صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Min' is ter, n. an officer of

the state or church; an agent; a delegate. v. to give; to supply; to attend on

Min is te ri al, a. pertain

ing to a minister. Min is tra'tion, n. agency;

service; office. Min' is try, n. ecclesiastical function; agency in state affairs. Minor, n. one not of age.

a. less; inconsiderable Mi nori ty, n. nonage; state of being under age; the smaller number.

Mint, n. a plant; a place for coining.

Mi nute', a small; slender.

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ment; laughter. Mis' an thrope, n. a hater of mankind.

Mis an' thro py, n. hatred of mankind.

Mis ap ply, v. to apply to

wrong purposes. Mis ap pre hend', v. to misunderstand; to mis


Mis be have', v. to act

improperly or ill. Mis be haviour,

n. ill conduct; bad practice. Mis cal' cu late, v. to reckon wrong. Mis carriage, n. abortion; ill success, Mis cel la' ne ous, a. composed of various kinds & mixed without order. Mis' cel la ny, n. a mass

or mixture formed of various kinds.

Mis chance', n. ill luck; ill fortune.

Mis' chief, n. harm ; hurt ; injury.

Mis chiêv ous, a. hurtful ; malicious.

Mis con' strue, v. to inter

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Mis hap', n. ill luck. Mis in form', v. to give a false account. Mis lead', v. to guide in a wrong way. Mis man' age, v. to manage ill. Mis pris ion, n. scorn; contempt; negligence. Mis rep re sent', v. to rep

resent not as it is. Mis' sile, a. thrown by the hand.

Mission, n. a commission; legation. Mis' sion a ry, n. one sent

to preach the gospel. Mis trust', n. diffidence ;

suspicion. v. to suspect. Mit' i gate, v. to alleviate; to assuage.

Mit' ti mus, a. a warrant by which a justice of the peace sends an offender to prison.

Mixt' ure, n. things mixed.

Mock' e ry, n. ridicule; scorn; vain show. Mod' el, n. representation; copy; standard. v. to mould; to shape;

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Mod' es tỷ, n. chastity; decency; humility. Modify, v. to qualify; to soften; to shape. Mo' dish, a. fashionable;

tasty; gay. Mod' u late, v. to form sounds to a certain key, or to certain notes. Moi' e ty, n. half. Moist' ure, n. dampness ;. juice; juiciness. Mo lest, v. to disturb ; to vex; to disquiet. Mo les ta' tion, n. disturbance; vexation. Moll' ient, a. softening: assuaging.

Mol' i fy, v. to soften ; to assuage; to pacify. Mo' ment a rỷ, a. lasting for a moment. Mo ment' ous, a. import: ant; weighty. Mon' arch', n a sove: reign; a king. Mon ar 'chy, n. a kingly government; an empire.

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Mon' i tor, n. one who warns of faults, or gives necessary hints.

Mo nop' o lize, v. to engross all of a commodi

ty into a person's own hands

Mon o syl' la ble,n. a word

of one syllable. Mo not o nỹ, n. want of variety in cadence; uniformity of sound. Mon soon', n. a periodical trade wind. Mon' ster, n. a thing unnatural or horrible. Mon' strous, a. unnatural; shocking.

Mon' u ment, n. any thing

to perpetuate memory. Mo ral i tỷ, n. doctrine of the duties of life.

Mor' alsó, n. the practice

of moral duties. Mo rass', n. a fen; a bog;

a moor; a swamp. Mor' bid, a. diseased; corrupted.

Mo rose', a. cross; peev

ish; surly; sour. Mor sel, n. a small piece. Mor' tal, a. subject to death; human; belonging to man. n. man; a human being.

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Mort' gage, n. a dead pledge. v. to pledge; to put to pledge. Morti fi cation, n. a gangrene; humiliation. Mor' tise, n. a hole cut into wood that another piece may be put into

it. Mosque, n. a mahometan temple.

Mo' tion, n. the act of moving; a proposal. Mo' tive, n. the reason of an action.

Mot' ley, a. mingled of

various colours.

Mot' to, n. a sentence added to a device, or prefixed to any thing writ

ten. Move a ble, a. that may be moved. pl. personal goods; furniture. Move' ment, n. motion; manner of moving. Moving, a. affecting; pathetic.

Moul' der, v. to turn to dust; to perish. Moulding, n. ornaments of wood, stone, &c. Mound, n. any thing raised to fortify or defend. Mountain ous, a. full of

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Mul ti pli ca tion, n. the act or art of multiplying. Mul ti pli" ci ty, n a great variety

Muse, n. the power of poetry; thought. v. to study; to ponder; to think close.

Mu 'se' um, n. a reposito ry of curiosities. Music, n. the science of sounds; harmony. Music al, a. harmonious; sweet sounding. Mu "si" cian, n. one skilled in harmony. Musk' mel on, n. a fragrant melon.

Mus' sul man, n. a Mahometan believer. Mus' tard, n. a plant and its seed.

Mul ti pli er, n. the mul-Mus' ter roll, n. a regis

tiplicator in arithmetic ; that which multiplies Mul' ti tude, n. many; a crowd or throng. Mum' mỹ, n. a dead body embalmed

Mun' dane, a. belonging to the world. Mun' grel, a. of a mixed breed; base born. Mu ni" ci pal, a. belonging

to a corporation. Mu nif' i cence, n. liberality; generosity Mu ni" tion, n. fortification; ammunition Mus' cle, n. a fleshy fi bre; a shell fish. Mus' cu lar, a. full of muscles; brawny.

ter of forces. Mu ta bil' i ty, n. change

ableness; inconstancy. Mu' ti late, v. to maim; to cut off.

Mu' ti nous, a. seditious; tumultuous. Mu' ti ný, v.

to rise a

gainst authority. n. sedition; revolt; insur rection.

Mutu al, a. reciprocal : acting in return.

Myr i ad, n. the number

of ten thousaud. Myrrh, n. a strong aromatic gum. Mys te ri ous, a. full of mystery; obscure. Mys' te ry, n. something

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in physics, or natural philosophy. Nat u ral i za' tion, n. the admission of a foreigner to the privileges of a native.

Nat' u ral ize, v. to invest with the privileges of native subjects. Nat'u ral ly, ad. unaffectedly spontaneously. Na' ture, n. compass of natural existence; disposition of mind; species; physics. Naugh' tỷ, a. bad; wick


Nav'i ga ble, a. passable by ships or boats. Nav i gate, v to pass by ships or boats.

Nav i ga' tion, n. the art of conducting a ship at


Nau' se ate, v. to grow squeamish.

Nau' seous, a. loathsome; disgustful.

Nau' ti cal, a. pertaining to ships or sailors. Na vy, n. a company of ships of war; a fleet. Near, a. close; not distant; parsimonious. Neat, a. elegant; clean;

pure. n. oxen. Neb' u lous, a. misty; cloudy; overcast. Ne" ces sa ries, n. things

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