صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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poverty; cogency. Neck' lace, n. a woman's neck ornament.

Nec' ro man cer, n. a conjurer; a wizard. Nec tar, n. the feigned drink of the gods. Nec' ta rine, n. a fruit of the plum kind. a. sweet

as nectar; nectarous. Need' ful, a. indispensably requisite. Needle work, n. work done with a needle ; embroidery.

Need less, a. unnecessary not requisite. Needs, ad, indispensably; inevitably.

Nee' dy, a. distressed by want; poor. Ne fa' ri ous, a. heinous;

wicked; abominable. Ne ga' tion, n. denial. Neg a tive, n, a proposition that denies.

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a. of neither Night' piece, n. a picture

Neu tral' i ty, n. a state of indifference.

New' el, n. the upright post in a staircase. New fan' gled, a. formed with love of novelty. New fash' ioned, a. lately come in fashion. News6 mon ger, n. one whose employment is to hear and tell news. Ni ce ty, n. minute accuracy"; punctilious discrimination; effeminate softness. pl. dainties. Nick' name, n. a name given in scoff or contempt. Niece, n. the daughter of

a brother or sister. Nig' gard, n. a sordid,

covetous person. a. sordid; parsimonious; niggardly. Night' gown, n, an undress.

Night in gale, n. a bird that sings at night; philomel; a word of endearment. Night' mare, n. a morbid oppression during sleep, resembling the pressure of weight upon the breast.

so coloured as to be supposed to be seen by candle light.

Ni gres' cent, a, growing black.

n. a

Nim' ble, a. quick; ac tive; ready; lively. Nin' ny, Nin' ny ham mer, fool; a simpleton. Nitrous, a. impregnated with nitre.

Niv' e ous, a. snowy. No bil' i ty, n. persons of high rank; dignity. No' ble, a. illustrious; exalted; generous. n, one of high rank

Noble man, n. one who is ennobled.

Noc' tu a ry, n. an account

of night affairs. Noc tur nal, a. nightly. Noi' some, a. noxious; offensive; stinking. Noisy, a, sounding loud; clamorous.

Nom en cla' ture, n. a vo

cabulary; a dictionary. Nom' i nal, a.only in name; not real. Nom' i nate, v. to name ;

to entitle ; to appoint. Nom i na' tion, n. the pow

er of appointing. Non' age, n. minority; time of life before legal maturity.

Non con formity, n. re fusal of compliance. Non con form' ist, n. one who refuses to join the established worship of the church

Non en' ti ty, n. non-existence; an ideal thing. Non ex ist' ence, 'n. state of not existing Non' plus, v. to confound; to puzzle. n. a puzzle. Non res" i dent, n. one who does not reside on his estate.

Non re 'sist' ance, n. pass

ive obedience. Non' sense, n. unmeaning language; trifles.

Non sen' si cal, a. unmeaning; foolish.

Nos' trum, n. a medicine not yet made public, but remaining in some single hand.

Not' a ble, a. remarkable ; careful; bustling No' ta ry, n. an officer whose business it is to take notes of any thing which may concern the public.

No ta' tion, n. the act of noting; signification. No ti fi cation, n. the act of making known. No' ti fy, v. to declare; to make known.

No' tion al, a. imaginary ; ideal.

No to ri e ty, n. public knowledge or exposure.

Non suit, v. to quash a le- No to ri ous, a. publicly

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known; manifest. Not with stand' ing, con. nevertheless; although. Nov el, a. new ; unusual. n. a feigned story or tale.

Nov el ist, n. an innovator; a writer of novels. Nov el ty, n. newness; in


Nought. (nawt) n. nothing. Novice, n. an unskilful

person a fresh man. No vi" tiate, n. the state of a novice; the time in which the rudiments are learned.

Nour ish, v. to support with food; to train ; to foment.

Nour' ish ment, n. food;

nutrition; support. Now a days, ad. in the

present age. No' where, ad. not in any place.

No' wise, ad. not in any manner or degree. Nox'ious. a. hateful; bane

ful; offensive. Nu cif' e rous, a. nut-bearing. Nu' di ty, n. nakedness. Nu' ga to ry, a. trifling;

futile; ineffectual. Nuisance, n. something noxious or offensive. Nul' li tỹ, n. want of force |

or existence. Num' ber, v. to count; to

tell; to reckon. n. many. Num' ber less, a. more than can be reckoned; innumerable. Numbness, n. torpor; deadness; stupefaction. Numer a ble, a. capable of being numbered. Nu' me ral, a. pertaining to number.

Nu me ra' tion, n. the art

of numbering. Nu mer' i cal, a. denoting

number; numeral. Nu' me rous, a. containing many.

Num' skull, n. a dunce; a dolt; a blockhead. Nun' chion, n. food eaten between meals.

Nun' ne rỹ, n. a convent of nuns.

Nup' tial, a. pertaining to marriage. n. pl. marriage or wedding. Nur se ry, n. a place where children are nursed; a spot of ground for raising young trees. Nurs' ling, n. one nursed up; a fondling. Nurt' ure, n. food; diet;

education; institution. Nut' meg, n. a kind of spice imported from India. Nu' tri ment, n. nourish

ment; food; aliment. Nu tri" tion, n. the act or quality of nourishing. Nu tri" tious,

a. nour

ishing; nutrimental. Nymph, n. a goddess of the woods, meadows or waters; a lady.


OAF ISH, a. dull stupid; doltish Oak' um, n. cords untwisted and reduced hemp. Oath, n. a solemn affirmation, corroborated by


the attestation of the divine being. Ob' du ra cỹ, n hardness of heart; impenitence Ob du rate, a. hard hearted; impenitent.

O be' di ence, n. submission; obsequiousness. O be' di ent, a. submissive to authority.

O bei sance, n. an act of reverence; a bow. Ob' e lisk, n. a pyramid of marble or stone; a mark in a book, thus †. O bey', v. to pay submission to; to comply with. O bit'u a ry, n. a register of the dead.

Ob la' tion, n. an offering; a sacrifice.

Ob' li gate, v. to bind by contract or duty. Ob li ga' tion, n. an engagement; a bond; a contract.

Ob liga to ry, a. binding; | coercive; imposing an obligation

O blige', v. to bind; to compel; to gratify. Ob li gee', n. one bound by a contract. Oblique', a. not direct; not perpendicular; not parallel.

Ob lit' e rate, v. to efface; to destroy.

Ob liv' i on, n. forgetful

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Ob noxious, a. liable;

exposed; accountable. Ob scene, a. immodest; disgusting; offensive. Ob scure', a. dark; gloo

my; abstruse; difficult. v. to darken; to perplex. Ob scu' ri tỷ, n. darkness; unnoticed state.

Ob' se quies, n. funeral solemnities.

Ob se' qui ous, a. compli

ant; obedient. Ob 'serv' a ble. a. remarkable; eminent.

Ob serv' ance, n. respect;


Ob 'serv' a to ry, n. a place built for astronomical observation.

Ob 'serve', v. to watch; to note; to regard; to obey.

Ob' so lete, a. disused ;

grown out of use. Ob' sta cle, n. a let; a hin

derance; an obstruction. Ob' sti na cỹ, n. stubborn

ness; persistency Ob' sti nate, a. stubborn; contumacious Ob strep' e rous, a. noisy; loud; vociferous.

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