armour or harness. Pant, v. to beat as the heart; to wish earnestly.

Pan ta loon', n. a man's garment.

Pan the on, n. a temple of all the gods.

Pan' ther, n. a spotted wild beast. Pan' to mime, n. a tale

exhibited only in gesture and dumb show. Pan' try, n. the room

where provisions are kept. Papa cy, n. the popedom; popish dignity. Pa' pal, a. popish.

Pa pist, n. one who ad

heres to papacy. Par, n. equivalence. Par a ble, n. a similitude. Pa rade', n. military order guard; show. Par a dise, n. the blissful regions; heaven. Par a dox, n. an assertion contrary to appear

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star. Par al lel, a. in the same direction. n. lines on the globe which mark the latitude. Par al lel' o gram, right lined quadrilateral figure whose opposite sides are parallel and equal. Par a lyt' ic, a. palsied. Par a mount', a. eminent;

of the highest order. n. the chief.

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Par' a mour, n. a lover or mistress... Para pet, n. a wall breast high. Par a phrase, v. to translate loosely. n. a loose or lengthy explanation. Par a site, n. a flatterer of rich men.

Par' a sol, n. a small sun umbrella. Parch' ment, n. skins dressed for writing on. Par' don a ble, a.that may be pardoned. Par' e gor ic, a. having the

power to ease pain. Pa rent' al, a. pertaining

to parents.

Pa ren' the sis, n. marks thus, (), including in a sentence, what may be left out without injuring the sense.

Par'i tỷ, n. equality; resemblance; likeness. Par ley, n. conversation; oral treaty. v. to treat by word of mouth. Par lia ment, n. the as

sembly of the three estates, the king, lords, and commons. Par lia men' ta ry, a. enacted by parliament; pertaining to parla


Pa rochi al, a. pertaining to a parish. Pa role', n. word given as

an assurance.

Paroxysm, n. periodical return of a fit. Par ri cide, n. one who

murders his father.

Par ry, v. to put by thrusts; to ward off. Parse, v. to resolve by grammar rules.

Par si mo'ni ous, a. covetous; saving; frugal. Par take', v. to participate; to have part in. Par terre', n. a level ground; a flower garden.

Par' tial, a. inclined to favour one side more than the other.

n. an un

Par tial' i ty, equal judgment.

odd; individual. n. a single instance or point. Par tic' u lar ize, v. to mention distinctly. Par tic' u lar ly, ad. distinctly peculiarly. Par' ti ésan, n. an adherent to a party.

Par ti" tion, n. division. v. to divide into distinct parts. Part' ner ship, n. joint interest or property. Partridge, n.

a bird of

game. Parts, n. qualities; faculties; districts. Par' tỷ, n. an assembly;

one of two litigants; side; detachment of soldiers.

Pas' chal, a relating to the passover, or Easter.

Partial ly, ad. with un- Pass, n. a narrow en

just favour.

Par ti" ci pate, v. to partake; to share. Par ti ci pa' tion,

n. a

sharing of something. Par' ti ci ple, n. a word partaking at once of the qualities of a noun and a verb.

Par ti cle, n. a small undeclinable word; a small part of a great substance.

Par tic' u lar, a. singular;

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not marked with paths. Pa' thos, n. warmth; passion; feeling.

Pa' tience, n. calmness of mind; endurance. Pa' tient, a. not easily moved or provoked. n. a diseased person under the care of anoth


Pa' tient ly, ad. with patience; quietly.

Pat' ine, n. the cover of a chalice.

Pa' tri arch', n. a head of a family.

Pa tri" cian, a. senatorial. n. a nobleman.

Pat ri mo' ni al, a. possessed by inheritance.

Pat' ri mo ny, n. an estate, possessed by inheritance.

Pat' ri ot, n. a real lover of his country.

Pat ri ot' ic, a. having patriotism.

Pat' ri ot ism, n. love or

v. to

in a

zeal for one's country. Pa trol', n. a guard to walk the streets. go the rounds camp or garrison. Patron, n. one who countenances, supports, or protects.

Pat' ron age, n. support; protection. Pat' ron ise, v.

to sup.

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